View Full Version : clues to attraction

Nov 24, 2014, 8:18 AM
I recently got an email ad claiming to give you the nonverbal clues that a person is attracted.. the micro expressions that last for a brief moment.

I am curious if anyone has experienced it when a person of the attracted to gender sticks there tongue out when you first meet Apparently that can mean nervousness or even negative feelings.. is a coping mechanism perhaps.

I'd be curious if others could post what non verbal clues you use to decide to get closer to another.

Nov 25, 2014, 6:23 AM
I have read that non verbal clues are given with physical proximity increasing is a sign of attraction. Two people talking together who are attracted with unconsciously (or consciously) move increasingly physically closer to the person they are attracted to. The person will begin to mimic the motions of the person that they are attracted to. These behaviour traits are often not even recognized by the person who is attracted to the other person. I have not heard of sticking a tongue out as a sign of attraction. It makes sense that it is a sign of negative feelings towards the person but I don't know its origin. I wouldn't be surprised if sticking your tongue out as a sign of dislike is a cultural behaviour rather than non verbal unconscious behaviour across cultures.

Nov 25, 2014, 2:53 PM
LOL I think if someone shows their tongue slightly and slowly licks their lips, that's a definite overt come-on ! I have found that a nice smile on the face of someone who is looking at you is usually an indicator of attraction or that they are subconsciously hoping you'll be attracted to them and begin a conversation. I've noticed that most women and men in grocery stores and other public places will look away or straight ahead as they pass by me. Some will look me straight in the eyes and smile. Whenever that happens, I make sure to smile back and say 'hi' or 'how are you'! Not that it has ever gotten me instantly laid or anything, but you never know when such an innocent meeting might be the start of something :)

Nov 25, 2014, 5:45 PM
The term "micro expressions" pertains to facial gestures that are only well-visible while reviewing video in slow motion. During normal conversation, these gestures of the face are so brief, that I doubt most people can recognize them consistently without lots of training. It might be possible for some people, but not for most people.

For regular, real-time understanding, body language and more overt gestures are going to be much more easy to read.

As others have suggested:

Proximity, or otherwise pointing one's feet towards someone they like, holding an open body posture while talking to them.
Laughing/ drinking/ swaying in unison.

For women especially, the way they brush the hair out of their face, as if displaying their ear (ears are erogenous zones, bigtime!). While they are doing this hair, brushing, ear-displaying, they are also likely to display the inside of their wrist, rather than the back of their hand. Strong eye contact with the person of interest, right after hair-brushing/ear displays/wrist displays............. these are STRONG SIGNALS OF FEMALE ATTRACTION.

Men are similar to women in most respects, except for the hair thing. Men's eyes -- like women's eyes -- tell a great deal.