View Full Version : for all u cut guys the first time seeing a uncut cock

Nov 5, 2011, 8:18 AM
When was your first time u seen a uncut cock. Me I was 14 in a men's room at a mall.

Nov 5, 2011, 1:32 PM
Uh yeah, uncut...the way its supposed to be, unmutilated and awesome. Imagine if parents had their daughters clit removed. And that happens in some countries and is considered cruel. Not knocking cut cock, but cock is cock. Uncut preferences are about as stupid as someone prefering blondes. Sorry but I don't get complaints bout my junk. Its not like I have a 3rd nut.

Nov 5, 2011, 4:16 PM
Uh yeah, uncut...the way its supposed to be, unmutilated and awesome. Imagine if parents had their daughters clit removed. And that happens in some countries and is considered cruel. Not knocking cut cock, but cock is cock. Uncut preferences are about as stupid as someone prefering blondes. Sorry but I don't get complaints bout my junk. Its not like I have a 3rd nut.

love uncut it was just here in the states just about everyone is cut thats all. So to see one for the first time it was strange for me thats all. Then when I went ti high school in the gym showers there was only 3 other guys that were uncut.

Nov 5, 2011, 6:27 PM
Back in my days being in the Coast Guard---I had a buddy who was American but born in England because his dad had a job over there---as such with the UK and Europe not having automatically doing circumcision as we did in the states, he was uncut---it was kinda cool to see---didn't get too close a look at it---and didn't see an uncut cock again till rather recently with this time getting to really look at them----uncut cocks generally do look very cool and interesting. Love to try to dock my little cut one with an uncut one.

Nov 6, 2011, 7:07 AM
The difference between a circumcision and a clitorectomy are quite different . A clitorectomy would be more like removing the penis altogether rather than just the protective covering of skin . I agree that neither should be done . A revolation that is a little late for my boys . I am cut as well , so I do not know the difference it makes as far as sensation is concerned .

My first encounter with a "natural" cock came quite late in life . Doesn't seem to make any difference to me as long they are clean and work properly .

Nov 8, 2011, 12:34 PM
I wish I had a uncut cock mmmmmm they are my favorite

Nov 9, 2011, 12:12 AM
I'm uncut. The comparison with girls is like this: it would be like cutting off the labia and the clitoral hood. The rationale, of course, would be that it's because the labia make it difficult to keep the vulva clean. That's what many Americans say about a boy's foreskin. By the way, I've heard that the little foreskins are used for cosmetic purposes.

Nov 9, 2011, 4:44 AM
Thanks for the nice article. It is very useful.

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Nov 9, 2011, 5:06 AM
my first boyfriend when I was 16 was uncut, I'd been with one other friend before who was cut like me...so the first time he and I were fooling around and the pants came down I was a little surprised. Luckily neither of us were very experienced so it didn't freak me out or anything LOL

Nov 9, 2011, 3:54 PM
The showers after soccer practice in high school. He was a senior and hung like a horse I actually had no idea why his cock looked like it did, but much like all the other cocks I saw in the shower, I knew I wanted to touch it..lol

Nov 9, 2011, 5:20 PM
i am uncut also and i keep very clean. it is the individual hygiene that makes the difference. i always pull the skin back everyday when i shower and soap and wash it well and my GF loves the uncut cock. it is easier to jack off and dont hurt as an uncut. the skin pulling up and down makes for a erotic feeling!! we are a dying breed i think. i would never have a son cut which my son is uncut and if he want to be cut then he can but i will give him that choice. if he is cut when he is born then that is not reversible. i have had too much feeling when having sex with the foreskin. it is a great feeling!!:tongue:

I'm uncut. The comparison with girls is like this: it would be like cutting off the labia and the clitoral hood. The rationale, of course, would be that it's because the labia make it difficult to keep the vulva clean. That's what many Americans say about a boy's foreskin. By the way, I've heard that the little foreskins are used for cosmetic purposes.

