Dec 28, 2015, 7:29 PM
My wife has been seeing this black man for about 4 or 5 months that I know about. I feel that it has been going on a lot longet than she is admitting to.Anyhow he stopped last night with a Christmas present for her which proves my theory.He got her an ankle bracelet with Q and a spade on it.When she opened it and saw it she got the biggest smile I have ever saw on her face.Then she made me put it on her leg as he is kissing her and telling her that her pussy is his and he now controls it.She got so turned on and demanding I suck his cock which I did until he exploded and then they went to his house and fucked all night.She did not come back until it was almost time for her to go to work at the local casino where he also works.She told me that he also got the same gift for another woamn who works there at the casino.When I asked how she felt abouit it she said he has enough cock to go around.I asked if she is married and she is but her husband does not know and did not suck his cock like I did.I asked her how we were going to proceed like this.She just said I would have to do what they want me to do and there was no talking about it.This is a shocker to me and the first time since we started swinging a cock has taken over control of my wife.She says that she intends to wear it proudly and wants it to be seen.I told her I am afraid the family will put 2 and 2 together.She says that she will say a customer from the casino gave it to her.They intend to go to a swingers club in Deleware Saturday night and she intends to wear a short skirt with heels to accent it.I hppe it is just a fad she is going through.I never thought this would happen.