View Full Version : Bi-Sex Bears/Musclebears/Cubs/Otters/etc.

Aug 13, 2006, 1:48 PM
Part of my journey with this whole bi thing has been to connect with men who are like me in lots of ways. I have discovered a general community, if you will call it that, of men who tend to be more masculine, have face and body hair, in addition to other features. Many of us are sporting types and outdoorsmen as well, although, like any subculture, we come from every background imaginable. I identify with the "musclebear" or "cub" identity, and have recently met a fella who is the same. (Spending a week with him in a cabin in the Great Smokies soon---YEAH!) I know a number of you out there generally identify with this group (that's YOU Sweetum9, Diamond Dog, Catdog, Usedbear, et al).

The question is, I am interested in any info relating to links, groups, meetings, erotica--whatever--related to BI-SEX Bears/Musclebears/Cubs, etc. Plently of exclusively gay stuff out there, but again, interested to see if there is a bi sub-sub-culture among bears. I did notice the Ron Suresha book, and have checked out his excellent site, but find myself wanting more).

To the degree that there is or is not a bi-sex bear community, should we found one here?????? Also, an appeal to Drew and the other powers that be to find more erotica, if possible, that caters to the bear in all of us. Some us us would like to see some of these Eastern European fellas featured in the erotica here covered with some fur and able to bench the woman they are with. This is for some of the ladies, too. Ms. Eltoro, for instance, is a Cubs fan. . .


Aug 13, 2006, 2:11 PM
Toro forgive my ignorance but what on earth is an otter? one assumes your not refering directly to the cuddly water loving animal!!

And as for spending time with ur fella i hope you both have a fantastic time together in that log cabin you mentioned.

Love & hugs

Aug 13, 2006, 2:16 PM
i cant seem to limit myself to one type of manscape or another. bears are nice in a protective cuddle & spoon way. otterpops the other way around. there is something nice about wolves(tall,thin) with legs that can wrap in that wonderful way. then again tiger(fit,shrt) feels right in matching way. i id tiger in that i am stockier than an otter but thinner than a cub.(cont...)

Aug 13, 2006, 2:34 PM
as far as womanscapes i would have to say the amazonian softbutch is tops but, i could be Biased in that i married one. 8p regular flavor sb's are a nice match for a tiger frame as i found out through a former shared gf between wife & i. i would love to split a wolf, tiger, or bear w/ her someday....

Aug 13, 2006, 2:42 PM
Toro, Toro,

Although I am a woman, and a friend of most of those you mentioned, I should gladly offer my services as caterer to you and your wooley men, so you all can connect with nature and each other. Imagine my delight in being able to welcome the day with a wonderful breakfast for you all and I have a great recipe for venison chili. Have cooking impliments, will travel,,,,Bear....are YOU interested?


Driver 8
Aug 13, 2006, 2:52 PM
Toro forgive my ignorance but what on earth is an otter? one assumes your not refering directly to the cuddly water loving animal!!!
Why not? Everyone loves otters. Maybe I should put "otters" in all the titles of the threads I start from now on.

Here are some pictures of otters (http://images.google.com/images?q=otters&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=N&tab=wi) for all to enjoy.

Aug 13, 2006, 3:06 PM
Toro forgive my ignorance but what on earth is an otter? one assumes your not refering directly to the cuddly water loving animal!!

Hey Smurf, I believe the term "Otter" refers to a young smooth guy. To where a "Bear" is a bigger hairy guy. To where a "Wolf" is an older guy with some hair on his body. I had it explained to me once years ago, and so I'm hoping I'm remembering this correctly.
If someone has more information, or better clarification please feel free to jump in.

Aug 13, 2006, 3:39 PM
Otter: A gay, or bisexual, man who is very hairy all over his body, but is smaller in frame and weighs considerably less than a bear.

Source: http://www.urbandictionary.com

Hey Smurf, I believe the term "Otter" refers to a young smooth guy. To where a "Bear" is a bigger hairy guy. To where a "Wolf" is an older guy with some hair on his body. I had it explained to me once years ago, and so I'm hoping I'm remembering this correctly.
If someone has more information, or better clarification please feel free to jump in.

Aug 13, 2006, 3:46 PM
I let people label me as a wolf but I wrote a bit about that in my profile.

I got this from wikipedia.

* otter - a man who is hairy, but is not large or stocky - typically thinner, or with lean muscle. Also typically identified by an energetically playful and flirtatious manner.

* wolf - similar to an otter, but with a more aggressive attitude.

I've found support not from websites but from queer men I'm friends with that may or may not identify as a bear or whatever.

I don't mind the exclusively gay erotica/porn since I don't need a woman present in order to have sex with a man. Some queer men do, I'm not one of them. While I'm queer I don't feel out of place at gay bars/events, or in mixed crowds either.

I don't see bears/butch men as being more "masculine" than other men; but I don't see masculinity/gender in the same way that most people do.

Enjoy your camping trip elToro.

Aug 13, 2006, 4:24 PM
Hmmm I wonder which I am......I guess maybe a cross between a cub and an otter....Oh well nobiggie ^_^;

Aug 14, 2006, 7:18 AM
I'm not really big enough to be a proper bear, but I'm not really slender enough to be an otter... :tong: My wife and I lived with her brother for three years, and we still hang out with him and his roommates all the time, and they're all bear variants.... When we lived with him, we'd often have seemingly half of the bear community of Ottawa over for breakfast... :eek: You know you're cooking for the bears when you need more than one 2kg package of bacon for a single meal! :bigrin:

(My nickname doesn't come from queer terminology, btw.)

Aug 14, 2006, 4:20 PM
I'm not really big enough to be a proper bear, but I'm not really slender enough to be an otter... :tong: My wife and I lived with her brother for three years, and we still hang out with him and his roommates all the time, and they're all bear variants.... When we lived with him, we'd often have seemingly half of the bear community of Ottawa over for breakfast... :eek: You know you're cooking for the bears when you need more than one 2kg package of bacon for a single meal! :bigrin:

(My nickname doesn't come from queer terminology, btw.)

that's cute.
was it Canadian bacon, or bacon bacon? ;)