View Full Version : Bisexual.com logo characters

Sep 17, 2006, 4:47 AM
I just wanted to know who drew the little digital cartoon characters on the "Bisexual.com" logo that always sits in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I like the art style and I think they're really cute! Is there a larger picture of them anywhere?

Sep 17, 2006, 1:05 PM
that is his personal pic that the artist made for him to have on the site

Sep 18, 2006, 10:51 AM
that is his personal pic that the artist made for him to have on the site
No Taz, the one of the group above in the Logo. I would assume the same person though as the style is similar.

I like the art style and I think they're really cute! Yes they are. I think he's a very good artist.

Sep 18, 2006, 1:29 PM
my mistake guess I can blame the eye site on it cause I couldn't see very well and the site has an artist who draws the cartoon pics

Sep 18, 2006, 8:42 PM
... did they just change? I swear they're not the same as they were earlier today... or am I losing it?! (Entirely plausible, I'm afraid.)

Sep 18, 2006, 9:50 PM
Nope. No loss of sanity. They're different.

I like the HRC logo the guy on the right is wearing.

Sep 18, 2006, 9:55 PM
They change all the time.
Yup they are a fun group,
Soon they will need a fall coat,
They are fun to see when i log on here.

Sep 24, 2006, 1:33 PM
So... who's the artist? Can I find more of their work anywhere?

Sep 24, 2006, 2:52 PM
Our resident artist, Dusty, does all our graphics. His website is here: http://www.aakshara.com/

He is very good!

- Drew :paw:

Sep 26, 2006, 1:12 AM
i suppose i could reply to this couldn't i? lol - this is dusty (thanks for the intro drew - hehe ;)

to answer the question re: larger versions of the characters. on radio.bisexual.com (which i'm sure you have all checked out... right??? ;) lol. there is a "downloads" section that actually has desktop wallpapers featuring those lovely folks :) (there is also a section called, "link to us" that's chocked full of banners for both the radio site and this site - designed specifically for spreading the word - and i mean that in a bi-friendly way, not in a creapy-bible-thumping kind of way ;)

lastly i'd like to thank the academy (haha)... to everyone who said that they like the drawings! it was SO cool to sign in tonight and read!!! if anyone has ANY questions/comments at all, please always feel free to contact me here or, as drew pointed out, through my "bid'ness," aakshara.

wee! thanks again :)

Sep 26, 2006, 8:21 AM
Yarr. I rather like those folks. It's kind of reassuringly cheerful to see them up there all the time, hanging out and having fun. Good job. :bigrin:

Sep 27, 2006, 11:40 AM
Oh, they are just adorable in their fall clothes in that pile of leaves! You know, until someone pointed it out, I never even knew that they changed.

Sep 28, 2006, 7:24 AM
You can tell Darren's not a Canuck... First little bit of chilly weather -- not even below freezing yet! -- and already he's got them in toques... :tong:

Sep 28, 2006, 1:03 PM
Haha! Well... Any excuse to accessorize, right? ;)

You can tell Darren's not a Canuck... First little bit of chilly weather -- not even below freezing yet! -- and already he's got them in toques... :tong:

Sep 28, 2006, 7:35 PM
Hey, here's a question for you... are they based on anyone in real life? Or just drawn up out of your head? :)

Sep 29, 2006, 12:29 AM
the artist has been at work again for us a new pic at the top of the page and I think it looks good for all the work that he put into it.

Keep up the good work:)

Sep 29, 2006, 6:58 AM
Thanks for mentioning that they change, me and my horrible memory always thinks they change and then I have to convince myself its just my memory. They are definetly cool :bipride: :color: :bibounce:

Sep 30, 2006, 12:33 AM
Hey, here's a question for you... are they based on anyone in real life? Or just drawn up out of your head? :)

you know what - that's a good question! i had to think about it for a moment ;) when i initially began to develop the characters (maybe 2 years ago now?) i was heavily addicted to playing the sims 2 - LOL - so i actually created the characters in the game first, so i could play around with how i wanted them to look... then i took those and sort of used them to draw from.

they aren't based on anyone in real life at all... but after you asked that i realized that i DO have (completely unintentionally) developed personalities for them (complete with careers!) hahah! ;)

thanks for the good question tho! hope that answered it :)

Sep 30, 2006, 11:24 AM
Our resident artist, Dusty, does all our graphics. His website is here: http://www.aakshara.com/

He is very good!

- Drew :paw:

would you guys be interested on bringing a new artist/web author into the mix? if so e-mail me at masterdsygn2@yahoo.com :cool:

Sep 30, 2006, 11:25 AM
Drew, O yes he is very good!!!!

Sep 30, 2006, 4:33 PM
nick - thanks - i got your email and will reply later this weekend :)

would you guys be interested on bringing a new artist/web author into the mix? if so e-mail me at masterdsygn2@yahoo.com :cool:

Oct 1, 2006, 3:46 PM
Our resident artist, Dusty, does all our graphics. His website is here: http://www.aakshara.com/

He is very good!

- Drew

i suppose i could reply to this couldn't i? lol - this is dusty (thanks for the intro drew - hehe ;)

to answer the question re: larger versions of the characters. on radio.bisexual.com (which i'm sure you have all checked out... right??? ;) lol. there is a "downloads" section that actually has desktop wallpapers featuring those lovely folks :) (there is also a section called, "link to us" that's chocked full of banners for both the radio site and this site - designed specifically for spreading the word - and i mean that in a bi-friendly way, not in a creapy-bible-thumping kind of way ;)

lastly i'd like to thank the academy (haha)... to everyone who said that they like the drawings! it was SO cool to sign in tonight and read!!! if anyone has ANY questions/comments at all, please always feel free to contact me here or, as drew pointed out, through my "bid'ness," aakshara.

wee! thanks again :)

Awesome work; thanks a bunch!