View Full Version : Any Sims 2 Fans?

Jun 12, 2006, 1:45 AM
Hey guys! I was just wondering if there were any Sims 2 players and fans on this site. If so, I have a page on Myspace that I would love you guys to check out. www.myspace.com/alyproductions.
I make music videos with footage from the sims 2, and the page has info on how to see it. If you guys are fans of my work and have myspace pages, please add me as a friend. And if there are any musicians, I may want to use your music in my upcoming series and movies. I also am looking for voice over actors (anybody who has a good voice and has a computer microphone), and I also am willing to be one.

In order to see my work, please go to http://video.google.com. Search for ALY Productions, and my work should display. Thanks alot guys! Please email me with your comments.

Jun 12, 2006, 2:14 AM
omg i LOVE playing sims 2 i have all but one of the expansion pack lmao

Jun 12, 2006, 2:29 AM
omg, girl you gotta get the rest of the ep's! i have all of them, and they are great. the custom content is great too, i use alot in my videos.

Jun 12, 2006, 2:46 AM
wahoo lol i plan to get them just need the money first tho lol

Driver 8
Jun 12, 2006, 10:12 AM
I used to play the Sims incessantly, and I enjoyed the Sims 2 at first, but gave up on it before any of the expansion packs came out. It was just too buggy! The game crashed regularly, or behaved in weird ways (one of my families was refusing to sit down to eat even when there were chairs; another had an invisible nanny wandering around the house after she'd died while visiting another family, and she was helping herself to the money tree). I saw a shelf full of expansion packs and was wondering if some of that had been fixed but wasn't sure I cared if I found out.

For those of you who are wondering why this is bi content: the Sims, and the Sims 2, are games where you create virtual people who run around living virtual lives - getting jobs, growing up, falling in love ... and it can be incredibly addictive. And any character can get interested in characters of either gender. (In the original Sims, the default was that all characters began straight, and if you didn't tell them what to do, would only flirt with opposite-sex characters - but once you, the player, started any sort of romantic same-sex behavior, the characters would also flirt with same-sex characters.)

When I last checked, the only difference was that same-sex couples couldn't marry; they had a ceremony called, I think, "Committed Union." (Even in Massachussetts.)

Jun 12, 2006, 12:52 PM
I'm in the same boat with Driver 8. I have Sims 2, but the Superstar expansion pack was the only one I ever bought. I was addicted to it for a few months. My friends and I would stay up until early in the morning playing, even when we had to be at work at 8am. It took up so much space on my computer and was always flaking out. I still have it, but I uninstalled it from my computer.

And I LOVED the fact that all my characters were gay! It made the game so much fun. And I killed them off regularly. I would put them in a house with no phone and tell them to cook. They'd just burn up. I'm no homocidal maniac, but it was nice to have people to take my frustrations out on...I had so much fun with them. It's too bad the same never functioned correctly....:disgust: