View Full Version : just come out=Help!?

Jun 28, 2011, 2:57 PM
hello for many years i have kept denying my sexual feelings but now i have come to realise lately i am truely bisexual as i have strong feelings for both men and women in more then 1 way and have done for many years. |Can i have some general advice please on how to come out to people such as my muslims mate and his mum? thankyou all

Jun 28, 2011, 3:22 PM
just be your self, be open and honest with every one, including your self.
real true friends will accept you for who and what you are no matter what. the same thing goes for your family.
yes it will be hard for your family to accept at first, so they will have to slowly adjust to it.

best of luck to you,

Jun 28, 2011, 4:30 PM
thankyou very much but another question am i taking the right route by knowing that im bi but it does not make me a faggot or woose? and no one has the right to look down on me or am i being cocky? many thanks again

Jun 28, 2011, 5:15 PM
What's in a name?

You are the same PERSON you were before you decided to come out (or even before you realized and admitted to yourself that you are bi).

Be solid in that.. Because unfortunately is likely that some people you know will not feel that way and think that somehow you are different now.

So, go slow.. Your Muslim mate may not understand.. So, you may not want to tell him or his mum for a bit, until you get your feet under you...

But however it goes, welcome here! Please always feel free to come here to talk, vent, scream, cry , laugh or just sit and read..

Jun 28, 2011, 5:20 PM
naught in a name! thanks so much :) i will follow that advice its probbably best cos ive known them for years and im like a son to her, bless her! but still i remember her saying if her son turned gay shed kill him= not litrelly i believe but that indicates quite a bit! thankyou so much it has helped me find inner peace i have been seeking for years.

Jun 28, 2011, 5:41 PM
Why do you have to tell some other dude's mom?

Jun 29, 2011, 5:00 AM
i don't i guess but i feel i should cos i'm good mates with her son & she has always treated me as her own family and i trust her more then most other people i know :/

Long Duck Dong
Jun 29, 2011, 5:08 AM
i don't i guess but i feel i should cos i'm good mates with her son & she has always treated me as her own family and i trust her more then most other people i know :/

you mean that you want somebody that you can talk to that is like a parent to you ? and that you feel like shes a mother to you ?

I see it as a form of respect for the woman, if you are holding her in such regret..... and yes as part of coming out, it can be a confidence boost..... or a blow to your confidence if she doesn't take it well

Jun 29, 2011, 6:32 AM
correct to the last poster, especially since i hate my real mum thought i dont live with her (dont ask) and dont trust my dad as we tend to disagree thanks for your advice about how it could affect confidence :) stiff upper lip hey?