View Full Version : This is why they hate us.

Oct 14, 2014, 12:42 PM
Little diva boy wants the world to know the stage only belongs to him.



The remix:


Oct 15, 2014, 9:29 AM
*sits looking fully befuddled for a while, looks at his empty coffee mug & sighs* "Hmm ... Not sure how to respond, if one is even to respond. This is why I avoid Buzzfeed, AoHell Media, Time Warner Media & the like. I simply cannot get my cranium that far up my rectum, even were I to attempt it. And yes, I would need my cranium there to no longer care enough to enjoy Crap-o-Vision."

I have much dislike of stereotypes despite there subtle uses at times. To me all this sort of brew ha ha is petty nonsense. "Oh look, this is why they hate the gay." "Yes, quite atrocious isn't it." "Lovely even in its atrocity, perhaps, we need more green in there to imply a connection of the gay with Ebola." "Oh how quaint. More pink too, we can assert the gay causes breast cancer." "Fine, can we say faaabulous?"

*shaking noggin* Bunch of horse dung, nattering blah blah gossip what talks all day and says nothing. Or, I may need more coffee & medication ... *ambles on to see to it & to feed critters, live *

Oct 15, 2014, 2:03 PM
It's a joke. No need to over-analyze it.

That kid will probably grow up to be a total bitchy queen, the type who thinks the entire world or universe revolves around him, and there are too many of people like this already.

Oct 16, 2014, 6:14 AM
It's a joke. No need to over-analyze it.

That kid will probably grow up to be a total bitchy queen, the type who thinks the entire world or universe revolves around him, and there are too many of people like this already.

* nods* "Oh. Ah. Okay. Roger that. Send Red Rover. Over (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJCfUm21BsI)."



Oct 16, 2014, 6:17 PM

Oct 17, 2014, 5:05 PM
*From mid vape ROFLMOA&SCE(spewing clouds everywhere), takes another long toke off his vape and continues ROFLMAO*

Wait until the cats find out. I already hear one in bound.


This diva boy will learn the meaning of Dado love. He'll hope his heart asplodes from all the kittie wat eatz him up. *LOL*

Oct 17, 2014, 5:16 PM
Apparently he was doing the choreography for Lady Gaga's Applause and he has caught her attention.


I prefer the video you posted above with the cat.

Oct 17, 2014, 5:19 PM
He'll join these people.


Oct 17, 2014, 9:13 PM
Not the first teen I've seen that wants attention and it probably won't be the last..

Now I have the nyan cat stuck in my head..



..and this one was pretty neat, since I get sentimental about technology that actually helps people..


Oct 18, 2014, 3:09 AM
* shakes noggin, obviously befuddled * Oh my. *gasps* Grumpy Nyan Cat ... oh wow. Shiny! :)

Before he destroys the world, can I get a Jayne hat? It will keep me warm in my travels. :)

Now I understand all this. The evil twin of Santa Clause is Satan Claws, who created the global warming conspiracy and other such illicit and dubious plots. This makes sense now, Satan Claws is in cahoots with an extra-testicle, Grumpy Nyan Cat. The extra-testicle does seek to destroy the world. Ha! You all thought I was bat shit insane. Well now, you got confirmation. Erm, um not that I'm bat shit insane, but I'm right, there is a big evil master plan out to destroy us all.

Leave it to my boyfriend to be the messenger of this bad news. *sighs* See, they thought of everything, they created the phrase "don't shoot the messenger." Hey honey, bend over I'll shoot you anyway. ;) I wants a Jayne hat and if i need to fill you with erm, led to get it, I will. Hehe.