View Full Version : when you can't seem to make friends

Mar 22, 2007, 11:36 PM
I've gone thru several broken friendships male and female and they have all used me and it's hard to know who is for real and some femalwe friends have because they know what I've been thru and the fact I have not had any sexual relations in 6yrs, they have manupilated me into thinking same sex is the way and I'm not bashing anyone so please don't get upset. then when I come around that way they go away but I never in those so call friendships have invaded no ones personal space. this recent friendship which is with a female has done the same thing now she feels like she can say or do anything to me because today she told me she has earned the right to do so and I told her no she has not. She wears low cut blouses and then shows me part of her breasts and then rubbs up against me when she does not have to, felt my butt. It's hard to keep to yourself when you've been somewhat sexually active and turn into a nun==meaning not getting any thru choice.I do not think of this around all of my female friends, it's only happened twice and it was at the times that i had been without sex for over 5yrs. I do want a relationship with a man but each friend knew how to push my buttons to make me doubt myself and I allowed it to happen, they played games with my head but the second situation is more difficult because I work directly with the female and she has authority over me. Why does everything have to be about playing games with someones' head when that very person is really a friend to you and you treat them like dirt. I like being around this person as a friend but I'm becoming miserable with and around this person. What advice or opinions ion what i need to do to not let stress or depression come back into my life. She cares but yet keeping me at arms length and words that she knows will get to me. please help me :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Mar 22, 2007, 11:49 PM
There's a lot here I don't understand but just for starters: don't invest any time in people who don't treat you well. Period.

meteast chick
Mar 22, 2007, 11:56 PM

This is just in my own opinion, so take from it what you will. I truly believe that friends, if that's what they truly are, would not try to "push your buttons", but rather talk to you like friends do. Let you explore through asking questions and answering as honestly as they can. It's one thing if they 'tried something' and when you rebuffed their advances, backed off, letting you know they were interested but letting you take your time. To continually tease you like that, and from what you say, make you somewhat uncomfortable and knowing you are going through such mental anguish, this does not sound like a real friend. If she's keeping you 'at arm's length', yet playing the tart, this is not a healthy relationship. True friends do not try to sway you over to their 'side', or pressure you into something, but rather let you know how they feel and let you reciprocate in your own time and your own way. If you are interested, and this person is just toying with you, it's poison to your psyche.

I know this may not be what you wanted to hear. You probably already suspected so but just wanted to hear it. I don't know. But what I do know is how to be a TRUE friend. Good luck to you dear.

luv and kisses,

Mar 23, 2007, 12:02 AM
good quality long-term friendships are very difficult to find. i'd say only 1 of every 100 people i meet become a friend, and only 1 out of every 100 of those become good friends..

it is sad when people try to use you and sad when people try to manipulate you.. but don't give up hope. there are decent people out here...

Mar 23, 2007, 12:16 AM
I have a long term friendship with 2 girls.

1 of 18 years and the other of 12 years.

But we rarely see each other these days even tho Ive been having dreams a lot lately about the one of 12 years.

The one of 18 years seems to be pushing away her long term friends without even realizing or caring what shes doing, She already pissed off one of them BIG TIME. (Made to many false promises which shes doing to me as well)

Its hard to keep friendships going especially when one of them seems to keep you away and making false promises.

I have a crush on both of them but only the one of 12 years returns my flirts and clearly has experessed jealously whenever I mention some other girl lol You know the kind of jealously when they realize they can;t have you lol
But when I asked her about it, she doesn't want to answer hehe (Shes bisexual... more into men tho maybe bicurious since she never did anything with a women)

Mar 23, 2007, 5:50 AM
Old friendships can be strange sometimes. I've been trying to rekindle some old ones recently, but they've all been strained - you realise you've all moved on and no longer have anything in common anymore, the terrible long silences.

Having said that one friend I met up with recently went very well - was like we'd only talked last week, not ten years ago - now making plans to meet up regularly again.

Confused: the positive way to look at this that you have realised all by yourself that you're being used and you're not happy with the situation. So the simple answer is to change the situation - move away, get a different job (I assume one girl is your boss or something from describing her as having power over you?).

It may be wrench they are your friends) but they are messing with your head intentionally and making you miserable then they're really not your friends at all. Be brave, make a clean start somewhere new and exciting.