View Full Version : Throw Hilliary under the bus?!
Oct 10, 2012, 12:24 PM
After the NBC,ABC,CBS media meltdown last Wednesday evening resulting from the debate, and the obvious lack of reporting by the same 3 networks, on the 9/11/2012 raid on the US Consulate in Libya, :eek2:resulting in the death of the US Ambassador and 3 associates.
I'm curious now if the administration will turn on Hilliary in any manner pointing the "blame" finger(which they are exremely professional in doing) on her and the State Department, afterall it is her and the departments fault ultimately. But, I'm wondering how "hot" it will get? Remembering that hubby Bill casts a large shadow and is probably the best "stump" person the administration has. :yikes2:
tall tale
Oct 10, 2012, 12:42 PM
The cat is officially out of the bag on what went on in Benghazi, Libya. I was almost shocked to see Diane Sawyer reporting yesterday, as if her mind was finally opened to the truth, as she reported on the actual events of that day. The events just happened to be exactly what some were reporting in the first place; that being that it was NOT a planned demonstration over some two cent video, but a seige of a U.S. Consulate by Jihadists. The security of all embassies are the direct responsibility of the State Department, but I'm not waiting for Hillary to take ownership of her failed leadership of the Department, nor am I expecting to see tire tracks on her back.
Oct 10, 2012, 1:40 PM
The cat is officially out of the bag on what went on in Benghazi, Libya. I was almost shocked to see Diane Sawyer reporting yesterday, as if her mind was finally opened to the truth, as she reported on the actual events of that day. The events just happened to be exactly what some were reporting in the first place; that being that it was NOT a planned demonstration over some two cent video, but a seige of a U.S. Consulate by Jihadists. The security of all embassies are the direct responsibility of the State Department, but I'm not waiting for Hillary to take ownership of her failed leadership of the Department, nor am I expecting to see tire tracks on her back.
Oh WOW yesterday, hmmm almost an month later, better than not at all. No because the administration wouldn't dare leave tire tracks on Hilliary's back(don't mess with Bill)(fromm the song Don't Mess With Jim), they'll point a finger and say "He/She did it" because they're totally blameless for everything, mass unemployment, ignored economy, screwed foreign policy,etc etc I'll wait and watch while popping the popcorn.:bigrin:
Oct 10, 2012, 2:08 PM
I think it is unlikely that they will do anything until after the election. Starting in January, anything's possible.
Oct 10, 2012, 2:51 PM
After the NBC,ABC,CBS media meltdown last Wednesday evening resulting from the debate, and the obvious lack of reporting by the same 3 networks, on the 9/11/2012 raid on the US Consulate in Libya, :eek2:resulting in the death of the US Ambassador and 3 associates.
I'm curious now if the administration will turn on Hilliary in any manner pointing the "blame" finger(which they are exremely professional in doing) on her and the State Department, afterall it is her and the departments fault ultimately. But, I'm wondering how "hot" it will get? Remembering that hubby Bill casts a large shadow and is probably the best "stump" person the administration has. :yikes2:
I disagree that Hilliary and the State Dept are at fault. The fault ultimately rests with the "Commander In Chief". It's Barack's administration and state department.
Oct 10, 2012, 4:11 PM
I disagree that Hilliary and the State Dept are at fault. The fault ultimately rests with the "Commander In Chief". It's Barack's administration and state department.
Yes, that's what I said "pointing the "blame" finger" it's the General Managers(Obama) fault absolutely but, that's why there's delegation it's the Department Heads(Hilliary) fault. Regardless they dropped the ball, 4 are dead and now the politics of it start. Let's see "they blocked everything", "they cut the allocation in the budget", "they wouldn't do this or do that" it's they, they they, their, their, their fault, can't be ours or us! hmmm:confused:
Oct 10, 2012, 10:50 PM
It's all about casting blame, not taking responsibility for each person's actions!
Like Jamie said, I doubt if anyone will get the full effect of the wrath that's coming, until after the elections!
Oct 11, 2012, 6:28 AM
It's all about casting blame, not taking responsibility for each person's actions!
Like Jamie said, I doubt if anyone will get the full effect of the wrath that's coming, until after the elections!
True! no change status quo= no wrath, administration change=wrath, too late to do anything, you've all gone!
