View Full Version : New guy saying hi...

Apr 13, 2007, 9:14 AM
So I always think is wierd to just start responding to topics without a proper introduction so please allow me to introduce myself...

I guess there's no better way to introduce myself to a group of bisexuals than by telling the story of my self-acceptance if its too long and boring feel free to ignore it

It didn't take me long after the onset of that shitty developmental stage that science terms adolesence that I started to notice other guys. As I'm sure many of you have, I spent much of my adolescence worrying about whether I was gay, hoping I wasn't and feeling reassured every time I had a sexual thought towards a girl that at least I wasn't totally gay. In college I began to come to terms with my desire for guys, and was almost resolved to to call myself gay when I met and fell in love with the woman who would eventually call my wife. She and my best friend at the time were the first people I came out to as bi, and she was the first woman I had sex with. At first I was just happy to be in a relationship where I could exhibit my sexuality as "normal," I was glad to seem straight and perfectly happy to keep my feelings for guys to myself. I used to like the invisibility of being bisexual.

But the older I've gotten, and the more secure in myself I've become, the more I've found my sexual desire for guys becoming a prominant aspect of my sexuality...something changed in me where I really accepted how much I love male sexuality, how much I want to share sexuality with other men. This has been both a liberating and trying experience, but has lead my wife and I to define our relationship as polyamorous.

I identify as queer now, I am sick of trying to define my sexuality, If everybody could lighten up about sex and just be honest and open with one another this world would be a much better place to live.

Sexuality aside, I'm a 24 year old guy living in Portland oregon...I have a lot of interests, I study both eastern and western medicine, but am in school for acupuncture and east asian medicine. I ski, I do martial arts/combat sports, I am into metaphysics, spirituality and science. I'm also into other stuff.

I'm really excited to find this site, I've been looking for a place like this for a while...please hit me up anytime to say hi or whatever...

Sorry if thats a long introduction...I can be longwinded sometimes.

Apr 13, 2007, 9:42 AM
Hey Doc! Welcome to our little corner of the world! This place has become a second home to many of us. I hope that you find what you're looking for here.

It sounds like you and I have a great deal in common. I'm working on my Master's in herbalism from the Australasian College of Health Sciences there in Portland. I have been contemplating the study of accupuncture and eastern herbalism for years. I'd love to hear about your experience in that respect.

I hear what you're saying about labels. Just be yourself and let the labels take care of themselves.

Take care.

Apr 13, 2007, 9:56 AM
I like you already.

Apr 13, 2007, 10:29 AM
Your intro is fine but it would be nice if you would finish your profile too. As you said the teenage years were akward but defining I enjoy my adult life much better. Thanks for being here and opening up.

Apr 13, 2007, 10:48 AM
Hello and welcome to our little hangout,

It sounds like we have some things in common as I myself am very much into metaphysics alternative healing and Shamanism.

Feel free to holler at me if you'd like to talk. Take a look around the place and try not to spend too much time glued to your computer lol, there are a lot of wonderful free thinkers here and I'm sure you'll feel right at home. Be sure to invite your wife's presence as well, we have many spouses of all orientations here and they do much to enrich the community experience.

Again, Glad that you found us and welcome~


Apr 13, 2007, 11:00 AM
Welcome! Ahhh yes, those lovely teen years - lol I definitely understand, as do most of us here.

This is a great place and like Herbwoman39 said - a second home to many of us. There are allot of great folks here so please feel free to kick your shoes off and set a spell - :)

Apr 13, 2007, 12:03 PM
Welcome Dr. Strangelove....

As I have said in the past, come on in. Take that comfortable chair over there next to the fireplace. Kick off your shoes, lean back and enjoy a good cup of warmth with good friends. Take your time, look around, get involved and above all, don't be bashful.
Ya' might even be invited back for dinner.......


Apr 13, 2007, 12:06 PM
Hello Doc. It's nice to meet you. And i hope that you have a wonderful time hear. There is lots of nice and wonderful people. It was really nice of you to tell your story to us. thanks for that. I hope that you are doing good today. lil bit

Apr 13, 2007, 4:20 PM
Whats up, Doc??? :bigrin: Sorry, I just had to say that...All corny jokes aside, welcome to your new home...Lots of great folks here and a few that have alot in common with you...Hope you stay a long time... :paw: :paw:

Apr 13, 2007, 7:23 PM
Welcome to the site! :)

Lots of like minds here!

