View Full Version : Men, describe the best blowjob you've received...

Aug 8, 2006, 6:48 PM
I like giving head as well as receiving. But what's on my mind at the moment is receiving. I'm curious, men, for a description of the best blowjob you've ever gotten. For me, it occurred while I was driving on a suburban Chicago expressway one afternoon. My wife reached over, undid my belt, unzipped my cargo shorts and slid them to my ankles. Then, she placed her mouth on my swolen cock and proceeded to lick me into oblivion. Fortunately, throughout I kept a steady hand on the wheel. As cars and trucks flew by on both sides, I shot an enormous load of cum into her mouth at 80 mph. Let's hear about your experiences.....

Aug 8, 2006, 8:26 PM
Not done it before....but this is how i imagine it!
My girlfriend and I at home alone. I've secretly invited a bi-guy around...sum one we havent met before...sumone we've only spoke to.
He arrives...and as soon as he's sat down i kneel in front of him...unbuckle his belt and slide his jeans down. Then i start to kick his cock through his tight underwear. I do this for about ten minutes...then pull his cock out...which 3" bigger than mine!
My girlfriend gasps...and walks over to us. She has her face next to mine as i take the end in my mouth. I take it all in my mouth...which she showed me how to do with a strap-on...i suck his balls...then i lick the end of his cock while she wanks him off!
He comes so hard...and so much...it takes them a while to lick it off my face!!!

Will tell you all what happens next...when it happens...i hope its soon!!!

Aug 8, 2006, 8:33 PM
I think one of my best was one of my first... at least one when I also wanted to give it right back. A guy I worked with had been flirting/hitting on me for a few weeks. One night we were working late and a male friend of his stopped by. They were in his office fooling around and the door was not quite closed all the way, so I was able to sneek a peek. Ok... so I stood there totally watching as his friend gave him a 20 minute blowjob. By the time he was done I was rock hard and it took every ounce of willpower to focus one work and get my hardon down. After his friend left he came into my office to "chat". It took about 10 minutes before he hit on me asking if I was ever going to let him blow me. I just couldn't take it and said absolutely. He spent the next 20 minutes licking, sucking, kissing and nibbling my dick and balls... finally when I was ready, he deepthroated me and coaxed one of the best orgasms out of me. I seemed to cum forever. As soon as I was done he licked me clean and as soon as he stood up I never hesitated and gave my first blowjob ever... but that's a different story.

Aug 8, 2006, 9:59 PM
I was witha couple that I knew for a long time and we ended up in bed ... out of the blue while I was on top of her and she was suckingg her hubby off she told him to put his cock in my mouth .. I was stunned at first but was also surprised how quickly I eased into it and liked it .. next thing I knew I was on my back with him down on me ... it was awesome .. wife was going nuts and it was the best time of my life ... spent more time with them until they left the area .. would love to repeat that and find a couple to be friends with both in and out of bed ... hopefully might happen some day ! :-)

Aug 9, 2006, 1:53 AM
the best I've gotten is from my wife then again she is the only one I've found that would do that

Aug 9, 2006, 2:47 AM
the best blowjob I ever got I got from two of my best friends when we had sex together. :-)

Aug 9, 2006, 7:44 AM
A gal i saw for a while years ago lost most of her front teeth in a car accident and had to wear dentures. When she took those out, well, OMG need i say more.... She had great technique anyway..

Aug 9, 2006, 11:09 AM
I think for me the best one I ever had was the first time that CL gave me one on cam. It was late at night and we were chatting with one of her old cyber friends. It was actually very interesting sitting there and watching them talk about some of their times together. Eventually the conversation turned to me and her and the next thing I knew she had reached over and pulled my cock out and proceeded to suck me. For the first little while I thought she was just teasing and getting things primed for later but the longer she sucked me the more I came to realize she was not going to stop until I had cum. Once that realization hit it didn't take long........lol. The thrill of having this beautiful woman sucking my cock and someone (to me a total stranger) watching made it so hot. Shortly after we said our goodbyes and we had a good hard fuck right in the kitchen but that's another story.....heheheehe


love ya CL........

Aug 9, 2006, 1:30 PM
I was in a theatre watching the director's cut of Alien. Greatest film I've ever seen :bigrin:

Hearts of Clear Lake
Aug 9, 2006, 1:50 PM
The best blowjob I have ever received was at Turks and Caicos during the off season. I was with my best friend on a deserted beach and he suddenly went over me and said: "Make sure nobody comes near" and he started playing with my balls, even though I had my Speedos on. Then, he took them down and sucked it and it was like wow. The thrill of being there, at the risk of being discovered was awesome and boy, he's a good sucker.

Aug 12, 2006, 12:41 AM
there are simply too many to name one particular one....aren't I the fortunate one? Though generally speaking I have received better blow jobs from men over all, there have been some women that were every bit as good and even better than the best of men at it....it all depends on whether the person giving really enjoys it; that's the essential key. But to name one over all the rest, I mean really, you must be kidding!!!....lol....

Aug 12, 2006, 11:31 AM
The WORST blow job I ever had was still pretty damn good!!! :bigrin:

Aug 12, 2006, 2:22 PM
I hope I haven't had the "Best" one yet :eek:

Aug 19, 2006, 2:12 AM
The best I ever had was about 26 years ago, best I can remember. :rolleyes:
Her name was Gabby and she could pull her teeth out. :tongue: She did and gave me the softest and most tantilizing gum-job :rotate: I've evr had. Took about 20 minutes then she got her puddin. I'll leave the details to your imagination.Whooooaaaa!!!!! :bigrin:

Aug 19, 2006, 6:54 PM
The best one I ever received was with my first lover, he worked to hard to make everything work.

The best one I ever gave just happened a couple of weeks ago.

I had new guy who I had just met. He was on top humping my mouth when he began to pour into my mouth like a fire hose.

Though I seen these porno stories, I never believed them, but this guy was putting in such a volume and so fast, and he kept going, it was leaking down my face and dripping off my chin. Much more than I could possibly ever swallow - WOW!!

What a rush.

May 15, 2007, 3:39 PM
One of the best blowjobs I ever got was from a college fling. I worked the late shift with this older woman. She was thin and fairly pretty, and horny as could be. She would go down on me at a moment's notice, it was her favorite thing. Once, we were 69ing on the couch. It was a little couch, so I wound up scooting up the side of it until I was almost standing, with my arms around her waist and her legs over my head. I was eating her pussy and she was sucking my dick and kept getting farther and farther down on it until her nose was rubbing my nuts. I came so hard, and she never missed a beat, taking it all down her throat. And I was way down her throat at that point to begin with. I hope her oragasm was half as good.

May 15, 2007, 10:25 PM
Only ever actually recieved one once [given them a few times though]. It was within a month of starting university and about a week after I'd snogged a bloke for the first time [18 years of total virginity/asexuality not even snogging anyone (male or female) before university - when I finally got to university, I just went crazy in the first few weeks]. The dude who gave me one was a couple of years older and overall the whole thing was pretty cool as we tried lots of different stuff and it ended with me having a really good BJ.

As it was the only one, I suppose it was the best one I've had.

Izzfan :flag3:

May 15, 2007, 11:17 PM
The best blowjob I have ever had was the week before last. It had been two weeks before my present partner and I had sex. I had not masturbated during that interval. I WAS READY TO FIRE. I am somewhat more aggressive bottom than top and he is somewhat more passive top than bottom. So after an hour of pleasuring him, followed by 69 and deep throating his massive member, it was my turn for sexual bliss. With the taste of his cum still in my mouth, I was on top, caressing him as he sucked me into oblivion. Even though is was not the fourth of July, I am sure I heard fireworks when I climaxed.


May 16, 2007, 2:15 AM
A bad blowjob is better than a good day in the office--unless you get at least one great blowjob while in your office!!!!

Somebody took mine-but I too had a nice blowjob while going down the interstate--my girlfriend at the time gave me one---I had a Camaro and it had this big console between the seats where the gear shifter and the glove box were both located--how she got around all of that and was able to do it-I still can't figure out--I also can't figure out how in the hell I did not wipe out thanks to getting a nice BJ cruising down I-4 near Orlando at 75 miles an hour!!!!!! I might have been going faster if my Camaro had been an IROC--mine was only an RS! Thank God there was not an FSP cruiser around--the Trooper (he or she) would have loved to see what we were up to!!!

