View Full Version : pansexual, the hardest person to explain

Long Duck Dong
May 1, 2007, 3:59 AM
( be forwarned, I will be using *offensive * terms in this thread.... I am well aware of the standing of some groups and their views ... however I am posting in a manner that most people can relate to...regardless of if the terms used are * offensive * or not )

are you pansexual ( omnisexual )..... lol

ok we know what a bisexual is...... they are cute, sexy, lovable, gorgeous / handsome people....lol

seriously, they are people that can develop a platonic / sexual attraction on a emotional / mental / psychical level that can be a friend / sex partner / companion / marriage partner

the term * bisexual * applies to the attraction to two gender, the male and female gender....

the pansexual, however.... has the same attractions but the attraction is not gender specific and covers the intersex / trans / non sexual genders and the shemale pansexual as well as the female male genders

now where the bisexual / hetrosexual / gay / lesbian / trans / inters differ from the pansexual, is in the area of sexuality and gender
a pansexual is a person of fuild sexuality and gender.......
they may see themselves as more than one gender....tho their body may not reflect that fact.... however, a NON trans shemale person is a clearer example of a gender fuild pansexual....they are filling the nature of the dual gender by appearance......they have the appearance of a female but the genitalia of the male

to understand this in simply terms, we can look at the trans person
a trans person is a person that is born one gender but wishes to exist as the other gender....they may set about a series of changes to change the body to better match the person within

unlike the trans person, the pansexual doesn't have that option as their gender is fuild, ..much in the same way a bisexual's attraction changes....a pansexuals internal gender changes, and so changing the body to match the gender is not a option

the non trans shemale pansexual is not a *true * trans person, they are a people that have had the appearance of the body altered to fit their personal image....and they are comfortable with their image.....often this is a person that is female in appearance with a penis.....
the non trans shemale pansexual can be straight, gay or bisexual and is most often bisexual.....as the bisexual aspect works well with the dual gender image......

the average pansexual is not area specific attracted.... this means that pansexuals see any gender as simply a person without any areas that stimulate attraction
many people have area specific attractions, like the butt, the chest, the eyes, height etc.....the pansexual doesn't perceive attraction on that level

in bisexual.com all people are equal, and not sorted by looks, age etc....hence a 60 year old man is just as attractive as a 20 year old female and vice versa...
imagine a hairy chested 40 year old lady with a 5 o clock shadow.....most people would run screaming, but not the pansexual....they would find that as attractive as a 40 year old *natural * female

pansexuals are predominately bisexual.... but this doesn't mean that they are sexual beings.... pansexuals can be non sexual / celibate.....

attraction vs drawn to.....
this is a interesting aspect of the pan sexual.... attraction is defined as pleasing to the eye, heart, mind....and attraction can be area specific....
simple a person attracted to eye, goes more towards a certain aspect like eye coloring...
drawn to is a more undefined term..... it refers to people as a whole.... like drawn to bear people, BBW/M Big beautiful women / men.....some people are drawn to people on a whole or to some aspect of the person that they are not able to define

pansexuals lack the attraction aspect but retain the drawn to aspect..... they can be drawn to groups of people.....but not attracted to area specific aspects... hence they can be drawn to the full sexual / gender range, equally

now lets look at a pansexual ...ME lol
I identify as bisexual cos its just too hard to explain who I truly am... the trouble with that, is that people misunderstand me greatly

I identify with being drawn to the non trans shemale type person... but I do not find them any more attractive or sexually desirable than a *normal* trans person, or non trans person....
with sexuality identities... gay / lesbian / bisexual / polyarmorous are equal
to me and I struggle to understand how people find specific genders more attractive than other people... its simply outside my range of understanding, in the same way people struggle to understand the issues of being a trans person

how I understand attraction is the fact that I work off my bodies desires for contact... it can be male / female / trans contact in a sexual / non sexual sense.....however once the desire is gone i can appear cool as I seem to * discard * the person..... the truth there is that my internal gender and sexuality has shifted, the person is still valued as a person, however the way I relate to them changes.... and that becomes a very misunderstood aspect of my life....

cos I am pansexual, my internal gender changes, and I can become a lesbian / gay / straight / bi / polyarmorous....the reason for the lesbian aspect that the my internal gender becomes female and desires female contact...

pansexuals that have fuild gender changes are known as pangender.... a umbrella term that can cover the trans people range of TV/CD... however the trans community doesn't recognize the pansexual / pangender as a indentity...as the pansexual / pangender don't see themselves as any true part of any community, yet many pansexual / pangender live amongst all the different communities, struggling to conform to each groups identity criteria.....

rather than live as a outcast, the average pansexual/ pangender will become a part of the group that they most identify with, and never fully realise that they are pansexual / pangender.......

