View Full Version : Veterans Day

Nov 11, 2010, 2:13 PM
Today is all about Honoring the Men and Women that made it possible for you and me, and every other American to live and enjoy the freedoms we have today. And more importantly it means that our Grandchildren will live free as well. These Veterans gave their lives for Us, and our children and grand-generations. Its not being happy about them killing someone else. Its about Their lives, Their sacrifices so all of us could live the lives that we do now. They deserve our utmost admirarion and respect, always, not just today. If you love your life as it is, and you live the freedoms that you do, Thank a Veteran for it. He/she fought for it, and they still do, so they deserve our thanks. :}

Nov 11, 2010, 2:19 PM
Today is all about Honoring the Men and Women that made it possible for you and me, and every other American to live and enjoy the freedoms we have today. And more importantly it means that our Grandchildren will live free as well. These Veterans gave their lives for Us, and our children and grand-generations. Its not being happy about them killing someone else. Its about Their lives, Their sacrifices so all of us could live the lives that we do now. They deserve our utmost admirarion and respect, always, not just today. If you love your life as it is, and you live the freedoms that you do, Thank a Veteran for it. He/she fought for it, and they still do, so they deserve our thanks. :}

I could not of said it any better. they keep us free so we can do what we do. god bless them and god bless the u.s.a.

Nov 11, 2010, 2:29 PM
I would have put it more Eloquently, and given more honor to my Vets, but right now I'm so sick that I'm doing good to do This much. (Weak smile)
Former Veterans Rep. supervisiors Aide.

Nov 11, 2010, 4:17 PM
I've spent part of the day on historychannel.com. Some of the most moving videos I have ever seen were on that site. There was one that a woman found where her father performed a eulogy for a fallen soldier. She made a comment I wish a lot of people would pay attention to about how it was very uplifting for her to see all the Mexican Americans in that video honoring their fallen comrade. Reminds me of something I once said to my dad when he was commenting on a politician who had said something about illegal immigrants and their descendants should leave the US. Yet we have men who came here to America from Mexico and when the call went out for soldiers to serve they served their adopted country with pride and they were every bit as much an American as anyone else that was actually born in this nation.

They fled their country because of wars and deprivations and came to build a new life. Some of them willingly sacrificed their lives so that the American dream could continue to shine a light for more immigrants looking for a better life.

I honor all our Veteran's this day. I honor my grandfathers who both served in World War II, I honor my father who served in the Vietnam War, I honor my brother in law who fought in the Persian Gulf War and I honor each and every man and woman serving today.

May the Goddess bless them and keep them as safe as can be in a war zone and bring them home soon.

Nov 12, 2010, 10:07 AM
Cat----Here's to hoping you get to feelin' better very soon.

We had a really great day weatherwise yesterday here in the eastern US--with almost record high temps---with at least today going to be one more of those.

It was something to go to a veteran's day ceremony wearing shorts and a short sleve shirt---usually I am all bundled up and am still cold and uncomfortable.

Thanks for posting up this thread.