View Full Version : Archie Comics.... am I the only one who thinks this??

Oct 5, 2006, 8:12 PM
I used to read Archie Comics A LOT when I was young but then after they started charging higher price for REPEATED stories, I lost my interest in them but once in awhile (maybe once every couple months) I may pick up one comic.

But am I the only one who thought Betty and Veronica should hook up?? lol
And that Jughead could be gay?? lol

Let me know what you guys think and say anything else if you want :)


Oct 5, 2006, 9:46 PM
jughead was a stoner.

Oct 9, 2006, 7:30 PM
I thought they eventually changed Jughead so that he was interested in girls after all because they got tired of everyone saying that he was gay. :)

Oct 9, 2006, 8:36 PM
I thought they eventually changed Jughead so that he was interested in girls after all because they got tired of everyone saying that he was gay. :)

No... that was his cousin that looked just like him lol His cousin would date girls and everyone would think it was Jughead!!
Jughead would only chase girl if she had foooooooood.