View Full Version : Why am I sometimes gay and sometimes hetero?
Aug 7, 2012, 1:00 PM
Why am I sometimes gay and sometimes hetero?
I'm never bisexual, I feel gay or hetero. It sometimes feels like there is a switch and somebody turns it around.
But what happens? are these hormoons or are there neuron choosing simply an other way.
Are there other people with this experiens?
Its not easy in a relationship... ;-)
Aug 7, 2012, 1:38 PM
It's normal to vary between same-sex and opposite-sex desires. People make too many ideologies about how you have to be one or the other without any choice.
Aug 7, 2012, 5:00 PM
I have the same experiences. Sometimes for weeks I'm totally gay. Then I may go for months totally straight. Looking at men doe's nothing for me. When I see a pretty girl I'm really turned on. Then those TIMES, I want a cock so bad, I get so hard. So I guess I'm bi whatever that is. Sex is so very complex but accept it and enjoy your like,
Aug 7, 2012, 6:47 PM
Sometimes I think it may have something to do with hormone levels, but I have absolutely no evidence to support my theory.
Aug 7, 2012, 9:41 PM
Some people put too much emphasis on labeling, don't worry about it, you are bisexual, all of your actions may be at times either hetero or homo sexual but your attractions remain bisexual and will fluctuate, sometimes wildly, as you move through life. I consider myself equally attracted to men and women but at this point in time I swing more towards my partner who is female yet I still crave a hard cock. Does that make me a lesbian with a cock fetish? Nope it makes me a bisexual woman with a female partner and the urge to make a cock explode deep in my mouth or elsewhere. So just be yourself.
Aug 13, 2012, 11:54 PM
Exactly same thoughts here as well. Yes, elian, it is as if the hormons change, and yes, spermlover, looking at a guy does absolutely nothing for me, unlike looking at a girl. Girls make me hard everytime, but guys, only when I hold their cock. I am guessing that if girls had cocks, then I would be straight all the time.
Aug 14, 2012, 2:12 AM
Several years ago, I actually designated one day a week as my 'Gay Day,' which for some reason turned out to be Tuesday. On Gay Day, I would consciously look at men rather than women and allow my self the freedom of fantasy. I was single then, and a little shy, so nothing ever came of it but it was empowering in some ways. I still waver back and forth, but I find that being middle aged now makes me more open to either sex. Thankfully, my wife is understanding about it all.
Aug 14, 2012, 7:36 AM
Yes, the Pendulum swings and with it so does my interests and desires. When I did my profile, I put 1%; soon it swung to about a 4...wasn't long before it was back on 1 again!
Bisexual Explorer
Aug 14, 2012, 9:14 AM
Seems to me that being bisexual means that you enjoy (or fantasize about enjoying) sex with both men and women. As in the above threads, some of us switch between genders periodically (like a pendulum), others are open to what ever comes along, and others favor one gender over a long period of time (my trending over the past several years to prefer men, while remaining interested in women). What is important is allowing ourselves to be open to our sexuality.
Bisexual Explorer
Aug 14, 2012, 9:46 AM
Some people put too much emphasis on labeling, don't worry about it, you are bisexual, all of your actions may be at times either hetero or homo sexual but your attractions remain bisexual and will fluctuate, sometimes wildly, as you move through life. I consider myself equally attracted to men and women but at this point in time I swing more towards my partner who is female yet I still crave a hard cock. Does that make me a lesbian with a cock fetish? Nope it makes me a bisexual woman with a female partner and the urge to make a cock explode deep in my mouth or elsewhere. So just be yourself
I don't know what it makes you, but this post makes me want to visit Chicago :tongue:
Aug 14, 2012, 10:57 AM
As many other posters have iterated here, I suspect it could have everything to do with hormones. I have gone through periods where I've felt more 'straight' than 'gay', and my wife understands it for the most part. She's allowed me to go out and seek male companionship when the urge strikes, and I give her a heads up about it when I'm doing so. I would say you definitely are 'bisexual', if we go by the strict definition of someone having had sex with both males and females, but who am I to judge?
Aug 14, 2012, 2:23 PM
For your own peace of mind, I suggest not getting stuck on labels and just have fun. You're a sexual being and you gravitate to different genders depending on your mood. You don't agonize over whether you're a vegetarian or a carnivore when you're in the mood for a salad or a burger, right? . . . Same thing with sex.
Aug 15, 2012, 5:53 AM
I had a similar situation, when I was a teen, I got turned on mostly by women, but later I got attracted to men more. I think it was more like upbringing or experience, that I was teased at school by boys and thought that they are cruel.
can i watch
Aug 15, 2012, 5:09 PM
I have the same experiences. Sometimes for weeks I'm totally gay. Then I may go for months totally straight. Looking at men doe's nothing for me. When I see a pretty girl I'm really turned on. Then those TIMES, I want a cock so bad, I get so hard. So I guess I'm bi whatever that is. Sex is so very complex but accept it and enjoy your like, is so very complex...i honestly feel that to be bi is to be the most open minded and accepting of all. In a sense, to truly want same sex as well as opposite sex, to me, speaks to just how truly one loves his/her own sexuality. Its love of ALL sex. And lets face it..what else is there?
Aug 15, 2012, 10:52 PM
Being tired seems to affect me. 'sort of like being straight by day, bi by night.
Aug 16, 2012, 7:41 PM
It just shows to go ya that we're all bi on the Kinsey scale and the scale shifts with mood, hormone (as has been said) and such. Relax and enjoy your life!
Aug 16, 2012, 10:52 PM
Why am I sometimes gay and sometimes hetero?
I'm never bisexual, I feel gay or hetero. It sometimes feels like there is a switch and somebody turns it around.
\ I feel the same way and it can very be difficult. For me the factors are environmental. If I am having regular sex with my wife then I have tendency to stick to my hetrosexual side. If however our sex life wanes for some reason I find I switch to my gay side and it can take me a while to switch back.