View Full Version : What is a pap smear?

Mar 15, 2007, 12:02 AM
Anyone that has had one can you enlighten me on what it is exactly? A good website or explaination will help. Does it hurt? what do they do? I'm going in for one in the next few weeks and I had one when I was 11, and I don't remember what the doctor did, so please help.


Mar 15, 2007, 12:10 AM
My advice would be to check out WebMd.com

Mar 15, 2007, 12:24 AM
Well, I am not a health professional by any means, but a pap smear should be a yearly exam for all women. It is usually done at your annual gynocological visit. You lie on the exam table and put your feet up in these stirups (to hold your legs). The doctor, nurse or NP will insert this device called a speculum which can be made of metal or plastic into your vagina. If you have a considerate doctor, they have them warm. The also use a lubricant so it will slide in easily. The speculum will hold the walls of the vagina open so that the doctor and insert a long swab and take a specimin of the cervix.

The sample is then sent to a lab where they can detect many different diseases. How do I know all this...well first I am very conscious of making sure I have yearly exams and I never wait if I have a problem. Well imagine my surprise when I got a call after my annual exam in September that my pap smear came out postive for HPV. It is a rampant disease which if left untreated can be a major factor in cervical cancer. Well to make a long story short, I did have a biospy which turned out to be postive and had additional surgury done to see if it was cancer. Well, I was one of the lucky ones, I do not have it. But will now have to have a pap smear every three months. As a matter of fact my first one is next Wednesday.

I can tell you that it may not be the most comfortable of proceedures, but I wll say it saved my life. My experinace has also led a few of my friends who were slacking in their paps to get them done.

Just my two cents,


Mar 15, 2007, 12:42 AM
My advice would be to check out WebMd.com

No offense or anything, but I really was just looking for womens response. I do know about webmd.com. I also know about mayoclinic. I've read those, just thought someone might know of a website that I haven't seen that specifically about pap smears and experiences from other woman.

Thank you though.


Mar 15, 2007, 1:13 AM
To be blunt. They out your legs in stryps so you are spread eagled laying on the bed.

Then they get this metal thing that looks like a long duck bill this opens and closes, they grease it up and insert in in your vag.

Then once it is in there they open the contraption up wide and leave it like that, while they scrape around inside you.

It is bloody painful.

Mar 15, 2007, 1:23 AM
Maybe I've just had good doctors....but I have never found a pap smear to be painful.

Awkward maybe, but not painful. :cool:

Mar 15, 2007, 1:23 AM
Well, I am not a health professional by any means, but a pap smear should be a yearly exam for all women. It is usually done at your annual gynocological visit. You lie on the exam table and put your feet up in these stirups (to hold your legs). The doctor, nurse or NP will insert this device called a speculum which can be made of metal or plastic into your vagina. If you have a considerate doctor, they have them warm. The also use a lubricant so it will slide in easily. The speculum will hold the walls of the vagina open so that the doctor and insert a long swab and take a specimin of the cervix.

The sample is then sent to a lab where they can detect many different diseases. How do I know all this...well first I am very conscious of making sure I have yearly exams and I never wait if I have a problem. Well imagine my surprise when I got a call after my annual exam in September that my pap smear came out postive for HPV. It is a rampant disease which if left untreated can be a major factor in cervical cancer. Well to make a long story short, I did have a biospy which turned out to be postive and had additional surgury done to see if it was cancer. Well, I was one of the lucky ones, I do not have it. But will now have to have a pap smear every three months. As a matter of fact my first one is next Wednesday.

I can tell you that it may not be the most comfortable of proceedures, but I wll say it saved my life. My experinace has also led a few of my friends who were slacking in their paps to get them done.

Just my two cents,


What Belle said is correct :) I just had one last month actually. My doctor KNOWS I HATE IT lol (I'll have this "do i have to?" look, at one time the doctor said (to tease me) "all ready?" I said "No." doctor laughs and says "Yep, that would mean your normal." lol

My doctor is a male, I was forced to have a male doctor and Im VERY uncomfortable with male (doctor or not) looking at me down there but hes a very nice and gentle doctor. Makes sure the speculum is warm by running it under warm water :-) He's quick too.

Pap smears are NEVER fun.... Just relax, tell yourself it'll be done quickly.
If for any reason you are uncomfortable with your doctor, say so.
I told mine I was uncomfortable cause he was a guy.... he knew I perfered a woman doctor but there was nothing we could do but I think him knowing that is what made me feel a little comfortable.
Sometimes they have silly cartoons up on the celing so thats something to take your mind off of whats going on.


Mar 15, 2007, 1:36 AM
To be blunt. They out your legs in stryps so you are spread eagled laying on the bed.

