View Full Version : What's your Price.

The Chunkly
Mar 20, 2021, 1:50 PM
What's your Price.
I was talking to an older lady and she said that everyone no matter who it is has their price.

This came about talking with a female friend of mine and her friend, The older lady.

This older lady seemed very knowledgable in many things.

OK to the point.

A female to what I'm really talking about.

No matter what you believe and how strongly you believe, everyone has a price, a price that they will lay down in bed with someone, to get what they want, or to get a friend or husband out of trouble.

I found this a bit hard to believe at first.
But as my friend said.
You want something bad enough you will do anything.

How she said it, you have a rich life style.
Something happens, say the stock market crashes and you loose millions£ you really need to re coupe money fast.

As she says you will consider at first and dismiss, but if you can't get what you want in time, then you will do anything to get it.

This really relates to men as well, but this example was spoken to me as females.

This is just a really not great example as I have not explained it very well, sorry tired had no sleep for 24 hours.

But I hope that you get my drift and can add more to this.

Mar 20, 2021, 4:58 PM
It's pretty much true: If you want something badly enough, you'll do whatever has to be done to get it and by any means necessary. Many say that there are things they wouldn't do for any amount of money but many haven't been in a situation where they need money, a little or a lot, and they need it right now or there's a situation that paying that price is terribly urgent. We all have a price and, perhaps, one that we set really, really high as to appear to be so unreachable that the richest person on the planet would have to take out a huge loan to cover our price... until shit gets real enough for one to realize that their price is much lower than they thought it to be.