View Full Version : Watching porn increases support for Same Sex Marriage

Feb 6, 2013, 8:12 AM
Congrats to the Brits for passing a Same Sex Marriage Bill on February 5.

Here is a little article that may amuse or interest you.

New research published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Communication Research (http://crx.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/01/09/0093650212471558.abstract) found that watching pornography, at least among straight men, links to supporting same-sex marriage rights.

Specifically, the study abstract said, "Support for same-sex marriage did not prospectively predict pornography consumption, but pornography consumption did prospectively predict support for same-sex marriage. Education was also positively associated with support for same-sex marriage."

"Our study suggests that the more heterosexual men, especially less educated heterosexual men, watch pornography, the more supportive they become of same-sex marriage,"

Why? Exposure to porn may cause heterosexual men to be more accepting of "non-traditional sexual situations." As Wright explained to the ‘Examiner, if people think "individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to have same-sex sex, they will also think that individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to get married to a partner of the same-sex."


Your thoughts

Feb 6, 2013, 2:44 PM
Seems like a waste of a study. Most people who enjoy porn probably dont like govt or religious organizations dictating the lifestyle choice of two consenting adults, regardless how they feel about homosexuality. It's an attack on freedom and the seperation of church and state to ban same sex marriage. Seems like an obvious result to me.

Feb 6, 2013, 3:05 PM
Seems like a waste of a study. Most people who enjoy porn probably dont like govt or religious organizations dictating the lifestyle choice of two consenting adults, regardless how they feel about homosexuality. It's an attack on freedom and the seperation of church and state to ban same sex marriage. Seems like an obvious result to me.
I don't know that that is necessarily true... many establishment figures in this country and others have been rumbled for ordering porn on placcie, from businessmen, to parliamentarians to a few Churchmen... and many of those, not all, are implacably opposed to same sex marriage. I don't know if people who watch porn are any more likely to be pro same sex marriage or pro same sex sex for that matter than a person who watches violent films is to go out and slaughter people.. it is an argument often made and probably does happen but whether the violent film or porn made them think as they think or do what they do and create who and what they are is a long standing argument. I don't watch porn and tbh, few of my close friends do, or at least very much of it... admittedly most are women but whether that makes a difference.. possibly.. I do watch a good number of violent films or at least contain a good amount of violence but am a pacifist...and all of my closest friends are believers in non violence to some degree and in same sex marriage and same sex sex as being the right of every human being.. even though a minority is bi, and even fewer gay... the answer is I don't know...possibly.. but the jury is still out...

..and tenni.. the bill passed its second reading only and is for England and Wales.. it isn't law yet and is not expected to be until the summer... it still has to go to the Lords and come back to the Commons.. the bill to legalise same sex marriage in Scotland is still going through the Scottish Parliament and should also be law by the summer. And dont forget the French who have also voted to legalise it against at least as much bigoted reaction as here if not more so... it is not yet law either but it too should be finalised and pass into law by the summer.. good summer for us in Europe with luck.... but many a slip 'twixt cup and lip babes!!!

Feb 6, 2013, 4:22 PM
Yes dark eyes I knew that it had to go to the House of Lords. I didn't know that it had to back to Parliament again though? Over on this side of the Parliamentary pond, the House of Commons passes the law. The Senate approves it and may send it back with revisions but usually the Senate seals the deal and that is it. LAW. I wondered about those Scots. Over here, the news is that several/many of the English/Wales Conservatives are not happy with Cameron for pushing this through but the other parties strongly supported the law.

Are you referring to England/Wales and Scotland passing it finally in to law or including the French by summer? Those French are not living up to their rep or they need to watch more porn...lol Mistresses oui.....same sex ...non? ;)

You may have a point Mattsbutt but the study didn't include anything in reference to governments or religion as a factor of the study. Interestingly, though education was a reported factor. Those with less education were more inclined to change their mind about same sex marriage in the positive after watching porn.

More studies are needed to confirm this and expand upon the results. Maybe, attitudes towards religion and watching porn changing more acceptance about same sex marriage but that was not studied. Maybe, we can blame all this same sex stuff on guys on the internet...where porn abounds..lol? I think that the study suggested that porn changes attitudes towards same sex and not the other way around. (same sex supporters want to look at more porn)

Feb 6, 2013, 4:35 PM
I've always suspected hetero porn for inspiring bicuriosity in m&f. Didn't consider the same sex marrige thing.IMO support has risen due to so many people knowing same sex couples, and it's becoming less and less shocking to find them living together in the neighborhood. I think those couples deserve more credit than 'Fill my holes 9'.lolBless em!