Then they get this metal thing that looks like a long duck bill this opens and closes, they grease it up and insert in in your vag.

Then once it is in there they open the contraption up wide and leave it like that, while they scrape around inside you.

It is bloody painful.

My doctors have always been gentle :)
They KNOW I don't like it.... especially if its a male doctor lol

My doctor is a male and when I first saw him for a pap smear appt, it was CLEAR I was not happy (not comfortable with male doctors doing that) but hey, I had no choice... the women doctors seem to leave this area.
But he was very quick and gentle.... didn't hurt at all...

I think Im just lucky to have a nice male doctor who cares about his clients... :)


Mar 15, 2007, 1:40 AM
Thanks, I encourage more people to share their stories. I know all people are different and it depends on the doctor too.

Mar 15, 2007, 2:28 AM
pap smear..a few tissues from the cervix are taken to check if you have cervical abnormalities..end quote

doesnt hurt..

good luck

Anyone that has had one can you enlighten me on what it is exactly? A good website or explaination will help. Does it hurt? what do they do? I'm going in for one in the next few weeks and I had one when I was 11, and I don't remember what the doctor did, so please help.


Mar 15, 2007, 2:51 AM
Thanks, I encourage more people to share their stories. I know all people are different and it depends on the doctor too.

One more thing... ask ALL questions to your doctor when you first see him/her about the pap smear... they will explain.

Its nice to get views how it was for other people and believe me, I did the same thing when I first had mine lol

But every doctor is different... if you don't feel comfortable then SAY IT.
They may not like it but too bad. Its your body. :)
If your not comfortable due to the gender, its OK to ask if you can have another doctor do it thats the gender you want.
They can't say no, they aren't allowed. Mine only did cause there WEREN'T any women doctors there otherwise he would have.
He did suggest another male doctor if I felt uncomfortable with him still but hes a nice doctor, gentle, really cares. I said "no, Im ok with you." since I didn't really have any bad vibe from him.


Mar 15, 2007, 2:55 AM
You guys are lucky it does not hurt. I seem to manage to squeeze my muscles shut where it feels like they are trying to pry me open, I also do this when the clamp is in and open. I get so nervous when I have these.

Yes I have had paitent Dr's but the best they can do is say " relax those muscles".

Mar 15, 2007, 3:34 AM
You guys are lucky it does not hurt. I seem to manage to squeeze my muscles shut where it feels like they are trying to pry me open, I also do this when the clamp is in and open. I get so nervous when I have these.

Yes I have had paitent Dr's but the best they can do is say " relax those muscles".

I know what you mean... my very first pap smear, I was so nervous and shaking... the doctor was a woman and I was very comfortable with her. I even bought her a baby present for her firstborn child.
But I was just nervous.. shaking, the muscles were tight.
She thought it was funny and told me to relax. I knew... but my body wasn't cooperating... it wanted to be nervous.
So she said "Think about something else that makes you happy and relaxed.... for example, think about my daughter since you love babies so much."
That worked. :) lol

Domino, try to think of something else... I know its hard to do that when your laying there with your legs open but just look up don't look down or the doctor... just look up and think of something like what your gonna do later that day or something thats coming up. Maybe something that makes you happy and realxed :)


Mar 15, 2007, 4:57 PM
just look up and think of something like what your gonna do later that day or something thats coming up. Maybe something that makes you happy and realxed :)


So I will think of masturbating next time I have a smear :tongue: :bigrin:

Mar 15, 2007, 10:09 PM
Mine never seemed to hurt, just a rubbing sensation, until I got pregnant and had my baby. Since then, I think my cervix is more sensitive, because it is less pleasant now than it was. But I had some tearing during delivery, so that could be part of it too.

Good Luck, it's only as bad as you expect it to be.

Mar 15, 2007, 11:21 PM
So I will think of masturbating next time I have a smear :tongue: :bigrin:

Think of something else Domino!!! lol

Mar 21, 2007, 8:00 PM
My friend and I were talking about my doctor visit and her first pap smear, and she said something interesting, that the doctor said "she just wanted to check if she was a virgin or not." Can a doctor honestly tell whether you are or aren't? and isn't the whole point of a pap smear to check for cancer?

I was just curious, why a doctor would say something like that?


Mar 22, 2007, 7:26 AM
To be blunt. They out your legs in stryps so you are spread eagled laying on the bed.

Then they get this metal thing that looks like a long duck bill this opens and closes, they grease it up and insert in in your vag.

Then once it is in there they open the contraption up wide and leave it like that, while they scrape around inside you.

It is bloody painful.
Sometimes blunt isnt the best route. :eek: