View Full Version : bi guy looking for answers????

Aug 13, 2014, 3:22 PM
I'm a bi guy my wife knew i was bi before we got married. And now she is trying to change me asking me why I go on sites and talk to guys im married how can I open her eyes and realize its apart of me i can't just turn off any ideas????

Aug 13, 2014, 3:42 PM
Communication. Agree together what is and is not acceptable in your relationship. She knows what you are, does she know explicitly what that means to you and what you want to be able to do in your relationship? Was chatting with guys in a sexual manner agreed upon? Camming? Face to face? I'm straight but chatting with guys in a sexual manner would be a major no-no in my relationship. My husband would wig out. Now together might be different, but definitely talk and establish in exhaustive detail what's ok and what is not.

good luck!

Aug 13, 2014, 6:18 PM
Yes I agree with Ja about the communication aspect. It seems in her mind that she is telling you to conform to her sexuality ..and adds that now that you are married you should not be interested in men. Under that might be the idea that she is not interested in other men now and you should not be interested in other women...therefore you should be like her. She demonstrates a monosexual belief system that your interest in men is the same as being interested in other females. There is no difference. Will she watch bisexual porn? That may be a way of expanding her perceptions sexually but not understanding that there is a difference between biguys and hetero guys. There seems to be a need for you to work through your own thoughts about your bisexuality if you have not already. Then begin sharing with her how you feel differently than a heterosexual man or woman. Being with a man is not the same as being with another woman. Re assure her that you love her and this need that you have doesn't reduce your love for her. Good luck. It seems like a long open communication journey is needed.

Aug 13, 2014, 9:00 PM
If she knew when you wed an accepted why is she having problem?

Aug 13, 2014, 9:51 PM
Ok, this kind of thing bothers me because we are speaking about a personhood issue. I would encourage you to look at Maslow's hierarchy of need. Sex is at the bottom or base of the triangle along with food, breathing, sleep and other BASIC human needs. Denying a person sexual expression is the same as denying them other basic needs like food and sleep. When you are talking about things on this level of human existence, to try and separate these needs from a person is to deny them what they need to survive. This is why I call it a personhood issue, these things are what constitutes what it means to be human. Sex is part of what makes us human, denying a person's sexuality is denying them on the most compulsory level. Sexual repression is a path straight to mental illness. People act out in all manner of unhealthy ways when sexual repression enters the picture. I have a big problem with this issue because I know how this hurts. In my first marriage, my now ex-wife who knew about my sexuality, berated and denied me the ability express myself freely. She threatened divorce, exposure to my work and friends and with never letting me see my children again if I acted on my sexual desires. To be denied sexual expression is to be denied as a person on the most basic plane of human existence. This is who you are, not some kind of hobby or habit that you can change. It's as much a part of you as your eye color or your food preferences. You cannot change it, it's a part of you.

When my current wife and I got together, we sat down one night and I laid out for her who I was. I put it all on the table and trusted her with my sexuality. We had only known each other a short time, so this was a massive leap of faith on my part. I told her I was willing to accept her wholly, no matter her desires. In that exchange she admitted to me that she too was bisexual and her first sexual experience was a same-sex experience. We accepted each other and have grown so close because of that acceptance. It is the most beautiful gift we have ever given to each other. We have grown over the 15+years we have been together because we have that gift. Our relationship is better than ever because we have a level of honesty and communication that few other couples we know have. Not even our friends in the lifestyle communicate as well as we do. We hold no secrets, ever. We always take each other's feelings into account and we never seek to hurt each other, ever. She is my life and my soul. We made a promise to each other, one we have kept throughout our 15 year journey. We promised each other that no matter what we would walk away together. That no one would ever come between us, no lover, no friend, no one, ever. Lovers and friends could add to our lives but never detract from it. We have tried polyamory, it failed because those we sought to add into our relationship didn't share our commitment to it. But through it, all we have stayed true to our promise to each other. It was and still is our most precious gift of ourselves to ourselves.

I wish you luck. I hope you and your wife can resolve this and come to some sort of resolution. Denying yourself or allowing your wife to deny you the right of being you is not the answer. You can submit to her will, but if you do I fear for your future. There may be resentment and anger in your future because of it. Do your best to open her mind and help her accept you as you are. Talk frankly and honestly about yourself. Let her know you can accept her wholly and ask her to do the same for you. Let her know even if you have sex with others that can't diminish your love for her. Ask her if she is open to participate with you, together things are easier to accept than doing things separately. Ask her about her own sexuality, ask her if she has ever had a same-sex experience. Most of all, listen to her concerns, try to assuage her fears and be honest. Best of luck to you.

Aug 13, 2014, 11:42 PM
Placing sex as a "physiological need" has been heavily criticized in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, as he had originally indicated that sex is a need purely for the survival of the species, and that need has been distorted and misinterpreted. Physiological needs are needs that MUST be met, or you will die. If you do not eat, breathe, sleep, urinate/defecate, or drink, you will die. You will not die without sex, otherwise many many virgins and those who are celibate would suffer a cruel and unusual fate, no?. Maslow was speaking of sex as in heterosexual reproduction, not sex with the same sex (sex with the same sex would actually be doing the opposite of proliferating the species, but anyways); without sexual reproduction, the human species as a whole would cease to exist, and that is why sex appears in the physiological needs category. Sex with the same sex and same sex attraction is actually addressed as "sexual intimacy", which falls under the category of "Love and Belonging", which is not a basic need. It only comes after physiological needs like food and water, and safety needs like health, shelter, and financial security are met. That being said, sex is not ACTUALLY a basic necessity of life, if you are using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to support same sex needs. Just wanted to clarify this.

That being said, to the original poster: have you talked to your wife about what it means for you to express your bisexuality? She may not have understood the implications of your SSA when you first disclosed it to her, especially if you have not discussed it since then. Communicate. Perhaps try some couples counseling. Try to understand how you both feel.

Aug 15, 2014, 2:31 AM
Look at it from her point of view.

She knew you were bisexual but you chose her to marry, right? Well, my wife knew I loved having sex with lots of women before we married but she didn’t feel the need to mention to me that, if we married, I wasn’t supposed to fuck other women anymore.

I can see her point of view!

Aug 15, 2014, 2:53 AM
I agree Anna, communication and counseling are probably the best course of action.

Aug 15, 2014, 6:05 AM
[QUOTE=AnnaD31;272427]Placing sex as a "physiological need" has been heavily criticized in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, as he had originally indicated that sex is a need purely for the survival of the species, and that need has been distorted and misinterpreted. Physiological needs are needs that MUST be met, or you will die. If you do not eat, breathe, sleep, urinate/defecate, or drink, you will die. You will not die without sex, otherwise many many virgins and those who are celibate would suffer a cruel and unusual fate, no?. Maslow was speaking of sex as in heterosexual reproduction, not sex with the same sex (sex with the same sex would actually be doing the opposite of proliferating the species, but anyways); without sexual reproduction, the human species as a whole would cease to exist, and that is why sex appears in the physiological needs category. Sex with the same sex and same sex attraction is actually addressed as "sexual intimacy", which falls under the category of "Love and Belonging", which is not a basic need. It only comes after physiological needs like food and water, and safety needs like health, shelter, and financial security are met. That being said, sex is not ACTUALLY a basic necessity of life, if you are using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to support same sex needs. Just wanted to clarify this.