Yyyyyyeeeeeoooooww weeee!!!!!!

May 16, 2007, 4:28 AM
The best blow job i ever got was from my wife and another guy, plus an additional guy was fucking her in the ass. The blow job went back in forth from one to another with them french kissing over my cock. When I came, it was all over their mouths and faces and they ate it up. The guy fucking her in the ass...then came in her mouth. Fucking hot and yeah this really happened.

May 16, 2007, 5:53 AM
[QUOTE=12voltman59]A bad blowjob is better than a good day in the office--unless you get at least one great blowjob while in your office!!!!

I agree with voltman on this, I don't think a bad blow job exists!

May 16, 2007, 8:26 AM
i think it's a toss up between one time in a park and almost got caught, and driving at night.... both with flex :cool:

May 16, 2007, 12:14 PM
well, I thought I'd never reach a point to where I thought I'd be saying the best blow job of my life.....and maybe memory doesn't serve as well but this one I am going describe was so remarkable, that in recent memory, there has never been better and that is truly saying a lot.
I was in a situation in which I'd already received a great blow job and had given a couple to completion too. I was lying there after a great orgasm with cum all over my belly because the guy who had been sucking me decided to finish me with a hand job which felt great and so I hit my orgasm this way. I lay there with cum all over my belly and up and down the length of my cock. Another guy who had watched it all had been touching me from time to time gently rubbing my nipples and belly while I'd been receiving the blow job and then the hand job. He moved in right after I had cum......thus the cum all over my belly, etc. He then decided to lick at some of the cum on my belly and then just went down on my cock that had gotten somewhat soft already. But he knew just how to do this....very very gently as I was still sensitive from my orgasm. I thought, why not. I figured it was over and in another couple of minutes, I"d get up and leave and get dressed; go home. But oh no...this gentle sucking was amazing....perfect. And he got all the remaining cum that had been on my cock from this orgasm I"d just experienced....he continued his gentle sucking for 5 minutes...I then started to feel a bit of a tingling in my cock...and then little by little, my cock began to respond...now, you must understand that for me, it usually takes another hour to be ready to go again. But here, my cock was feeling like it might be ready in a few more minutes...and it was....so now I had a full hard on again and this guy was so good. He picked up on every little nuance....and I thought I was good! After about 10 minutes of wonderful cocksucking, he decided to insert a finger into my ass...and little by little worked it in; dry....and so, my ass accepted this finger and once he worked it all in, he started to finger fuck me which really got me going even more. I could feel another orgasm on the verge of coming through and the pace quickened as he sucked beautifully and fingerfucked me in a rhythm that was completely in sync. I thought I was ready to cum....it felt like it and I went for it....but then, unfortunately, for whatever reason, it didn't happen. At first I was very disappointed and thought he would stop and get up and walk away....but he didn't...he just waited with his mouth still around my cock which had gone somewhat soft again....but that amazing gentle sucking kept on...a few more moments and it was hard again...and then we started all over except this time since I'd already been so close to cumming, I was able to continue almost where I"d left off..this time, we moved a bit faster and the fniger was pumping in and out of my ass deeply and I felt it all unfolding....my orgasm finally arrived and my cock went totally erect as I hit my orgasm....and it was a very deep orgasm from deep inside me that sent tremors all the way from inside my ass throughout my cock and then of course to the rest of my body...like a big surge that went throughout my body from the area....I couldn't believe it....he stayed with it.....and another nice load which no doubt he had gotten from massaging my prostate with his fingerfucking poured into his mouth...he swallowed it down and stayed put with very gentle sucking until my cock went completely limp...and even then still sucked ever so gently....he finally pulled away, licked the length of my limp cock down to my balls....kissed them and licked them...and then sat up between my legs looking at me....I just told him, "I can't believe it"....and he simply chuckled...finally stood up and walked away.....I know this sounds like something out of some zine story, but it really is how it happened. I was asked why I didn't get his name and number...and you know, I realized the same thing too much later. But I was so elated, fulfilled, and spent at the time that I just lay there in disbelief....again, I pride myself at how well I do oral....but I could never compete with this...or maybe I will now...lol.....I learned something from just enjoying receiving it for a change....Wow.........

May 16, 2007, 7:15 PM
I had only given a blow job once before, and I was still very nervous. I was about 29, he was mid 50s. We had been chatting a bit on his couch with a great view of the lake. Finally, he got up and dropped his pants and offered me his dick. Not soon after we were both naked and in a 69 laying on our sides. Oh my! It was so awesome that way. I could milk his dick forever this way. Originally I hadn't been comfortable with the idea of sperm in my mouth, but when he came it was just so awesome. I couldn't get enough! But as his sperm shot in my mouth I shot my own load in his. It was incredible shooting a load while receiving one. I swallowed his load, but then I wasn't expecting him to come over and kiss me. It was then I learned the art of snowballing. He emptied my load in my mouth. It was fantastic! :bigrin:

May 16, 2007, 7:54 PM
it turned out to be a guy who came into my store as a salesman. We were in the backroom placing orders and it was very very close quarters. The store was not open yet as it was still only 8 in the morning. Being so close we brushed upto each other several times, Ii guess doing so caused me to think about stuff and got me a semi. He noticed the next time he brushed me, and smiled. We kind of laughed it off but then kept running our hands past each other until we held hands. We ended up making out for minautes until he ended up taking down my pants. I was fully hard by this point. H e pull ed his down as well and I very quickly began to rim him as he put my cock in his mouth. It felt spo right sliding in and out. I could hardly keep licking the way he stuffed his mouth full, He mad me hold his head down and choked on me over and over until I came. Never letting his lips off until he had taken each drop of cum, we then kissed and snow balled. This was perfect!

May 16, 2007, 9:16 PM
It has to be Kris, a girlfriend from college. She thirsted for my cum at all times. On planes, in the library, in a hallway, in bed, on the floor, at parties, driving in the car etc. Her demands for sucking my cock started the first time we were alone and ended only after her steady boyfriend got wise to her and threatened to break up with her. It seemed a rich guy with a Corvette and money were more important than my cock which became accustomed to her wonderful mouth and best technique of driving me crazy that would only end when I pushed her face on my hard slippery cock when I literally exploded in her mouth. I can still see the devilishly contented smile on her face with cum drooling from her lips. And that look that said, "can you cum again?” Which I would do until it almost hurt.

It was quite a year and she was quite a lady. I often wonder if Mr. Corvette stayed with her. I may have been a poor college kid then but now could meet her money requirements.

I really liked you Kris and hope you found happiness after the Circle. Sure I miss your cock sucking ways but also your laugh, the smell of your hair as you lay in my arms and remember your slightly dirty white blouses and dirty bras which covered your smallish breasts, light colored nipples -- those lovely tasting pointy hard nipples. God, they gave me pleasure and at any time I could reach my hands inside your blouse and bra to squeeze them. (Probably it was my hands that made the dirt but you never said anything about it. You were ever the lady.)

May 17, 2007, 10:36 AM
The best blow job I have ever had has got to be the one I received from my two mates last Thursday night during our regular mmm session.
We had spent the whole night, as we usually do, having fun with baby oil, dressing up in our tight latex suits and taking turns- sometimes two at a time- in the see through vacuum bed. We nearly always manage to ejaculate pretty much at the same time which is a great turn on as we share it all between ourselves. But last Thursday I was the last to reach orgasm and had the thrill of having my cock and shaved balls sucked and licked by not one but two eager mouths! Kneeling between my open legs as I sat on the edge of the bed, my two pals- still dressed in their tight latex, including hoods- placed their wet lips either side of my big shiny nob and frantically lapped up all of my hot cum as I wanked. It was SO horny to see their faces side by side- already covered with each others cum- fight for mine too.

Question Describe the worst blow job you have ever had? Answer- FANTASTIC!

May 19, 2007, 9:37 PM
Easily my only FFM encounter. I was getting drilled with a vibrating dildo while I was sucked by the other. I was trying to eat pussy at the same time, but found it far to difficult to concentrate. Awesome couple of girls.

