View Full Version : calling bisexual body modders, come and share ya story
Long Duck Dong
Jan 21, 2007, 7:54 PM
lol..... and no i am not thinking of a cyborg bisexual lol
i am thinking of body modding.....and EBM ( extreme body manipulation )
( because of the extreme graphic natures of EBM pics, I will not post pics or links to is my wish to enlighten, not disturb )
bisexuality is diverse and so is the natures of the bisexuals....and i am curious about how we differ from each other, so this is a call to bisexual body modders
tattoos, piercings, etc form part of the basis of body modding....but body modding can go far deeply, and for some its beyond sexual and into the spiritual
having a modded partner can be a interesting experience...a unique sexual / non sexual experience with a fellow bisexual, and like us, they are not freaks, nor perverts, they have a uniqueness about them that is not a common trait in the human race
some of the people i have counselled, are body modders, and I have found it and them to be a fascinating aspect of the human race
so i am curious if we have any body modders in the site and if they are willing to share their body mod and their partners opinions about sex, and help being bisexual body modding into the spotlight for a time
Jan 21, 2007, 10:24 PM
can't say i have ever heard of "modding" but i do have special plans to get myself a nice girly belly button piercing one of these days..
Long Duck Dong
Jan 21, 2007, 11:00 PM
lol body modding.... lol do a google search for body modding, bear in mind that is covers stuff like penile cutting, tongue cutting, anal stretching, mass piercing, testicle crushing, hangin by hooks
its not for the faint of heart
Mistress Alia
Jan 21, 2007, 11:09 PM
I have 5 tattoos....
One on my left shoulder - My initial from the book of Kells
One on my right shoulder - my son's intial framed in thistle
My left inside forearm - my own interpretation of a bi-sexual symbol
My left boob - dominatrix hello kitty
My right boob - submissive hello kitty
I had my left nipple pierced but my body no likey.
Jan 22, 2007, 12:30 AM
I have a tattoo on my chest that has a lot of symbolism in it. I plan on getting more tattoos as I can afford them. Some of the tattoos I want have symbolic meaning, and some don't.
I had my left nipple pierced in Dec 2005 and liked it so much, I got my right nipple pierced in the spring of 2006. I considered getting my penis pierced, but decided against it when I found out that my wife is turned off by penis piercings. I can't get my ears pierced in my current job, but would like to have them done.
I've seen several web sites about body modification, and anything beyond piercings and tattoos is not for me.
Jan 22, 2007, 12:35 AM
so i'm a girl that used to like piercings...this thread got me interested so i did the google search that was suggested. some of the things people do are... i don't know what to call it w/out sounding judgemental...but it is insane! i mean...OUCH!!! i too would like to hear from someone that has had body mod done. i only have one tattoo and a couple of piercings (used to have tongue...hated it. have cartlidge and navel now)
Jan 22, 2007, 1:31 AM
Im not sure if having tattoos really falls under the body mod category. Yes, it is a modification, but usually body mod refers to more drastic things. But anyway...I have 4 tattoos...5 if you count the fact that I had one covered up. They all have symbolism to me. I love talking about it. So you guys get the whole scoop. haha.
Right shoulder blade-small butterfly (I got it the day after I turned 18. I was finally "free" from my Mother.
Lower back-"Omnia Vincit Amor" which means Love Conquers All in latin (Double symbolism in this one. First of all, I got it right when I came out as being bisexual. Secondly, it was love that helped me conquer my severe drug addiction.)
Left hip- skull and crossbones wearing a crown with rubies on the top (The fraternity that my fiance is in, their "symbol" is a skull and crossbones. The sorority that I am in is a crown with rubies. So I got a tattoo for us without having to put his name on my body.)
Right foot, below the ankle-It was three small leaves with wind blowing through them. But the wind just looked like scars so I had it covered with one big fall leaf. (My little sisters name is Autumn.)
I will get more eventually. But right now there is nothing important enough for me to have it placed permanently on my body.
As far as body mod and sexuality, tattoos and piercings are something that people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and sexualities are into. But for me, Im always horny after/during getting a tattoo. I dont know what it is. haha.
The weird thing is, I can handle tattoos. Dont think they hurt at all. But you even show me a piercing needle and I get freaked out. Who knows. Im a complex creature. lol.