I disagree with your interpretation of Maslow's inclusion of sex as a need. What you write about reproduction is not what Maslow was referring to. He was referring to the individual and self actualization. Without your sexual needs being met, the organism will not be able to focus on higher needs. It is true that there is a wiggle room in this area though. The concept of "basic" needs argument seems more religiously based imo. It may be gender based as well. I find that women on this site are more inclined to deny sex as a physiological need than men. That should not surprise many.. ;)

Aug 15, 2014, 8:43 AM
Tenni, I disagree. While sex is important to achieve self actualization, as is meeting every other need, if you study Maslow's work more closely, you will see that he theorizes that many people will never achieve self-actualization, and those that do only achieve it once every other need has been met. Maslow differentiated between sex as a need for the survival of the species and sexual intimacy, which is why it appears twice in the hierarchy, in different contexts. You are referring to sexual intimacy. Arguing that you will die without sexual intimacy is ridiculous. Basic (physiological) needs are survival needs. If you were stranded on an island and did not have food, water, sleep, or the ability to urinate or defecate, you would die, and quickly. You would not die without sex. Yes sex is a need, we are humans and humans are sexual. BUT, it is not essential for sustaining life. Stating that men need sex for survival is archaic, and suggests that men are not able to control their impulses, which is insulting to men. I have read some of your conversations, and I feel as though you have less respect for women than men, and consider our differences from men as "less than".

Aug 15, 2014, 1:06 PM
As an old girlfriend once said, "Sex may not be everything, but it's way ahead of what ever's in 2nd place!"

Speaking of desert Islands........I'll bet you one thing, Robinson Crusoe was a much happier person, after Friday showed up!

Aug 15, 2014, 1:29 PM
As an old girlfriend once said, "Sex may not be everything, but it's way ahead of what ever's in 2nd place!"

Speaking of desert Islands........I'll bet you one thing, Robinson Crusoe was a much happier person, after Friday showed up!


Aug 15, 2014, 4:29 PM
I have thought about counceling. And every time we talk about it some how ends up in a fight i just want to be me i hate hiding like she wants me to. I still talk to guyz online and even like a guy enough to do something but he is never available too do so. Most my friends know im bi because my x outed me at a bar one night. I just want to be free to be me is all not sure what that involves yet. We still play with toys together and stuff but its not the real thing either just frustrated thank you for all the feedback on the subject I asked her before we got married if I would have to change me being bi she said no. Then I put a ring on her finger and now its totally changed she wants to change me but its apart of me that I can't change....

Aug 15, 2014, 4:40 PM
No sweetheart, you cannot change it. But you look like you are going to have to renegotiate or make some tough decisions.

what exactly did you agree to as a couple once she knew about your bisexuality? Did you tell her you would be monogamous? That you would want FWB eventually? Depending on that answer it's not fair for her to go back on what you agreed to. And if you didn't set clear lines and active in exhaustive detail what you wanted that's going to be a real problem.

Now the other question. Are you going to great lengths to make sure she is coddled and well cared for? That everything is secure and that she is cherished and loved? You are dealing with a straight woman and we want to feel like we are your world. And we need it proven to us on a regular basis. Sucks that we are high maintenance like that but we are. And if we don't feel that we will pick on everything you want to do without us or behind our back. We are not magically giving. We want security and you talking with others in a sexual manner implies intent. And unless specifically agreed to that it is ok to do that it's going to be an issue.

Aug 15, 2014, 4:46 PM
I am sorry you are feeling trapped buddy. Do you have any children? I'm only asking because hopefully it won't come to this but if the relationship is strained very badly breaking up may be the eventual outcome.

She may have expectations of benig manogomous but if you were clear with her from the beginning and you aren't hiding then it sounds as though she can't face the idea. She does know that fact you like men has nothing to do with her right? If you love her, then it has nothing to do with how attractive she is, or how much she can please you.. I hope she's not feeling personally rejected by the fact that you like men.

Honest, but loving communication is the only way I can think to resolve this amicably, so either you will both grow together and your relationship will be stronger (and you are already learning and growing just by being together) or one/both of you may find out that the relationship isn't going to meet both of your needs. It's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you are able to remain civil toward each other.

Aug 15, 2014, 8:43 PM
Respect should not be given based on gender imo.
I note that you identify as heterosexual. I do have issues with heterosexual women coming on a bisexual site spouting off as if they "know" what is best for bisexual men.

Maslow was covered in undergrad first year psych classes. As I recall the numbers who are actually self actualized is a very small section of the population. Rogerian theories and other fields of psych are covered in undergrad and post grad psych. Much of my training fell under developmental psych theories. That was long ago and as my smart arse sister says....things have changed(she has just become a drug and alcohol therapist specializing in adult ADD clients)

As far as bisexual men are concerned there is a need for same sex expression for some bisexual males based on reports. It varies and not all bisexual men experience this need. It can overtake a bisexual man and the comments about thinking with your little head can hold true. It is a physiological need aspects that Maslow did not cover. Sex for reproduction is an assumption on his part at a time in history where such topics were not openly discussed. In reality, sex is frequently a physiological need that can block development to self actualization. It can also be sublimated to obtain greater self actualization.

Aug 16, 2014, 9:12 AM
I have ended up focusing on the hetero women's comments.

I would suggest that you insist that she enter counselling with a bisexual friendly counsellor. It is important that the counsellor have a deep understanding of bisexuality or at least be open and experienced at counselling bisexuals.(not gay positive and focused though)

You write that this seems to be repressing your core identity. Communication does not seem to be working. Have you reached an agreement on the boundary rules for your expression as a bisexual man? If you believe that some form of same sex contact is necessary and she does not, you are at an impasse. It would seem that you both need to first acknowledge your bisexuality and learn to accept it. Based on your words, she seems to be blocking a true understanding and accepting as to what it is to be bisexual and male. You seem to think that now that she has the ring that you will be a monogamous hetero man and all this same sex stuff can be ignored if you "really" love her. A counsellor may help you. I suspect that neither of you seem to have the communication skills to listen and understand.

If she refuses to enter counselling, then go on your own. The counsellor may help you communicate with her and she may join the sessions later on. You may have some major life decisions to make.

What Ja writes may help but this seems to have grown beyond cuddling to re assure her that you love her?

Good fortune.

Aug 16, 2014, 1:50 PM
I don't think the important question that has been asked has been answered yet - did she KNOW you didn't intend to be monogamous when you married? Your wife knowing and accepting the fact that you're bisexual does not mean that she would automatically be fine with you looking for sex outside your marriage. A bisexual person can fall in love with someone and be sexually monogamous. The stereotype that all bisexual individuals need at least one lover of each sex to be sexually fulfilled is something that many bi activists have been fighting against for years.

It seems like you thought that telling her about your sexuality was a way of telling her that you wanted to be with men sexually while you were married, while she just took it as you telling her that you're attracted to both men and women but not thinking that it would have any impact on your fidelity during your marriage. If you can't be happy and content being sexual with just one person, you need to tell her that, and figure out if you can save your marriage or move on.

Aug 16, 2014, 1:52 PM
Respect should not be given based on gender imo.
I note that you identify as heterosexual. I do have issues with heterosexual women coming on a bisexual site spouting off as if they "know" what is best for bisexual men.

Posting Rules:
Every great community has rules. Here are ours:
1 - Don't post your personal ad here. They just clutter up the forums. By far the best thing to do if you are looking to meet people is create a quality personal ad under your Control Panel. These ads then show up highlighted to people in your area.
2 - Be polite. Flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.
3 - Sexual freedom is what it's all about, but even it should have limits - discussions of non-consensual sex, violence and sex, or sex involving children are not welcome here, will be promptly deleted, and the poster may be banned.
4 - Have fun. Learn. Share. Entertain. Discuss. Argue. Enlighten.

First, I believe rule number 2 makes it clear that respect is to be granted regardless of gender.

Second, if you have problems with people of certain genders or sexual orientations, both, then, you need to realize this
is your problem alone. This does not imply you have any right to belittle, degrade, disrespect, otherwise be rude to others.

Third, I am frankly tired of your manure like this. You espoused once that another poster in your opinion violated hate crime speech on here. Allow me to point out that you, yourself are seeming to very perilously close to genuinely violating it.

Fourth, now, hush and cease disrespecting others. Rejoin the conversation when you're feeling more competently mature enough to not assail others with your problems, or disrespect them based upon their gender or sexual orientation. Otherwise, you are merely flinging piles of dung. Think it safe to say many visitors herein disapprove.

Fifth, I believe you are capable of being better than you are. There is a reason for that. I do love you. I choose to not attack you here. I attack what you express, which is to say I attack the idea/s you present. What you present in the above quote is racism in my humbled opinion, and that idea, oh, that idea is terribly woeful. So, cease in presenting it because no one here desires it. I do not believe that is why Drew created the site, believe he created it for the wholly opposite purpose. I may be in error, if so, Drew can say as much and I offer apology. Still, please do better, as I know you are capable of doing. Thank you.

Aug 16, 2014, 2:10 PM
Thank you void. Your eloquent defense and reminder of how everyone deserves respect is much appreciated. I genuinely enjoy the discussions here and really do want to help and understand. When a bi man comes here and asks how to deal with his straight wife, being able to give him perspective from a straight wife can be of value. I want to see these relationships succeed. I want to see people grow in love and understanding. It's why I have such issue with subterfuge and deception. People can't grow if they are lying to themselves and others. And I sincerely hope that this man and his wife can come to a loving understanding.

Aug 16, 2014, 5:30 PM
My wife and I both were the oldest of a large group of siblings....in my late teens I had finally been introduced to m/f sex activities and love them, as well as my m/m lifestyle...my wife had also been quite free with her m/f sexuality. For 4 years we dated off and on, and as things brought us closer together, we had "the talk." I told her of my past and if we progressed to marriage, I would need my time away for m/m sex....and the trade off was she could have all the m/f sex she wanted, no questions, not judgements, not humiliation...we enjoy ourselves, but with the base camp of marriage....if she could not handle my being out with a guy, we never would have married...well, we did and 53 years later she passed from cancer...but we had a great number of men and women in and out of our lives. SO I suggest strongly DO NOT MARRY with the secret, because it always come out and then you are in a heap of trouble and can destroy the marriage...greater chance of destroying it than enhancing it...

Aug 16, 2014, 7:26 PM
Thank you Void(). Just like other members here cannot change the fact that you are bisexual, I cannot change the fact that I am a heterosexual woman. I share my opinions from that perspective, as it is who I am.

Annika L
Aug 17, 2014, 3:57 PM
Respect should not be given based on gender imo.
I note that you identify as heterosexual. I do have issues with heterosexual women coming on a bisexual site spouting off as if they "know" what is best for bisexual men.

Tenni, you should know better than to dismiss her because of her sex OR her sexuality. Her analysis of Maslow is not based on her heterosexuality...and either way, I'm bisexual and I agree with her...of course you may still dismiss my opinions because I'm a woman.

I was never a fan of Maslow and humanism myself, but yes...*any* level of needs can block self-actualization, since self-actualization is at the *top* of the ladder. The question was whether sex counts as a basic physiological need (i.e., required for continuing life), not whether it belongs in the hierarchy at all (i.e., can be an obstacle to self actualization). I'd say Anna's analysis is pretty sound on this count.

And absolutely, communication and pairs-counseling is *always* the right step when there are serious issues in a relationship.

I also agree that

Aug 17, 2014, 4:08 PM
I do not judge based on gender. Nor should you. I do judge non bisexual comments as usually ignorant of the facts and issues. Not all non bisexuals are though but you have to walk in the shoes to truly understand it..even then it can be hard beyond the basic realization. Fluidity in bisexuals is a rarely research factor.

Maslow is outdated and unless you find him referring to a sexuality beyond hetersosexual it is logical to believe that he was not differentiating. Contemporary research will not dwell on Maslow. Even Rogerian has its limits as a theory. There are a multitude of more contemporary psychological theories exploring the psychology of the human mind. Any one referencing Freud, Jung or Maslow is using outdated knowledge that has long been discarded as valid. These may have been early researchers but the History of Psychology has long dismissed their validity. It is like using theories of the planets basing your study on 1100 AD theories about the world being flat.

Bisexuality research is very rare. I understand that there is now a bisexual research centre in San Francisco. I'm not keeping up with the latest research on whether sex is a need. I do know that research has indicated that bisexuals have the highest rate of depression and thoughts of suicide. This indicates to me that a need is not being met for bisexuals. What needs are not yet researched. Based on my own personal research ;) I find that some/many middle aged men in sexless marriages turn to same sex action. They may turn to it after divorce for a variety of reasons. Sex is a need for many men and both physiological and certainly psychological needs are met that way.

Pairs counselling does not help a bisexual if the counsellor is not bisexual positive. I think that there is a place for individual counselling if one of the people refuse to attend.

Annika L
Aug 17, 2014, 7:51 PM
I do not judge based on gender. Nor should you. Of course. Nobody should. I don't believe I have. My comment about your lowering your opinion of my response because I'm a woman was based on your statement:

I find that women on this site are more inclined to deny sex as a physiological need than men. That should not surprise many.. ;)

Your statement about what you've found among women on the site may be a simple observation...it's the final quote and wink that pushed the line into sexist dickiness. Many women here and elsewhere are *quite* sexual, tyvm, and still recognize that although life would be a good deal less pleasant without sex, we'd still be alive. I think many men would concur, but I'll not presume to know.

I do judge non bisexual comments as usually ignorant of the facts and issues. Not all non bisexuals are though but you have to walk in the shoes to truly understand it..even then it can be hard beyond the basic realization. Fluidity in bisexuals is a rarely research factor.

Maslow is outdated and unless you find him referring to a sexuality beyond hetersosexual it is logical to believe that he was not differentiating. Contemporary research will not dwell on Maslow. Even Rogerian has its limits as a theory. There are a multitude of more contemporary psychological theories exploring the psychology of the human mind. Any one referencing Freud, Jung or Maslow is using outdated knowledge that has long been discarded as valid. These may have been early researchers but the History of Psychology has long dismissed their validity. It is like using theories of the planets basing your study on 1100 AD theories about the world being flat.

Bisexuality research is very rare. I understand that there is now a bisexual research centre in San Francisco. I'm not keeping up with the latest research on whether sex is a need. I do know that research has indicated that bisexuals have the highest rate of depression and thoughts of suicide. This indicates to me that a need is not being met for bisexuals. What needs are not yet researched. Based on my own personal research ;) I find that some/many middle aged men in sexless marriages turn to same sex action. They may turn to it after divorce for a variety of reasons. Sex is a need for many men and both physiological and certainly psychological needs are met that way.

Pairs counselling does not help a bisexual if the counsellor is not bisexual positive. I think that there is a place for individual counselling if one of the people refuse to attend.

I think you do non-bisexuals a disservice if you assume their ignorance of bisexual issues prevents them from being able to interpret classical psychological models.

And you needn't school me in psychology. I'd already said I don't care for Maslow (although Maslow, Freud, and Jung are far from irrelevant...flawed as early research tends to be, but all had significant contributions that remain relevant today).

Biology research is indeed rare, and fluidity is indeed rarely if ever studied. But I can't believe that any serious research will ever find that sex of any kind is a physiological need. It feeds into psychological needs, absolutely, and yes, these needs not being met can lead to unfortunate behaviors, including suicide and depression, and including cheating on a spouse.

I agree that couples counseling for bisexual issues should be led by a counselor who specializes in LGBT issues (preferably specializing in bisexual issues, if such can be found). And to me the whole equation changes if one in the couple refuses to participate in therapy. Individual counseling then becomes a near-must, and I become much more sympathetic to vow-breakages (as the refusal to participate in counseling suggests to me a lack of respect and lack of willingness to work together, and I consider it hypocritical to hold one person to vows of respect and partnership while the other person is not acting in kind).

Aug 17, 2014, 8:45 PM
Thank you void. Your eloquent defense and reminder of how everyone deserves respect is much appreciated. I genuinely enjoy the discussions here and really do want to help and understand. When a bi man comes here and asks how to deal with his straight wife, being able to give him perspective from a straight wife can be of value. I want to see these relationships succeed. I want to see people grow in love and understanding. It's why I have such issue with subterfuge and deception. People can't grow if they are lying to themselves and others. And I sincerely hope that this man and his wife can come to a loving understanding.

Feel much the same as a bisexual man married to a straight wife. Eloquent it may have been, it was more than I have posted on here in around six months. :) His ideas were foul and warranted being told so. Think many here, appreciate the forum kept as open.

Excuse me, time is running around yelling "fleet, fleet, fleet" again. :)

Aug 17, 2014, 8:49 PM
pushed the line into sexist dickiness.

*reads and thinks "gee, I ought to try, maybe i get lucky and get a lap dance, free beer ...hurhn" ... looks at pencil on the table, nudges it inch by inch ... until it drops and lands on floor ... feigns having difficulty moving his arms* "Hey sugah, you get that fo' me?" *tries really diligently to not blush, wink with a smirk*

*shakes noggin*

If you turn an empty a pressure hose on me, I would deserve it. I meant the above in all good humor with no debasement at all intended. To give a bit of context I will offer a brief anecdote.

Wife and I did laundry at a laundromat today. At our home we are in the process of a big landscaping project. We get in dump truck loads of dirt from a city/county project of expanding the city water line. Her brother-in-law is running a front end loader, moving the dirt around.

At the laundromat we are regulars. We're regular enough so, we fetch the broom and scoop, clean up after ourselves. She was sweeping up the dirt which unavoidably got unto her shoes and tracked into the laundromat. I piped up, "wow, guess my mom was right. I married a dirty woman."

She never missed a beat. "If I were you, I would talk. Seems I come by being dirty honest, living with a dirty old man." The attendant chuckled.

"You guys keep it up, I'll toss you out."

And so this was the sense I posted the above. I could not resist, being a dirty old man is a terrible affliction. And no, I'm not sure there is much shame left, if there is I will accept the wearing of it.

Annika L
Aug 17, 2014, 10:30 PM


Aug 17, 2014, 10:51 PM
Feel much the same as a bisexual man married to a straight wife. Eloquent it may have been, it was more than I have posted on here in around six months. :) His ideas were foul and warranted being told so. Think many here, appreciate the forum kept as open.

Excuse me, time is running around yelling "fleet, fleet, fleet" again. :)

i love seeing you post. Dont be a stranger luv.

Aug 18, 2014, 11:05 AM
http://www.bisexual.com/forum/images/styles/lifeElement/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by tenni http://www.bisexual.com/forum/images/styles/lifeElement/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?p=272547#post272547)
I find that women on this site are more inclined to deny sex as a physiological need than men. That should not surprise many.. ;)

The last sentence would be clearer if I wrote that this should not surprise many men.

I am sorry for using the wider word women. I meant heterosexual women. I can not speak of bisexual women or lesbians. Still, the basic message is that men will be more inclined to see sex as a physical need than hetero women based on my conversations with men who turn to other men when their wives are no longer interested in sex. That is not sexist. My conclusion may be erred but my research indicates this. It is self disclosure. Not all hetero women may act this way and not all men may remain sexually active as a physical need but a large percentage do well in to their 80's. Social conditioning may be involved for women in suppression of their physical sexual needs. Even men who suffer from dementia and have lost their awareness of their surrounding may be found to be masturbating. The term dirty old man comes to mind..lol If people want to argue against this point about sex as a physical need in men but not necessarily for women, go for it.

As far as the poster not understanding basic psychology I am referring to one poster to argues against sex a a basic need. She is not the first to argue this point about survival and used Maslow to argue that sex is not a physical need. The other person who made this survival argument was also a heterosexual female with strong posting opinions. Co incidence?
Survival is one thing. A need to be happy and healthy is another point. I know that you are knowledgeable about such things.

btw Maslow published his first paper on his hierarchy of needs in 1943. In 1943, I believe that same sex activity was seen as a mental illness that needed remediation and placement in a psychiatric hospital where electro shock treatments was used on homosexuals. Bisexuals were probably ignored and seen as suffering from the same homosexual illness in 1943 by most such institutions. Probably same sex activity would not have been seen as a need by Maslow but a deviant illness in 1943. Anyone using the Maslow document needs to be more inclusive and base their statement historically. If Maslow or any contemporary researcher discussed Maslow's hierarchy today, there would be greater and wider inclusion of more sexualities than heterosexual.

I'm sorry OP if we have deviated from your need to know.

Aug 18, 2014, 12:26 PM
Tenni, you write like heterosexual women do not like sex. Women like sex, just the same as men. There are some women who are more sexual than others, just like there are men who are more sexual than others. Also, for many women sex is tied to emotion as well. If my emotional needs are not being met by my partner, no, I am not as interested in being intimate. Stress, children, exhaustion, etc are also reasons to be less interested in sex. This is something to be faulted? Should only one person take the blame for this? I think not. What if your lover is selfish? Is sex enjoyable for both partners? What if it isn't? Would you want to have sex if you didn't enjoy yourself? To assume that it is only heterosexual women who are not interested in sex is discriminatory and sexist.

As for women "losing interest" in sex, I have noticed this seems to be a complaint of men in their 50s-60s, and I assume their wives are close to the same age. Women go through menopause. Our bodies stop producing estrogen. We are physically unable to become aroused, or it is much more difficult than when we are younger. It is not just about "losing interest". Liken this to erectile dysfunction in men. How can you have sex if you can't "get it up"? Yes, there are hormones. Do they always work? Do meds for ED always work? No. Not to mention that synthetic hormones increase the risk of cancer, stroke, and other medical conditions, so for for some women it is not worth the risk. It is incredibly unfair to assume it is the woman's "fault" her body has failed her, and she is not able to have sex. It also doesn't mean she doesn't still want sex. We feel just as inadequate and worthless sexually as a man with ED, but many women may also feel shame, and so do not voice this. It is unfair to say that men need sex physically, and since she can't get it up, he should be allowed to go elsewhere. If he had age-related ED, would it be acceptable for her to go outside the marriage? What about early menopause? A friend of mine went through menopause at the age of 30. Imagine not being able to "get it up" when you are supposed to be at your sexual prime, how it would affect your self worth. Now add to it that your partner places such importance on physical gratification that he/she will not stand by you during this time. Ouch. I haven't even touched on the psychological affects that aging has on women vs men, and how it can affect sexual libido.

We get married so we have a companion to grow old with and share our lives with. Unless you have said to each other "if I can't have sex anymore, please feel free to go outside the marriage", at some point the sex will end in your marriage. We all get old. It is insulting to say that because a woman's body may fail her before a man's fails him, it is not only ok, but justified that the man seek sex elsewhere. Why bother getting married at all, really. Also, I work with the elderly, I am an RN. For many elderly couples, the sex stops. It's life and a part of aging. All people grow old and our bodies sometimes fail us, regardless of whether you are gay, straight, bisexual, monogamous or polyamourous. Life is so much more than sex.

Aug 18, 2014, 3:48 PM
i love seeing you post. Dont be a stranger luv.

I seem to come and go. No pun intended in that, despite the obvious one there. :)
Life creates its own interludes for its own causes. :)

Aug 18, 2014, 3:51 PM
Life is so much more than sex.

Golly gee! You think? *smirking*

*ducks inbound bedpans*

Sorry, my wife charges admission for my ass. It does do funny tricks. :P

Aug 19, 2014, 12:08 AM
<snipage> I am sorry for using the wider word women. I meant heterosexual women.

Hey tenni! You suck cock! :tong: :yikes2:;):bigrin:


Yes I know it seems childish and taunting, even obvious. Sort of the point though in expressing it.
Quit taking it all too seriously. The biggest joke to life? None of us get alive. So, also try stopping
creation of division. And yes, I know what I mentioned to you privately. That is another matter and involves a different frame of context. Yes it is the same core context, there is I think we agree a different subtext.

What I mean is ultimately, all people are people. We all deserve happiness, love, freedom, to be free of debasing and degrading. What I mentioned privately, shall be soon taking care of itself. Too many can see that dark horse as being what it is, and are engaged in if not eliminating it, curbing it to be reasonable. Division, even in minor forms, leads to furthering hate.

Division is also the way of the coward. It takes courage to be vulnerable and love, accept, forgive. Division is a tool used by fear to enshroud the ant of cowardice in the skin of a lion. Fortunately, many in the world are seeing the ruse for being a ruse, a paper dragon. So come on, hop over to the light. I got plenty of candles to pass out. Who knows? We might blind the sun if we get enough lit.

Aug 19, 2014, 4:36 PM
re: post 31
I have just skimmed over your previous posts and now understand why you have come to this site. However, you are expressing your opinion of me (name calling labelling etc.) and bisexuality at the same time as claiming to want to understand bisexuality? I find it strange that you come here to learn and then set yourself up to decide what needs bisexual men have. If the OP says he needs same sex play accept that as a need for some biguys. I can understand how it might make you feel uncomfortable though.

I am a mature bisexual man. You are a young heterosexual woman who has just been informed about her bisexual husband identity. There are a wide range of men who identify as bisexual. So many variations that it is likely more than one sexuality. What we are not is monosexual like yourself. We have a gift of attraction to both genders and some even are attracted to those in between genders. When I read some comments and find the guy has listed himself as a 2 on Kinsey I can understand how he can be happy in a cross gender relationship and have little need to have same sex experience. That is not what the OP of this thread is stating that he is. He has stated that his need to be sexual with other men is at the core of his identity. It may be wiser to ask the OP questions on his needs rather than arguing about needs (of biguys).

Your husband has his own journey and fluidity of attraction is a very important thing for you to be aware of when it comes to bisexuality. Bisexuals attraction changes throughout their lifetime and should be aware that their attraction to men and women will probably change over time. Those who are new at discovering their sexuality and young seem to report the swing can happen several times a day. His sexual attraction swing probably will not affect his love for you. Overtime the pendulum swings less frequently and less severely. The sexual needs of a bisexual change. Some bisexuals like myself have attraction both sexually and emotionally to both genders. I don't recall being aware of this emotional attraction to men in my twenties and thirties. Some biguys have only a same sex attraction and no emotional attraction. Will they change over time? Maybe, maybe not. The intensity has changed over time as well. The need and gender has changed and I need to be open to this. I've been in love with both women and men. It is amusing at this point when my head turns quickly to look at women or men. Some newly aware bisexuals can be very stressed by the shift and men can mix it up with masculinity identity.

Yes, women, like men have varying degrees of sexual activity at varying points in their lives. This thread is not about sexual activity of women though. The thread is about a bisexual man with a need for same sex and a wife who is in denial of his sexual (emotional?) needs for both genders. Some women are very interested in sex. Generally, men tend to be sexually expressive in to their sixties and beyond but not all men are going to want sex until death. Some women are not interested in sex any longer for a variety of reasons while the man is still interested. I was not referring to all women. (you seem to have a tendency to blanket to all?)

At 29, wait and see what changes that you may or may not go through. One day you may discover an interest in women as well as men.who knows. You can have a happy marriage with a bisexual if you are open to change. Communicate and set any rules of his play with other men if he feels that need. He may be completely happy in a monogamous relationship but I would not expect it. I'm sure that you have read such comments like this on this site. Good fortune in your search.