Nov 10, 2011, 10:48 AM
The first uncut cock I ever saw was that of my best friend in high school. I saw it when we were both taking a piss. When he pulled the foreskin over the head I fell in love with it immediately & vowed that one day I would have this dick in my mouth even though I had never had I Gay bone in my body. Eons later (much to my surprise) he asked me if I would suck his dick. He said he would suck mine if I sucked his, but I didn't care if he sucked me or not. That was the first dick I ever sucked as an adult..:male::):tongue:

Nov 10, 2011, 6:00 PM
It was the other way around for me. I was the only uncut guy in the high school shower room so I thought I was weird. Then I found out I was natural and all these other guys weren't. At age 69 I've sucked and been fucked by both cut and uncut and both taste and feel great!

Nov 10, 2011, 7:57 PM
I am a cut male and was cut at birth, the first time that I saw a uncut cock was at the age of 5 seeing my cousins that are uncut was nothing at the time. My first male lover how was uncut was at the age of 16 and at that time I thought that I was very lucky to be cut. I have had many uncut lovers in my years and find that it doesn't matter if a male is cut or uncut it how he use's his cock and how I enjoy being with them. I myself prefer a cut cock over a uncut one but if I happen to be with one that is uncut . . . . it has been worth the time to be with him. :male:

Feb 18, 2012, 7:15 AM
thanks guys

Feb 18, 2012, 7:57 AM
By the way, I've heard that the little foreskins are used for cosmetic purposes

That's funny.

Feb 18, 2012, 11:21 AM
An uncut what?! What is this "uncut" you are speaking of?

Feb 19, 2012, 1:05 AM
I know that for years-at least over her in the states-circumcision was done pretty much automatically since it was thought that keeping the male foreskin lead to greater incidents of cervical cancer and other issues for long term female partners of men and that that most men did not practice sufficient hygiene of the skin inside---so they did it and that was that---from what I have read lately----the doctors no longer believe that and they no longer think it is vital to perform the procedure---in fact they seem to actually be against doing so now.

I guess with me---that I had a cut cock and so many other boys I knew did too---thinking that uncut cocks are cool is a matter of "the grass is greener on the other side of the hill."

Feb 19, 2012, 8:00 AM
The first time I saw an uncut cock was when I was born. But I don't remember it.

Feb 19, 2012, 9:09 AM
The first time I saw an uncut cock was when I was born. But I don't remember it. Living in a culture where the routine snipping of bits from little boys penis's is not routine, and the norm is to leave 'em as nature intended, uncircumcised guys are not unusual... butI still remember vividly the fit of giggles I got when I first saw one which was cut... 15 years old I was and I was gobsmacked at its strangeness.. I'd seen pics but seeing 1 in the flesh brought forth an unpleasant side of me which I hadnt realised existed... he got narked at me for giggling and my reluctance to touch it... and stormed off in a huff.. it was a little while before another came my way, but I giggled a little less and overcame my reticence and a very nice time was had...

Feb 19, 2012, 9:53 AM
I've often noted that people all over the world are raised differently. What is commonplace in one society, may be strange, or even taboo in another. I've only had one male lover who was uncircumcised, but I've often wished that my parents had left that choice to me. It seems to me that he enjoyed our sex much more completely, because he was not cut.

Feb 20, 2012, 4:57 AM
Well, where I grew up, it was the other way around, only one cut boy in the school that I know of.



Feb 20, 2012, 10:37 PM
Well, where I grew up, it was the other way around, only one cut boy in the school that I know of.




Feb 21, 2012, 2:26 AM
I love sucking cock, uncut or cut.

The first time I saw an uncut cock upclose was two years ago. He was such a good kisser too. Given the opportunity I would go down on him again and suck his cock and swallow his cum. I loved the feel of his cock between my lips against my tongue. Most of the men I have given head to have been cut. I would love to have more uncut cocks to feast upon.

Feb 21, 2012, 4:19 PM
In high school gym my best friend was uncut... freaked me completely out!

Top fucker
Dec 17, 2013, 7:47 PM
I prefer a penis that is uncut and unmutilated. The first time I saw an uncut dick I was angry that my parents mutilated my dick. But I am doing foreskin restoration. I will not get a foreskin with the missing nerve endings but I will have a more sensitive penis than a man that is cut and never stretches out the tissue.