View Full Version : if you had an opportunity for a threesome..

Jul 24, 2006, 8:18 AM
would you want to it to be you and two members of the opposite sex or you and one of each and if you were lucky enough to experience both which did you prefer?

Jul 24, 2006, 9:13 AM
I'm a bimale and have been lucky enough to make love to 2 married couples --VERY HOT!!!!! One of the great couples,i met on this site- i hope to spend more time with them in the near future. I've had fantisies about sharing two women as well. I have been very lucky, been able to experiance things that many only dream about.

would you want to it to be you and two members of the opposite sex or you and one of each and if you were lucky enough to experience both which did you prefer?

Jul 24, 2006, 10:04 AM
It would definitely be a FFM threesome since I'm a bisexual woman.

Jul 24, 2006, 10:31 AM
With all due respect to herbwoman39 it would be a mmf again. I didn't get to enjoy him the last time because he's straight but it sure was HOT watching my wife enjoy him! Golly he's got a gorgeous unit - MUCH bigger than mine and the sight of it plunging into her and the sounds of her enjoying it so much were fantastic.

Jul 24, 2006, 1:46 PM

well, i've had 2 mmf threeways with the same couple, and it got better the 2nd time around! The 1st time was me and the hubby having some oral fun, with his wife joining him in sucking me at the same time, and me being deepthroated by her (kelly) while i sucked him (mick). The end result was great with me coming into micks mouth, and him coming into my mouth and on my face whilst kelly gave great words of encouragement to us both - it was something i wish to repeat, but seeing as i live in Northern Ireland, there are no couples here on the site, and only about 3 females!



Jul 24, 2006, 2:33 PM
Definately an MMF! I hope one day again!!! The sooner the better!!! :-).

Jul 24, 2006, 3:05 PM
probably FFM, but ideally the gender doesn't matter as long as they are both switches.


Jul 24, 2006, 3:12 PM
Definately mmf as my wife and I have had the chance to enjoy this on a few occasions. WE all had very enjoyable times and look forward to more with a special someone......


Jul 24, 2006, 3:39 PM
I have had two of them.

They were both mmm 3 ways.
I had one with my friend and his then boyfriend where it was oral sex, kissing, and mutual masturbation as the sex acts that we did.

Then I had one with my friend's then boyfriend and some guy's husband at a party where we did some mutual j/o, kissing, and nip play.

Maybe you don't consider those things to be valid sex acts but we do.

Jul 24, 2006, 5:10 PM
As a matter of fact Diamond Dog I do and it sounds like a very horny experience and one I'd love to take part in. penetration is not so safe these days between consenting adults!!

Jul 24, 2006, 5:56 PM
Don't wanna sound like a "fence sitter" but it really doesn't matter to me! :bipride:

Jul 24, 2006, 6:49 PM
When I was 19, I had a weekend long MFF experience while we were snowed in.

I have not had the opportunity to experience a MMF, and likely never will as I am married now. No big loss, it would have been neat to try one, but I won't lose any sleep over it.

Jul 25, 2006, 10:29 AM
Well I've had the oppertunity to have a mmf threesome and a few ffm threesomes, but I haven't tried any fff threesomes yet... any applicants? Lol, anyway, I didn't really enjoy the mmf both times I tried it, I think their ego's got the best of them, so I want to do that one again, but I'd rather have a fff.

Jul 25, 2006, 10:40 AM
*grin* Well - whichever combination works.

It kinda depends on the other party involved - some "couples" only have 1 person participate - so sometimes the "threesomes" turn into "two with two watching" etc etc

But nothing works unless you get together in a non-bedroom venue and get to know each other first - and, as the experienced know, not all such meetings lead to sex.

Jul 25, 2006, 10:43 AM
I've tried both FFM and MMF - I think I liked the FFM much better. But then, I'm female so that might have had something to do with it. ;)

Jul 25, 2006, 10:46 AM
Well I've had the oppertunity to have a mmf threesome and a few ffm threesomes, but I haven't tried any fff threesomes yet... any applicants? Lol, anyway, I didn't really enjoy the mmf both times I tried it, I think their ego's got the best of them, so I want to do that one again, but I'd rather have a fff.

were they both striaght?

