View Full Version : Geez!
Nov 1, 2010, 9:33 AM
It's been 55 years since James Dean was killed!
I've never liked convertibles, since.
A buddy and I used to talk about what we'd like to enjoy with Dean. Years later, I read that he was bisexual, too. We didn't know the word, "bisexual" then, we just thought we had expanded horizons.
I don't remember who his paramours were. Does anyone else know?
I think Ursula Andress and Natalie Wood were linked to him, romantically, but don't know who his male lovers were.
Nov 1, 2010, 2:33 PM
I once read that the actress Pia Angeli was the love of his life, but she was unable to cope with his 'wild' behaviour. When she married some other actor, James Dean was supposed to have been sat outside the church, on his motorcycle and when the happy couple emerged ftom the church, Dean started the motorcycle engine and road off into the 'sunset,' the cycle engine roaring.
Nov 1, 2010, 4:35 PM
I know Sal Mineo was one of his buddys, and I do believe Ty Harding as well. I know another of his buddy's...I can see his face, but cant remember his name. Nick something or another. Played The Rebel. I'll remember when I dont need the info....sigh.
Senile old Cat
Nov 1, 2010, 4:36 PM
I know Sal Mineo was one of his buddys, and I do believe Ty Harding as well. I know another of his buddy's...I can see his face, but cant remember his name. Nick something or another. Played The Rebel. I'll remember when I dont need the info....sigh.
Senile old Cat
Nick Adams???
Nov 1, 2010, 4:41 PM
Thats it! Thats the name that was right on the tip of my tongue, and it wouldnt come to memory! Thanks Kate-hon.
Nov 1, 2010, 8:07 PM
Surely the problem was the gent who turned his car into the path of JD's Porsche rather than open air cars. This was complicated by the fact that JD was going too fast. Perhaps not in absolute terms but speeding in the wrong place - a junction. JD had been booked for speeding earlier on.
JD was driving a brand new racing model and his passenger (controversy on this) was a Porsche supplied mechanic. Racing models are intentionally lighter weight and maybe the vehicle was thus not able to withstand the impact with the lumbering ironmongery of the other driver. The images show the disproportionate damage.
Nov 1, 2010, 8:08 PM
Check wikipedia, it has a section on his personal life and "speculated sexual orientation" and who he was involved with.
Nov 2, 2010, 8:04 AM
Took a little time to examine the 'data' on the crash. The accepted phraseology "turned in to the path of" James Dean's car cannot be correct.
The key assumption is that none of the pictures have been reversed, which is remotely possible with negative printing. Unlikely as letters and number and steering wheels are correct.
JD was heading west in his lightweight racing Porsche. The Tudor driver was heading east and intending to take left fork across JD's path.
If the Tudor had turned into the path of JD's oncoming car then the damage would have been to the Tudor's right (RHS) front wing. The Porsche would have mainly frontal damage which would have been expected to have been translated into a lateral slap as momentum would have caused a twist in motions.
Instead - there is damage to the front LHS wing of the Tudor and the damage to the Porsche is amidships on the LHS i.e. THE CORRECT PASSING SIDE for vehicles sharing a normal bidirectional road in the USA where vehicles keep to the RHS of the road.
Verdict - JD didn't hit the Tudor. The Tudor driver TURNED INTO JD's Porsche as it passed.
The Tudor drive didn't see the Porsche in his forward view becasue it wasn't there. It was adjacent to him as he turned. In other words, his concentration had lapsed and he had failed to appreciate the position of vehicles.
If JD had NOT slowed for the junction then the expectation of the Tudor driver would have been that JD's car to have already passed as he turned. However, JD's car was a split second slower and collision occurred.
JD's last words were reputed to be "He's going to see us" as a re-run in his mind. Maybe the Tudor driver had seen JD, but it didn't register in his thinking that he needed to adjust his actions, perhaps preoccupied by his pregnant girlfriend who he was driving to see (while he himself was at college). The Tudor driver also had been overtaking others en-route.
The Tudor driver was guilty of driving without due care and attention and should have been prosecuted (for all the good that it would have done).
Instead we all focus only on the misdemeanors of the boy racer.
Nov 2, 2010, 9:35 AM
Thanks, Hep.
I remember reading about the other car, now, but everyone focused on Dean's death which over shadowed the other driver's involvement. I'm going to find more info and read about this.
At the time, I gave little thought about anyone else.
Nov 2, 2010, 1:53 PM
Realist - you are going to find a lot of misinterpretaton including computer recreations which give the wrong impression. "Almost head on" is one key phrase. Diagrams show the cars meeting on their wrong sides, more nose to nose. There is one photo out there which is reversed (laterally inverted).
The later displayed remains are partially repaired when compared to the crash site photos or it is not the same car. George Barris (Monkee mobile etc) was reputed to have tried to repair the shell before giving in to requests for its display.
I have never been a JD fan and remained scornful of him and his boy racer image. "What an idiot" summed up my impression. However, the hard evidence points to him having been on the receiving end of things in this case i.e. the victim of someone else's mistake.
Nov 3, 2010, 6:40 AM
I have never been a JD fan... .
Not a JD fan?? God Heph.. JD is only lesser me still has a residual fancy for... JD is mos beautiful man eva created.. an wen 'e cums knockin on me door 2 ask wtf 'e is.. mite jus havta haul 'im in an hav me wicked way an stop 'im gettin ther for a wile.. :bigrin:;)
Nov 3, 2010, 7:04 AM
And, here I thought maybe it was a new Broadway Musical on the life and times of Geezus....
"Geez" really doesn't summed up your thread. Maybe "Geez, James Dean Gone 55 Years?
Nov 3, 2010, 3:11 PM
Not a JD fan?? God Heph.. JD is only lesser me still has a residual fancy for... JD is mos beautiful man eva created.. an wen 'e cums knockin on me door 2 ask wtf 'e is.. mite jus havta haul 'im in an hav me wicked way an stop 'im gettin ther for a wile.. :bigrin:;)
When one looks in the mirror and sees a superior being staring back, one can only be less interested in JD
My nose, my nose ... it's getting longer
Nov 3, 2010, 6:14 PM
When one looks in the mirror and sees a superior being staring back, one can only be less interested in JD
My nose, my nose ... it's getting longer
Assume we talkin bout the same JD Heph.. James Dean jus a those actors (not that Fran is convinced that 'e cud act) who is only a cult cos 'e's dead an cosa how 'e died an so young... not like the deeeelish propa JD who still walks the earth an sum day is gonna walk up Fran's drive an knock on 'er' can act brill... but if me 'way on me hols or at work or not in for ne reason at all on that day an me finds out 'e mite find 'imsel not able 2 walk the earth for much longa!!!!;):tong:
Nov 4, 2010, 1:21 AM
all this time i thought jd meant johnny depp :bigrin:
Nov 4, 2010, 5:17 AM
Whether it's James Dean (I agree his acting was wooden and Liz Taylor's too -except in Cleopatra) or Johnny Depp (who I like and can act - except in Edward Scissorhands - a f***ing wierd film where arse wiping is not in the thinking) I claim a superior and more beautiful visage.
Bugger why does my nose keep growing and why do mirror's crack?
Indidentally, we were mesmerized by "Destry rides again" with James Stewart which was televised last weekend - blooming awful film for acting, with Marlene Dietrcih singing in testicular 'out of tune' baritone. Then the penny dropped, much of it was lampooned in Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles". Kept expecting a 'Mungo' character to walk on.
The real gem however was a 'vampire sheep in New Zealand' film. Almost as bad as the "the night of the Lapin" (a Lapin is a rabbit) later to be appreciated by Monty Python's
Nov 4, 2010, 5:46 AM
all this time i thought jd meant johnny depp :bigrin:
Only from moment the initials JD were 1st used... up till then the thread (soz Realist me darlin') wos bout as interestin as wotchin me mum make liver an bacon casserole...:tong:
Nov 4, 2010, 5:50 AM
Whether it's James Dean (I agree his acting was wooden and Liz Taylor's too -except in Cleopatra) or Johnny Depp (who I like and can act - except in Edward Scissorhands - a f***ing wierd film where arse wiping is not in the thinking) I claim a superior and more beautiful visage.
Bugger why does my nose keep growing and why do mirror's crack?
Indidentally, we were mesmerized by "Destry rides again" with James Stewart which was televised last weekend - blooming awful film for acting, with Marlene Dietrcih singing in testicular 'out of tune' baritone. Then the penny dropped, much of it was lampooned in Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles". Kept expecting a 'Mungo' character to walk on.
The real gem however was a 'vampire sheep in New Zealand' film. Almost as bad as the "the night of the Lapin" (a Lapin is a rabbit) later to be appreciated by Monty Python's
JD wos gorge in Edward Scissorhands.. wosn zactly wipin of bum wich concerned me as me swooned so dreamily as a yung girl... wos concerned bout a much more sensitive part.. an no part of 'im woteva..:eek:
Nov 5, 2010, 1:55 AM
not a fan of liver at all:eek:, but to watch capt'n jack sparrow cook it wearing nothing butt his braids, just might make that casserole worth eating:wiggle2