View Full Version : outed by a "friend"

Apr 26, 2006, 1:32 PM
My apologies in advance for the long post. It is a long convoluted tale that I will try to be concise with.

I am not closeted about my bisexuality but I do not feel the need to tell everyone. I should have the right to tell who I want to tell.

I did tell a woman that I was intimate with. We had a friends with benefits situation. I am friends with everyone in her family too ( but no "benefits" with anyone else :) ). Her 3 brothers and I ride together on occasion. One of them is my best friend. In an attempt to try to make things less confusing without using names I will refer to them as brother1, Brother2 and Brother3. Brother3 is my best friend and he knows I am bi and I spoke to him about being intimate with his sister before anything happened because I value his friendship and wanted to make sure it would not cause any tension between us. He had no problems with it.

I did not tell her I was bi before we were intimate. I did not think it was any of her business since she knew we were not in a monogamous situation. I have since realized that If I do not trust someone enough to tell them that I should not be laying down with them. That is just my point of view and since I know I am bi I will tell people that I will have a physical relationship with.

When I did tell her that I was bi she was very worried that I had given her some disease. She just assumed that since I am bi I am sleeping around as much as I can. I was disappointed in her reaction but accepted it and did not blame her. We talked and no hard feelings so I thought. I asked her not to mention this to anyone because I did not want a bunch of bs over it. She said she would not. Well she decided to tell brother1. I heard through the grapevine that she was saying things about me. I figured word got around and now everyone knows. I was prepared to deal with the fallout and politely tell anyone who had a problem with it that if it changed how they saw me as a friend then they were not really a friend.

Brother2 called me the other day and was very upset with some of his family members. He told me that his sister was saying things about me and he did not like all of the gossiping his family does. I told him I had an idea what she was saying and that I am bi. I told him that I do not advertise it but I do not lie about it either. She asked and I told her the truth. I was kind of expecting him to bug out about it but he said he did not care. He said when brother1 told him the sister was saying I have sex with men he told brother1 that he did not know if it was true or not and did not care and that their sister was a jerk for talking about me behind my back. He told me that it does not matter to him and that I have always been a good friend to him and anyone who has a problem with it should fuck off. I told him that I was glad to hear him say that. I told him that it was not a secret for me I just choose not to tell someone if I think they may get hung up on it. He also said that Brother1 did not care either and thought she was a jerk for talking about me too.

I am glad that it has not caused any problems (yet ) with her brothers. I expect they may have questions or act a little weird but I will deal with that as it comes. In the past I would have let it bother me that she was telling people. I would have been concerned about how others reacted to “the news”. The more comfortable I am with myself the less it matters how others react. I am sure I would have told the brothers who did not know if it came up or there was a point to telling them. I had figured the sister had a big mouth and knew it was a risk when I told her but I felt honesty was the best policy. Now I know she has a big mouth and will not disclose anything I do not want public to her.
I see it as a happy ending. We will see what happens. :rolleyes: You can never really be sure how someone will react.
Well that is my tale. I have learned a few things over this and figured it may be a good thing to post.
Thanks for reading the long post. Your patience is admirable. :)

Apr 26, 2006, 1:44 PM
I am sorry for your predicament it does sound as though your friends are still your friends. I have not told anyone except a few understanding souls. Some time we have to live and learn it is not in any how to book which sucks at times. Take care hon Your friends will always be there no matter what it is nice to know though sometimes.


Apr 26, 2006, 3:30 PM
sucks that she had such a big mouth! but its funny how things work out...the brothers didn't freak out about teh news...that shows that they are true friends. thanks for sharing your post rump! and it wasn't too long ;)

and ((((((((((((rump))))))))))) hugs to you c'asue its been awhile since i've seen ya!

Apr 26, 2006, 4:30 PM
It's too bad you weren't having benefits with one of the brothers instead. They seem to have a lot more class. I'm sorry you and a lot of people have to be outted like this. Unless you're some kind of pervert doing harm, it's no one's business and shouldn't be made a big deal about who you choose to share your bed (back seat, kitchen table, washer, carhood ((thank you belle)), rooftop) with. I'm so glad that your friends were still there for you Rump and I hope that eventually this woman will get a taste of her own medicine.

Apr 26, 2006, 4:35 PM
Rumple....my "friend".
I'm glad that the brother's have stuck by your side. Atleast they were mature enough to know that being bisexual didn't change who you were. Your still the guy they ride bikes with. That's so cool!! :cool:

As for HER....My thoughts are not nice. If she had any respect for you whatsoever she would have kept her mouth shut. You had enough respect for her to tell her the truth. Some people just don't get it and never will. But I'm glad that you have not let this get you down. As you said...if it changes how they feel about you then they were not really your friends to begin with.

Take care Rumple...your a good guy!! :bigrin:

Mrs.F :)

Apr 26, 2006, 4:40 PM
that's interesting that the MEN in this situation were more open-minded than the WOMAN. i'm sorry that she was a blabber-mouth, but at least your "reputation" hasn't been ruined because the people she told were okay with it. hopefully she hasn't told anyone else? you might want to talk to her about that...

that is why i don't really get close to people who i can't be open with my sexual orientation. i think i've said it in another thread, but if i can't be out to someone, then they are not my friend (including friends-with-benefits).


Apr 26, 2006, 4:59 PM
Sounds like the brothers have their heads screwed on - I expected the brothers to want to kick your teeth in (shows how wrong you can be).

Still you are right about not sleeping with people you dont trust in any sense of the word, sexuality not with standing

Apr 26, 2006, 8:06 PM
Hey rumple...Your choice to tell or not tell anyone about yourself is your choice...Too bad some loud-mouth person tried dragging you through whatever mud she was making up...As far as the other two brothers that "found out" about your bi-side, time will tell how they will react.

A past experience of mine showed me how some "friends" suddenly become curious after finding out I am Bi... :paw: :paw:

Apr 27, 2006, 2:59 AM
Hi Rumple I think people can deal with people saying "hey I am gay" a lot better than when people say "hey I am bisexual". Announcing you are bi can be really scary to others, after all you are saying I like men and women and suddenly there is a blurring of sexual boundaries. People basically have a problem dealing with it.
Apart from my "special" friends, both men and male/female couples, no one other than my wife knows I am orally bisexual. I approach the whole thing on a need to know basis and I believe only people with whom you are sexually involved need know.
Unfortunately telling your female companion was a bit of disaster for you, but look on that as a learning experience. True friends don't use personal information you share with them as a weapon to hurt you and her behaviour has taught you a lot about her as a person.
I hope you find someone more understanding in the future. :) :2cents:

Apr 27, 2006, 3:43 AM
Dearest Rumple,

I commend your honesty and integrity for your upstanding and noble ways. Many a man would not have taken such an admirable road to tell ones friends. In the end, the brothers, 1,2, and 3 are and will remain your friends. It is a shame that within the family they share, their sense of compassion and decency is not shared by their sister and others. It only goes to illustrate the small mindedness and intolerance of many. I also share your opinion of what I do within the confines of my private life, should remain of no ones business but my own. As long as I do not hurt another, I have only myself to answer to.

I join the Brothers 1, 2, and 3 in calling you most gladly...FRIEND.