Jul 25, 2006, 11:34 AM
I have had both ffm and mmf, guys straight, I can honestly say I had great experiences with both and bad experiences with both. I perfer my husband alone and my girl alone.
I also think with the right people it all can be GREAT!! :bibounce: :)

Jul 25, 2006, 2:43 PM
I did a 4 way mmff, but the guys wasn't bi, so that was a drag. Then a mff twice, which was a blast. Can't say much about mmf other than I would love to try it.

Jul 25, 2006, 2:55 PM
I've tried a MMF, and a MMM, both were fun in their own way, but I preferred the MMF. I'd REALLY like to try a MFF now, but what guy wouldn't? lol. I'm also curious about a 3some involving a transsexual

Jul 25, 2006, 3:01 PM
MMF definitely. It's actually one of my unfulfilled fantasies, to be watched by a woman while I am being fucked by a man.

Jul 25, 2006, 3:33 PM
were they both striaght?

yea, they were, but they're best friends, and they've seen each other's junk loads of times. I don't know what it was, they kept going soft. I know it wasn't me, because one of the guys I did it with was my fuck buddy.

Jul 25, 2006, 3:35 PM
I've tried a MMF, and a MMM, both were fun in their own way, but I preferred the MMF. I'd REALLY like to try a MFF now, but what guy wouldn't? lol. I'm also curious about a 3some involving a transsexual

Yea, me too, I've always wanted to fuck a transsexual. Lol, why not have tits and cock all in one?! Even if I don't get to have a 3sum with a transsexual, it'd be just as great as a one-on-one.

Jul 26, 2006, 11:44 AM

I've always been interested in experiencing all versions MMF, MFF, MMM, FMTV, TVMM, DragQueenMF, DragKingFM, etc., etc.

However, I suppose it depends as much on the personalities of the people involved as the actual scenarios involved. I suppose it also helps if all three people fancy each other as well :three:

As Julie (from here) would say, "you're just too fussy" - I'm just discerning really

Jul 26, 2006, 5:31 PM
Well, I've done a FFM before. I suppose the next frontier is MMM or MMF :bigrin:

Jul 26, 2006, 6:25 PM
Any threesome (MMM, MFM FFM) would be fun to be a part of since I am male. I would also love to watch a FFF threesome. I find it equally exciting particpating or watching others getting it own. I would love to be part of several people giving either a male or female slow loving sex where to objective to completely get the person off.

Jul 26, 2006, 7:12 PM
Its been quite awhile since I was involved in any kind of a 3-some, but I have tried both (MMF, MFF and well also MMM). I can't quite say which was best because it really did depend on whether the other people was really involved (or just watching). I did one (sort of) threesome and the guy sat in a chair jerking off while his wife and I did everything. It took a lot of willpower not to go down on him because he had a great unit, but overall the experience was just ok. And as much as I enjoyed being involved with the other two women, it was just as awesome to watch the two of them going at each other.

PS - if anyone would love to discuss, I love to chat online. Also, I think a tranny would be hot also.

Jul 26, 2006, 10:51 PM
for me it owuld just half to happen, I think both situations would be fine but in my current frame of mind I would like to limit anything to one on one. The hard part is my wife wants to be involved in some way and I just want to let something happen with a guy. It would sure help if I knew th secret hand shake because I always had a hard time initiating situations with women, with a man it is going to be very difficult.

the sacred night
Aug 8, 2006, 2:01 PM
I've never tried any, but I would be lying through my teeth if I said I didn't want to.

Since I'm the bisexual female involved, I guess I'm "supposed" to say FFM would be my pick, but... it wouldn't. I would really like to try MMF, because 2 guys is just plain hot any way you slice it. I'd also love to watch an MMM.

I guess the reason FFM doesn't appeal to me so much is because unlike what apparently a lot of other bisexuals feel, I'm usually in the mood for one gender or the other, and it's very rare for me to be in a mood where I'd want both at the the same time. It seems like they'd distract from each other. Although there are 2 scenarios I've seen people mention that I think would be very appealing in a "both at the same time" sort of way. Going down on both at the same time while the man is penetrating the woman sounds hot, and also being with a transsexual (transgendered?) person sounds uber hot.

Aug 8, 2006, 2:28 PM
I never had a threesome and always thought said its not my thing.

BUT if my partner really really wanted to, I might be talked into it... BUT and only IF I know that other person and trust him/her :-)

If I had to choose, it would be FFF, or FFM


Aug 8, 2006, 3:22 PM
if I had the chance to I'd like to be in a FFM but only if my wife let it happen

Aug 8, 2006, 6:19 PM
I've had several 3-somes, MMM, MMF, FFM and I loved all of them. But having another male there is hot and my male partner gave me one of the best blow jobs ....I've every had.

Aug 8, 2006, 6:35 PM
I would love to do any type of threesome again.
Doesn't matter what gender as long as we all got to fully participate.
Hope someday my wife will agree again.
Only time was FFM, and we were all VERY drunk.
My wife did the other F, but I was not allowed.
I did get to do my wife (always great :tongue: ), and I was there the whole time.
My wife felt very guilty after(She's Catholic) :(

Anyway...my first post here, probably not my last............. :2cents:

Sep 13, 2007, 5:22 PM
I've tried a MMF, and a MMM, both were fun in their own way, but I preferred the MMF. I'd REALLY like to try a MFF now, but what guy wouldn't? lol. I'm also curious about a 3some involving a transsexual

Agree dun both a number of times but as a bi male defo prefer mmf combination every time!:three: two bi mf cpls would be kewl but not so sure about the TG idea tho??:(

Sep 13, 2007, 5:33 PM
It depends on who is asking and their motives

Sep 13, 2007, 7:12 PM
We have both done both and enjoyed it. In our minds if you are really a bisexual, the sex of the others involved doesn't matter.

Sep 13, 2007, 8:46 PM
Well I've had the oppertunity to have a mmf threesome and a few ffm threesomes, but I haven't tried any fff threesomes yet... any applicants?

consider this my official application!!

i've done mff which was fantastic, and we have an mmf tentatively scheduled in the near future. i really would like a fff and would also love to watch a mmm!

Sep 13, 2007, 9:07 PM
Ive not yet had the great oppportunity to participate in a 3sum of any gender. I would love the chance to be in the middle of one whether it be mmm, mmf, or ffm it doesnt matter to me......thats the great thing about being bi gender doesn't matter!!!
I would really like a mmf the first time then a mmm then maybe a ffm!

Any takers???!!! I am accepting applications!

Sep 13, 2007, 10:35 PM
Definatly one of each. My biggest fantasy.

Sep 13, 2007, 11:38 PM
We have both done both and enjoyed it. In our minds if you are really a bisexual, the sex of the others involved doesn't matter.

:rolleyes: What are your other high standards and definitions of "true" bisexuality? :rolleyes:

Not all bisexuals even want to do a 3 way, like them, or even want to do one with two women or two men.

Sep 13, 2007, 11:59 PM
short answer; all the above? yes please??? i love 3 ways.. but i'm very selective in who my partners are...

Sep 14, 2007, 1:34 AM
Me and a couple m/f mmmmmm :tongue:

Sep 14, 2007, 8:08 AM
We have had a few mmf 3sums and all were great fun. I am not sure what I liked best about them tho, being with a guy in front of her, having her help the guys do each other, or watching her with another male. It was all very erotic. :tong:

Sep 14, 2007, 8:33 AM
I used to meet regularly with a couple. We sucked each other, he fucked me, I ate her and fucked her, she sucked us both. My GF accompanied me once or twice. The guy and I didn't do anything to each other but the girls did.I had the pleasure of putting my cock in one lady then withdrawing and alternating putting it in the other pussy. My wife and I used to go to Platos West. Never saw any M2M action but lots of F2F and of course plenty of F2M sex.

Sep 14, 2007, 10:09 AM
Have had a MFF which was fun, but the girls did me more then each other, would like to have seen more, did a MMF kind of, I did the wife and he joined in and ended up helping her finish me off with his mouth, was great, wanted to do more but didnt get too, would do that again if i got the chance

Sep 14, 2007, 5:50 PM
MMF was awesome but both men were straight and paid total attention to ME! so curious about MMF with bi men.
MFF and that was awesome because there was a lot of sharing and tenderness between all three good friends.
An MMFF with another couple was very nice and memorable.
Last but not least, a party with FFFFMM was pretty awesome as well. Again good friends that were all caring and sharing and very safe.

Ahhh! those were the days!!

Sep 15, 2007, 12:38 AM
My experience at threeways have all been with the wife and a cousin I grew up with . She knew I was bi with him when we got married . The very first time we had a threeway was a set up on him . He did not know that she knew about us . We set it up so he and I got together when she was "out" . While we were hot and heavy into it , she walked in and jumped the crap out of him . We all laughed and proceeded to fuck and suck and eat the night away . That was the first of many get togethers .

Sep 15, 2007, 4:19 PM
I've been lucky to have had some great bi 3 ways, mfm. Where do you start ? I love all the options especially when it comes to oral sex. On my list though is still to get fucked by a woman with a strap on dildo and crossdressing with a couple.

Sep 15, 2007, 9:17 PM
I was once involved in the start of a spontaneous MMM but we had to stop b/c the bed we were didnt belong to any of us. :eek:

We then had nowhere else to go, and went our sep ways. :(

Never had the oppurtunity after that, untill recently. I got an offer to be part of another MMM and cant wait for a time when sched's will allow. :three:

Somehow, though, i still think if you click, just 2 is enough. Oh what am I saying?!??! doesnt everyone wish for extra hands??

Sep 16, 2007, 8:32 PM
My husband and I have had FFM 3somes and loved them. I have also desired to have a MMF but hubby is str8 and I wouldn't want to have a 3some if everyone couldn't do what they wanted to with the others. We have played with other couples MF and all ended up on the same bed but pretty much paired off with no MM contact. My greatest joy would be to have many people involved at the same time with no regard to gender, just mouths and hands everywhere.

Sep 17, 2007, 4:30 AM
Would like MMF, MMM, or FFM. Either or all would be nice.

Sep 17, 2007, 9:30 AM
Hmmmmmm I would have to be drunk for this.....

I disapoint one person in bed... never mind the guilt of disapointing two!

Sep 17, 2007, 12:49 PM
I would be happy with any mix. It's not what sex the person is, it's what they do with it. :bigrin:

Sep 17, 2007, 2:16 PM
i've had mmf and mff, and both were great. i'll take more of either, antyime!

Sep 17, 2007, 4:20 PM
I just enjoyed a mmf and it was ok, but I do prefer ffm much more. Being a part of a ffm is much more relaxing and much hotter. I found that whenn you are with 2 males it is more like you are the third wheel on a bicycle, they ride it but would be rather have it to them selves. I enjoy ff very much and I can not get enough of that.

Sep 17, 2007, 8:13 PM
i have had a mmff experience and really enjoyed it. i realized after having my first female experience that i loved being with a female. i would love to have a 3 some with fff. i haven't had a chance to but with love the experience any takers. i'm in new york. i will always use protection.

Sep 17, 2007, 9:42 PM
well it depends on my mood, but on any given day? another man of course.
I just LOVE:love: the feeling of another HARD, HOT cock pounding into me. of course I don't mind doing the pounding either;)

CT Nudist Guy
Sep 17, 2007, 9:51 PM
I've been in a few mmf's, mmm's and several mmmmm+. Each has it's own pluses. I'd like to try a mff or even better mmff or mmmmfffff... you get the idea.

The best combination has more to do with the people than the various bodt part combinations. The mmf's I enjoyed have always been with bi guys.

Sep 17, 2007, 11:00 PM
fffmm ;) Oh the positions to try!

Nov 13, 2007, 11:57 PM
fun is fun you are the to service and be serviced If you are going in on a mfm thing there is no way your not contacting the other male it some point and the some goes for ffm,it's not right to talk about it and plan it then back out or change your mine when your in bed.
I feel if you are in the game then play the game by the rules you both put out.

have fun and be safe:)

Nov 14, 2007, 12:16 AM
I have had MFM (as in straight male, both of us concentrating on the female), MMF and MFF. I absolutley loved all three :cool:

Can't really say I am interested in MMM, but you never know. I enjoy dicks, but I like pussy a lot more and I love it when a woman is there either telling me what to do or helping me with her man, and I love helping another man satisfy a woman. Threesomes are my preffered kink.

I have also been involved in gang bangs, but they have been kind of cluster fucks. Not near as much fun as advertised. :2cents:

Nov 14, 2007, 1:17 AM
i'm a bi guy - i'd want it to be two guys and a girl

Nov 14, 2007, 3:57 AM
Would love to have a MMF - best of both worlds!

Nov 14, 2007, 5:00 AM
would you want to it to be you and two members of the opposite sex or you and one of each and if you were lucky enough to experience both which did you prefer?

Since we are a m/f bicouple who play together, we much prefer to have foursomes with two other bisexuals; one person of each sex. We find foursomes much more enjoyable than mixed gender threesomes of any combination. Its just fairer as we both get to experience all of the combinations any mixed gender threesome can offer. Consequently we don't play very often but when we do its fantastic.


Randy from Pa
Nov 14, 2007, 6:13 AM
Have had 2 MFM 3somes with my wife, we had 2 different guys,5 different times,in 6 mos.,many yrs ago.We all loved it but havent done it again...but I would love to.Wife's not into it any more :( Both guys were STR8 so she was the center of attention i think the 1st guy would have let me suck him but I didnt b/c i'm a closet bimale (still) and my job and wife would flipout. But would love to do a MFM again with her, but unbeknown to her HE would be Bi. Surprise!!!!!!!! just my :2cents:

Nov 14, 2007, 6:15 AM
It would definetly be MMF. I'm daydreaming about it already.

Nov 14, 2007, 6:40 AM
get a cal king bed.

Nov 14, 2007, 7:07 AM
We've done 3ways with all involved straight (or at least particpating straight) and 3ways with all involved bi.
4ways with all involved straight(or at least particapting straight) and
4ways with everyone bi and 6ways both ways.

Have never done a 5way tho.....thats just way too kinky.:rolleyes:


Nov 14, 2007, 9:48 AM
either, and yes.

Nov 14, 2007, 11:06 AM
We've done 3ways with all involved straight (or at least particpating straight) and 3ways with all involved bi.
4ways with all involved straight(or at least particapting straight) and
4ways with everyone bi and 6ways both ways.

Have never done a 5way tho.....thats just way too kinky.:rolleyes:

Yas not ambi???? Then ya eddication leaves lots 2 b desired!!!:tong: An the odd lil orgy 2 wile way the day and/or nite can b fun 2....:bigrin:

Nov 14, 2007, 6:46 PM
MMF, as long as the female was my wife. It's not terribly likely, but I can dream. :)

Nov 15, 2007, 2:01 AM
I tried MMM....and it was very funny... 3 of us did all the sucking, kissing and masturbating simultaneously. Am single and want to try MMF and MFF if there will be an opportunity.:rolleyes:

Nov 15, 2007, 4:09 PM
FFF, or FFM, for me, but I love to watch my husband with another man, so I like the MFM, for him, as well. I guess I love them all!

Nov 15, 2007, 6:08 PM
Well have done mff and the females were not my sort at all... But i would love to do a fmm... Hmm now your talking... The man is doing me, whilst his lover is doing him from behind.


But the I'd also do a ffm again but with the right woman... You know who you are!:bigrin:

Nov 18, 2007, 10:54 AM
I have had a threesome, but it was FFF and that is because gasp, I am a lesbian. It was okay, but as you all know dealing with women and the emotions that run, I got a lot of you touched her more and all this other stuff. Keep in mind I was not the one who brought the idea to the table. It took me a long time to be okay with it and when I was it turned around and bit me in the ass.

Nov 18, 2007, 12:18 PM
i'm in a poly relationship with two woman and we have had a 4th male join us, sometimes it's really hot but depends on the individual, seems some people claim to be more then they are, until you get them in bed and find out the truth, i being bi understandibly enjoy the company of a male to quell the bi side of me.

Nov 18, 2007, 12:55 PM
My biggest fantasy in a mmf for my first bi experiance . I would jump at the oppertunity.

Nov 19, 2007, 11:44 AM
If I were to have one....and not saying I am ready for one...it would be MFM! No other women allowed! My dream is to one day be with Flounder and Jo69guy! :three:

Nov 19, 2007, 11:44 AM
Have done a threesome that was MMM, had my ex wife watch me with a guy once or twice, never had a real threesome that way. Would really like to try an MFM with a certain couple here, The Flounders......

Nov 19, 2007, 2:23 PM
i'm in a poly relationship with two woman and we have had a 4th male join us, sometimes it's really hot but depends on the individual, seems some people claim to be more then they are, until you get them in bed and find out the truth, i being bi understandibly enjoy the company of a male to quell the bi side of me.

Damn your in a poly relationship.. That is something that I've wanted for a while, still cant make up my mind if its 3 or 2. I mean I change my mind all the time depends on my moods. However I would happily have a bicurious man, a bisexual man and a Ts - MTF. But that is just wishfull thinking, and I being the top of the relationships... Why because I want it that way.

How did you start finding the right ppl?

Nov 19, 2007, 2:51 PM
Damn your in a poly relationship.. That is something that I've wanted for a while, still cant make up my mind if its 3 or 2. I mean I change my mind all the time depends on my moods. However I would happily have a bicurious man, a bisexual man and a Ts - MTF. But that is just wishfull thinking, and I being the top of the relationships... Why because I want it that way.

How did you start finding the right ppl?

Wy restrict yasel 2 ne number??? Jus go forth an multiply (partners..keep takin precautions)

Nov 19, 2007, 2:53 PM
If I were to have one....and not saying I am ready for one...it would be MFM! No other women allowed! My dream is to one day be with Flounder and Jo69guy! :three:

Glad 2 c yas feelin betta Mrs F..tee hee... enjoy...:bigrin:

Nov 19, 2007, 2:59 PM
Wy restrict yasel 2 ne number??? Jus go forth an multiply (partners..keep takin precautions)

Because its a nice tidy number, ahh you see for me its not about sex its about love. Plus come birthdays and christmas's you think I wanna buy for a whole tribe of lovers??

Hahahaha, no seriously maybe because then it would represent my whole being. My identity changes, but my fantasies dont. Ok heres a sneak peak of my weird life in my head, I am a huge fan of Laurell K Hamilton novels especially the Anita Blake series... The concepts of having a long time relationships with more than one person at a time is well very appealing to me.

Nov 19, 2007, 3:11 PM
As a bi male, I love cock and being sucked/fucked. I've been lucky enough to have both a MMF and a FFM 3some but I must admit the FFM was way hotter. I prefer my cock in a twosome, maybe I'm just greedy or it could have just been that the two females involved were my wife and her best mate who although both claim to be str8 certainly seemed to know their way around each other!!!! :bigrin:

Nov 19, 2007, 3:16 PM
Because its a nice tidy number, ahh you see for me its not about sex its about love. Plus come birthdays and christmas's you think I wanna buy for a whole tribe of lovers??

Hahahaha, no seriously maybe because then it would represent my whole being. My identity changes, but my fantasies dont. Ok heres a sneak peak of my weird life in my head, I am a huge fan of Laurell K Hamilton novels especially the Anita Blake series... The concepts of having a long time relationships with more than one person at a time is well very appealing to me.

Me a mushy ole romantic 2 diB... but if me had waited for luff..then me wud jus hav stayed a virgin for long long time...an wile shaggin an bein luffed is brill an best of all... shaggin an jus enjoyin yasel takes sum beatin... don knock it!!!:tong:

If me didn hav luff...not hav sex?? God forbid!!!

Nov 19, 2007, 3:19 PM
Me a mushy ole romantic 2 diB... but if me had waited for luff..then me wud jus hav stayed a virgin for long long time...an wile shaggin an bein luffed is brill an best of all... shaggin an jus enjoyin yasel takes sum beatin... don knock it!!!:tong:

If me didn hav luff...not hav sex?? God forbid!!!

I know I know... Dark you sound like my friend, just go out and shag etc... But ugh I cant do that. I was eh celibate for 10 years before I had sex again...

For others yay!!! Good for you, but for me and ppl like me, I cant have good sex without love.

Otherwise I'd might as well stay at home watching gay male porn.

Nov 19, 2007, 3:25 PM
Gay porn huh? Woteva tickles ya fancy.. tee hee. Actually don like porn..it jus don do owt for me.... prefer doin 2 watchin ..

We all diff diB babes... an Naggy more like u...she cant jus go out an get erself laid... hasta hav feelin... an respect that in ne 1...equally respect peeps that jus go out an enjoy themselves long as they don go out 2 hurt sum 1 else.... them that dus that..them me cud jus (metaphorically speakin) throttle...