Feb 6, 2013, 6:24 PM
The problem I have with studies in general is that they are often biased for the purpose of connecting one thing to another when many excluded factors could be involved.

Darkeyes brings up a good point that I forgot about regarding those strong opponents who secretly watch porn....however they could have been easily excluded in the study if the first question was "do you watch porn"...they probably would have said "no" even though they secretly do. In any case we have to know exactly how the study was conducted, who conducted it, and if they had a motive to prove or disprove something to know whether it is valid.

Feb 6, 2013, 8:48 PM
Yes dark eyes I knew that it had to go to the House of Lords. I didn't know that it had to back to Parliament again though? Over on this side of the Parliamentary pond, the House of Commons passes the law. The Senate approves it and may send it back with revisions but usually the Senate seals the deal and that is it. LAW. I wondered about those Scots. Over here, the news is that several/many of the English/Wales Conservatives are not happy with Cameron for pushing this through but the other parties strongly supported the law.

Are you referring to England/Wales and Scotland passing it finally in to law or including the French by summer? Those French are not living up to their rep or they need to watch more porn...lol Mistresses oui.....same sex ...non? ;)

The bill for England and Wales may have been voted upon but it was only its second reading.. it is still with the Commons and has been sent to the Committee stage where it will be spruced up, maybe amended to some extent and returned to the Commons for its third reading... only after the Commons has voted at that stage does it go to the Lords.. and only after the Lords has voted upon it will it receive the Royal Assent and pass into law. However why I said it will ( I should have said is likely to) go back to the Commons is because there are a number of issues which the Lords are likely to ask the Commons to reconsider.. some quite technical legal issues of contention.. for a bill to pass into Law both Houses must agree the exact wording.. if the Commons agrees with Lords amendments then the Bill will pass into law.. but should the Commons refuse to accept any or all of those amendments because both houses must agree to the exact wording, it may be returned to the Lords... it is quite possible that the bill will ultimately fall if it is not passed by both houses by the end of this Parliamentary session.. I don't know, but I don't think how Canada works and the UK works is that much different.. if as would be likely should the bill fall in this Parliamentary session, a new bill is presented to parliament next year, the Commons may decide to to overrule the Lords in the next Parliamentary session under the Parliament Act should the Lord's continue to insist on its version of the bill becoming law or if the Lord's rejected the Bill as a whole... Complex and a pain in the arse.. but that's how it works...

With regard to Scotland.. Scotland has a single chamber parliament and has no Senate or Lords to get in its way.. however, the UK Parliament is the Sovereign Parliament and can insist on any legislation passed by any of the devolved Parliaments being returned to it for its consideration and approval.. in theory it has the right to reject any legislation passed by any devolved Parliament, but in 15 years of devolved Parliaments this has not yet happened... and irrespective of what happens regarding the England/Wales bill I do not envisage that happening to the Scottish bill on same sex marriage...

Clear as mud hey all of that? *laffs* Don't worry about it..it is to most peeps here an all....:cutelaugh

I thought I'd made it clear, Tenni.. the same sex marriage bills for England/Wales, Scotland and for France are currently proceeding through their respective Parliaments..each is expected to become law by the summer of this year...

There are people in all the major parties who oppose the England/Wales bill... but very few in either the Labour or Lib/Dem parties.. it is right that it is the Tories who have the greatest problem and more than half either voted against the bill or abstained. It is considered vote of conscience and no whip was extended... it is the Tory Party which is most divided on the issue and Cameron is reliant on the votes of other parties including non government parties to get the bill passed into law...

Feb 6, 2013, 9:12 PM
Oh, those cheeky wanker newspeople over here. They made it sound like it had been passed by the Commons. I forgot about committee. Yes, not surprisingly our systems are very similar. Our Senate is your House of Lords...non elected. Our Senate is not peerage based but the ol boy network of rewarding party cronies :( Talks about becoming elected not yet. Constitutional issues maybe.

Everything that you wrote about Cameron was reported here. The French situation is of a lesser news ..well maybe more so in Quebec. Quebec uses a different base of government common law that is more similar to the French common law..(forget it difference though)