View Full Version : Thoughts on Webcam models..

Apr 23, 2012, 12:28 AM
I try not to judge or speak rudely of others, but what do you think of those who work as web cam models? :mohawk:
From what I read, those who do it must have a lot of self esteem and feel great about showing off their bodies.

Apr 23, 2012, 12:48 AM
It would be my guess that the VAST majority of them are prostitutes. Along with that, you'll have a huge percentage that are from the former Soviet bloc countries looking for a way out.

Apr 23, 2012, 12:53 AM
I try not to judge or speak rudely of others, but what do you think of those who work as web cam models? :mohawk:
From what I read, those who do it must have a lot of self esteem and feel great about showing off their bodies.

Sorry. I know some web cam models. I was engaged to one for 4 years. Not only did she have an extremely poor self-image (totally unjustified. She is stunning.), but her self worth was so poor, she let friends talk her into becoming a bargirl.

My only feeling for most of them is pity. What horrible circumstance led them to this? Things may be different in the USA, but overseas cam models are definitely not glamorous. They work a minimum of 12 hour shifts 7 days per week.

Often, overseas, cam modeling is a gateway to drugs and prostitution. And the things they have to put up with are incredible. I can't tell you how many times my ex-fiance was asked if her father abused her and she liked it or if she had ever had sex with a dog or horse.

Apr 23, 2012, 12:55 AM

thats a new way of lookign at it. I have tried to find more articles about web cam modeling from oversea's but all I get is those who are in the US and Canada. Thank you for your input.

Apr 23, 2012, 12:59 AM
I can't tell you how many times my ex-fiance was asked if her father abused her and she liked it or if she had ever had sex with a dog or horse.

That must have been very hard or unnerving for you to listen or read about that. It's kinda creepy how some people can just get off by saying that and getting answer that seem so unfair and unjust.

Apr 23, 2012, 1:15 AM
It was unnerving because she was raised in a "good catholic home". The only reason she got into the modeling in the first place was because her father was diagnosed with lung cancer and it was the only way to pay for the treatments.
I watched as her self-esteem plummeted from extremely low to non-existent and as she convinced herself (at her friend's prodding) that working the clubs was the only job she was worth having. I won't go into the things that happened to her there. And yes, for a while, she did both the cam thing and the clubs. Eventually, the clubs won out because even though the club kept most of the money (it was a "bar fine"), she still made far more working the clubs than she did working the cam.

Apr 23, 2012, 12:25 PM
Sadly---many of the people doing that come from either Russia or one of its former client states and now that the former Soviet system has been replaced by non-communist but still corrupt regimes---many of those in power in those regimes being former apparatchiks of some sort from Soviet arms like the KGB and such---they now lead major crime gangs that make the old American mafia dons look like choir boys----they are known to be trafficking in a huge sex slave trade and whether its young boys or girls and women--many of those you see on those sorts of sites---they are basically nothing more than sex slaves.

There are many reports about this situation that have been done by major news outlets in Europe and the US with law enforcement and intelligence agencies also trying to fight this---with an international coordinated effort being done by agencies like the FBI, Interpol, MI-5 and 6 working on trying to at least limit this activity.

While there are plenty of sites not of this sort---you can also be sure that many of the sites that come up offering "live sex cams"--the people you might see in them are in this category of being "sex slaves."

Sadly---while these people are doing this in places far from us--most of the technical aspects of the sites are based in the US.



If such sites do come from places like Russia or a former Soviet state--in all probability--the people doing this might not actually be "sex slaves" but you can be sure that they are being exploited in some fashion at the worst and at best---they do it because they have no other way to make much money---even though---you can be sure that of the money being made---the ones you see on the cams---they are only getting very little of that money being paid and the operators get the bulk of it.