View Full Version : Wanna be gangbanged
Jan 10, 2011, 5:41 PM
My fantasy is to have ten or more men fuck me and before they cum to pull out, take off the rubber and cum in my face and mouth. I don't know which I love better, getting fucked or being cummed on. I feel like a whore and sometimes like to be called a slut, which I guess I am. Am I alone out there with these feelings or are there others.
Jan 10, 2011, 5:48 PM
I love you......
Jan 10, 2011, 6:00 PM
Can I be second in line? I fantasize about that kind of thing too?
Jan 10, 2011, 6:37 PM
well if you know some guys that will gangbang you go for it
Jan 10, 2011, 11:19 PM
It is one of my fantasies too.
Jan 11, 2011, 2:25 AM
I want two in my mouth, one in my ass, one sucking my dick, two in my hands and two sucking my tits. That's only eight but it's all I can handle...LOL
Jan 11, 2011, 10:09 AM
Jan 11, 2011, 10:15 AM
This is really big dream of mine.
Jan 11, 2011, 10:50 AM
Has anyone here actually done it? If so, what was it like?
Jan 11, 2011, 12:34 PM
This I think should apply to gang bangs of guys as much as for women.. get the ground rules worked out first.. and make sure the bangers know that when u say stop.. u mean it and that u've had enough or just want to stop.. they know u mean it and will stop.. I know of at least one case (not involving me let me say) when it got out of hand and what was fun moved on to being rape because some dickheads didnt believe or accept that stop meant stop...:(
Even the most pleasurable of our sins can go haywire and go very badly wrong..
..a final word of caution then.. ur gang bang may not be quite what u expected.. just be aware of that and be prepared for the possibility of it going badly wrong.. for the most part they dont, but like any sex act especially where there is a (potentially) frenzied and horny mob, bad things can happen..
Jan 11, 2011, 3:54 PM
i sissy hubby has the same thoughts and feelings. he wants this to really cum true.
Jan 11, 2011, 10:06 PM
Has anyone here actually done it? If so, what was it like?
Group sex with guys has been a regular part of my sex life.
As to what it's like - it's a real turn on for me - but just depends on if you like it or not.
tg Shannon
Jan 12, 2011, 6:04 AM
you definatly arent alone, I'm there with ya
Jan 12, 2011, 6:13 AM
I often thought that prison life would work for me..i just don't know if i am up to doing that everyday...those inmates might get mad if i decide to take a week off,,i guess i need to hook up with Bubba as my main sqeeze to keep my ass protected...LOL
Jan 13, 2011, 12:21 AM
Whau cool I like the cum in my face thing.
Well me personally I would not mind sucking them off as well :tongue:
Jan 13, 2011, 1:08 AM
This I think should apply to gang bangs of guys as much as for women.. get the ground rules worked out first.. and make sure the bangers know that when u say stop.. u mean it and that u've had enough or just want to stop.. they know u mean it and will stop.. I know of at least one case (not involving me let me say) when it got out of hand and what was fun moved on to being rape because some dickheads didnt believe or accept that stop meant stop...:(
Even the most pleasurable of our sins can go haywire and go very badly wrong..
..a final word of caution then.. ur gang bang may not be quite what u expected.. just be aware of that and be prepared for the possibility of it going badly wrong.. for the most part they dont, but like any sex act especially where there is a (potentially) frenzied and horny mob, bad things can happen..
Rules? I do not want any rules.
No rules on anything is why I love to dream about it.
However, I NEVER want it to really happen!!!
Jan 13, 2011, 1:13 AM
I often thought that prison life would work for me..i just don't know if i am up to doing that everyday...those inmates might get mad if i decide to take a week off,,i guess i need to hook up with Bubba as my main sqeeze to keep my ass protected...LOL
I worked in a prison for a short time. That was bad enough.
You don't want to live there. It sucks more than you ever will.
Jan 13, 2011, 3:03 AM
I worked in a prison for a short time. That was bad enough.
You don't want to live there. It sucks more than you ever will.
