View Full Version : So much for honestly.... I give up on dating sites.

Apr 23, 2007, 1:45 PM
I was under the impression you are more attractive when your honest.
So my ads on dating sites were strictly honest. Clearly about myself and what I look for in a person.

I don't know if its my profile or location or pictures but I never get any responses ugh!!

Do dating sites expect you to LIE?!?! If thats the case then Im sorry, I can't do that. lol

Im kinda sexually fusterated to.

Penticton is no place to find people unless your into the drug life or tough areas. Many people have been known to gotten attacked (stabbed, beat....etc) for just minding thier own business as they are walking around after dark.

The bars and clubs..... drunk people who most likely won't leave you alone if you ask them to.

I know I whine about this to much lol Is it to much to ask for a loving relationship where 2 people can care and love each other??

Why is it so hard for people around here to understand that being around a deaf person IS NOT A BAD THING?? lol
Work is great but.... I wish people would read the sign! Its clearly visible.


Im just gonna stop Whining
Delete all my profiles from so-called-nothing-but-time-wasting dating sites.
If no one wants to be with me fine... I don't want to be with them!!

I don't even want to hear "things will be better" cause anyone will say something postive when they don't know for real.

PS. Yes, another post that won't get any replies.
PSS. I seriously don't know what to do anymore. I may just take a break from the internet for awhile except emails.

Apr 23, 2007, 2:10 PM
I am no authority on the subject of relationships, dateing sites or any of that stuf, but I can share mt experience. What I have found in my 52 years is that in order to have a relationship ( any kind of relationship, friends, intimate or other wise ) it takes a lot of work on the part of all parties involved. Most people today do not have the willingness or desire to put in the work required. In other words, we live in a WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM type of society where every one is in a hurry to get what they want. I never believed it was possible to be "to honest" but I am not sure about that anymore. I don't know that this is any help to you but I did not want to ignore you or this, it sounds like you are expecting to get some thing that others are not giving you, in my life a lot of times expectaions are just "resentments under construction" and get in my way before others can.

I hope this helps or some thing.

Apr 23, 2007, 2:15 PM
Still think that Penticton is the likely problem, and save-up-and-bolt the likely solution.

Apr 23, 2007, 2:22 PM
Still think that Penticton is the likely problem, and save-up-and-bolt the likely solution.

I think so too biwords... but it's gonna be a long time before I save up the amount i need in order to move. But to where? lol
But yes I am saving to bolt lol


Fire Lotus
Apr 23, 2007, 3:35 PM
Still think that Penticton is the likely problem, and save-up-and-bolt the likely solution.

I think I would have to agree with this. Unless maybe you can find a real life bi or LGBT group, which from the sounds of it, is unlikely. I know moving would probably be a long time goal, but when you are able to do it, I think it will be worth it. Especially if you move to say, example........Toronto.Huge LGBT community here, and you already have a few friends here ;)

Apr 23, 2007, 4:30 PM
Babe, it's not that no one wants to be with you. Trust me on this. It's just that everyone is so far away that it's a logistical nightmare.

Here's an idea. If you haven't done it already (and I'm sure you have), start your own "Get Tasha The Hell Out Of Here" fund wherein a specific percentage of your paycheck goes every payday along with any extra funds you can get family or friends to chip in. It's not a quick 'I won the lottery' solution but it will help get you out of that hellhole sooner.

Also, talk to the store manager where you work and find out if there is a store of the same chain to transfer to. They do that all the time here in the US. That way you'll have a job when you do get wherever you're moving to next.

As for that P.S.S. you just got back! Please don't leave again. I missed you.

Apr 23, 2007, 4:38 PM
It's better to be honest and find the RIGHT person then lie and find a bunch of losers. You'll find her eventually Tasha, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time. :grouphug:

Apr 23, 2007, 6:23 PM
i know exactly how you feel. I was on about 5 site for about 3 years and got not one responce. I met my "bf" who I might prolly leave due to the fact he is a loser with no dreams and doesnt wanna do anything and search for a girl who I can get along with. That is why I join this site. :2cents:

Apr 23, 2007, 9:41 PM
Babe, it's not that no one wants to be with you. Trust me on this. It's just that everyone is so far away that it's a logistical nightmare.

