Sparkling Diamond
Jun 25, 2011, 4:59 AM
Hi, everyone!
I discovered I was attracted to guys when at high school. I’m male, 26 and I’d estimate my Kinsey as 4 or even 5 over the last year. The peculiar thing about my bisexuality is that I’m more attracted to men sexually and emotionally than to women. On the other hand, I’m interested in developing a life-lasting relationship with a girl ‘of my dream’ (And have had a few GFs so far). However, the special thing I notice about my attractions to men is that I feel very feminine with them (in fact, I am quite effeminate in life), I have always fantasized about being a woman myself and I love girly things. I’ve come to realise this is a natural part of me. I even tell myself laughingly that in my GF I’ll find my own feminine self.
I’ve come to several close friends so far (ladies) and they have been accepting and understanding, so no problems with this.
There is a man I have been in love with for a few years now, but haven’t told him, him being obviously straight and not close to me. I have learned to flirt with guys without revealing my orientation.
There is only one single thing that confuses me. My sexual fantasies are mostly about men and even when I masturbate, I end up fantasizing about a sex with a guy. But in life my erection happens only on female bodies ( even if selectively, on certain types), even though I’m sexually attracted to men. Their body parts, their intelligence and strength, put together, turn me on strongly and I am not averted by sex with them. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to supress acting in an effeminate way in public.
I’d be very happy to hear other stories of similar experiences.
I feel like I’m a rare bird with this lack of immediate hard dick on guys and feeling being a woman myself.
Really want your ideas on that, guys!
I discovered I was attracted to guys when at high school. I’m male, 26 and I’d estimate my Kinsey as 4 or even 5 over the last year. The peculiar thing about my bisexuality is that I’m more attracted to men sexually and emotionally than to women. On the other hand, I’m interested in developing a life-lasting relationship with a girl ‘of my dream’ (And have had a few GFs so far). However, the special thing I notice about my attractions to men is that I feel very feminine with them (in fact, I am quite effeminate in life), I have always fantasized about being a woman myself and I love girly things. I’ve come to realise this is a natural part of me. I even tell myself laughingly that in my GF I’ll find my own feminine self.
I’ve come to several close friends so far (ladies) and they have been accepting and understanding, so no problems with this.
There is a man I have been in love with for a few years now, but haven’t told him, him being obviously straight and not close to me. I have learned to flirt with guys without revealing my orientation.
There is only one single thing that confuses me. My sexual fantasies are mostly about men and even when I masturbate, I end up fantasizing about a sex with a guy. But in life my erection happens only on female bodies ( even if selectively, on certain types), even though I’m sexually attracted to men. Their body parts, their intelligence and strength, put together, turn me on strongly and I am not averted by sex with them. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to supress acting in an effeminate way in public.
I’d be very happy to hear other stories of similar experiences.
I feel like I’m a rare bird with this lack of immediate hard dick on guys and feeling being a woman myself.
Really want your ideas on that, guys!