24 is "older???" hehehehe!! I hafta laugh.....I guess in that case, some of us are ancient artifacts! LOL! :tong:

Apr 13, 2007, 7:45 PM
Welcome and as stated above make yourself at home. You might be suprized just how many people are in the same boat as you. It is always great to be able to come home and have that warmth of family even thought not blood related.

Flex we are not arifacts we are just aged wine the longer we live the better we get or something like that.
Sorry about the spelling but I have bandaids on left hand and it make typing a little hard


Apr 13, 2007, 7:56 PM
Flex we are not arifacts we are just aged wine the longer we live the better we get or something like that.
Sorry about the spelling but I have bandaids on left hand and it make typing a little hard


Hehehe! Aged wine....I like that! :tong:

'course some days I just feel like old koolaid....lol!!

then other days, it's more like an antique teenager! or just a big kid! :)

What the heck did ya do to your hand? Hope it's okay...

Apr 13, 2007, 9:17 PM
Hey Dr., :shades:
"Strangelove... strange highs and strange lows Strangelove that's how our love goes" Sorry I had to get that out of my system, I love Depeche Mode.
Anyway, hey and welcome. I look forward to your perspective and insights, and completed profile. :bigrin:

BTW: Any relation to Dr. Feelgood? :bigrin:

Apr 13, 2007, 10:43 PM
Doc, take my advice...don't walk, run for the nearest exit pronto. Everyone on this site should be under heavy sedation and be kept away from heavy machinery! I've never met a more eclectic collection of witches, pagans, neo-liberals, philosophers, eccentric housewives, privates-shavers, and just old fashioned, constantly horny, shit disturbers.
Sounds like you'll fit right in. Welcome.

Apr 13, 2007, 11:35 PM
BTW Doc, judging by the number or respondents in the 'Piss' thread, I should have added the urine-aholics as part of the inclusive group on this site. As Tiny Tim said, "God bless us every one".

Apr 14, 2007, 1:04 AM
Doc, take my advice...don't walk, run for the nearest exit pronto. Everyone on this site should be under heavy sedation and be kept away from heavy machinery! I've never met a more eclectic collection of witches, pagans, neo-liberals, philosophers, eccentric housewives, privates-shavers, and just old fashioned, constantly horny, shit disturbers.
Sounds like you'll fit right in. Welcome.

Watch it, Mister...I resemble most of those remarks...LOL... :eek: :bigrin: :rolleyes: :tong: :paw: :paw:

Apr 14, 2007, 1:11 AM
Hehehe! Aged wine....I like that! :tong:

'course some days I just feel like old koolaid....lol!!

then other days, it's more like an antique teenager! or just a big kid! :)

What the heck did ya do to your hand? Hope it's okay...

I am fine Flex just trying to do to much when I am tire like making a cheese Sandwich for my son's lunch on a hour of sleep. :eek:.

Apr 14, 2007, 1:21 AM
.....If everybody could lighten up about sex and just be honest and open with one another this world would be a much better place to live.

LOL Amen to that....Welcome Dr.StrangeLove...Awesome site with a great spirit of it's own making'

Ambi :)

Apr 14, 2007, 4:53 AM
Stanleypark... you're spose to give the doc a couple months to figure this all out! how are we gonna get him addicted to the site, before we sink the teeth in otherwise?? heheheee!! :tong:

Dr. Strangelove which discipline of martial arts do ya practice? have ya ever watched the DVD "What The Bleep Do We Know?'? and which needles do i use to make me and my family fabulously wealthy? :cool:

Apr 14, 2007, 3:22 PM
Hehehe, thanks for all the warm welcomes :tong: I think I like this place.

Sol, I do Brazillian jiujitsu and western kickboxing, but I've also studied aikido and practice qigong and yoga, so in other words i'm fairly eclectic in how I train in the martial arts. I really identify with the philosophy of aikido, though, and see myself training in that spirit no matter where I practice. Thanks for asking.

Apr 14, 2007, 4:26 PM
Hey Doc. Welcome to the site. I hope you find what you are looking for here. There are a lot of fun, knowledgeable people here about EVERY subject imaginable. Also there are a lot of husbands and wife’s here as well. It’s great, and I know you will love it here. Again Welcome and I look forward to seeing you around.

Michael :flag2:

meteast chick
Apr 14, 2007, 4:41 PM
Bienvenidos Doc...whoops sorry just got done listening to "Oh Mickey" the Spanish version. That is, Welcome.

This is a wonderful place and it is obvious from what you have said thus far that you are a fabulously open person who we are dying to know more about. I always say chat freely and post often and you will amass friends faster than you can say "This site changed my life."

luv and kisses,