View Full Version : My gf is a little self conscious
Jun 18, 2011, 2:21 PM
She thinks i am the only one able to be sexually interested in her I am wondering if you guys could give me your opinion of her in this picture.
Lord of Light
Jun 18, 2011, 2:56 PM
I'd do her and you too:three:
Jun 18, 2011, 2:58 PM
She is a beautiful woman!
Jun 18, 2011, 3:00 PM
WTF??? Does your girlfriend know you have created this thread? How totally disrespectful to her and to your relationship. Are you serious with the poll?? Good grief!
Jun 18, 2011, 3:25 PM
she is the one that showed me how to post her picture so i would say yes she knows and that it is not disrespectful as she does not listen to my opinion about her looks.
Signed Lord Of Light
Yes I know about it. I would since we spoke about it last night and this is our couple account.
signed ~BHI~
Jun 18, 2011, 3:56 PM
I thought you were talking about MY girlfriend....I voted wrong....Your girlfriend is FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!
Jun 18, 2011, 4:10 PM
Yes your chances of getting a 3rd are pretty good.:rolleyes:
Jun 18, 2011, 4:16 PM
I thought you were talking about MY girlfriend....I voted wrong....Your girlfriend is FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!
what did you vote and what do you want it changed to?
Lord Of Light
Jun 18, 2011, 4:27 PM
I voted "She's not bad" but should have voted "Fuck yes i would make her sweat to death in bed" and I would be back for more!
Jun 18, 2011, 5:33 PM
My 37 year old Gf walked by, as I was looking at the photo.
She said, "Oh wow, look at those beautiful eyes!"
I returned, "Oh, has she got eyes?"
We both think she is a doll!
Jun 18, 2011, 5:42 PM
ummmmm... think we need a bare chest shot to make a better decesion, i mean, lets face it....she has what looks to be a very nice chest to go along with that face!
Jun 18, 2011, 7:09 PM
come on community more posts and we will post a few topless photos :)
Jun 18, 2011, 7:38 PM
she is absolutely gorgeous
Jun 18, 2011, 7:42 PM
come on community more posts and we will post a few topless photos :)
I think this has played itself out already.
Jun 18, 2011, 8:05 PM
I think this has played itself out already.
actually most of the votes have been in the past few hours...she surely was surprised at the attention she has received...she has been calling me a liar and saying i am full of bullshit for liking her sexually for about 6 months now....i am just tired of arguing she finally called me out yesterday and i said that if she really wanted she could get laid in 6 hours well in that much time we have gotton this many replies so it really has not played itself out most the members i have noticed have not really been on just casual through the day staying steady between 30 and 41 members all day where yesterday it stayed around i will give it a little better of a chance...need to drive my point to her home...will probably be posting topless pics on the profile tomorrow.
Lord Of Light.
Jun 18, 2011, 8:11 PM
Hey there!!! As far as I can see, "there ain't nothing wrong with the way your lady friend looks. To me now she looks like a beautiful, young, and a very ro-bust looking girl! ;) In my honest opinion, she looks good enough to eat :tong:
I guess that it's good for people to be a little self conscious about themselves ( guys and gals). It helps a person to try to keep themselves in a "pleasant to the eyes" condition ( at least for as much as possible) and also helps a person from being conceited, or just plain ole stuck up. :eek:
That's my story, my :2cents: and I'm sticking to it. Your friend, :doggie:
Jun 18, 2011, 8:40 PM
actually most of the votes have been in the past few hours...she surely was surprised at the attention she has received...she has been calling me a liar and saying i am full of bullshit for liking her sexually for about 6 months now...
Lord Of Light.
You realize that they're not being honest though right? They're just saying what they think you want to hear. That's how these forums work. Someone says that they or someone else feels bad about something, the rest swoop in with "awww don't feel bad". Search the forums. That's the modus operandi.
Jun 18, 2011, 8:52 PM
slip that very idea is a very....narrow one....the point of forums is a person can go post on the forums without having to worry about others being offended by what they said because it was their account name that said it...not them so no one can truly lay the hate on them merely on their account name.
Signed Lord Of Light
Hwy, now I'm going to chime in. You can say what you want, but this is a sweet thing that my man did for me. So silence your tongue and let us enjoy these answers from nice people.
Long Duck Dong
Jun 18, 2011, 9:27 PM
soft looks, gentle smile, a shy demeanour, expressive eyes and face....
that is something that would stand out to me if she was in a room of people.... her face is the type of face that would have be smiling and giving a warm greeting......
just from the pic, I have the feeling that yes I would enjoy talking with her as a person and not just as a body to have sex with.....
if I was sexually active the way I used to be, then I would be interested in getting to know her more and she would be the sort of lady that at first glance, I could picture being in a relationship with as well...... if she was single and interested
Jun 18, 2011, 9:32 PM
Hwy, now I'm going to chime in. You can say what you want, but this is a sweet thing that my man did for me. So silence your tongue and let us enjoy these answers from nice people.
Think whatever you want, but I submit this new pics of me ( as my evidence.
Jun 18, 2011, 9:40 PM
To understand that post itself a little better you have to look at the size of this site and the things interested in here....many people coming from many walks of life interested in many things that are not considered publically normal to each their own for sexual pleasures the people that replied their ENJOY his body the people here enjoy HER looks from those that have posted and voted in the positive...just because you do not find someone attractive does not mean no one does.
I have seen women with pockmarked faces that could literally knock a building down if they fell into it still with boyfriends each person has their own arrousals...would post a pic of what i am talking about if i could find it to each their own kink....the sooner you can understand that the better you will be.
Also i would like to thank everyone for their enjoyment of my girlfriends looks we recently had hot passionate sex on her dinner table because of the fact you guys have enjoyed so much....
Lord Of Light
Jun 19, 2011, 1:10 AM
She is very attractive.
Jun 19, 2011, 1:25 AM
Does she know that you're posting her picture on the internet for people to "rate" if she's hot or sexy, or not with a poll?
Jun 19, 2011, 2:41 AM
Does she know that you're posting her picture on the internet for people to "rate" if she's hot or sexy, or not with a poll?
Mr dave this forum is still rather young so is rather short just follow my postings to find out :) have a good day.
Lord Of Light
Jun 19, 2011, 2:47 AM
She is very beautiful and hot, I would kiss every bit of her. You both are a lucky couple
Jun 19, 2011, 4:06 AM
Also i would like to thank everyone for their enjoyment of my girlfriends looks we recently had hot passionate sex on her dinner table because of the fact you guys have enjoyed so much....
Well, by the sounds of it, dessert was WELL enjoyed!!! Then again, with a dessert like that, I would seriously be saying to hell with Weight Watchers!!! :bigrin: Very Nice!!!!:tong:
Jun 19, 2011, 10:16 AM
shes perfect except for heing way to far away lol and tell her that she has a smoking hot and eatable ass now show us yours mmmmmmmmmmm:bigrin:
Jun 19, 2011, 11:02 AM
Also i would like to thank everyone for their enjoyment of my girlfriends looks we recently had hot passionate sex on her dinner table because of the fact you guys have enjoyed so much....
Now that's a shocker! Who'd have guessed that it wasn't really about a young, timid girls insecurities?:rolleyes:
You could have just asked and I'm sure lots would have described what they'd like to do with her (try stopping them!lol).
Insecure be fu*k!:bigrin: Bless.;)
Jun 19, 2011, 11:43 AM
I have a Hard on say no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drugstore cowboy
Jun 19, 2011, 1:29 PM
Yes your chances of getting a 3rd are pretty good.:rolleyes:
LMAO gearbox!
Slipnslide I agree. Those pics of the troll do prove your point. ;)
Light&Dark or Mr. Valtheran -You based this poll on appearance only.
She could be a nice person but you made it about appearance only or maybe something else?
The picture is dark so it's hard to see her. How much does she weigh and how tall is she?
Truthfully she's VERY plain and nothing special.
She's not what I'd consider to be a cute, hot, or sexy woman at all.
However I wouldn't say that she's ugly at all, but I'm not sexually attracted to her.
When I fantasize about women and sex with women I don't think of women who look like her.
I would not have sex with her. She's not even what some men call a butter face which is a woman who has a smoking hot body but has an ugly face or what some men call a "brown bagger".
I know this what I wrote is what you do not want to hear but you did ask for our honest opinion. :)
Jun 19, 2011, 2:14 PM
LMAO gearbox!
Slipnslide I agree. Those pics of the troll do prove your point. ;)
Light&Dark or Mr. Valtheran -You based this poll on appearance only.
She could be a nice person but you made it about appearance only or maybe something else?
The picture is dark so it's hard to see her. How much does she weigh and how tall is she?
Truthfully she's VERY plain and nothing special.
She's not what I'd consider to be a cute, hot, or sexy woman at all.
However I wouldn't say that she's ugly at all, but I'm not sexually attracted to her.
When I fantasize about women and sex with women I don't think of women who look like her.
I would not have sex with her. She's not even what some men call a butter face which is a woman who has a smoking hot body but has an ugly face or what some men call a "brown bagger".
I know this what I wrote is what you do not want to hear but you did ask for our honest opinion. :)
Thank gawd somebody said it. The problem with these "rate my pic" things is nobody wants to sound mean and say "no, I wouldn't fuck her, I get better than that". Plus, who wants a girlfriend who derives self-confidence from a bunch of strangers commenting on a dark photo on an internet forum? A toxic relationship, an individual who finds confidence from strangers' opinions on their physical appearance only. . .whadda ya all say. . .6-8 months of weekly couples therapy to work through this?
Again, sounds like troll material to me.
Jun 19, 2011, 2:27 PM
Hubba hubba !
drugstore cowboy
Jun 19, 2011, 9:27 PM
Thank gawd somebody said it. The problem with these "rate my pic" things is nobody wants to sound mean and say "no, I wouldn't fuck her, I get better than that". Plus, who wants a girlfriend who derives self-confidence from a bunch of strangers commenting on a dark photo on an internet forum? A toxic relationship, an individual who finds confidence from strangers' opinions on their physical appearance only. . .whadda ya all say. . .6-8 months of weekly couples therapy to work through this?
Again, sounds like troll material to me.
WTF??? Does your girlfriend know you have created this thread? How totally disrespectful to her and to your relationship. Are you serious with the poll?? Good grief!
+1,000 to both you SNS and Wrenn.
Light&Dark-Sorry bro, she's not even what I'd call "average".
You're basing this on appearance and looks ONLY and it's not even that good of a picture to begin with since it's dark.
Does she even know you posted her pic and that you want people to "rate" her?
Jun 19, 2011, 9:56 PM
When do we get a chance rate you, Light & Dark? Face and cock pics please. You want judgement, we'll give it to ya.
Jun 19, 2011, 10:05 PM
I can tell by her eyes that she has a smoldering sexuality...very cute and nice chest...reminds me of my wife when we were your age...BTW my wife was almost that insecure of her looks back then too but after 35 years together she understands that attraction is just as much mental (attitude, personality, etc...) as it is physical... and your gal is very attractive... don't let insecurities stop either one of ya from having fun with life...remember, we're not here for a long time so have a good time while you're here.
Jun 19, 2011, 10:47 PM
All of those who are being neg on this post
For Shame!! This is a site where we all post forums for help, opinions or just for fun.
Play nice ladies and gents...
Jun 19, 2011, 11:18 PM
+1,000 to both you SNS and Wrenn.
Light&Dark-Sorry bro, she's not even what I'd call "average".
You're basing this on appearance and looks ONLY and it's not even that good of a picture to begin with since it's dark.
Does she even know you posted her pic and that you want people to "rate" her?
sir about your bolded i recommend you read this short forum....and the reply to one of your
She has no issues with her personality nor does she hold those in question but like most women in todays America she has issues with seeing herself as attractive and this was the only photo i had on hand at the time for this forum.
Like i said everyone has their own cup of tea so far only 1 or 2 negative posters that make any sense...compared to the majority that is not bad.
As far as a post earlier on yes she really is insecure about her looks and that is what this is for....but because the responses were in such fervor the positive it did have an affect on her yes.
And slip again....getting a comment from a large group of people that dont HAVE to be nice does make a difference from people that you believe have to be nice to you...makes a difference it is called flaming a post etc etc and very common on forums where people will show their personalities the best.
Jun 20, 2011, 12:00 AM
All of those who are being neg on this post
For Shame!! This is a site where we all post forums for help, opinions or just for fun.
Play nice ladies and gents...