Long Duck Dong
Jan 22, 2007, 1:48 AM
lol bigirl lol
i have a needle phobia.... yeah i have had over 1800 injections
I am not body modded, unless you wanna count all the ceramic/titanium plates in my face and head and all the plates and pins in my body lol
and skin grafts cover my old tatts
i have friends that are body one of them had 4 bearings inserted under the skin down his forearms.....and another has pearl drops....lil beads inserted in the skin around the head of his penis..... but he is straight.... * sulks*
Jan 22, 2007, 2:17 AM
I'm into ball stretching.
I don't wear my stretchers daily and I just use the leather ones or do it by hand.
Jan 22, 2007, 3:13 PM
I've got both nipples pierced as an expression of both sides of my sexuality, though anything more would just be too much!
Jan 31, 2007, 10:31 AM
I'm have splitted my cock until the half length. It was very exciting, both half cocks are full functionable allone or together, very sensitive with much more new kinds of love games with this new love tool. My wife cryed first, than she has acceptet, now she wonderfull does play with the two little cocks in her hands, in her pussy one or two a. s. o. (visible at my iam site at bme). :) :male:
but that's my name!!
Jan 31, 2007, 2:09 PM
I'm have splitted my cock until the half length. It was very exciting, both half cocks are full functionable allone or together, very sensitive with much more new kinds of love games with this new love tool. My wife cryed first, than she has acceptet, now she wonderfull does play with the two little cocks in her hands, in her pussy one or two a. s. o. (visible at my iam site at bme). :) :male:
Oh fuck no. You really scare me :eek:
Feb 1, 2007, 6:15 AM
I'm have splitted my cock until the half length. It was very exciting, both half cocks are full functionable allone or together, very sensitive with much more new kinds of love games with this new love tool. My wife cryed first, than she has acceptet, now she wonderfull does play with the two little cocks in her hands, in her pussy one or two a. s. o. (visible at my iam site at bme). :) :male:
OMG, that is so off color. Thank you whoever made sure the Extreme stuff is not available to casual viewers on
Anyway...I have my navel pierced because the Egyptians used to do it to shwo special favor and it is as Bisexual as I could think of.
My left ear Cartilage is pierced, planning to get my right done too...may not be possible with work so I wear two thumbrings instead to symbolize my bisexuality.
First tattoo I got was a celtic band abotu 1.5 inches wed all the way around my left calf. It's because of my nonchristian beliefs and my heritage.
Second tattoo was a celtic band around my right bicep, same reason as prior.
3rd, but hopoefully not last, is a BiPride flag with a dragon sitting atop it, tail curled protectively around it. This sits next to a LOOOOOONG scar on my hip from a sword slash aimed at my genitals when I was 17. This tattoo is a defiant one, symbolizing she missed because I was better then her...yes, it was a girl that did the slashing. I told her I liked her and she was insulted, took her frustrations out on me by slashing at me as I walked through a door into a darkened room to get my things before I left the private classes I took.
Several more are planned when I have the cash.
Feb 1, 2007, 2:12 PM
Well, I have 2 tattoo's one between my shoulder blades in memory of my youngest son, and a Pikachu on my right hip. I am planning on getting 2 more just waiting on money. I have two piercing (other than my ears, I have 2 in one and 3 in the other all on the lobe) I have my tongue and bellybutton. I am eventually going to get a genital I just don't know what and how many.
My husband has 2 tattoo's one on his left arm USMC and on the right arm the Chinese symbol for love with a sun around which the rays are our three boy's names. He wants more but his job does not allow them.
Feb 1, 2007, 6:56 PM
Its fun to read about everyones tats/piercings. I have 5 tats, and 4 piercings myself. My ears are stretched to 2ga, left nostril, and navel piercings. Japanese kanji on my upper right arm, small dragon on my lower back, Geisha/Japanese girl on my right shoulder blade, my step daughters name in a heart w/a ribbon and some free form color around it on my right fore arm, and a Jesse James inspired tat on my left fore arm. :flag2: :smoke:
Feb 3, 2007, 2:45 PM
Hy, But ...!
Why do you scare about a litle bit modifying? It's funny and cool, i think, and brings new experiences. :male: :)
Feb 3, 2007, 7:20 PM
I wouldn't exactly call myself modded, but I have a couple pretties.
On my lower back right-hand side is about a three inch tall Reiki kangi in purple. The kangi means "Universal Life Force Energy" and I got that not long after I recieved my Master Reiki training.
In my left ear I have a conch piercing that I wear an anodized aluminum rose in so it looks like th flower is nestled in the hollow of my ear.
I also once had a tragus piercing in my left ear as well but I had to let that heal over when i got my in-the-ear hearing aids.
I'd love to get other tats but I still can't get past the memory of the pain of the first one. :(
Feb 3, 2007, 9:43 PM
I was expecting the tat to hurt worse than it did. There were times it burned, but then other times you could hardly feel it. It didn't bother me, but I've heard that it's different depending in where you get it. I have a long tailed tribal hummingbird on my calf, it was a growing up/graduation symbol. I'm planning my next to be a colorful flower (symbolizes my son) behind the hummingbird. :bigrin:
Feb 13, 2007, 8:41 AM
Allways, when i had cutted, i was very excited: so i ditn't feel much pain by cutting, because our endorphines overflowing i think.
That's my experiences. :rolleyes: :male:
Long Duck Dong
Feb 13, 2007, 9:08 PM
wow jack, thats a incredible pic....
thanks for sharing it... i know that some people may freak at seeing that, but to me its a perfect example of how the body can be shaped....
I would love to spend a hour or two admiring that cock in person, but sadly i can't..... but its definately a awesome view of a interesting feature....
its not something that i would be able to do to myself, but thats just me... i'm a
Feb 13, 2007, 11:57 PM
I have a simple nostril piercing that I got when I was 21. There was no real reason behind it; I simply like the way they look. It was fast, and healed quickly. The jewelry is titanium, and generally not noticeable.
My ears are also pierced--but they've been that way since I was an infant. It is an old tradition in many African American circles to pierce the ears of infant girls to make way for small gold hoop earrings. I still have mine. :bigrin: I even wear them on occasion even though they are almost too small to really stand out now that I'm an adult. I'd like to get gold jewelry for my nostril piercing to match those earrings when I do decide to wear them.
I've been considering other piercings, but can't decide what I would be willing to keep with me over the long run. Tattoos are a little more dubious: There is simply no symbol that I can think of that I would want to keep on my body.
... That, and my weight keeps fluctuating-- so it might end up "morphing", if I'm not careful. :(
Right now, I'm considering a dragon, since they keep popping up on all of my personal belongings, and I may also use one as a logo for the business I plan on opening in a few years.
However, stars are lifelong sources of fascination to me. I would consider it if I could just find a picture of one that I liked well enough to put on me.
Apr 10, 2007, 5:38 AM
Hy long duck dong!
I don't think that you are a wimp. For this extreme mods you needs the desire or predisposition for cutting acts. Without this it has to be difficult, f.E. to split his own cock. But i was very excited during each cut session! and so i had feeled less pain: and the procedure will be easy! bye, jack. :)
Hopeful Romantic
Apr 10, 2007, 10:51 PM
Suddenly I feel like such a whimp.. My three little tattoos are NOTHING compared to what some people have had the strength to accomplish. I attempted the piercing, but the navel, the cartiledge in my ear and one other spot all seems to react to any material that was used in the piercing. That makes me a little apprehensive to attempt anything further.
Long Duck Dong, I would also be curious to hear how others experienced their modifications, and the reactions that they recieved from loved ones.
This lass is growing curiouser and curiouser!!!
Apr 10, 2007, 11:42 PM
What web sites can you see this stuff on??
Apr 11, 2007, 1:17 AM
I seriously LOVE to stretch out my nipples with clamps and other instruments. ;)
Apr 11, 2007, 1:35 AM
Well, the way the post is written kind of sets the bisexual folks into body mods farther apart or something, lol. We've both got mods, love them and plan on more. She has a chest tattoo, both ears done, her nose and her clitoral hood pierced. He has both ears, lip and left nipple (had both but one needed to come out) pierced and plans on getting his scrotum done. He's also got a tattoo on each calf.
We don't really see ourselves as any more separate than anything else. Our bisexuality and being into body modification don't really apply to one another. We like enhancing our bodies aesthetically and we also happen to be bisexual. It's just how we are. We know plenty of gay/straight/bi folks into body mods.
Sexually, we find our mods pleasing. We like the touch and feel of metal in our bodies when we're playing with one another and it becomes an added part of the experience. But, like anything else it's not for everyone, we have and will continue to hit various obstacles in finding partners who are okay with the work we've had done. It is frustrating that even supposedly 'open minded' people in the various alt communities still have limits like that.
Apr 11, 2007, 8:36 AM
I don't know about permenant stuff like cutting but I used to have a girlfriend that was into Binding she would love to wear corsets and have them pulled as tight as possible they made for some fun times
Apr 12, 2007, 6:15 AM
What web sites can you see this stuff on??
Hy kenny, you can see in or iam-bme. ;)