View Full Version : New Site Tips: Avatars, Search Personal Ads, Groups

Feb 4, 2012, 7:35 PM
A suggestion, re Avatars...

The old site had Avatars, but the new site uses them much more extensively - they appear almost everwhere your username shows. So a suggestion is you upload a custom avatar if you don't have one.

The net is full of avatar makers. Here are some:
Scott Pilgrim avatar maker: http://www.scottpilgrimthemovie.com/avatarCreator/
South Park avatar maker: http://www.southparkstudios.com/avatar/
Mad Men avatar maker: http://www.amctv.com/madmenyourself/ (may need a graphics program to chop down your full body avatar/doll to an upper body/head shot)

http://www.dolldivine.com/ - many styles, but you may need a graphics program to chop your "doll" down into an upper body/head shot.
http://www.shrinkpictures.com/create-avatar/ - resize any photo to avatar.
http://www.tektek.org/dream/ - Gaia Dream Avatar
http://mashable.com/2007/09/12/avatars/ - a list of 27 more avatar makers

And google has many, many more. (https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=avatar+maker&btnG=Google+Search)

- Drew :paw:

Feb 4, 2012, 8:05 PM
Another tip... this time for Search Personal Ads (multiple areas!)...

One of the most requested features was the ability to search multiple regions for Personal Ads. You can do that but it may not be obvious at first: just click on the space beside a current region(s) to add another one. See screenshot:


- Drew :paw:

Feb 4, 2012, 8:35 PM
Another tip... the new Groups feature...

I need to adjust the navigation bars to pull some of these cool new site features from being buried. But if you click on Forum > Community > Groups (for now), or click here (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/group.php), you go to the cool new Groups feature. Groups are subsections of the site with their own threads, posts, photos and more.

Go ahead and create (and join) Groups that interest you. I envision groups like:
Bisexual Men
Straight Partners
Bisexual Swingers
In The Closet
Lingerie Enthusiast Couples
Lingerie Enthusiasts - Men Only
Bisexual People of Color
Transgendered and Bi
Bay Area Bisexuals
Over 60 and Bisexual
and so on...

- Drew :paw: