View Full Version : When you fall in love with your FWB

Nov 30, 2019, 8:11 PM
I've realized that I have developed strong feelings for the fwb ive had for two years now. I still love my wife and look at the ladies, but does this mean that I'm gay?

Nov 30, 2019, 8:40 PM
I've realized that I have developed strong feelings for the fwb ive had for two years now. I still love my wife and look at the ladies, but does this mean that I'm gay?

Nothing wrong with loving more than one person.
Since one of them is male and the other female that makes you bisexual.
15 years ago I found a FWB and now we love each other. I am mostly gay, he is mostly bisexual.

Nov 30, 2019, 11:20 PM
> … does this mean that I'm gay?

Of course not.
When humans share intimacy and vulnerability, they get attached.
It just means you are human.

Dec 1, 2019, 12:55 AM
It happens! Embrace it or drop it! I love my man deeply, it has been amazing! I love my wife deeply too, my guy and i’s increased intimacy has done nothing but solidified my wife and I’d ground rules. It still doesn’t make one gay.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 1, 2019, 12:56 AM
I lost my partner of 8 years, duckies darling, a few years ago... since then I had a fwb with benefits that turned into a closed group of me, the older male and two females, he now has terminal cancer and is dying but hes more than just a FWB to me.... and a very much cared about intersex female friend of very many years, has joined us and expressed a desire to be more than just a FWB with me, something she has wanted for many years and honestly I did too, I just believed I was too battle scarred to be the person she wanted and needed.......I was wrong, I hold her close and know that I want to be with her and that my heart is not split in parts to love the others as well, they have equal place in my heart.....

Sexually it is also working out with the different experiences and variety, its not just about cock and pussy either, sometimes its not even about penetrative sex, just the kissing, hugging, holding and caressing, licking, sucking......

as a friend said to me, each person has held my hand on this journey as I have held theirs... and there comes a time when emotions and feelings matter more than labels and who we love does not define us as much as how much we allow ourselves to love the people we are with....... I am getting close to 50 years old, I was mid 30s when I joined this site, full of anger, disillusionment and sick of the games that people played with people, using them for sex.... I ended up distancing myself from the LGBT, sick and tired of being backstabbed constantly.....but never turning my back on those that needed me to just listen.... and so now, I have a dream come true...... but again, labels do not matter as much as emotions, feelings and whom you love and allow yourself to love....

Dec 1, 2019, 10:04 AM
but does this mean that I'm gay?"

Hell, no, it doesn't. Whatever gave you that idea?

Dec 2, 2019, 1:50 AM

Dec 2, 2019, 11:23 AM
I would say it makes you bisexual...and very lucky!

Dec 3, 2019, 4:50 AM
hey man it's a great big list of free porn :)
I would add some sites to the best porn sites from http://freesafeporn.com/
Completely off topic! I beleive this is just spam!

Dec 3, 2019, 6:59 AM
Completely off topic! I beleive this is just spam!
yeah this is spam, everyone please report this shit!

Dec 3, 2019, 12:49 PM
yeah this is spam, everyone please report this shit!

His posting got removed but too bad he is still a member. Should have booted him!

Dec 3, 2019, 1:03 PM
His posting got removed but too bad he is still a member. Should have booted him!

Thanks y'all for your protection
Btw, just had an intense fuck session with my lover. Each one, as far apart as they may be is better than the last

Dec 3, 2019, 4:08 PM
When I had realized that I had fallen in love with a guy, I was shocked beyond belief because, like other guys, you just don't believe it possible for a guy to fall in love with another guy and you tell yourself that it can't - and won't ever - happen. Then it does... and you feel very weird, confused, and kinda wonderful all at the same time. You realize in an instant that what you once thought was impossible - or that which you'd never have happen to you - has happened. Holy shit! Next question: Now what? This is where shit gets... sticky (and the pun is intended). What gets people in trouble about falling in love is that need or drive to do something about their feelings when the first thing they should do is accept that this is how they feel about the other person. Not only does "I love him and I gotta do something!" fucks things up, we almost automatically assume that if we're in love with someone, they feel - and should feel - the same way... and then they get crushed when they find out that, nope, ain't feeling that love thing, homey. I like you, like having sex with you, but in love with you? Oh, hell, no! But the other guy could very well feel the same way - he just can't admit to himself that this is what he's feeling and if he can't admit it to himself, he sure as hell ain't gonna be able to look you in the eye and say, "I love you!"

Dec 13, 2019, 4:01 PM
This is a clear and present danger in this world. I ran into an ex GF whom I nearly married before my wife. After a year of meeting and banging our brains out, and hours of talking over drinks and dinner, we realized we were falling very-much in love again. I don't want to (or-can't) change my life and she was unwilling to change her's. We're both married to others and it looks like it's staying that way. She has zero sex (he has "issues"), and my love life at home it dying a slow death. Now my ex told me "she no longer feels attractive and has no real libido".

So, I'm back to trolling websites, sigh.....

Dec 13, 2019, 4:46 PM
@NnbiGuy, yes - it is a clear and present danger and one that, sometimes, we want to avoid... then find out that we can't and, sometimes, we don't want to avoid falling in love with an FWB. It's rife with danger and unacceptable risks to and for our current situation and the future we cannot see or predict. But I maintain that falling in love like this isn't the problem - it's not being able to do what that love is telling us to do and we just believe that when we're in love, we have to do something about other than accept that we love this person and sometimes, doing all that love demands we do just cannot be done. With your situation? You wanna know what I would have done? I would have let my love for her envelope me, invigorate me, give me the moment to express my love for her with my body whenever she lets me... and not worry about that need to change my current situation one bit - except to be with her, make love to and with her and just accepting that beyond this, we can't be what love says we have to be... so let's just be in this moment and love each other and, yeah, fuck each other's brains out because it's not really what love is.

