View Full Version : How Cool is Protection?

Feb 16, 2015, 10:46 AM
At least for now, I'm pro-condom, but just to get an impression of the odds I'm facing, how many other guys here are cool with it?

Like would you insist on doing it latex free, taking the risk or finding out for absolute certain that your partner is healthy, no other way,
Is a condom no problem at all for you?

Again I'm pro-condom, don't worry about me, but I'm more concerned about how other guys would feel.
(by the by, I intend on being the 'fuckie')

Feb 16, 2015, 1:23 PM
I just had my second bout with a cancer caused by HPV virus. Definitely pro-condom.

Feb 16, 2015, 1:23 PM
This is an interesting and controversial issue. You leave it as a broad vague way. Do you mean for anal? oral? or ?

I think that it is an individual decision to be made by each person. Certainly, listening to any potential partner on their views and practices is the first criteria. If you don't participate in anal sex, that reduces your risks. If the potential partner insists on condoms for oral sex, then you have the option of agreeing and using a condom or not. If not, you may want to walk away from the potential partner just as the person wanting you to wear a condom before they perform oral on you has the right to walk away. You could also wait for STI testing before getting intimate but I think that the per on wanting a condom for oral sex will come with certain fears that may make oral unpleasant..just a suspicion.

The threat of HPV infection may come from kissing as well as oral sex. As I wrote, this is very controversial. Each person will make up their own mind and hopefully after researching carefully. My provincial government offers young people free HPV vaccine to both girls and boys around the age of 12 to 14 on the hope that they are vaccinated prior to sexual activity.

MYTH: If I use a condom, I can’t get HPV or any other STI

FACT: Condoms can protect against most STIs including HIV/AIDS, but do not provide complete protection against HPV. The virus can spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected areas of the skin not covered by the condom (such as the scrotum, anus, or vulva).
HPV is actually very difficult to prevent unless you decide not to have sex for life, or you only have one sexual partner who has never had another partner before. Anyone who has been sexually active may have HPV. Most sexually active people will have the virus at some point in their life.
The HPV virus causes 90% of genital warts (low-risk types 6 and 11) and 70% of cervical cancers (high-risk types 16 and 18).
If you choose to have sex, two vaccines are now available in Canada:

one protects against types 16 and 18
the other against types 6, 11, 16 and 18

MYTH: HPV will not affect me because I have only one partner. It only affects people who “sleep around”

FACT: Any person who has sexual contact with another person can get HPV. You may be at risk even if you have only one partner because your partner may have had other partners in the past.
You can have sex with an infected person without knowing the person has the virus. You can spread the virus without knowing you are infected because you may not have any visible symptoms. Each partner in a sexual relationship may carry the infection for many years without knowing it.

more at http://hpvinfo.ca/teens/myths-about-hpv/

Feb 16, 2015, 3:35 PM
They're not bad for anal or vaginal sex; but who wants to use one for giving or getting oral sex?

Feb 16, 2015, 4:15 PM
I'm not a fan of condoms, although maybe 20 years ago I fooled around with a guy that was fanatical about them. Then again, he was a very promiscuous homo guy who regularly cruised and had sex with strangers. I didn't think anything of it back then.

Since then, I've come to consider myself a barebacker. I see no point in having anal sex if there's a condom involved. That's easy for me to say, though, as I simply don't have anal sex anymore. I can think of one guy I was eager to have plow me a few years ago.

I backed out of it simply because he was widely known as a very promiscuous barebacker. I thought him a hottie at the time and really wanted to be inseminated by him. But, I knew it was very risky with his record of screwing everyone around town and beyond, usually bareback. I figured we could have used condoms, but if we did that, what would be the point?

I finally let that meet up wither on the vine as I wouldn't have trusted myself if I got caught up in the passion of the moment. I was worried I'd say to hell with the rubbers. FWIW, that guy is HIV positive now. Not sure if he was back then.

Now I'm pretty much avoiding any sexual relations unless I meet some guy where it would be monogamous, we could trust each other and wouldn't have to worry about condoms. I'm not holding my breath.

Feb 16, 2015, 9:08 PM
Cooler than any disease...

Feb 17, 2015, 7:57 AM
I think that it all depends on your outlook of the situation. You can see it as an interruption and aggravation or it can be part of the build up to a good time. Putting on the gear for your favorite sport helps to get you psyched up for what's to come. For me, rolling on a condom means that the real fun is about to begin and my heart beats a little faster. Condoms can also help with clean up afterwards. I know that the rubber takes a little feeing away but YOU'RE STILL GETTING LAID!!!!