Here's an idea. If you haven't done it already (and I'm sure you have), start your own "Get Tasha The Hell Out Of Here" fund wherein a specific percentage of your paycheck goes every payday along with any extra funds you can get family or friends to chip in. It's not a quick 'I won the lottery' solution but it will help get you out of that hellhole sooner.

Also, talk to the store manager where you work and find out if there is a store of the same chain to transfer to. They do that all the time here in the US. That way you'll have a job when you do get wherever you're moving to next.

As for that P.S.S. you just got back! Please don't leave again. I missed you.

Maria, lol the fund sounds nice but I HATE asking people for money. I know I will pay them back and I know I would if they said not to lol
My parents have said they would buy me a place (thier way of making sure its safe I guess lol) the only friends I have are online and I can't ask my online friends for money! Nope.
I am putting a bit of money every week in a "put in but can't take out" savings acct I opened at the bank. (to take out I have to actually go in the bank and ask.)
Ummm I do have paypal so funds idea could work lol
Ive also been gathering stuff I own that I don't care what happens to it to sell :-) Im gonna ask my next door neighbour what I should do with the spare bed I once shared with my ex lol
If I could sell it for a few hundreds that'll be nice lol it cost almost a thousand in the first place!! Yes it did!!!

Arana - yes I agree.... *waits for the right time and place* well, while Im waiting Im just gonna work my funds lol

Crowgirl316 - Too bad you live in PA and Im out of your age range!! :( You look very pretty! :)

Talk to you guys later and Ms Herbie, the love bug...... yes I put that PSS there.... but haven't you learnt by now I'll ALWAYS come back on here?? lol
So "im not coming back" stuff is lies!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I missed you too.

Apr 24, 2007, 1:49 PM
well we r frustrated like you. we havent had any responses either. we have pics uploaded now also and still no replies. i guess i need to learn patience,huh? i wish u all the luck!! maybe we will both get lucky!!!!!

Apr 25, 2007, 7:15 AM
Be honest from the word go...saves so much energy on trying to remember what you 'made up' in the first place.

Tasha...this frustration is normal. It's a time for you to really understand yourself, like who and where you are, and make yourself into the best you can be!

Then...when you can honestly say and be happy with where your life is headed, and your plans are in full swing...I'd say you will attract those with similar ideals. You'll be a stunning and positive magnet to those who are looking for exactly the woman you are.
Frustration won't be an issue. Grab your dreams, no excuses!


Apr 25, 2007, 7:34 AM
Have you tried OKCupid.com?

For a while I was getting some interesting results... but now I think I've exhausted the possibilities, so I'm kind of giving up on it. But you might have some luck on there.

Apr 25, 2007, 7:38 AM
I agree with you

you're like me
That Odd age where all your friends are coupled/Married/have children.
You're too old/ tired of the bar scene Not to mention nobody to really go with.
so you're stuck between risking dating at work (which just causes more stress because of Rumors & no Personal Space)
so you post up adds up on dating sites with maybe a couple of messages sent out and received but nothing really happens

yeah I've been there and now I've just given up

Apr 26, 2007, 11:11 PM
I give up.... I have deleted all 5 profiles of mine on dating sites.... deleted the bookmarks too.

The only 2 I kept up are on: bisexuals.com (cause I have friends here!) and womanline.com (only one with locals I seem to find lol and have met 2 people off that one so its done something while the rest have done nothing)

Maybe Im just to honest but I always thought thats what people wanted on profiles.
Maybe its not just cause I have Im hearing impaired on it.
Maybe they are just looking for one nighters and mine clearly states relationship.

Oh well... I personally think message boards are better tho. You get to know the person more than what you see on a profile.

Apr 27, 2007, 2:18 AM
Ive told you before Tasha that if I was close to you, Id be all over you :) Its not easy finding the right person, believe me I know, but itll happen eventually... It always does...

BTW, that "Get Tasha the hell out of here" Thats a damn good idea! :)

Apr 27, 2007, 2:19 AM
uh Just to clarify myself, I dont want you to "Get the hell out of here" here lol I was talking about the funds for you to move, cuz personally, I think youre an asset to this site!

Apr 27, 2007, 4:03 AM
Wow wow wow hold on. I found my true love on a dating site. Lovehappens.com he lives in Mexico and back then (August 2006) I didn't think I would find love on dating sites but that one worked out good. I met him on February 2007 and we've been boyfriends since september because there was so many things in common. The thing is that I first sent him an icebreaker on the page and then didn't checked the page until a month after and saw that he sent me one also so I sent him another one and so on til we ended up using all the icebreaker messages available and I was frustrated because in order to send e-mail u have to pay $20dollars and so I took my chances and paid and sent him an e-mail with my hotmail e-mail and so a week later we talked on the msn messenger and there was a lot of chemistry and I even found out that he's a vegetarian like me so that made me even happier. So you see, dating sites take time because I don't remember when I opened my account on that site but it was a long time ago. So don't give up and keep on trying. as for my bf, he's coming on August to live with me =)

Apr 27, 2007, 9:55 AM
Wow wow wow hold on. I found my true love on a dating site. Lovehappens.com he lives in Mexico and back then (August 2006) I didn't think I would find love on dating sites but that one worked out good. I met him on February 2007 and we've been boyfriends since september because there was so many things in common. The thing is that I first sent him an icebreaker on the page and then didn't checked the page until a month after and saw that he sent me one also so I sent him another one and so on til we ended up using all the icebreaker messages available and I was frustrated because in order to send e-mail u have to pay $20dollars and so I took my chances and paid and sent him an e-mail with my hotmail e-mail and so a week later we talked on the msn messenger and there was a lot of chemistry and I even found out that he's a vegetarian like me so that made me even happier. So you see, dating sites take time because I don't remember when I opened my account on that site but it was a long time ago. So don't give up and keep on trying. as for my bf, he's coming on August to live with me =)


Congrats on your BF moving in with you in a couple months :)
Most of my dating sites profiles have been up for a year now. Except OKCupid which someone suggested recently. I might try the site you suggested to. Thanks :)
I have seen some profiles where the person seems like a match to me but they have not logged on for months. Do you think its worth senting a icebreaker/flirt/smile anyway incase they are doing the "Oh, nothings happening so Im not bothering to log on there" thing??
I always thought not logging on for over a month meant the person's probably no longer looking and forgot to remove thier profile.

okies gonna check Lovehappens.com :)


Apr 27, 2007, 10:10 AM
Ive told you before Tasha that if I was close to you, Id be all over you :) Its not easy finding the right person, believe me I know, but itll happen eventually... It always does...

BTW, that "Get Tasha the hell out of here" Thats a damn good idea! :)

lol :) *sits and wait for the right person*



Apr 27, 2007, 12:01 PM
Wait....people lie on the internet?

I won't say anything but if I could, I'd buy you a strong drink.

Apr 27, 2007, 12:10 PM
Wait....people lie on the internet?

I won't say anything but if I could, I'd buy you a strong drink.

Yes people lie on the internet like they do in real life.... the only differences is sometimes you can catch people in a lie when you know them in person hehe

and no... I don't drink the strong stuff lol :eek: :eek: :eek: Bad Enoll.
Umm I just saw your pics lol Yes you like to drink the hard stuff don't you??
Not ME :) lol

Apr 27, 2007, 12:22 PM
and no... I don't drink the strong stuff lol :eek: :eek: :eek: Bad Enoll.
Umm I just saw your pics lol Yes you like to drink the hard stuff don't you??
Not ME :) lol

I really need more pictures taken of me where I'm not drinking. heh.
Actually don't drink all that much, just when times are low.
But I dedicate this next beer to you.

(Obviously I know people lie on the internet, I've been around the track afew times :bigrin: and delt with hundreds of lying people.)

Apr 27, 2007, 12:23 PM
Jean, Ah, you're my new friend now.

lol went on LoveHappens.com in a "okies gonna waste time" mood hehe

Well, did the test and everything and I saw someone with a 75% match whos like me, quiet, rather do quiet things than go out to some wild party...etc

Sent my first icebreaker too. hehe

Okies maybe Ive just been on the wrong dating sites.......... ya, that must be it. hehe

*jumps back to the site to do more searches*
Lots more people in my area too..... sheesh.... lol (Yes I heard of the site last August but didn't think much about it.... )

Apr 27, 2007, 12:26 PM
I really need more pictures taken of me where I'm not drinking. heh.
Actually don't drink all that much, just when times are low.
But I dedicate this next beer to you.