This again proves my point - someone asks for an opinion, but someone else weighs in saying "only give your opinion if it is the one that the poster desires based on the predefined narrative in the affirmative". Contrary opinions will not be condoned.
Why ask for an opinion, when it's obvious that the majority are biased towards the affirmative response whether it's honest or not?
This ridiculous "everyone is great and everyone is attractive" nonsense sounds exactly like what Amy Chua writes about in Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother. It's okay to deride me because I'm honest - but since I seem strong and opinionated the idea is I need to be knocked down a few pegs right? But when some clearly plain Jane nobody seems kind of sad because they're not Gisele Bundchen everyone comes running because she needs to be raised up a few pegs. Not based in reality, but because we don't want people to have to face the truth.
All this in a forum whose sole purpose is to help people address the truth of who they really are sexually. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy? How can we possibly aid each other if we can't be honest?
Jun 20, 2011, 12:21 AM
This again proves my point - someone asks for an opinion, but someone else weighs in saying "only give your opinion if it is the one that the poster desires based on the predefined narrative in the affirmative". Contrary opinions will not be condoned.
Why ask for an opinion, when it's obvious that the majority are biased towards the affirmative response whether it's honest or not?
This ridiculous "everyone is great and everyone is attractive" nonsense sounds exactly like what Amy Chua writes about in Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother. It's okay to deride me because I'm honest - but since I seem strong and opinionated the idea is I need to be knocked down a few pegs right? But when some clearly plain Jane nobody seems kind of sad because they're not Gisele Bundchen everyone comes running because she needs to be raised up a few pegs. Not based in reality, but because we don't want people to have to face the truth.
All this in a forum whose sole purpose is to help people address the truth of who they really are sexually. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy? How can we possibly aid each other if we can't be honest?
Yes, Not everyone is attractive to everyone else you have made your opinion known and have i once derided you for your opinion? no merely said not everyone likes their steak medium it is the majority like her the minority(you and mr cowboy) do not and have stated so any further is no longer an opinion when your initial post was not knocked at all merely discussed is no longer showing your opinion but bashing someone for no other reason then to get your jollies off and thereby making your opinion null and void as dishonest.
If you can do nothing more then rabble rouse how is THAT giving an honest opinion?
Jun 20, 2011, 2:46 AM
How can we possibly aid each other if we can't be honest?
This is my honest opinion:
Yes this post is about being honest about one simple person's appearance, but saying that almost everyone answering is lying is a harsh judgement. Yes, some may be lying and some may be telling the truth.
And also, the quota "Behind every lie is a bit of truth and behind every truth is a bit of a lie"
Jun 20, 2011, 4:46 AM
My wife is a self conscious also, and gets suprised when people complament her as well. But she wouldn't allow me to do as both agreeded. So more power to you doll.
Jun 20, 2011, 9:44 AM
This ridiculous "everyone is great and everyone is attractive" nonsense sounds exactly like what Amy Chua writes about in Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother.
Would you be happy if he sent the pic to a team of scientists to run it through a 'Fuckability Rating Machine' so she gets a completely non biased rating?:rolleyes:
I find that other people are 100x more beautiful and sexy when I've got the horn. My standards drop like a pair of lead knickers on a greased up hooker.:tongue:
So it doesn't matter if they could win Miss World/Mr Universe or not! It's a case of -'If I was on the bed naked n hard with him/her, could they possibly turn me off?'
Not - 'Would I like a huge portrait of him/her on my wall?'. That's pretty damn aesthetic IMO and in my experience counts for very little sexually.
You might be deluding yourself that you look terrible in your pics. No your NOT Mr Universe! BUT your NOT repellent either! I'd do you if was horny. There's more to sexuality than the body itself. You seem to be a right dirty bugger, and THAT can be enough to turn many on.;)
The girl in the pic might not be model material. BUT she could well be very sexy in person, which is a completely other dimension to attractiveness that you can't measure in a pic very well.
Jun 20, 2011, 10:20 AM
She is lovely with;) a nice face and " Honkers " LOL. Very Doable !
Jun 20, 2011, 11:06 AM
my wife and i would do her and do you too.:bipride:
Jun 20, 2011, 1:31 PM
she is very attractive aside from being insecure. she gains "hot" points for posting naked pics of her sweet shaved pussy !