View Full Version : So....How We Go About Finding Someone?

Nov 26, 2011, 6:36 PM
My wife and I are poly, and are looking to add another husband to our marriage. However, this seems like such a specific dating request, it seems to narrow the field significantly.

What are some good ways to go about meeting someone that would be open to something like this, do you think?

Nov 26, 2011, 7:16 PM
First of all, welcome to the site. You've taken a good first step...posting a well-written profile.

Within a month after joining this site, in 2008, I met my present lover. She contacted me privately, after she read something I wrote. I confess, she was not exactly who I was looking for, but as it turned out, she was the best possible choice, for me.

There are members here, who like the same things you and your wife does. Keep your message out there and if someone is close to you and interested, maybe they'll contact you.

I can certainly understand your interest in a poly relationship. I've been in two ideal ones, myself.

My only regret is, neither was permanent. One was about 14 months and one was a little over 2 years.

Good luck!

Nov 26, 2011, 10:12 PM
Strange, I can never hear or read the word poly, without thinking of parrots and Long-John Silver. Must be the rum wearing off. Polly wants a cracker, aaaaaaawwwwwkkkkkkk! Who's a pretty boy then? :rolleyes:

roy m cox
Nov 26, 2011, 11:20 PM
hi welcome to the site.:)

Nov 27, 2011, 10:13 AM
Thanks for the welcome, ya'll.

We're both basically bi, and I've known for a while I liked guys, but this would also be my first time really exploring this, although I've been with a guy once before.