Aug 19, 2014, 9:06 PM
Yes, dear OP, do forgive us for hi jacking your thread. Apologies! We realize you can't just turn it off like a switch, it's apart of you. Some will argue you've made your bed, now you have to lay in it. But changing the rules halfway into the game is bad form. It makes for some animosity and resentment, if left untended!it will fester. You'll need to communicate effectively, talk to her, plan out what you want to say, this will require some premeditation on your part. Most of all, even as important as what you have to say is,you need to LISTEN TO HER! Find out her concerns, her fears, why she has changed her tune. Reassure her that she is the one you love, sex can involve love,but it also doesn't have to, sometimes sex is just sex. Women often have a problem dissociating sex from love, where me are often more pragmatic about sex. That not meant to sound sexist, it is an inconvenient truth. It makes men often seem cold or unfeeling to women, because that dissociation exists for men. We can justify it, saying, "it was just sex", women are far more emotionally involved in the act. Some women can disconnect the act from the emotion and just enjoy sex as a recreational pursuit, others, not so much. No matter which flavor of girl you have on your hands, you'll need to make your relationship secure in order to be able to play in an extracurricular capacity. Most likely, this won't be a overnight change, it will take work and time. It will take effective communication, don't let emotion make you say things you'll regret. You can't solve emotional problems emotionally, you have to solve them logically. More emotion just makes the problem spin out of control and makes for hurt feelings. Be loving, be understanding, but also be understood. Good luck

I brought up Maslow, we seem to be stuck on Maslow. When Maslow was explained to me, it was in the context that NEED is something the BODY compels the being to do. Eating is something the body compels you to do, so is sleep, defecation, urination, breathing, and other bodily functions. Physiological needs are those that the body compels us to do to survive. Sex is something the body compels you to do. We have sexual tastes in the same way we have culinary tastes, eating is a bodily compulsion, eating well is creative expression. Sex is much the same, but when we are denied our sexual tastes, we form mental compulsions. Sexual repression is damaging to the human psyche. Making a person feel immoral or dirty for expressing their sexual needs can lead to mental illness. I can site numerous cases where sexual repression led to criminally insane behavior. It's possible, not all cases are that extreme,most aren't in fact, but usually there is some form of abuse involved as well in such extreme cases. I wouldn't argue that sex is necessary for survival like eating, but I would argue that humans are social animals. That social nature is so deeply ingrained in us that sexual urges are compulsory to the preservation of the human social dynamic.

Our bodies compel us to have sex, we get horny, that is physiological need. Then the mind enters the picture, our basic need to have sex is transformed in the mind to an endless set of desires. Our minds change the physiological need to a matter of taste. Humans can sexualize nearly anything, we fetishize inanimate objects to the point of obsessive compulsion. A knothole in a tree or one of it's limbs can be sexualized given the proper shape. We have a nearly infinite capacity to project sexual thought onto whatever seems to be handy. Don't believe me, ask an ER nurse about what is then strangest object they have ever seen inserted into the human body. This strange proclivity for creative sexual expression leads to some predicaments that would boggle the mind. All of this is due to the lack of a willing sex partner. We yearn to find just one person who understands us, someone who can fill the void created by sexual need. The lengths we will go to in the absence of that person are nearly endless.

You can argue all you want that sexual expression isn't a need, I would give evidence to the contrary. Realdolls, sex machines, an endless variety of phallic substitutes, vaginal substitutes, clothing, equipment, furniture, ad infinitum, suggest otherwise. There are few other pursuits in life we are willing to go to such extreme measures to fulfill. Denial is fighting the urge fulfill one of our strongest desires, we can no more fight it than a salmon can fight the urge to swim upstream. Evolution gave us a higher functioning brain, those higher functions extend to sexual expression. Deny it if you will, it doesn't really eliminate the urge to do it though, does it?

Annika L
Aug 19, 2014, 10:05 PM
We realize you can't just turn it off like a switch, it's apart of you. Some will argue you've made your bed, now you have to lay in it. But changing the rules halfway into the game is bad form. It makes for some animosity and resentment, if left untended!it will fester. You'll need to communicate effectively, talk to her, plan out what you want to say, this will require some premeditation on your part. Most of all, even as important as what you have to say is,you need to LISTEN TO HER! Find out her concerns, her fears, why she has changed her tune. Reassure her that she is the one you love, sex can involve love,but it also doesn't have to, sometimes sex is just sex. Women often have a problem dissociating sex from love, where me are often more pragmatic about sex. That not meant to sound sexist, it is an inconvenient truth. It makes men often seem cold or unfeeling to women, because that dissociation exists for men. We can justify it, saying, "it was just sex", women are far more emotionally involved in the act. Some women can disconnect the act from the emotion and just enjoy sex as a recreational pursuit, others, not so much. No matter which flavor of girl you have on your hands, you'll need to make your relationship secure in order to be able to play in an extracurricular capacity. Most likely, this won't be a overnight change, it will take work and time. It will take effective communication, don't let emotion make you say things you'll regret. You can't solve emotional problems emotionally, you have to solve them logically. More emotion just makes the problem spin out of control and makes for hurt feelings. Be loving, be understanding, but also be understood. Good luck

I think I love everything about this paragraph. All good stuff to consider. Do ask yourself...supposing she *can't* separate love from sex, but is willing to let you have sex with guys if she can have sex with other guys too...how would you feel about that (especially in the context of the emotional component sex has for her)? Just something to consider.

We let ourselves get distracted by semantics regarding Maslow. Let's forget for a moment the question of what Maslow meant by "need" or "physiological need". I think we *all* agree that sexual expression plays an important role in self actualization, right? I think 2bi2 brings up excellent points regarding this importance. You can say (and I maintain) "you won't die without it"...but I wouldn't deny for a moment that its lack can sure as hell make you miserable! And the "it" in that sentence can be sex at all, or any form of sex that is appealing to you that preys on your mind...it can be doggie style, woman astride, oral sex, anal sex, or *eep* sex with someone of your own sex (and any/all of the variations that that can entail). Any of these that a person wants is more than a hankering for broccoli or a chocolate cupcake...it is primal. They won't die without it, but damn it, yes, it's lack is felt and decreases the quality of their life, and generally emerges in other sublimated ways...and if those alternate ways are also squelched things just get even more twisted up.

So OP and Anna, yes, talk...there's loads to talk about. But don't talk with fear...talk with a genuine desire to understand what the real needs are on both sides; and I say don't talk with fear...but DO talk *about* the fears on both sides, because those are real too, and are important too. You can say that many men can separate love from sex...but some can't...and it would be a hell of a thing to find that out through thoughtless open-minded experimentation, especially after you've spend so much time on communication and acceptance.

Aug 20, 2014, 1:04 AM
Yes, dear OP, do forgive us for hi jacking your thread. Apologies! We realize you can't just turn it off like a switch, it's apart of you. Some will argue you've made your bed, now you have to lay in it. But changing the rules halfway into the game is bad form. It makes for some animosity and resentment, if left untended!it will fester. You'll need to communicate effectively, talk to her, plan out what you want to say, this will require some premeditation on your part. Most of all, even as important as what you have to say is,you need to LISTEN TO HER! Find out her concerns, her fears, why she has changed her tune. Reassure her that she is the one you love, sex can involve love,but it also doesn't have to, sometimes sex is just sex. Women often have a problem dissociating sex from love, where me are often more pragmatic about sex. That not meant to sound sexist, it is an inconvenient truth. It makes men often seem cold or unfeeling to women, because that dissociation exists for men. We can justify it, saying, "it was just sex", women are far more emotionally involved in the act. Some women can disconnect the act from the emotion and just enjoy sex as a recreational pursuit, others, not so much. No matter which flavor of girl you have on your hands, you'll need to make your relationship secure in order to be able to play in an extracurricular capacity. Most likely, this won't be a overnight change, it will take work and time. It will take effective communication, don't let emotion make you say things you'll regret. You can't solve emotional problems emotionally, you have to solve them logically. More emotion just makes the problem spin out of control and makes for hurt feelings. Be loving, be understanding, but also be understood. Good luck

I brought up Maslow, we seem to be stuck on Maslow. When Maslow was explained to me, it was in the context that NEED is something the BODY compels the being to do. Eating is something the body compels you to do, so is sleep, defecation, urination, breathing, and other bodily functions. Physiological needs are those that the body compels us to do to survive. Sex is something the body compels you to do. We have sexual tastes in the same way we have culinary tastes, eating is a bodily compulsion, eating well is creative expression. Sex is much the same, but when we are denied our sexual tastes, we form mental compulsions. Sexual repression is damaging to the human psyche. Making a person feel immoral or dirty for expressing their sexual needs can lead to mental illness. I can site numerous cases where sexual repression led to criminally insane behavior. It's possible, not all cases are that extreme,most aren't in fact, but usually there is some form of abuse involved as well in such extreme cases. I wouldn't argue that sex is necessary for survival like eating, but I would argue that humans are social animals. That social nature is so deeply ingrained in us that sexual urges are compulsory to the preservation of the human social dynamic.

Our bodies compel us to have sex, we get horny, that is physiological need. Then the mind enters the picture, our basic need to have sex is transformed in the mind to an endless set of desires. Our minds change the physiological need to a matter of taste. Humans can sexualize nearly anything, we fetishize inanimate objects to the point of obsessive compulsion. A knothole in a tree or one of it's limbs can be sexualized given the proper shape. We have a nearly infinite capacity to project sexual thought onto whatever seems to be handy. Don't believe me, ask an ER nurse about what is then strangest object they have ever seen inserted into the human body. This strange proclivity for creative sexual expression leads to some predicaments that would boggle the mind. All of this is due to the lack of a willing sex partner. We yearn to find just one person who understands us, someone who can fill the void created by sexual need. The lengths we will go to in the absence of that person are nearly endless.

You can argue all you want that sexual expression isn't a need, I would give evidence to the contrary. Realdolls, sex machines, an endless variety of phallic substitutes, vaginal substitutes, clothing, equipment, furniture, ad infinitum, suggest otherwise. There are few other pursuits in life we are willing to go to such extreme measures to fulfill. Denial is fighting the urge fulfill one of our strongest desires, we can no more fight it than a salmon can fight the urge to swim upstream. Evolution gave us a higher functioning brain, those higher functions extend to sexual expression. Deny it if you will, it doesn't really eliminate the urge though, does it?

Annika L
Aug 20, 2014, 7:40 AM
Hmmm, 2bi2...not sure why you re-posted, but wanted to be sure this didn't get buried between your identical posts:

I think I love everything about this [2bi2's first] paragraph. All good stuff to consider. Do ask yourself...supposing she *can't* separate love from sex, but is willing to let you have sex with guys if she can have sex with other guys too...how would you feel about that (especially in the context of the emotional component sex has for her)? Just something to consider.

We let ourselves get distracted by semantics regarding Maslow. Let's forget for a moment the question of what Maslow meant by "need" or "physiological need". I think we *all* agree that sexual expression plays an important role in self actualization, right? I think 2bi2 brings up excellent points regarding this importance. You can say (and I maintain) "you won't die without it"...but I wouldn't deny for a moment that its lack can sure as hell make you miserable! And the "it" in that sentence can be sex at all, or any form of sex that is appealing to you that preys on your mind...it can be doggie style, woman astride, oral sex, anal sex, or *eep* sex with someone of your own sex (and any/all of the variations that that can entail). Any of these that a person wants is more than a hankering for broccoli or a chocolate cupcake...it is primal. They won't die without it, but damn it, yes, it's lack is felt and decreases the quality of their life, and generally emerges in other sublimated ways...and if those alternate ways are also squelched things just get even more twisted up.

So OP and Anna, yes, talk...there's loads to talk about. But don't talk with fear...talk with a genuine desire to understand what the real needs are on both sides; and I say don't talk with fear...but DO talk *about* the fears on both sides, because those are real too, and are important too. You can say that many men can separate love from sex...but some can't...and it would be a hell of a thing to find that out through thoughtless open-minded experimentation, especially after you've spend so much time on communication and acceptance.

Aug 20, 2014, 11:05 AM
In post 13, the OP states

"And every time we talk about it some how ends up in a fight i just want to be me i hate hiding like she wants me to."

" I just want to be free to be me is all not sure what that involves yet."

"I asked her before we got married if I would have to change me being bi she said no."

"Then I put a ring on her finger and now its totally changed she wants to change me but its apart of me that I can't change...."

I think that some poster are not getting what this is about.
It is about a heterosexual wife demanding that the bisexual man hide his sexuality and not talk about it. She wants to change him to be a heterosexual man. She seems to believe that this is possible.

Bisexuals do not need heterosexuals' approval to be themselves ....bisexual. We need bisexuals, gays and any heterosexual stating that the OP should be who he is. If he feels that he wants to talk about being a bisexual, his wife should be proud of him. She isn't. She is trying to be controlling to hide her shame and put shame on to him. Where are the condemnation postings about this married heterosexual woman's behaviour?

Calling a spade a spade, .....
She is a biphobic person and we should identify her as such. This is not just a heterosexual woman who is uncomfortable but denies bisexuality as a decent and appropriate way to exist. Communication will only work if she is willing to communicate her fears and is open to changing her behaviour and thinking about bisexuality. Like trying to change the attitudes of most bigots, I do not think that this will be an easy person to communicate with.

Aug 20, 2014, 2:53 PM
My 2 cents.I think that sex is a basic need.As much as needing love,or companionship or friendship.And I'll also say this,from personal experience & observation.No it's not scientific,but so what? Many women seem to think that they can change a man when they get attached (married or living together) it is not true.if a man has certain ideas & philosophies,he will not change,after the move in or marriage.If a man's going to change,he'll do it on his own,before any marriage or live-in situation,ONLY!