It's the way love can be. I didn't want to fall in love with the guy I fell in love with... but I did and I reveled in it both in and out of bed... while my love for my wife was 100% intact and leaving her was just out of the question. I've fallen in love with many of the women I've been with even while married and they've fallen in love with me... and it's frustrating when you know good and damned well that you can't - and shouldn't - throw away what you already have and no matter how good or bad that may be. But you can still love and do it passionately and lustily because being in love like this means doing whatever you can for the sake of that love and if that means staying in whatever situation you're already in, so be it.

The greatest love of my entire life was a woman who was married to a man I knew, worked with and respected and it was powerful as anything I've ever experienced. We wanted to abandon our responsibilities, to run away with each other... and we both damned well knew that we could not - and should not - do that. So we didn't. It didn't stop us from being madly in love with each other. It didn't stop us from fucking our brains out and in ways our respective spouses couldn't... because love really means you do what you can do and if you can't do a thing, it's no big deal - just go and be in that moment, be in love with them, revel in it and that's it. What else do you need to do? Leave your wife/husband? Not an option and on the real, love doesn't make you want to do that; it doesn't require you to do that if you can - but it does require you to be in love and in whatever way you can be with them.

That woman I mentioned? I still love her like I've never loved anyone and I know that she still loves me even though situations and distance prevents us from doing anything about it... except to keep loving each other. Us guys worry about falling in love with another guy; some are seriously afraid that being in love with a guy means they're really gay and I'm here today to tell you that those fears are foolish and should be ignored. Love just is. Accept it. Revel in what it feels like to be in love and if you can do something - like get together and fuck like rabbits - but nothing more than that, so be it - it is what it is and love, if anything, requires you to make the best of the situation, nothing more, nothing less.

Love it what it is and if it needs something, it just needs to you accept it... but what you do - or don't do - is on you and you alone. What do you do about it? Accept it. Have sex if you can. Be around each other if situations allow it and as much as you can be? Not in a position to do anything? Yeah... that sucks... but doesn't being in love really feel kinda nice anyway? Wife not giving up the booty anymore? It happens... but you still love her just the same because if you didn't, you wouldn't be with her. So there are guys and the sex that's possible and so many of us underestimate the power of sex, how it can unlock things inside of us that we'd rather not have unlocked... like falling in love with a guy.

Accept it. Revel in it since you've been told to only love one person at a time. If you can do something, then do it and if there's something you can't and shouldn't do, well, don't do it - just be in love.

Dec 14, 2019, 3:14 AM
As always KDaddy you're the bomb. Great post and spot on my friend.

Christopher South
Dec 14, 2019, 9:57 AM
I have always tried to keep love out of it. Even though I'm typically a serial monogamist being with one guy at a time doesn't mean I love him. I can be friends and sexual partner but not fall in love. In fact I have ended relationships with a guy when he started falling in love with me.

Then I met a guy and fell in love. Go figure.

Dec 27, 2019, 1:29 PM
With my buds with benefits I have had close friendships with but have never fallen in love with them. I had never had feelings for a guy until a few years ago. I am in love with one of my best and closest male friends! He has no idea about my sexuality and doesn't know I have messed around with guys. A couple of times I have came close to telling him but I always choose not to... I feel such a powerful connection to him. I think about him all of the time. We flirt and joke around with each other in a Bromance kind of way. We always hug when we see each other. Sometimes we will be walking and I'll smack him on the butt. We were on a road trip a few years ago. He was driving and I was in the back seat. There were others on this trip. I looked at him up front driving... He looked so handsome wearing his shades and ball cap. I realized then that I was in love with him!! For the first time ever I was in love with another male!

Dec 27, 2019, 2:39 PM
There were no benefits but I did fall in love with a friend and that's what started to the journey to accept who I've always and known to been.

Dec 29, 2019, 3:43 PM
There was one guy that I was seeing on a regular basis. Each time we were together, it was more and more intimate. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but I was afraid that it would scare him off. So I believe that i'm more gay than bi and I'm fine with that.

Dec 30, 2019, 1:52 PM
There was one guy that I was seeing on a regular basis. Each time we were together, it was more and more intimate. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but I was afraid that it would scare him off. So I believe that i'm more gay than bi and I'm fine with that.

The way that I look at the bisexual range for the Kinsey scale is 1-2 bisexual straight, 3 equal and 4-5 is bisexual gay. The second part of the label, if present, is the side you enter bisexuality from, aka, the dominant part so I guess I can relate. Yes, it's far more complicated than this but it's how I rationalise it. I've seen a few other do the same on here and it just sounded right to me.

Dec 31, 2019, 4:53 PM
In respects to being bi, I don't really think too much about it, I just like having sex with other guys. And as stated, I do have sex with my wife, (lol maybe once every couple of months) But I did develop some VERY serious intimate feelings for that one guy that I mentioned. At one point, I came within miliseconds on telling him how I felt. We're no longer together, but I wonder how things would be today, if I had told him.