May 20, 2007, 3:56 PM
Best blowjob that I've ever had, Hmmmmmmmm one word comes to mind....................HOOVER!!!!!!!!! :tong:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

May 2, 2013, 1:34 PM
The best I ever had was the last one I had. Of course that will change when I get my next one. At that point that one will be the best.

May 2, 2013, 5:51 PM
Well, they're all good, but a memorable one was while driving over the Tampa Bay Bridge. Initially, I had my fingers slipping over my girlfriend's swollen clit, and after she orgasmed (her favorite way was with fingers, so it wasn't too hard to manage) hadn't expected to get anything until we got home. Surprise surprise, she bent over, fished my cock out and gave me one of the best well-remembered orgasms I've ever had. I drove under the speed limit, made a U-turn and crossed back over the bridge just so she wouldn't stop until I came :)

Mr. Suck
May 3, 2013, 1:46 AM
One from my husband, and he loves the ones I give him. :)

Bisexual Explorer
May 3, 2013, 6:07 AM
Great thread. I'm turned on reading about everyone's experiences. I've now spent several very enjoyable minutes remembering the great blow jobs I've been fortunate to have and trying to pick the best one. I must say I'm now so horny that I ....

May 4, 2013, 1:18 AM
I haven't came from very many bj's in my life, my ex g/f used to give the best, by far.... but that was about 8 years ago. I've gotten many good ones since, but nothing great like hers were.

R. R. Wayne
May 5, 2013, 2:01 AM
my buddy and I had decided to videotape our 69 sessions and use them to arrouse us to ensure repeat performances. Once we got close we stopped and repositioned our bodies so that the camera was focused on my cock and his mouth only (no longer in the 69 position). He got me totally wet with pre-cum and saliva and was kneeling over my cock and caressing my incredibly wet and slippery cock and balls. The run up to climaxing was so intense it almost hurt from all of the pleasure and then I started to cum, as his mouth slid back up to the tip of my cock, he would open his mouth and let some of my cum flow out to heighten the visual sensation (I am watching this on a 14 inch color moniotor) and then he would slowly go back down on my cock. After about five reps of this he opened his mouth and let all of the cum spill out over the head of my cock. MY cum was running down all over my balls and then he proceeded to slowly lap it all up and swallow it. Later after we had packed up all the equipment and carried it out to my van, I cam back to the hotel room for a hug and a goodbye kiss. As our tongues probed each other's mouths he felt my manhoold begin to get hard. He slid down, unbuckled my belt and pulled my zipper down and dropped my jeans and jockey shorts and gave me a very intense blowjob totally engulfing my cock the entire session and I came again in about two minutes. It was heavenly. He then kissed me good bye and gave me back my cum to savor on the ay home

He actually gve me my first blow job when I was about 15 and we maintined this relationship for close to 50 years.

May 5, 2013, 10:48 AM
22 years old, home on leave from the Army. The guy who had been my suck buddy from 8th grade through high school was home on Christmas break from MU. We had not seen each other for over two years so we were ready. Naked in bed, he slid his left arm under and around my hips and with his right hand he put a rhythmic pressure between my balls and asshole. He didn't move his head much, just kept sucking hard while using his tongue on the head of my cock. The feeling was so intense I didn't even realize it when I started to come. The cum gushed out in a quantity I had never experienced before or since and he swallowed every drop. That was also a new experience as we had both always spit before. He sucked and licked until I was completely soft. Then I returned the favor. He came by again the next day, but another friend was visiting so nothing happened. We have not seen each other again.

May 5, 2013, 10:50 AM
A short, dark-haired, drop-dead gorgeous guy and I cruised each other in a porno store in San Francisco and ended up in a video cabin together. We deep-kissed for a little while then he went down. He was wearing a long, dangly earring in his left ear, which swung back and forth a little with the motions of his head. We clasped our hands together with our fingers tightly interlocked (my right hand, his left) and he was able to take my dick deep into his mouth (I'm about 9 inches, so that was quite an accomplishment.) I shot a heavy load and he swallowed it all. The blowjob itself took 1-2 minutes. Afterward we held onto each other for a little while, then he was ready to go without asking me to reciprocate, which I would have gladly done. This was in 1978.

Young pussy and dope
May 7, 2013, 12:21 AM
There was a man, and he sucked my dick.