Oct 13, 2012, 1:00 AM
I'm sorry........ you all have it wrong. As Vice President Biden explained in last night's debate, the fault lies with the Republican Party. He said that, yes he did.
You see it was the Republicans who devastated the State Department's budget.
Oh wait..... how could they have done that? The Democrats controlled the Presidency, Senate and House in 2009 and 2010 and the Presidency and Senate in 20011 and 2012.
Oh well.....<shrug>.....I KNOW! Of course, it must be Bush's fault.
Oct 13, 2012, 3:06 AM
I'm sorry........ you all have it wrong. As Vice President Biden explained in last night's debate, the fault lies with the Republican Party. He said that, yes he did.
You see it was the Republicans who devastated the State Department's budget.
Oh wait..... how could they have done that? The Democrats controlled the Presidency, Senate and House in 2009 and 2010 and the Presidency and Senate in 20011 and 2012.
Oh well.....<shrug>.....I KNOW! Of course, it must be Bush's fault.
Bad troll is bad....
Oct 13, 2012, 11:19 AM
I'm sorry........ you all have it wrong. As Vice President Biden explained in last night's debate, the fault lies with the Republican Party. He said that, yes he did.
You see it was the Republicans who devastated the State Department's budget.
Oh wait..... how could they have done that? The Democrats controlled the Presidency, Senate and House in 2009 and 2010 and the Presidency and Senate in 20011 and 2012.
Oh well.....<shrug>.....I KNOW! Of course, it must be Bush's fault.
Huh??? I think that's what I said? was suggesting? was driving towards?
Let's see "they blocked everything", "they cut the allocation in the budget", "they wouldn't do this or do that" it's they, they they, their, their, their fault, can't be ours or us! hmmm (from post #6)
and Ian! "tsk tsk tsk"
Oct 13, 2012, 11:51 AM
Bad troll is bad....
He may be bad, but you know he is right.
His facts are accurate and the Obama administration has been blaming the previous Bush administration for 4 YEARS!!!! Even though they could pass any bill they wanted for the first 2 years of their administration. When, according to the Obama administration, do Obama's policies start taking effect and he starts taking responsibility?
Oct 13, 2012, 11:58 AM
Huh??? I think that's what I said? was suggesting? was driving towards?
Let's see "they blocked everything", "they cut the allocation in the budget", "they wouldn't do this or do that" it's they, they they, their, their, their fault, can't be ours or us! hmmm (from post #6)
and Ian! "tsk tsk tsk"
Marie (you sexy minx. I have seen your pic.),
Wnts was being sarcastic.
But to your original point, Hillary has already thrown the Obama WhiteHouse under the bus, before they could throw her under the bus.
The Congressional hearings Thursday into what exactly happened in Benghazi had the State Department saying they NEVER even entertained the idea that a stupid Youtube video was responsible for ANY protests in Egypt or Libya. It also said they reviewed security camera video within 24 hours of the happenings in Benghazi and that they KNEW IMMEDIATELY that it was a terrorist attack on the 11th anniversary of 9/11.
So if they knew within 24 hours and they never suspected a video, the lies could only have come from one place. Only one person could have ordered the Whitehouse Spokesweeny, The Secretary Of State, and the Ambassador to the United Nations to outright LIE to everyone.
Oct 13, 2012, 12:13 PM
As a Canadian, who can only watch with extreme gaul, its seems that during an election year, U.s politicians will do anything to get reelected and then try to clean up the international mess they create later.
Oct 13, 2012, 12:22 PM
Marie (you sexy minx. I have seen your pic.),
Wnts was being sarcastic.
But to your original point, Hillary has already thrown the Obama WhiteHouse under the bus, before they could throw her under the bus.
The Congressional hearings Thursday into what exactly happened in Benghazi had the State Department saying they NEVER even entertained the idea that a stupid Youtube video was responsible for ANY protests in Egypt or Libya. It also said they reviewed security camera video within 24 hours of the happenings in Benghazi and that they KNEW IMMEDIATELY that it was a terrorist attack on the 11th anniversary of 9/11.
So if they knew within 24 hours and they never suspected a video, the lies could only have come from one place. Only one person could have ordered the Whitehouse Spokesweeny, The Secretary Of State, and the Ambassador to the United Nations to outright LIE to everyone.
Denying Dummy, Moats, EU
Falcon: You beat me to the punch absolutely correct!! The forthcoming result was my intent in the thread!
Prince William (underlying capitalist, Champion of Democracy hehehe)! Of The Clinton, absolutely will not tolerate the honour of Lady Hilliary to be compromised by Baron Barry(Barack) or Jester Joe! Moats are being constructed, Ambassador Bolton address' the "I/we didn't know nothing" defence by Obiden, Hillary's position afterall she has a sacrificial lamb literally, that professional beaurocrat worthless being Charlene Lamb(teehee how appropriate) and an absolute freebie on the Nobel Peace Prize Award!!
It just doesn't get much better.
ps Falcon: I'm surprised that there weren't any responses on the other thread regarding my answer to your post.
Oct 13, 2012, 1:14 PM
Other thread?
Not sure which thread you refer to. I am kind of a lightning rod. I state my political opinions whether people like them or not.
If you can post a link, I would gladly respond.
Oct 14, 2012, 12:06 PM
Other thread? Not sure which thread you refer to. I am kind of a lightning rod. I state my political opinions whether people like them or not. If you can post a link, I would gladly respond. Poll: The Queer Vote, is the one I was referencing:eek2:
Oct 14, 2012, 10:29 PM
As a Canadian, who can only watch with extreme gaul, its seems that during an election year, U.s politicians will do anything to get reelected and then try to clean up the international mess they create later.
It's always a 24/7 election year here. There is and has been for the last 25 years, a total and growing disconect from reality and responsibility within the capitol beltway. Hillary was on the tube today trying to extricate herself from this via national masss media... However i don't think there were a lt of people willing to acept her lame responese of explanations. Quite honestly the average american citizen is pretty fed up with his/her gov't and the meddlings of big money self interests.
I've worked with the old guard state dept security forces when in several african and southwest asian countries.. the old guard was pretty good at getting things right and making things safe for the diplos. Starting about the time Bill got us involved in the former Yugo countries, they started going downhill. Budget cuts werent the major issue. Lack of quality people with backbone enough to withstand the withering diatribes of Hillary, and the then Sec State ( name escapes me right now all i can see is her fat bloated face)and actually do the right thing is what eviscerated the security at the embassies. So, I'm laying this at both the former president, Bill, and the Former first lady Hillary, along with the current sitting president.. simply becuase they refuse to acknowledge that they can and quite frequently are wrong in assuming they are omnifiscent [ and yes, i know i probably spelled this last incorrectly]
Oct 15, 2012, 10:26 AM
It's always a 24/7 election year here. There is and has been for the last 25 years, a total and growing disconect from reality and responsibility within the capitol beltway. Hillary was on the tube today trying to extricate herself from this via national masss media... However i don't think there were a lt of people willing to acept her lame responese of explanations. Quite honestly the average american citizen is pretty fed up with his/her gov't and the meddlings of big money self interests.
I've worked with the old guard state dept security forces when in several african and southwest asian countries.. the old guard was pretty good at getting things right and making things safe for the diplos. Starting about the time Bill got us involved in the former Yugo countries, they started going downhill. Budget cuts werent the major issue. Lack of quality people with backbone enough to withstand the withering diatribes of Hillary, and the then Sec State ( name escapes me right now all i can see is her fat bloated face)and actually do the right thing is what eviscerated the security at the embassies. So, I'm laying this at both the former president, Bill, and the Former first lady Hillary, along with the current sitting president.. simply becuase they refuse to acknowledge that they can and quite frequently are wrong in assuming they are omnifiscent [ and yes, i know i probably spelled this last incorrectly]
Richard: I think it was Madeline Allbright(hmmm) she may have believed her surname! hahaha
Anyway thought that this following viewpoint by Ed Levin best selling author to be interesting!!! yes, he did agree with me!!!! hahahaha
Oct 15, 2012, 3:59 PM
A confusing array of contradictions concerning the murders of four Americans, one of which was a U.S. ambassador, was made worse by Vice President Joe Biden's remarks during the debate with Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan Thursday evening.
Today the confusion only worsened yet again when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters that her agency was not the source of misinformation concerning the attacks, charging instead that the White House was the source of the false mantra that the murders were spurred by an anti-Muslim film made in the United States.
Clinton told reporters that when Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, made her rounds on every Sunday morning news show to claim the film motivated the attacks, the information had been fed to her by the White House and not the intelligence community in the State Department or the CIA.
Not only does Clinton's statement contradict early White House accounts but directly contradicts statements made by Vice President Biden during the debate.
Biden claimed that the White House had only repeated the information provided by the intelligence community and that no one had been informed of the facts concerning the nature of the attacks and their connection to al Qaeda terrorism.
The claims of Biden are further debunked by the testimony of State Department officials before Congress, who stated that the situation on the ground in Libya had been monitored in real time and that no protests against the film had been noted prior to the assassinations.
In addition, State Department officials state that U.S. ambassadors are appointed by and operate under the jurisdiction of the White House, not the State Department. For the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to go on national television to claim that the attacks were motivated by Muslim outrage over a film is a direct indication that the White House itself is the source of the false mantra that the film led to the assassinations.
Ambassador Rice would not have the authority to speak for the administration in such a sensitive matter of national security except under the specific direction of the White House.
The confusing blame game being played by the administration took yet another odd turn when Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter claimed that the only reason the Libyan assassinations are a major issue is the fact that the Romney-Ryan campaign is stirring it up.
Cutter's remarks were immediately condemned by those who note that Ambassador Chris Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be assassinated in over 30 years and that the families of the slain diplomats deserve answers concerning the events that led to their deaths.
The seriousness of the situation is compounded by the fact that intelligence officials report that on at least three separate occasions Ambassador Stevens and others had made official requests for added security in light of growing anti-American sentiment in the region.
The administration's retort concerning the requests is that the reason such added security was not provided was due to budget cuts the House made to the overseas security of U.S. embassies.
However, no budget has been approved by Congress in nearly four years due to the failure of the Democrat-controlled Senate to pass a budget. Thus, there was no budget that supposedly cut anything. Senate Democrats also signed off on the reductions in funding to overseas security for diplomats.
The administration further had no problem finding the money to provide Chevy Volts for diplomats overseas. Yet it claims it had no money to provide extra security for a U.S. ambassador who felt his life was in danger for months prior to the assassinations.
Annika L
Oct 15, 2012, 5:50 PM
Hi Pappy. Can you please provide a source/link for the material you give above?
Oct 16, 2012, 5:39 AM
Hi Pappy. Can you please provide a source/link for the material you give above?
Hi Annika L,
I think these various sources will help. They make it clear that the administration was playing blame games.
Pappy mney_for_making_libya_an_issue urity_in_benghazi
Oct 16, 2012, 3:09 PM
Bad troll is bad....
Jeeze Ian,
I post an accurate, sarcastic observation-think Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"-and suddenly I'm a troll.
In the debate Biden DID blame the Republicans for the poor security at the Benghazi embassy. Look, when you have no cogent argument, you really shouldn't resort to ad hominem attacks.
Oct 16, 2012, 8:25 PM
<watching the tennis match between Ian and Wnts, thinking Wnts is ahead>
Angie errr, oppps, sorry, Marie,
Yep that was the lady. Had several run ins with her in Sarajevo while supporting a contract HER Office initiated and FUNDED.She was livid when my Site Manager told her she authorized what we were teaching the Bosnian Federation. Lesson #3; Never, ever let a Diplomat write a contract for the US Gov't. They had no idea what they were getting into.
Klein is pretty much on the money acros the whole board there.
The Clintons are either too eager to prove themselves still worthy, or just too egotistically blind to see how they are being used. Most kind of liken them to a bad toothache that just wont go away.
As for Hillary and the bus? I hope that puppy gets backed up over her a few times while they are at it.
Oct 16, 2012, 10:13 PM
Whatever happend to the "buck stops here" sign on the Commander in Chief's desk?
Cover up?
Oct 17, 2012, 2:47 AM
Well... After watching tonight's debate, it seems that Hilary will NOT be the only one standing on the consulate attacks. I'm glad to see that President Obama didn't just hang her out to dry. It took a lot of guts for Hilary to stand up and say that she's at fault for the situation, and it definitely seems to have won her some points with key Republican players in Washington, e.g. John McCain, etc. Hell, when she made the announcement, I thought that she was committing political suicide. Guess not...
Oct 17, 2012, 11:26 AM
It's always been interesting to me how people from other countries observe the US's people and our sometimes Mickey Mouse politicians. More often than not, others know much more about us, than we do them.
Back in the late '50s, when I was stationed in Germany, I visited Austria, England, and France. I would often meet people, out in the middle of nowhere, who could speak at least some English and had studied the Americans. Even after two years, I could still speak just a little German.