people ask me why I don't talk about being a pansexual / pan gender.... lol after reading that, are you really surprised ????

we are the most misunderstood group on earth and 90% of the time we even misunderstand ourselves..... its no wonder we are the group most likely to get mis labelled and end up in counselling, therapy, a psych unit or dead

as a foot note.... a large number of the trans community never live a full life, tragically they take their own lives.... just how many of them are pangender, trying to fit the mould of the trans person, we will never know....

hugs ya all

May 1, 2007, 9:49 AM
Long---you never cease to amaze me---you are font of some very interesting information--I never even have thought of "pansexuality" before---

I have to say that I find it to be a pretty much "out there" kind of thing--but interesting nonetheless---

It does go to show us that with things like pansexuality--they hint at how much we don't even know about ourselves.

I think most people get to a point that they find they can navigate their lives--and that almost seems hard enough--so they just go on the don't think much beyond the narrow constraints they have put themselves into----

For most people--they live their lives like such--go to primary school--maybe college, learn a trade or go into the service--get a job---get married--have kids--get a mortagage and car payments and then just live from one day to the next---

Not to say there is anything wrong with all of that----it's what most people do and "that is what you are supposed to do with your life"---but I do think life is much more than that---and there is more than just vanilla--be straight, get married--procreate and don't step out of the bounds of your marriage---

Thanks for another interesting post Long Duck.....

May 1, 2007, 10:30 AM
In some cases, pangender individuals are able to live with the majority of the physical characteristics they were born with, but frequently displays the outward appearance, behavior and/or clothing of the opposite gender. [...] Pangender individuals are happy living "in between" and have no desire to live exclusively as one gender or the other.

Pangender, taken from wiki.

The more I read about transgender/transsexual here, the more I feel as if I cant fit myself within one gender. Sometimes Im a guy, sometimes Im a girl, but im predominantly a guy. Maybe because my body is of masculine type. I dont feel like an effimate guy, or a masculine girl. Its like two seperate way of being that are together. I wouldnt call that pansexual, but rather pangender, since it is relate to my identity and not exclusively my sexuality. I dont feel as if I have multiple personality, but rather one big fluid and dynamic me, that cant be fit inside one label/human template. (Even the dynamic part can change and be more static!)

Both side of me feel hetero and bi-curious from the sexual point of view. I have never explored this with someone else so I dont know exactly how it works in my mind, but it does seem that my attraction/feelings changes based on "who" is expressed. If I was to meet someone with a different physical body than guy/girl as perceived by society, I wouldnt run away, but I wouldnt feel at ease either. Im not looking for those type of people, its not my thing. With that, i wouldnt call me pansexual, more a dynamic bisexual. (isnt that kinda redundant? =P )

Just wanted to add a distinction between pangender/pansexual, being one doesnt necessarily bring the other, but possibly.

(Forgive me, Im just thinking out loud... :roll:)

May 1, 2007, 12:41 PM
This is an intresting subject and I never really thought about it before. Im not even sure I know what I think about it now lol When I look at people, for anything, I only just see people. Although Im a bi fem, and my husband and I are looking for a bi male. I have found myself attracted to some transgendered people before. Not that I had or have thought about looking for one specifically, if I met one, and it clicked, I dont know if I would turn up my nose to the idea, or go for it. I guess it just goes to show, that some people, myself at least, may not even know themselves all that well. You brought up something Ill be now thinking about all day! Can I introduce you to the llama song lol

Take care have a great day!

May 1, 2007, 2:10 PM
In some ways I can see myself in that manner. I often fell more like a guy than a woman. When I am in that "mood" I am more often "straight". As my normal self, I am definately a bi-sexual woman. Sometimes I lean more towards wanting a female, other times I want a man, once in a while nothing but both will satisfy me. I do not know if that is anything like you are talking about, but that is how I feel.


May 1, 2007, 2:46 PM
Very nice information. :) Plenty to chew on for later.

When trying to explain our sexuality we just stop people who ask and try to tell them that we're just 'open' sexually. No more, no less. It takes away the need to have to explain to people what's going on with us (sometimes we feel like a nut, sometimes we don't, sometimes we feel like getting the glass dildo out of the freezer...etc) and it allows them to interpret it as they will.

Most people just assume 'open' means we're open to the same kind of sexuality as they are. Others get confused, but are too hestitant to question further. Sometimes it gets us into some interesting conversations, because someone then feel comfortable enough to talk about their 'particular' interests. It also reminds us that 'open' also means 'open to negative interpretation' - which helps us not get too pissed off when people start speaking ill.

May 1, 2007, 4:01 PM
Interesting post.