You have that right Jem---no freaking way do ya want to be inside a prison---I have spent more than enough time in jails, lock-ups and or prisons---and I got to walk out at the end of the day or shift and believe me---a prison is no place any sane person wants to be any more than they would have to be----they really are human jungles----a place that either as a prison official, visitor or inmate----you can die a most brutal death at any instant at the hands of one of the inmates.
Don't romanticize or fantasize anything other than that about a place that criminals are incarcerated.
Jan 29, 2011, 8:06 PM
Getting gangbanged has been one of my fantsies/desires for a long time. I would like at least 10 men. I want to suck each one before he takes me in my ass. I also want them to bareback me and stay in me as they cum. (Don't give me the condom lecture as I'm perfectly well aware of STDs.) This is only a fantasy though, and is likely to never happen at all.
Jan 29, 2011, 10:21 PM
Getting gangbanged has been one of my fantsies/desires for a long time. I would like at least 10 men. I want to suck each one before he takes me in my ass. I also want them to bareback me and stay in me as they cum. (Don't give me the condom lecture as I'm perfectly well aware of STDs.) This is only a fantasy though, and is likely to never happen at all.
I hope you get one that makes up for not having the other 9.
Nov 16, 2011, 11:19 PM
I want a half dozen and I want to swallow it all, and then start all over again.
Nov 17, 2011, 12:44 AM
Taking the advice that darkeyes has given, I would be very careful in who was involved. But I would love to experience a gangbang. Considering how many here also would like this experience, too bad we don't all live in the same town!
Nov 17, 2011, 2:05 AM
no, youre not alone. id like to try it. a bunch of guys or a bunch of girls with strapons. iv often fantasized about getting gang banged in the mouth by shemale nurses. thats how they would "give me my medicine".
Nov 17, 2011, 2:44 AM
I think its sick.
Nov 17, 2011, 6:01 AM
I have always been turned off at the idea of a gang bang. It conjures up the picture of a prison or alley rape scene or the long line of guys waiting to fuck the girl in a porn flick. The thought of a bunch of guys taking turns ploughing their dick into me or anyone else as hard and fast as they can just to get off is something I have no desire to experience. I have difficulty in seeing how anyone could enjoy it.
I have, however, participated in and thoroughly enjoyed special occasions where as many as 10 people have made one person the center of attention giving them the time of their life. Gentle ministrations, erotic touch, oral pleasuring of all areas of the body and even the use of vibrators, all while the center of attention is being fucked, or even DPed, with the objective of making it last as long as possible is a great experience.
I have personally had the pleasure of being the center of attention in a foursome. Taking their time, with all sorts of stimulation and various combinations of positions, the sensations I experienced were mind-blowing.
The wildest was ten of us, men and women, making the Birthday Girl the center of attention while she had her wrists restrained and was equipped with a blindfold and earplugs. She had planned for 4 hours, but after 2 1/2 she asked to stop. She said it was the wildest experience she ever had.
There has got to be a better term than "gang bang" to describe a happening where gentle, caring people focus on giving multiple types of pleasure to one of them.
Nov 17, 2011, 8:52 AM
How would one go about trying to have one. any thoughts?
Nov 17, 2011, 10:14 AM
How would one go about trying to have one. any thoughts?
Welllll... normally ya take up position ready an willin'.. the gang takes up position and then they do ther thing takin turns about wot they do or doin things 2 diff bits of ya at the same time......
..up u wot ya let 'em do an ya shud have say in how they do it... also as recipient wot ya do yasel.. many diff options r available.. just go wiv the flow babes... just hav fun...;)
Soz Flounder, hun.. cudnt resist the temptation for a giggle..;):tong:
Nov 17, 2011, 10:36 AM
In fantasy for sure, only bareback, after all it is just a fantasy;). In reality no way.
Nov 17, 2011, 10:58 AM
In reality I was orally "raped" (I loved every minute of it) by 3 guys. In my fantasies I would be raped (orally & anally) by a never ending supply of men &t cum. I LUV cum.:male:;):tongue:
Nov 17, 2011, 11:04 AM
no, youre not alone. id like to try it. a bunch of guys or a bunch of girls with strapons. iv often fantasized about getting gang banged in the mouth by shemale nurses. thats how they would "give me my medicine".
Oh yeah, hot! Those all sound awesome!
I's also love to be in the middle of a circle of guys (or trans girls - yum!) on my knees and get a blow bang and cum bath.
Nov 17, 2011, 3:45 PM
Welllll... normally ya take up position ready an willin'.. the gang takes up position and then they do ther thing takin turns about wot they do or doin things 2 diff bits of ya at the same time......
..up u wot ya let 'em do an ya shud have say in how they do it... also as recipient wot ya do yasel.. many diff options r available.. just go wiv the flow babes... just hav fun...;)
Soz Flounder, hun.. cudnt resist the temptation for a giggle..;):tong:
I feel the love
Nov 17, 2011, 4:51 PM
Its a fantasy of mine too. Only I want to start out by sucking the first guys cock until he is ready to enter my ass. While he is having his way I can be sucking the next one in line and so on until they have all had their turn. And since its a fantasy I want to be bareback and every drop of cum pumped in my ass. And if anybody is ready we could start the entire process over again, only this time taking every drop of cum in my mouth.
Nov 17, 2011, 6:08 PM
Been there, done a safe environment...more or less. Not for the faint of heart.
Nov 17, 2011, 7:25 PM
Been there, done a safe environment...more or less. Not for the faint of heart.
I was going to post a longer reply about my own experience but this about says it all. It can get a bit hairy...:)
Nov 17, 2011, 7:51 PM
This is something I'd love to do. I've had one 3way experience (MMM), and it was incredible, so thought of having sex with 10 guys would be a dream cum true for me.
Nov 17, 2011, 8:18 PM
For a pure fantasy----the OP's fantasy is a pretty good one---just don't know if it would really be a good idea to live it out in real life, though!!! But--a person can dream---right??????
Nov 17, 2011, 11:54 PM
I was going to post a longer reply about my own experience but this about says it all. It can get a bit hairy...:)
I enjoyed it, on many different levels. On one level, it's the attention, on another, control. On a completely different level, it can produce a euphoria similar to that of what the D/s people call "subspace" or a physical/psychological state of Nirvana. Depending on the amount of participants, it can be extremely draining too.
Nov 18, 2011, 3:39 PM
I enjoyed it, on many different levels. On one level, it's the attention, on another, control. On a completely different level, it can produce a euphoria similar to that of what the D/s people call "subspace" or a physical/psychological state of Nirvana.
That happened to my wife once. But it was only me on her. I gave her a massage then started with the Hitachi vibe and some anal beads. She came several times and just went away.. It was awesome to be a part of it. The look on her face was almost angelic.
However, rather than enjoying it, it pretty much freaked her out to have lost control like that, so she has avoided that level of intensity since.
Depending on the amount of participants, it can be extremely draining too.
Wouldn't that be filling? :bigrin:
Nov 19, 2011, 12:58 PM
Mine is of an oral nature. I would like to go to a bathhouse, rent a private room, strip down to the obligatory towel and then venture out to the lounging area to cruise. There I would check the sauna, hot tub and showers and invite perhaps 4-5 men back to my room for blow jobs. Back in the privacy of my now crowded room, everyone would hang their towels as I drop to my knees and suck them off one or two at a time while others watched and waited their turns. As each guy completed their orgasm on my face, in my hair, on my lips, neck, cheeks, chin ( basically facials ) they might thank me and leave and perhaps tell others in the public lounging areas of the great cocksucker in the room number which would of course be mine. If they so choose, they would come up to the room where the door unlocked, possibly ajar or open, and I would greet them with my face all full of the cum of several guys and help them out as well. When no more visitors arrive, I would return to the public showering area, still dripping with the tell-tale evidence all over me to shower up and possibly.... Anyway, I think it would be a blast.