I'm afraid I have to admit, that I know little about most other countries, or their politics. It's not that I'm not interested, it's just that I've been so busy living my life, working, and have had little time to concentrate on anything else.
It's interesting to hear your take on things, here.
Oct 17, 2012, 1:21 PM
<watching the tennis match between Ian and Wnts, thinking Wnts is ahead>
Angie errr, oppps, sorry, Marie,
Yep that was the lady. Had several run ins with her in Sarajevo while supporting a contract HER Office initiated and FUNDED.She was livid when my Site Manager told her she authorized what we were teaching the Bosnian Federation. Lesson #3; Never, ever let a Diplomat write a contract for the US Gov't. They had no idea what they were getting into.
Klein is pretty much on the money acros the whole board there.
The Clintons are either too eager to prove themselves still worthy, or just too egotistically blind to see how they are being used. Most kind of liken them to a bad toothache that just wont go away.
As for Hillary and the bus? I hope that puppy gets backed up over her a few times while they are at it.
Richard, Richard: Yes, I agree Wnts is ahead, OBiden did it again today on one of your am talk shows, we didn't know anything the Pres n Me, yikes:yikes2: deception, denial or duh??? scary.
Hmmm yes true Angie n I are m8s but, she can take care of herself!! she always wins:rolleyes: but you knew that!
HaHa i knew it was Allbright, that Czech transplant and one Hillarys favourite demo/diplomat hehehehee
Ahh, Hillary and the bus, hmmm the politics of responsibility/blame. I think you're right! the Clintons are moving about tactfully, impressed with themselves possibly plotting Hillarys "rise to the Presidency". I'm not convinced that good old Bill n Hill have forgotten Obarrys slams in the '08 battle and I wonder how big the cheque was to Bill for the convention appearance and then another for the latest "stupid" pro Obarry ad, oops sorry yes!! the best interest of the Dems at heart, sorry!!! Anyway, Hilliary took responsibility as I mentioned earlier but not convinced she took the blame!!!
oops just noticed! I typed Levin rather than Klein previously but yes, he does have it figured out!!
Oct 17, 2012, 1:26 PM
<watching the tennis match between Ian and Wnts, thinking Wnts is ahead>
Interesting you say this as I walked away and refused to feed a troll. So you are a political and internet Wonk that gives victory to the troll who can't fact check and impresses you by tenacity rather than accuracy...
That's remarkably interesting in and of itself, in that it proves philosophers and wiser men in general correct.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”― Isaac Asimov (
All because you would qualify ignorance and sarcasm as game winners as few wiser folk would. All because I know the following...
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”-Mark Twain (
Oct 17, 2012, 1:42 PM
"I am ultimately responsible for what's taking place there. I'm the one who has to greet those coffins when they come home, so you know I mean what I say."
Barak Obama 16 October 2012
Oct 17, 2012, 7:56 PM
A politician is a politician doesn't matter what party their in I personally think their all two faced liars looking to place blame for whatever on whoever they can. We the people can trust none of them but only hope that whoever is in office doesn't screw us worse than the last.
Oct 17, 2012, 10:05 PM
They're insisting on trying to blame the Intelligence Community, big mistake in my opinion because they can become "invisible" etc., the intel folks will get even believe me!! anyway an interesting perspective by one of those evil Bush peeps oh yikes :confused: both Bushs, guess he's double evil. of Intel Failure or Ignoring The Warnings On Libya! I'll take option 2.
Oct 17, 2012, 11:18 PM
A politician is a politician doesn't matter what party their in I personally think their all two faced liars looking to place blame for whatever on whoever they can. We the people can trust none of them but only hope that whoever is in office doesn't screw us worse than the last.
Prove it. Put your money where your mouth is and SHOW us your accusation has some shred of evidence.
They're insisting on trying to blame the Intelligence Community, big mistake in my opinion because they can become "invisible" etc., the intel folks will get even believe me!! anyway an interesting perspective by one of those evil Bush peeps oh yikes :confused: both Bushs, guess he's double evil.2.
And this sarcastic bit of twaddle is meant to do what? All it's done is show how ridiculous you are. By this you are telling us that the 12 years they were in power didn't destabilize, de-empower and continue Supply Side economics? Or are you saying Bush didn't lie about WMD? Or are you saying he didn't really give Big Pharma a free ticket to right any bill they wanted for drugs and grant them a Monopoly in the US? Start several wars and radical tax breaks destroying a surplus and driving us into debt like never before? Or are you saying there really is NO INTEREST on this amazing tab he ran up and didn't pay? Or are you saying that when he had reliable intel on where Osama Bin Laden was he didn't actually tell the media on camera "He's not really important." After swearing he was and that he would not rest until he was brought to justice? Or are you excusing Bush Jr for dismantling the CIA's network set in place by Clinton when he was given credible intel on Osama planning to use planes to attack the US? Or how he dismantled them after putting them back together JUST when they had Osama in their sights?(That was the same team that Obama put togetehr again to allow them to finish the job, btw)
Or are you just blowing razzberries and praying no one remembers a short review of history?
Or are you just hoping that present woes and a President standing up and shouldering responsibility and working hard to keep the buck from running amuck in his administration despite all the asshats in the House vowing to stop anything, and hold EVERYTHING hostage, ON RECORD, to get their way and point blame at Obama for their political tantrums?
Or are you telling me that it's a GOOD thing they underfunded the State Department and wouldn't allow Marines to be deployed to the embassies?
Or are you...I don't, just want to pretend you have all the answers to things when all you have is a hate on for the Black Man in the White House.
Since you have ZERO facts and only your opinion, with no history to back you up, you know what I think already.
Whatever your agenda, you're a troll that's full of shit and you can slap your Faux Points and Republican Wonk Talk all you like, but regurgitating bad opinions as fact will not get you ground with any but the lowest common denominator here or anywhere, and the people you are trying to politically whip haven't the sense to know you're Brownshirting them to keep them marching goose-step to your blather. You can be as smug as you like, but you're transparent to the informed.
Oct 18, 2012, 12:34 AM
Prove it. Put your money where your mouth is and SHOW us your accusation has some shred of evidence.
And this sarcastic bit of twaddle is meant to do what? All it's done is show how ridiculous you are. By this you are telling us that the 12 years they were in power didn't destabilize, de-empower and continue Supply Side economics? Or are you saying Bush didn't lie about WMD? Or are you saying he didn't really give Big Pharma a free ticket to right any bill they wanted for drugs and grant them a Monopoly in the US? Start several wars and radical tax breaks destroying a surplus and driving us into debt like never before? Or are you saying there really is NO INTEREST on this amazing tab he ran up and didn't pay? Or are you saying that when he had reliable intel on where Osama Bin Laden was he didn't actually tell the media on camera "He's not really important." After swearing he was and that he would not rest until he was brought to justice? Or are you excusing Bush Jr for dismantling the CIA's network set in place by Clinton when he was given credible intel on Osama planning to use planes to attack the US? Or how he dismantled them after putting them back together JUST when they had Osama in their sights?(That was the same team that Obama put togetehr again to allow them to finish the job, btw)
Or are you just blowing razzberries and praying no one remembers a short review of history?
Or are you just hoping that present woes and a President standing up and shouldering responsibility and working hard to keep the buck from running amuck in his administration despite all the asshats in the House vowing to stop anything, and hold EVERYTHING hostage, ON RECORD, to get their way and point blame at Obama for their political tantrums?
Or are you telling me that it's a GOOD thing they underfunded the State Department and wouldn't allow Marines to be deployed to the embassies?
Or are you...I don't, just want to pretend you have all the answers to things when all you have is a hate on for the Black Man in the White House.
Since you have ZERO facts and only your opinion, with no history to back you up, you know what I think already.
Whatever your agenda, you're a troll that's full of shit and you can slap your Faux Points and Republican Wonk Talk all you like, but regurgitating bad opinions as fact will not get you ground with any but the lowest common denominator here or anywhere, and the people you are trying to politically whip haven't the sense to know you're Brownshirting them to keep them marching goose-step to your blather. You can be as smug as you like, but you're transparent to the informed.
Dude, calm down. You'll going to blow an artery in your anger. All you do is smear people who dont' agree with you.
Oct 18, 2012, 9:18 AM
Dude, calm down. You'll going to blow an artery in your anger. All you do is smear people who dont' agree with you.