(Obviously I know people lie on the internet, I've been around the track afew times :bigrin: and delt with hundreds of lying people.)

I perfer white wine :)

Apr 27, 2007, 12:32 PM
I perfer white wine :)

Red wine for me if wine's the only choice.
An elegant way to get drunk.

Apr 27, 2007, 12:34 PM
Red wine for me if wine's the only choice.
An elegant way to get drunk.

LOL I don't get drunk.

Apr 27, 2007, 12:45 PM
Tasha... my own experience is this. All the lovers I have been with long term have been friends of mine prior to actually getting together, so I can't say that I've ever found love online. Found sex.. plenty of that... LOL

But, seriously... be true to yourself. Don't worry so much about the deafness thing. You let that be a hangup and it WILL be a hangup. I'm deaf and I don't use it to say..."you don't like me cuz I'm deaf"... granted, there's stupid people out there that are too damn chicken to deal with it, but then again, there's a lot of people out there who are a lot more willing to try.

Don't give up. Good things take TIME. You said you've had those profiles up for a year. Honey.. it'll take more than a year to find your Ms. or Mr. Right. Trust me.. I was 29 when I met my Ms. Right and we're still together.. 11 years.

Be positive and just be you. Your deafnes is just one part of you.. it's not the whole you.... HUGS...

Apr 27, 2007, 12:49 PM
LOL I don't get drunk.

Hmpfh, I guess some people just never got corrupted when
in thier teen years. I corrupted many a soul. ;)
But then again maybe you were and you changed, I won't pretend to know
ether way.
I'm probably just a silliy naieve child.

Apr 27, 2007, 12:56 PM
Tasha... my own experience is this. All the lovers I have been with long term have been friends of mine prior to actually getting together, so I can't say that I've ever found love online. Found sex.. plenty of that... LOL

But, seriously... be true to yourself. Don't worry so much about the deafness thing. You let that be a hangup and it WILL be a hangup. I'm deaf and I don't use it to say..."you don't like me cuz I'm deaf"... granted, there's stupid people out there that are too damn chicken to deal with it, but then again, there's a lot of people out there who are a lot more willing to try.

Don't give up. Good things take TIME. You said you've had those profiles up for a year. Honey.. it'll take more than a year to find your Ms. or Mr. Right. Trust me.. I was 29 when I met my Ms. Right and we're still together.. 11 years.

Be positive and just be you. Your deafnes is just one part of you.. it's not the whole you.... HUGS...

Its not the deaf part thats bothering me lately..... its the whole being inexperienced thats been bugging me recently.
Im over the deaf thing... if they don't like it then they aren't worth it. There are people who don't care (they care about who you are... not what disablity you may have)
I know that can be said the same with the inexperienced.... the one who loves me won't care about my lack of experiences but it bugs me lol
I think mostly cause when Im in a chat with someone and sex comes up... they''ll be all chatty and I have nothing to say lol When I say I can't answer cause I never did that or this, they go "You're 27 right??" me "yes" then thats the end of it. Never hear from them again lol
Ok maybe it just means they are looking for sexually active poeple or ones with experiences but it bugs me..... is being 27 and inexperienced really that bad the way some people made me feel??? Ahhhhhhh

You know.... maybe I just need to stop worrying.
The right person will come when time is right.
She won't care if Im deaf, inexperienced and so on. lol (I keep telling myself some people actually like the inexperienced cause it means more in a way.)
Just like some people actually like being with a deaf person cause they think its cool.

Ya, me gonna quit worrying.... work on my scheme to get out of Penticton *grins* and let love happen unexpected.


Apr 27, 2007, 1:00 PM
Hmpfh, I guess some people just never got corrupted when
in thier teen years. I corrupted many a soul. ;)
But then again maybe you were and you changed, I won't pretend to know
ether way.
I'm probably just a silliy naieve child.

I had 6 bottles of beer once :) When I was 21 and didn't get drunk... just had to pee a lot lol Would have had a 7th but I was tired of peeing hehe
I just don't get drunk on beer.

Wine well... thats a different story lol 2 is enough for me.