View Full Version : Trek Fans--there is more to Star Trek than just what JJ Abrams has done..

Dec 5, 2014, 12:31 AM
For those of you on here who are fellow fans of Star Trek, if you do not know of these pending productions by several independent production groups--be sure to check these sites out about each in progress non-JJ Abrams/CBS/Paramount productions:

The first one is a project being produced and directed by Tim Russ who played "Tuvok" on Star Trek Voyager http://startrekrenegades.com/home/

The second production is a different group but they have many of the same actors---ones you will recognize from different eras of Trek show---the same goes for Renegades above. http://www.startrekaxanar.com

It does seem that along with the big budget JJ Abrams Trek films and productions such as these---Star Trek is thankfully alive and well.

I really like both the quality and tone of both of these Trek ventures----that even though they are both a darker take on the Trek universe----they are good ways to go for keeping Trek alive and relevant nearly 50 years on since the first Star Trek series premiered.

Dec 5, 2014, 9:33 AM
Thank god! Abrams is doing to Star trek what the IRS does to us all.

Dec 5, 2014, 11:12 AM
In checking out other independent Star Trek related productions---I found another that is worth taking a gander----Star Trek Phase II. This piece pretty much explains what the series is about--and you can find past episodes on You Tube.


One episode worth watching, if for nothing else, it truly did push "the final frontier" when it comes to Trek stories---they actually have an openly gay male character, Captain Kirk's nephew, Peter, who is a young officer serving aboard the Enterprise.

In one scene---the young Kirk and his boyfriend share an intimate moment.

For many Trek fans----it has been a point of contention that the writers of the various Trek shows or films only skirted around and did not do---have a truly gay or lesbian character.

Well--kudos to the producers of this show---they did not flinch from having a scene like the one in this episode of Star Trek Phase 2. They have more balls than have the producers of the official Trek shows have had to date in regards to having a openly gay character.


Dec 6, 2014, 12:22 AM
In checking out other independent Star Trek related productions---I found another that is worth taking a gander----Star Trek Phase II. This piece pretty much explains what the series is about--and you can find past episodes on You Tube.


One episode worth watching, if for nothing else, it truly did push "the final frontier" when it comes to Trek stories---they actually have an openly gay male character, Captain Kirk's nephew, Peter, who is a young officer serving aboard the Enterprise.

In one scene---the young Kirk and his boyfriend share an intimate moment.

For many Trek fans----it has been a point of contention that the writers of the various Trek shows or films only skirted around and did not do---have a truly gay or lesbian character.

Well--kudos to the producers of this show---they did not flinch from having a scene like the one in this episode of Star Trek Phase 2. They have more balls than have the producers of the official Trek shows have had to date in regards to having a openly gay character.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtifyhPScCwoh my!

Dec 6, 2014, 6:42 PM
Yeah the last Trek movie SUCKED! Rehashing The Wrath of Kahn movie. Couldn't find any original story material or what?

Dec 7, 2014, 4:20 AM
Yeah the last Trek movie SUCKED! Rehashing The Wrath of Kahn movie. Couldn't find any original story material or what?

Well, for the first movie in Abramsverse (as trek fans are now calling it), they (Kurtsman and Orci) had to keep the script under tight lockdown to get the reboot right... I think they did a pretty good job of it. But from what I heard, they supposedly had set up a website for fan suggestions for the second movie... A reboot of the Khan story was the top response. I think Into Darkness was okay, but it was not better than Wrath of Khan... However, if you are not an Abrams fan, rest easy... He will not be directing the next Star Trek movie in 2016. He'll be too busy with Star Wars VIII. :)

Dec 7, 2014, 4:53 AM
Wow... Hollywood rehashed an old telly show? Shock horror... just like they have done almost since telly wos conceived.. like they done wiv games, theatre, books, old films, comics... originality is a rare thing thing indeed in the mecca of glitz.. or as me Grandad used to call it, the theatre of ham and tat.. am not a Trekkie... me dad was and me mum is... me bruvva is... me sister and I had 2 much of it rammed down our throats as kids. 'Bout time it wos buried and an sent through a black hole somewer nev to b seen again...

...wy else do I prefer continental cinema? French and Russian, Scandinavian, German, Italian, Spanish... among others.. and much of Asian cinema, South America...some African.. originality and good storylines, less glitz.. much less tat... cinema 2 make me think and allows time so to do. Cinema 2 chill 2... 2 challenge, as Poirot might say, "the little grey cells...". If I may say, American cinema is at its best when it does that in its own way and it can do it brilliantly... just not often enuff..it is all about attention spans and fx, noise and 100 mph "plots"... it is an opiate to dumb us down, and how well it has done its job.. how well it has trivialised our world...

Dec 7, 2014, 8:42 AM
I grew up watching Star Trek and Star Wars. I loved the original tv show and the Next Generation as well. After that, the other tv shows just didn't interest me at all and almost made me think that Star Trek was dead until JJ Abrams directed the new movies. I'm anxious to see the new Star Wars movie next year.

I might be a Trekkie but I'm not a extreme Trekkie fan wearing the "uniform" to a convention or learning how to speak Klingon. I like watching the tv shows and movies and that's it. I did dress up as Luke Skywalker as a kid for Halloween but I think the original Return of the Jedi came out that year.

P.S. I hope I can look as good as William Shatner at his age.

Dec 7, 2014, 3:45 PM
Ha... Love Star Trek. I can't quite keep up with it these days as I stay so busy, but back in school I was, I'll admit this, a projectionist at Star Trek conventions. I helped load up the reels, and stayed up on the all night shifts in the movie room. Saw some great stuff and met some great people, and have the original casts autographs. I like the Abrams entries. It'll be yet more interesting times with a new director taking helm. The only thing I'm really tired of is the original cast members always having to make some type of appearance. Let it go, people.

Dec 7, 2014, 8:02 PM
Let it go, people. First time I heard ne 1 sayin owt like this in a film wos I think wos Ed Harris in Apollo 11.. or saying summat, anything and endin it wiv the word "people". move, people... find a solution, people.. fix it, people., ther is an answer, people etc etc etc.... it gets on me wick.. it has become a hackneyed ole phrase...a cliche.. an example of the lack of originality in not just film.. but in society.. tf I dont hear it very often in life and if I do the speaker cops his whack... I may not hear it ver often in life.. but I do hear it and that is too often...

Dec 8, 2014, 9:52 PM
P.S. I hope I can look as good as William Shatner at his age.

I think that "The Shat" made a deal with the devil or something and hidden in some vault---he has his version of "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" locked away---the man is something else for 83 years old!!!

I have a very good buddy from high school who does special effects make up and he did the make up for Leonard Nimoy in the first Abrams Trek film. My bud said that Nimoy's skin is a thin as tissue paper and he really had to be very careful not to literally rip up Nimoy's skin when working to put on the makeup.

Nimoy and Shatner are both the same age and their birthdays are only a very short time apart---like a matter of within roughly, a two week period as I recall. Nimoy is also said to be very ill--he supposedly has a nasty cancer---I do hope he makes it through his part he will play in the next Trek film---which "The Shat" is reportedly gonna be in as well.

I do hope that somehow---they write Kirk as being from "the old timeline" as the old Spock is from.

I also hope that like Spock "prime" has advised Spock 2 on some things----that Kirk "prime" gives some advice to the "young Kirk" on how to go about doing things----and this begins Chris Pine playing Kirk a bit more like Shatner played Kirk--at least in that Kirk did things like consider history, the meaning of freedom and others instead of being a totally brash, impulsive jerk.

Dec 9, 2014, 12:20 AM
First time I heard ne 1 sayin owt like this in a film wos I think wos Ed Harris in Apollo 11.. or saying summat, anything and endin it wiv the word "people". move, people... find a solution, people.. fix it, people., ther is an answer, people etc etc etc.... it gets on me wick.. it has become a hackneyed ole phrase...a cliche.. an example of the lack of originality in not just film.. but in society.. tf I dont hear it very often in life and if I do the speaker cops his whack... I may not hear it ver often in life.. but I do hear it and that is too often...
It's possible I picked it up from Ed Harris in Apollo 13, subconsciously. I have to admit being really into him. Sorry that you don't care for the expression, no offense intended. It was directed more towards the 1st gen actors, as I find it difficult to maintain a healthy suspension of disbelief when they return.

Dec 9, 2014, 6:42 AM
It's possible I picked it up from Ed Harris in Apollo 13, subconsciously. I have to admit being really into him. Sorry that you don't care for the expression, no offense intended. It was directed more towards the 1st gen actors, as I find it difficult to maintain a healthy suspension of disbelief when they return.
I am not offended by it, sweetheart.. it is more that when I hear it in life or in film, it sets me teeth on edge.. things like that happen to most of us.. kind of in the manner of when one scrapes one's nails down an ole blackboard.. or worse, the habit big bruvva has of scraping his fork on his toothy pegs as he takes it from his gob as he eats..