I don't have a great deal of time for Ian or he or me, but in his comments to Mariersa he has some justice.. smear? Possibly...I say this with real regret for Mars has been a good friend to me for a long time and is someone I care for and love very much... I don't deny to some surprise that Mars opened this thread for it seems to me so unlike her, but we all have a right to start threads about things we feel strongly about...but I am saddened by what I see as lowering into racist and xenophobic rant by her and her comments about Madeleine Allbright were uncalled for and extremely unpleasant on a number of levels..smear by Ian? Such comments are the comments of brownshirts correct me if I am wrong and ask Mars to think about that...
..that Hilary Clinton and Obama have much to answer for about the deaths of these people in Libya is unquestioned, just as any who are Head of State or foreign minster of any country should answer, and there is little wrong with political partisanship when taking a view of an event such as that which occurred in Libya.. there has been a closing of minds, not just with Marie, but others too and it is much to do with the fact an election is imminent... witness Romney's gaff.. the role of both parties in congress must also be questioned and it will be after the election before anything close to truth will be revealed in the cold light of day..
What happened in Libya was nasty...and this is a nasty election from what I see from afar.. but while the events in Libya are important and need debated, they are but a very small part of a whole... and should not be given an overblown importance.. there are far more important issues than this one for people to get their teeth into.. if u want responsibility of a President look at Bush and 11/9... every head of state or government must bear responsibility for what happens on his or her watch... the question for voters is whether or not one important issue over-rides all others.. some would say as with Bush it did and his reaction had much to do with his re-election.. I have never believed that. Every human being makes mistakes and every human being should own up to them... when Americans vote next month if they judge their President on this one issue, then such a shallow lot they must be... it is but part of the weighing of the scales... just as are the merits, philosophy and policies of the man and the party who oppose him...
Oct 18, 2012, 10:09 AM
Dude, calm down. You'll going to blow an artery in your anger. All you do is smear people who dont' agree with you.
Woww! had you not responded I wouldn't haven't know about Ian"s latest senseless rantings. I've had him on ignore for a few years, you see I became well aware long ago that I wasn't worthy of his self defined "Ulta Intelligence" and therefore shouldn't be reading his proclomations, because they are always absolutely factual without a doubt. Oops hmmm seems to me that the Marines are funded by the Pentagon(DOD), oh well must ahve been a typo. That's all he does smear, insult peeps that don't agree he really has to get a handle on himself his id isn't managing his superego.
Oct 18, 2012, 12:57 PM
I don't have a great deal of time for Ian or he or me, but in his comments to Mariersa he has some justice.. smear? Possibly...I say this with real regret for Mars has been a good friend to me for a long time and is someone I care for and love very much... I don't deny to some surprise that Mars opened this thread for it seems to me so unlike her, but we all have a right to start threads about things we feel strongly about...but I am saddened by what I see as lowering into racist and xenophobic rant by her and her comments about Madeleine Allbright were uncalled for and extremely unpleasant on a number of levels..smear by Ian? Such comments are the comments of brownshirts correct me if I am wrong and ask Mars to think about that...
..that Hilary Clinton and Obama have much to answer for about the deaths of these people in Libya is unquestioned, just as any who are Head of State or foreign minster of any country should answer, and there is little wrong with political partisanship when taking a view of an event such as that which occurred in Libya.. there has been a closing of minds, not just with Marie, but others too and it is much to do with the fact an election is imminent... witness Romney's gaff.. the role of both parties in congress must also be questioned and it will be after the election before anything close to truth will be revealed in the cold light of day..
What happened in Libya was nasty...and this is a nasty election from what I see from afar.. but while the events in Libya are important and need debated, they are but a very small part of a whole... and should not be given an overblown importance.. there are far more important issues than this one for people to get their teeth into.. if u want responsibility of a President look at Bush and 11/9... every head of state or government must bear responsibility for what happens on his or her watch... the question for voters is whether or not one important issue over-rides all others.. some would say as with Bush it did and his reaction had much to do with his re-election.. I have never believed that. Every human being makes mistakes and every human being should own up to them... when Americans vote next month if they judge their President on this one issue, then such a shallow lot they must be... it is but part of the weighing of the scales... just as are the merits, philosophy and policies of the man and the party who oppose him...
Darkeyes Post "I am ultimately responsible for what's taking place there. I'm the one who has to greet those coffins when they come home, so you know I mean what I say."
Barak Obama 16 October 2012
Literally or figuratively? hmmm , hardly honest or memorable, how about " but only when the cameras are present" remember this is from a Commander-In-Chief who sends auto signed form letters to the families of the fallen military, oh my the sincerity of this statement. Somehow I don't think it'll go down as one of the worlds most memorable quotes!
I started the thread because I was amased at the lack of US reporting of what I thought to be a significent occurance, we were viewing it here and I suppose you were there. But no, when watching US television they were concerned with Big Bird, drassage, Seamus, insulting the opponents family, religion, work experience and on and on. Seems to me the US has far larger things to worry about, fiscal calamity close at hand, lousy economy, growth approaching zero, shitty schools, etc etc. I could only find 1 network reporting on it and another from time to time, until one of their reporters found the Ambassadors diary, oh my.
So 30 days later who's concerned? After the first debate, huh? what happened peeps started paying attention. Apparently the tale had been spun about the video being the culprit and the population believing that nonsense, almost, seems that the lie began to unravel, and they(Administration) folks are having difficulty in getting the timeline synchronized. Oh well, good form those who are useing logic and finally asking questions and not following the "trust me" mentality.
At least Hillary, probably for election maneuvering, strapped her balls on before Obama had the balls to, he waited for debate #2, if asked!
Oh my Fran!! suddenly I'm a Storm Trooper, Racist, Zenophob hmmm just for helping Richard identify who the fat faced incompetent politco was, remember I just stated fact, hmmm Achtung!! works I guess.
Not going to address responsibility or lack thereof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bush or the rest of the paragraph, not really in the mood to take on those repeated rants. Yes, I've had too much time on my hands lately, but really have better things to do. Seems as if sarcasism is also Werbotten, could someone please send me a copy of the new rules.
Oct 18, 2012, 1:10 PM
I speak as I find, Mars.. sarcasm has its place.. but some of the language of that sarcasm leaves much to be desired...
Oct 18, 2012, 1:26 PM
Prove it. Put your money where your mouth is and SHOW us your accusation has some shred of evidence.
I'm sorry but I don't believe you really read my post. I said that's what I personally think making it my opinion. I believe everyone has the right to their own opinion no matter what the subject may be. So in light of your comment to mine it only leads me to believe you yourself are some sort of politician and there for you know how I view politicians.
Though don't get me wrong I understand the need for politicians for the most part and my statement wasn't directed at any particular party or organization.
Oct 18, 2012, 2:08 PM
I speak as I find, Mars.. sarcasm has its place.. but some of the language of that sarcasm leaves much to be desired...
Oh ok I'll ask permission or better still I'll foward the post for appropriate editing prior to posting it, afterall I really don't want to offend anyone or anybody, especially those who seem to be experts at it!
Oh well time to go frolic and cavort with those demon bankers, business folks, industrial types and all of the other categories of us capitalist swine!!! toodle doo
Oct 18, 2012, 4:07 PM
Oh ok I'll ask permission or better still I'll foward the post for appropriate editing prior to posting it, afterall I really don't want to offend anyone or anybody, especially those who seem to be experts at it!
No need for permission from me, Mars... or for me 2 edit owt u have 2 say.. just stand or fall on what u have to say just like any of the rest of us.. no more no less...
Jan 22, 2013, 8:06 PM
Angie, It's always a 24/7 election year here. There is and has been for the last 25 years, a total and growing disconect from reality and responsibility within the capitol beltway. Hillary was on the tube today trying to extricate herself from this via national masss media... However i don't think there were a lt of people willing to acept her lame responese of explanations. Quite honestly the average american citizen is pretty fed up with his/her gov't and the meddlings of big money self interests. I've worked with the old guard state dept security forces when in several african and southwest asian countries.. the old guard was pretty good at getting things right and making things safe for the diplos. Starting about the time Bill got us involved in the former Yugo countries, they started going downhill. Budget cuts werent the major issue. Lack of quality people with backbone enough to withstand the withering diatribes of Hillary, and the then Sec State ( name escapes me right now all i can see is her fat bloated face)and actually do the right thing is what eviscerated the security at the embassies. So, I'm laying this at both the former president, Bill, and the Former first lady Hillary, along with the current sitting president.. simply becuase they refuse to acknowledge that they can and quite frequently are wrong in assuming they are omnifiscent [ and yes, i know i probably spelled this last incorrectly] Now the ultimate ice queen has to testify! She would make a horrible president anyway.