Aug 20, 2014, 3:32 PM
Sorry for the repost, I wasn't sure it had posted the first time at all, apologies

Aug 20, 2014, 4:54 PM
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. I think Tenni is right here, one can only lead a person so far down a path they aren't willing to walk down. It makes for a difficult situation, being at odds with a spouse over sexual issues. Especially when they misrepresented their point of view in order to continue the relationship in the first place. If this were a business situation, there would be lawyers involved for breach of contract. Issues of this nature are difficult at best when a partner is receptive let alone when one is willing to deceive the other partner. You sir, have been trapped, lured in and the door slammed shut behind you.

In my first marriage I dealt with a situation where I disclosed my sexual preferences, I was degraded and berated for them. I was threatened and denied sex within the relationship. I was shamed for my sexuality, and when the relationship digressed to infidelity on her part, it was little surprise. It mattered little that I was a good provider or was in marital counseling with her for over 5 years. I was willing to do what was necessary to remain in the relationship, she simply was not. There simply came a point where I reached my limit, I booted her out and filed for divorce. Still even afterward she maintained she didn't want a divorce, but she wasn't willing to take responsibility for her actions. I had never cheated, even in situations where I could have easily done it without her ever finding out. But once I reached my limit, I was DONE. I never looked back, and went on with my life without her. The very first relationship I had was with a TG girl, whom I met not long after my ex and I separated. I was happy for the first time in years.

Being in the wrong relationship is hurtful, it will drag you down and hurt your psyche. I would at least make an attempt to communicate with her, if she is unwilling, then it's time to get a lawyer before she ends up trapping you further with children. Being true to yourself is far more important than preserving a relationship that was ill-fated to begin with. In the end life is about being happy, if it doesn't make you happy, simply don't do it, or don't do it any more. Yes, it will require you to upset your life, divorce does that. But being divorced and happy with yourself is a far sight better of a life than being trapped in an unhappy marriage with the wrong person. You simply do not have to put up with someone willing to lie to you. You've done the right thing in coming and asking for advice, my advice is give her one more shot at communication. If she balks, cut her loose! There are some situations where even effective communication fails to rectify the problem., this may be one of those. Reality can be a bitch, and all the best intentions in the world won't change reality.

We can't defend the actions of all bisexuals, not all bisexuals behave with good intent in mind. Some are selfish and behave badly. We have to be honest with ourselves and own that. Not all heterosexuals behave with good intent, some are selfish and behave badly too. We have to be honest there as well and decide we don't have to be the victim of their manipulation. Sometimes we make bad choices for a partner, owning the fact we made a bad choice is hard to swallow but necessary. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence here, even being alone and being free to make your own choices is better than being in a bad relationship.

Annika L
Aug 21, 2014, 12:21 AM
Ok, tenni and 2bi2, let's just slow down...we all know there are two sides to every story and we're only hearing one.

The OP has not actually told us much...kind of a vague outline of a problem. I see where tenni gets his notions from the quotes he highlights...but there are questions that niggle at my mind:

>>my wife knew i was bi before we got married. And now she is trying to change me asking me why I go on sites and talk to guys

Asking why he goes on sites talking to (presumably bi/gay) guys does not constitute trying to change a person...it's a valid concern/curiosity. Has she directly asked the OP not to "be bisexual" anymore? (If she has, then she's pretty ignorant, but be that as it may....) Is her problem with him just *talking* to guys? (does she question his right to talk to guys at work, say?) Or did she catch him cybering with a guy and is scared of what that means, is hurt by a breakage in the marriage vows, and wants to understand what's going on?

>> I asked her before we got married if I would have to change me being bi she said no. Then I put a ring on her finger and now its totally changed she wants to change me

Ok, she "knew the OP was bi"...she said he wouldn't have to change this. But what was her understanding of what this meant, and what was his understanding of what this meant? To some "I'm bi" means "I'm attracted to both men and women" (that's what it means to me and seemingly to the majority of people who know about bisexuality. But to some it means "I have sex with men and women." If he meant the latter but she understood the former, then I can see a serious communication disconnect. I mean seriously...why should she need to demand he change his bisexuality? (How *could* he change this??) Why should she care if he's attracted to men and women? But he was committing to marriage, and thus to monogamy (unless there was some other explicit understanding)...so no, he needn't change his sexuality...but she expects him to abide by his friggin' vows. *That* situation doesn't sound biphobic to me at all...at worst it sounds realistically uneducated about the reality of bisexuals, and who could blame her for that?

So far, it sounds like *possible* bad communication and differing expectations.

Now the parts that concern me are:

>> i just want to be me i hate hiding like she wants me to.

Has she specifically asked the OP to hide? Or has she just asked him to stop cybering with guys? There's a big difference. You can wear your bi-pride shirt, talk about your bisexuality, etc., and still honor your wedding vows. But if she's actually saying she doesn't want the OP to talk about his sexuality with anyone, then that's crossing a line and does sound bi/homophobic. But from what's been posted, I'm not sure what the situation really is.

And then there's the real (for me) deal-breaker:

>> I have thought about counceling. And every time we talk about it some how ends up in a fight

Well, first question (I can certainly see why communication is an issue in this relationship): does "it" in that sentence refer to counseling? Or to the OP's bisexuality? If even talking about counseling leads to conflict, then there's a serious problem...she would appear not to be open to resolving the issue (or maybe she has prior bad experience with counseling? I dunno). I'd say set up counseling for yourself and then work out a way to invite her. BUT, if it's just talking about bisexuality that's leading to fights, then you definitely need to suggest couples counseling...you need someone who can bridge this communication gap and help make sure that the messages between you are clear.

If the OP would post some clarifications, it could help us understand the situation a bit better and offer better advice. But before I can jump on the "she's an evil biphobic bitch" bandwagon, I need some real information. It's too easy to interpret what's given to serve whatever narrative the reader wants to serve.

Aug 21, 2014, 11:00 AM
Like trying to change the attitudes of most bigots, I do not think that this will be an easy person to communicate with.

Some of us decide after quite a few tries, it is better not changing the
attitudes of bigots. We realize at a point that you are only responsible
for you & others are responsible for themselves. All that remains is
step aside, allow the train to pass on its inevitable derailing. In
calling a spade a spade, we can then say a wreck is a wreck.

Aug 21, 2014, 2:36 PM
To each their own. I see your points but I think that you are over analysing. Whether it is counselling or his bisexuality that she refuses to discuss, it is a huge problem.

I believe tho woman is biphobic. You are not convinced but look how long it took for biphobia to be even raised as a possibility. This is about his identity as a bisexual. Isaw that early on in this thread. Instead we have had a bees nest of challenging bisexual men's needs for sex...:( Most me will go to a porn site regardless of their sexuality. If she questions why he goes there I don't think that she knows much about men..lol As a bisexual man, he wants an outlet for his same sex desires. His profile states that he wants to talk only (maybe a wank too? ;)

I agree that he should discuss this with her but she seems closed down as far as honest communication.

Focus on the key comments rather than questioning the unspoken. Maybe, he will answer your questions. He was on this site yesterday but chose not to comment on this thread. This is the 46th post and I think that only two are from him.