Jan 15, 2012, 7:50 PM
My partner and I visited some friends in Toronto this weekend. Lunch together was great, as was spending the rest of the evening and half of today with one of her closest friends (there's some sexual tension between the two of them that isn't being addressed openly because he's somewhat prudish about sexuality and relationships--we don't think he's ready yet to find out that it's okay if he gets invovled with my partner. I'd be happy to see that addressed and for them to enjoy one another).
As for me, boy did I see a lot of good-looking guys in Toronto--in the stores, walking along Yonge St, sitting in restaurants, coffee shops, etc.! I'm sure there are good-looking guys in Hamilton, but I certainly saw a lot more in downtown TO. This weekend, while walking around town, it was all about checking out the guys. A lot more well-dressed young men in their 20s, 30s and 40s with beards--not long like mine, but still not all smooth-shaven. But I'm no good at flirting with guys--have no experience and no idea how guys would react to flirtation from me. Though I feel rather teased, the eye-candy was nice!
As for me, boy did I see a lot of good-looking guys in Toronto--in the stores, walking along Yonge St, sitting in restaurants, coffee shops, etc.! I'm sure there are good-looking guys in Hamilton, but I certainly saw a lot more in downtown TO. This weekend, while walking around town, it was all about checking out the guys. A lot more well-dressed young men in their 20s, 30s and 40s with beards--not long like mine, but still not all smooth-shaven. But I'm no good at flirting with guys--have no experience and no idea how guys would react to flirtation from me. Though I feel rather teased, the eye-candy was nice!