View Full Version : Site admins. 51 posts over buncha hours..some recommendations

Jun 28, 2021, 8:31 AM
I am going to suggest that maybe in the new structure....some following rules

Newly registered accounts cannot initiate a NEW post until they have read 50 posts and lasted 30 days (probation)
They can reply to existing posts after day 15 or something.
We also need a "welcome new member...here is how you use forums (things that apply to everyone), groups (this applies to your kink or your locality), your hookups (your ad)...

Jun 28, 2021, 10:20 AM
that's crazy but your right on what you said

Jun 28, 2021, 11:38 AM
I am going to suggest that maybe in the new structure....some following rules

Newly registered accounts cannot initiate a NEW post until they have read 50 posts and lasted 30 days (probation)
They can reply to existing posts after day 15 or something.
We also need a "welcome new member...here is how you use forums (things that apply to everyone), groups (this applies to your kink or your locality), your hookups (your ad)...

That is exactly what we have done, but these Xrumer bot spammers are not happy about it. They will try to use their old accounts to post their garbage, but they will all be banned and posts deleted. Please be patient as we clean up this mess. Thanks!

Jun 28, 2021, 11:44 AM
thanks brian.

I thoroughly enjoy checking in a couple times a day, but this stuff just kills it

Jun 28, 2021, 2:54 PM
That is exactly what we have done, but these Xrumer bot spammers are not happy about it. They will try to use their old accounts to post their garbage, but they will all be banned and posts deleted. Please be patient as we clean up this mess. Thanks!

I truly feel sorry for people who bought this site....Did they know what they were getting into???

Jun 28, 2021, 5:24 PM
Bot-proofing a site isn't as easy as it sounds and why you see that thingy that makes you verify that you're a human and not a piece of code masquerading like a human. It takes time and effort to clean things up and I know this because I've had to do it and, well, it's not fun. It's not as easy as verifying your email since it's easy to write a piece of code that'll do that and it's not easy to be patient and wait for Brian and his crew to get this straightened out so the thing to do it to just be patient and let them do what they gotta do to get things right for us.

Jun 28, 2021, 10:07 PM
Bot-proofing a site isn't as easy as it sounds and why you see that thingy that makes you verify that you're a human and not a piece of code masquerading like a human. It takes time and effort to clean things up and I know this because I've had to do it and, well, it's not fun. It's not as easy as verifying your email since it's easy to write a piece of code that'll do that and it's not easy to be patient and wait for Brian and his crew to get this straightened out so the thing to do it to just be patient and let them do what they gotta do to get things right for us.

We will be Patient, Hopeful, and Optimistic! :):flag1::)

Jun 30, 2021, 11:38 AM
I truly feel sorry for people who bought this site....Did they know what they were getting into???

Don't feel sorry, we do this kind of thing for fun :) You will forget what spam looks like going forward!

Jun 30, 2021, 12:35 PM
Don't feel sorry, we do this kind of thing for fun :) You will forget what spam looks like going forward!

I'm glad this site is moving forward! Keep up the good work. :):flag1::)

Jun 30, 2021, 9:14 PM
Don't feel sorry, we do this kind of thing for fun :) You will forget what spam looks like going forward!

Its nice to see their will be changes on here :thumbu: