View Full Version : Inaccurate cock sizes!

Dec 26, 2022, 1:50 PM
How does someone measure the length of their penis, I see in real and alot in porn that guys claim to have 9+ inch when it actually barely 6.5! I watched another on Xhamster, guy claimed to be 11" and was probably a full 7!
Another time I met a guy who said he had a 7 and I dont know where the other 4 was for he was barely 3.5, could not even get it into my hole!

Dec 26, 2022, 2:06 PM
You can measure from the top or the bottom. From the bottom is longer and is cheating.

Dec 26, 2022, 2:32 PM
I have never seen an actual real cock over 6" myself. Only in videos and movies. Where are these guys at that claim to have 8 inches or more. Like to experience learning to suck and deepthroat just one. Maybe their rulers are broken and starts at 3 inches.

Dec 26, 2022, 3:34 PM
There probably needs to be a standard measuring protocol. I suggest from the very tip to the center of the asshole. My tongue has been to all those places on a sexy man, so why not? Everyone would be hung using this standard. LOL

Dec 26, 2022, 3:38 PM
This is an ideal size most men wish they had that's why we hear this so much. The average cock length in US is actually about 5.5". As for me I look more closely at shape , the head and whether it's straight or angled. A beautiful penis is about shape not length.

Dec 26, 2022, 5:14 PM
A guy would tell me his cock size and I'd find out that it was "false advertising," wishful thinking or, yeah, measuring the wrong way. Do you measure from the top side and from your pubic bone up or from the bottom since you can feel the rest of your dick from the underside? What I learned was that it didn't make a difference; it's a dick. I can suck it and you can get it in my ass and if you can't, it is what it is. The main concerns should be does it work? Is it healthy? Are you gonna give it to me? Women, as it turns out, said it right: "It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean." So now, regardless of size, can you use it in a way that I'll find satisfying? And having learned that bigger isn't always better; I've had sex with guys with huge dicks and it was a clusterfuck, not because his dick was big but because of him. Oddly, guys with small and average dicks are great because they have to work "hard to make up for their lack of size and/or girth." It works for me because it's still me getting some dick. I've measured my dick; I've had others measure it. I either measure up for them or not so much and if not, that's a problem... when it shouldn't be. Hilarious to have been told by some men and women that my 7" dick is... too big for them so we can't have the sex we were hoping to have.

Just amazing how... fixated we get on cock size and how much importance we place upon it. I maintain that I have yet to come across a dick I couldn't suck or get in my ass... but there are men who I wouldn't let get anywhere near me because... they're my idea of an asshole and, nope, not going there because I've learned too many lessons in this regard. Otherwise, you have a dick. Lemme at it and I don't care about size as long as (a) it works and (b) you let me have it.

Dec 27, 2022, 7:31 AM
Should always be measured from the top, because that's mostly what limits penetration. I've only had a handful of cocks in my mouth. One was very thick might have been 7" and I could not deep throat it. The rest of them I could easily deep throat and probably measured 5.5" to 6.5" on the top side.

Dec 27, 2022, 10:29 AM
A long time ago before the internet and dating was done in the personal ads, I had a first meet with a girl at her apartment. I sat on her couch and listened to her complain about her ex boyfriends little dick and how she wasn't going to date another guy that was small. Finally after hearing all I cared to, I asked her what she could do that was special for a guy that had a bigger cock. That if she had special expectations that I did too. When I got up and left she was still sitting there speechless.
Girls have been lied to so much that I am under eight and every one I have been with has said that I am huge. When I tell them my size they argue because this ex was 8 or this one was 10.

Dec 27, 2022, 11:10 AM
Yep, I think there's a lot of exaggeration out there. Mine is just a tad over 6 inches and fairly thick, and I've always considered myself pretty well-endowed. It compares pretty favorably to a lot of the cocks I see online and in porn. I agree that what a lot of guys/porn refer to as 8 or 9 inches is probably more like 6 or 7.

Of course, we've all seen a few giant ones online that probably really are 8 or 9 inches, but they seem to be VERY rare.

Dec 27, 2022, 11:52 AM
As far as length, I pretty much know when it gets hard and is sliding down my throat, exactly how many inches the guy has. I don’t pay much attention to what a guy claims. After he cums and after I’ve swallowed his load, I just look at him and say, mmmmm that was a nice 7 inches full of fun!

Dec 27, 2022, 3:19 PM
I consider mine average when hard, when flaccid its a mini. I have met several people that like to feel it grow either in hand or mouth either is a joy

Dec 27, 2022, 8:25 PM
Somehow normal for erect cock size has been defined as falling in with the 90% of us in the middle. That puts 5% above the upper limit of normal and 5% below. The upper limit is reportedly 6.3 inches, so only one man in 20 has a dick longer than 6.3", and that includes men with 6.5" erections. Of course, the farther you get from the upper limit of normal, that 6.3", the less likely you are to find a guy whose dick is there--i.e., 6.5" is more common than 7", which is more common than 8", ;which is more common than 9", and so on. I somewhere read that the longest dick ever measured and recorded formally was in excess of 13".

The lower limit of that normal range is a little shorter than 4". Now, some dicks are clearly longer than 10", which is about 4" longer than the upper limit of normal, so there is more variety in the length above normal than there could possibly be below normal. An erect cock cannot be shorter than 0", and in fact, although I didn't read a specific number, I suspect the shortest erect cock on an adult male is at least 2" long, so there is much less difference on the short end of the s-dick (that's a pun if it's not obvious) than on the longer. At the same time, only one man in 20 has an erection shorter than 3.7" (or whatever the exact measurement was), and similar to the way it works with long cocks, the smaller you get, the less likely it is that you will find a guy whose penis is that short.

There are some interesting things to think about in terms of this question. People wonder why they never see anyone with these monster dicks that porn would have you think is the norm. Well, it is because they are such a minority (it's funny to think of a large minority). Unless you just happen to be lucky (if you think it would be lucky to play with an oversized cock, anyway), you have a one out of twenty chance of randomly running into a guy with a cock longer than 6.3", and a 6.5" cock is not going to look like one of the monsters in porn, even though it is larger than normal. If you've had sex with a handful of guys, you may have been so lucky, but it's more probable that you have not. At the same time, we are now a population just in the US of about 330 million, of which just short of 50%, or about 165 million are male. At the young end, a penis can reach adult size at anywhere from 13 to 18, and at the old end, many penises no longer get erect, so it's hard to say exactly what portion of those 165 million penises are full-sized, erect, adult penises, but lets say 60% (probably on the low side), and even that represents about 100 million adult-sized penises that can get erect. 5% of that number, conveniently enough 5 million (and probably more) have penises larger than "normal." So, while they are not particularly easy for any of us to find, without advertising for size or just having sex with many men, anyway, there are millions of men with the great-big, porn-worthy cocks. While we don't need millions of men in porn, it strikes me as likely that guys with oversized cocks are more likely than most of us to look to the porn industry for work and leave the rest of us feeling inadequate, no matter how normal we are.

Another factor that stands out to me is this. A number of guys here have sobbed about having short cocks, when they may be perfectly normal. If you think about it, even within normal range, with the upper limit being a bit above 6" and the lower limit being a bit below 4", some guys with normal length cocks have dicks that are a bit greater than 50% longer than other guys with normal length cocks. Is that crazy or what? Especially with all the hoopla about big dicks, guys at the small end of normal are going to be sure they have tiny dicks. It's just human nature.

A final comment tied to what bikurinpa has said. People who study such things and are in a position to tell us what normal is for the length of an erect cock state clearly that men are terrible at determining the length of their own cock, and we always overestimate (for some unclear reason LOL). The really weird part of that is that there are many sites online that will tell you exactly how to accurately measure the length of your erect cock, the descriptions seem to me to describe exactly what you'd expect and what you would do naturally without even thinking about it, but somehow the majority of us still manage to get it wrong and almost reliably get it too long. Go figure.

Dec 27, 2022, 9:01 PM
Should always be measured from the top, because that's mostly what limits penetration.

That's an interesting thought, but to measure the length of a thing, you must measure it from each end to the other, not just one, and in fact, the formal, scientific descriptions of how to measure the length of an erect cock are more focused on the other end, because there is other tissue you have to think about there that could confuse measurement of the length, whereas at the head end, where the ruler ends up is obvious, at least as long as you're honest about it. We are supposed to measure from the body end of our erect cock, burying the ruler in the soft flesh above it until it presses against the pubic bone, and then measure from there to the head end, which is generally kind of obvious.

I must acknowledge, though, that that view troubles me a bit, at least if in fact the length of an erect cock matters at all. It strikes me that an enormously obese man could have a good two to three inches of his erect cock buried under skin and fat there, overlying the pubic bone. What difference does it make if he carefully inserts a ruler until it is pushing against that bone and that allows him to measure a 6.5" erection, if all that's there to see and play with measures about 3.5"? In terms of scientific norms, I guess measuring the full length makes sense, but in the context of concern here, if you can't see it or play with it, who cares about that part of the length?

Dec 27, 2022, 9:12 PM
This is an ideal size most men wish they had that's why we hear this so much. The average cock length in US is actually about 5.5". As for me I look more closely at shape , the head and whether it's straight or angled. A beautiful penis is about shape not length.

In my limited experience, I have enjoyed most a cock near the upper limit of normal in length (about 6.5", judging by eye rather than ruler), with a nice shape. All this bullshit about wanting 7" cocks and longer I don't get. They are prone to gag you and they are difficult to play with without getting teeth into the picture, where teeth are definitely not needed or appreciated. My unique interest is oral, though. I suppose for those who are into anal, neither of those concerns comes into it.

Dec 27, 2022, 9:20 PM
You can measure from the top or the bottom. From the bottom is longer and is cheating.

You must measure from one end to the other, so there is no cheating regardless of where the ruler starts. I don't know how you measure the length of a thing without measuring from each end to the other, and this idea that somehow you get a more appropriate measurement of the length of a cock if you put the 0" end of the ruler at the top makes no sense because wherever you put the 0" end, you must measure from the same place at one end to the same place at the other end. How you affix the ruler does not change the length of the cock if you're doing it right and you know how to read a ruler.

Dec 28, 2022, 9:00 AM
I used a tailor's measuring tape and measured from the tip to where my shaft meets my groin. I'm 7.5 inches so I guess that puts me in the above average category using the 6-6.5 inch average standard. I get no complaints!

Dec 28, 2022, 9:06 AM
Proper measurement is on top from the tip to pubic bone. Im 6in measured that way.

Dec 30, 2022, 8:26 PM
Depending on how thin you are (I don't mean your cock; I mean you), your measurement may be pretty close to right on, but if you have any significant tissue under your skin, your actually longer. You're supposed to push the ruler so that it is right up against the pubic bone on the top surface of your cock, not just up against the skin. Average as it is currently defined runs from a little under 4" TO 6.3".

Dec 30, 2022, 10:37 PM
Most guys lie because they think they have to be bigger to be manly. Saying you have 8 inches when you really have 5 makes you look silly when you finally get it out.

I dislike the "bone press" method (where you press the ruler along the top of your penis until it hits the pelvic bone). Nobody presses their dick in until the pelvic bone bottoms out during sex. Pretty much everyone just uses what is on the outside, so measure the outside. The bone press method is just another form of measuring dick that isn't there. If I bone press measure then I am 3 7/8 inches, but if I just drop my pants all you see is 2 5/8th inches, so I say I am 2 5/8ths inches.

Jan 1, 2023, 2:47 PM
On another forum I belong to there has been a $10k for 10" cock contest. It has been running for a decade. Never has anyone come forward to accept the money. Many have used all the common tricks to try an show it. But they've all failed. Some examples: False perspective (angling the camera view), bend tape measure (soft tape following the curve to create more length), scale bone pressed so hard almost an inch is hidden, setting the scale at an angle off the side and allowing the cock to hang away and out (false perspective), and bone pressing the scale up above the pubic bone.

So the common answer is standing looking down (preferably flat on a table top - which helps those with very curved cocks). Ruler (not soft tape) scale parallel to the cock. "Slightly" bone pressed (just to remove some of the fat pad but still see the zero mark). This also represents how much actual depth the receiving end is going to get. :)

Jan 1, 2023, 5:31 PM
I'll say it again: I don't much give a fuck about cock size or even "lying" about it. If I suck it, will you cum? If it's in my ass, will you cum? If the answers are yes, well, that's all that really matters... isn't it?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 2, 2023, 3:50 AM
I'll say it again: I don't much give a fuck about cock size or even "lying" about it. If I suck it, will you cum? If it's in my ass, will you cum? If the answers are yes, well, that's all that really matters... isn't it?

You sound like my partner, she says its good enough for sex and that is what matters.......

I have met a guy that claimed 11 inches and when measured, yeah he was just under 11 inches....and said he has only met one person that could take him and that was a female that took it anally but he could not fuck her very much because she could only handle a couple of minutes of sex.......

Something that I have noticed, is smaller guys are more likely to be honest about their size......and often better with it, even if they are not big enough for penetrative sex, they make up for it, with their mouths......

Jan 2, 2023, 5:18 PM
You sound like my partner, she says its good enough for sex and that is what matters.......

I have met a guy that claimed 11 inches and when measured, yeah he was just under 11 inches....and said he has only met one person that could take him and that was a female that took it anally but he could not fuck her very much because she could only handle a couple of minutes of sex.......

Something that I have noticed, is smaller guys are more likely to be honest about their size......and often better with it, even if they are not big enough for penetrative sex, they make up for it, with their mouths......

Yes! Guys who... lack in size learn to make up for it in other ways like being amazing cocksuckers/pussy eaters, may or may not have qualms about bottoming, stuff like that. I've had some pretty big dicks in my life and I learned that guys with smaller dicks are (1) easier to suck and (2) easier to get into my ass and (3) they aim to please - but it's not a bone of contention - and the pun is deliberate. If it works, it's healthy, and its owner isn't a jerk/asshole, it doesn't matter to me what size he is.