View Full Version : Coming out to EVERYONE

Nov 15, 2006, 2:46 PM
Just wondering for those who have come out completely; as in everyone knows pretty much that they are bi...how did you first come out? Not just to a few friends, but how did you move into the position that it was an announced part of you that was hidden to no one?

Nov 15, 2006, 9:03 PM
Just wondering for those who have come out completely; as in everyone knows pretty much that they are bi...how did you first come out? Not just to a few friends, but how did you move into the position that it was an announced part of you that was hidden to no one?

I don't know if I "qualify", but I came out of the closet officially on Father's Day 2006.

I do not go around announcing my orientation, but to this day, I have not hid it either. I have taken no pains to hide my orientation at all. My orientation (and I guess my "announcement" of it) is on several sites that I have a personal space on including my Artist Gallery, My Space, and Frappr, and I have discussed it with friends and some of my family (the ones I am not estranged from).

Lisa (va)
Nov 16, 2006, 1:06 PM
Not sure I qualify either. I usually prefer to say I am open as opposed to out.
And like Jedi, I do not go around announcing the fact and waving banners about it, but I do not try to hide or deny the fact that I have dated both men and women. I'm of the feeling that it's just a small part of the person.

As to when I first told some one, that would be my mom back in 1994 when I was 17. Not necessarily as bi (wasn't familiar with the term then) but that I did in fact find women attractive and have experimented (even though at the time I was dating a guy). Since that time more and more folks have come to know, basically because I never felt the need to hide my attraction and love for anyone regardless if they were male or female.

I don't feel the need to have everyone accept my choices, all I expect is that they realize it is my choice and I do not force my ideas on anyone. I accept folks as they are and hopefully they will show the same respect towards me.


hugs n kisses

Nov 16, 2006, 1:27 PM
sorry I'm not technically out. I don't go around announcing my sexuality. I dnt really like all the prejudice people I am around so wouldn't invite more teasing. All people who I actually consider people (not a large group of the human race) know. They are ok with it and since I'm no longer single and in an exclusive relationship I feel it is not something that needs to be said. I mean I'm not going off with anyone of either gender who isn't my boyfriend. He knows I am bi and he is ok with it. We have the odd laugh or sexy comment about it but I dnt wave a flag unless we r discussing an issue of prejudice and I would still not come out totally in the enviroment I'm in yeah. WHen I'm older I wnt hide. I will tell peeps if I'm single cas hey I'm on the prowl but nt if I'm in a relationship.

Who actually stands in a crowd and announces it in one swoop to the world its physically impossible but how I came I to my people? family I said hey I like chicks and men. friends I just look at girls so much it was kinda obvious so it was like yeah ur bi.