Jul 13, 2006, 11:56 PM
Hello all,
I know I haven't been on this site much lately, but I have great news to share: I was on West Hollywood public access TV today!! :bigrin: I have a friend who does a 1/2 hour show called "Kitty Mak Live" where she interviews various community leaders. So she had asked me to be on her show and talk about the bi community. So we did the taping a couple weeks ago (NOT live, at my request!), and talked about my study, which was on sexual identity, internalized monosexism, and infidelity among bi women. I also talked about various issues within the bi community, and the continued lack of acceptance among both straight and gay communities. The show just aired today at 6pm on West Hollywood public access. I still haven't gotten a hold of the actual finished tape, so I'm a bit nervous about what exactly aired :crosseye:, but hopefully I got my points across!
So it's just local public access, but at least the bi community got some air-time today!!! :flag3:
Mimi :flag1:
I know I haven't been on this site much lately, but I have great news to share: I was on West Hollywood public access TV today!! :bigrin: I have a friend who does a 1/2 hour show called "Kitty Mak Live" where she interviews various community leaders. So she had asked me to be on her show and talk about the bi community. So we did the taping a couple weeks ago (NOT live, at my request!), and talked about my study, which was on sexual identity, internalized monosexism, and infidelity among bi women. I also talked about various issues within the bi community, and the continued lack of acceptance among both straight and gay communities. The show just aired today at 6pm on West Hollywood public access. I still haven't gotten a hold of the actual finished tape, so I'm a bit nervous about what exactly aired :crosseye:, but hopefully I got my points across!
So it's just local public access, but at least the bi community got some air-time today!!! :flag3:
Mimi :flag1: