View Full Version : becoming a Disexual

Long Duck Dong
Feb 20, 2007, 4:00 AM
help... i'm becoming a Disexual..... that nasty lil point in a persons life where sex is as much fun as fixing the toilet after the worlds worst bowel motion and the toilet will not flush lol

my penis is in perfect working order..... for a penis that needs mouth to mouth, or mouth to penis as the case may be
the rest of me is in good health too, for a near corpse.....i even have a pulse...i think.... or it may be the last dying gasp of my battery powered vibrator...

its a sad day when you wake up ... ( and ya dick doesn't ) and you realise that after 30 odd years of banging like a door in the wind....the wind has died and the door fell off the hinges

i have hit the sexual equivalent of menopause ....its called * dunrootin *

now when i talk about my sexuality I can proudly say that I am a Disexual....and in answer to the instant questions, I can reply that I played with it so much, i broke it...and so I am a disexual... i just wanna curl up and die cos i broke my favorite tool

it is with a tear in my eye.... or a number of tears, that I face the sad fact that my once proud and upstanding penis has developed sundayitis.... that point in time when my *stallions best side * is saying, * piss off and let me go back to sleep *

I now have a dangly bit that is gonna collect dust, do its best to be caught in my zipper.... and just hang around aimlessly, doing a good imitation on a elephants trunk.......

I wonder if ladies suffer that fate too..... that moment is time when their favorite pussy decides that chasing the sausage is just too much effort...and the occasional pussy smooching contest got won.... by the moggie down the road ....the one with the owner with big tits and youth on her side

sighs.....its be fun my dear friend.... but i guess you just wanna hang there and be useless.... and i love you too much to introduce you to the object that is taking over your job... the strap on......

now a strap on is a brilliant invention... they remain hard.... never slack off on the job.....love being shared around.... and they never complain about losing a argument with my zipper......and they even come in trendy colors....

well my dear dead friend and playmate of many years... you can just go and sleep in.....i am gonna go and have lots and lots of fun without you.....
we are gonna go and play * recycle the penthouses *... and * erase the porn *..... we are even gonna go and play * make the wive laugh *

now i can sit on the porch and watch the stallion out in the paddock, make me cry with shame......i can watch the dog try and hump my leg and know that he is getting more than me.....I can sit happily with my memories of what was once the best times of my life

and I can proudly tell the world that I am a disexual...... it died...... sighs and grabs the tissues

Feb 23, 2007, 3:45 PM
Dont give up yet! I cant really give any advice cuz I am still in the *want to fuck everything with two legs* phase of being 18. But I have herd that men can go through down phases for a while (sometimes even as long as a year) and come out of them again. A years back I went a month without even having an erection (and thats when i was 17). The problem was a psychological one and after a while I came out of it. I bet you will come out of this funk too.

And if not, well, they are making more and more pills for that each day! Its bigger than cancer research! Sure its hard admit that you have to use medication, but its a small nick in the pride for a much better reward.

Hang in there (no pun intended)

Feb 23, 2007, 4:57 PM
god people look i know LLD and i know he is joking cos i live in the same house as him it was meant to make people laugh

Feb 23, 2007, 6:01 PM
Poor baby! Someone give it mouth to mouth quick!

I'm sure there is *someone* out there with the Magic Tongue that can revive Mr. Droopy.

Any volunteers? ;)

Long Duck Dong
Feb 23, 2007, 6:40 PM
lol..... got a few friends that just woke up one day and realized that their sex drive had died.....

thats where the idea for * disexual * came from lol

i am a bit like them in a way.... i just have no interest in sex and haven't for a while now......lol......and i am only 36

Feb 23, 2007, 10:39 PM
.... i just have no interest in sex and haven't for a while now......lol......and i am only 36

Mind you I am not a physician, but I do know a bit about andropause and male aging. Sounds like your testosterone levels are dropping. Go see an endocrinologist and have a hormone panel done. There are things you can do about this but the longer you wait the worse its going to get.