I'm attracted to a person's heart, so does that make me cardiosexual? :bigrin:

May 1, 2007, 5:43 PM

What you are describing makes a LOT of sense to me...it comes a lot closer to describing how I percieve people/attractions than anything else I have come across...and it IS complicated to explain lol!

Cerealk, I am curious as to your saying "I dont feel as if I have multiple personality, but rather one big fluid and dynamic me..." and wondered if you would elaborate on that..... :rolleyes:

May 1, 2007, 6:26 PM
Cute, Keliana!!!
I agree with you; that makes up both "cardiosexuals" but if we are also attracked to someones mind, does that make us cerebrosexuals????

I hope you do something besides write the longest threads I've ever read!!!
I enjoyed reading your thread but I am not sure I understood all of it...

How about a new one on sexualities attracked to a specific area of the body like Keliana suggests!!!??



Interesting post.

I'm attracted to a person's heart, so does that make me cardiosexual? :bigrin:

May 1, 2007, 9:26 PM
hmmm, i guess the "pansexual" term has been thrown around and means all sorts of different things to different people...

it was to my understanding that pansexual was a type of sexual orientation that is used to describe someone who is potentially attracted to "all human beings"

not sure i completely understand the concept of a difference between a transsexual and a person who identifies as pansexual. one's own sexuality and one's sexual orientation are mutually exclusive, at least that's what i would say..

i personally identify as a transsexual, but i don't see how being a transsexual could negate my ability to identify as having a pansexual attraction to others...

i generally consider myself attracted to feminine people, regardless of whether they are biological males, females, transsexuals, or others, and regardless of whatever genitals they have.

May 1, 2007, 10:25 PM
I was always told that this is what pansexuality means (taken from various internet sources):

It's a sexual orientation characterized by a potential aesthetic attraction, romantic love and/or sexual desire for anybody, including people who do not fit into the gender binary of male/female implied by bisexual attraction.

A pansexual is a person who is sexually interested in other people regardless of gender including males, females, transexuals, tansvestites, gender benders, hermaphrodites, intersexuals, androgenous people, and those with sex-chromosome anomaly such as klinefelter syndrome or turner syndrome.

Many people who identify as pansexual may associate with people of all sexual orientations/genders, but are not necessarily interested in sex with people of all sexes or genders.

Long Duck Dong
May 1, 2007, 10:30 PM
lol toronto.... I agree, its easy to say that one is a pansexual, harder to actually *fit the mould *

it took me 3 years to finally say that yes, the term pansexual described me more than any other term

I have been diagnosised as pangender...a aspect which many people have seen in me....and something that i knew was not that common, but to me it was natural for me to feel like that

cos I am celibate.... I don't base any ideas of attraction, on sex, or the male desire to produce......but the female desire to get pregnant is something I have experienced...lol, while it was possible for me to * roleplay * males and females during sex..... constantly I noticed feelings inside myself that were predominately gender specific traits.....
as the male, I felt the need and desire to lay with a female or male and * control * the situation, be the dominant one, it was my * role * to cum and make them pregnant but I was not getting sexual satisfaction in my body....

as the female, with a female or male, I was feeling the need to closeness, a need to be held, and surrender myself to the sexual encounter, and a desire to allow myself to become pregnant....
in the * female * role, I hated the idea of cumming as a male...lol

as a pangender, I have the ability to display the mannerisms of both male and female in speech, emotions, thinking etc, but most of the time I don't identify as any gender....I use the label *male * as that it what i appear as, to people......it doesn't mean that i feel masculine at all... 90% of the time I don't feel anytime.....

as a pansexual.... I am not confined to non sexual / sexual contact with males and females, but equally with males / females, intersex / trans and shemales....and I use the labels of each group as I can't see a difference between the groups....
there is no masculine male / feminine female attraction....or feminine male / masculine male attraction
to me non sexual / sexual contact with any group is perfectly natural and normal....

I could lay with any group as naturally as a husband may lay with his wife...hence i don't understand the nature of kinky / fetish sex with trans / intersex / shemales, in the ways that some people have seen it.....
I am laying with a person.....

when a person in the site, indicated that a interest in shemales was a sexual thing, I got highly fucked off... I am celibate, so it was NOT sexual, and shemale was a label... I was talking about a person with feelings and emotions
and to reduce my desire for friendship and the chance to talk, laugh, joke and cry, with another person, to a sexual attraction, was a massive insult

with trans and intersex people, they use the label to define themselves..... me ??? i use the pansexual / pangender label if I want to spend the next 3 days explaining myself....
hence i normally use the term bisexual....its easier to explain

May 2, 2007, 10:41 PM
I wonder if this is why labelling is confusing to me....I just don't seem to think in the same way or something.....I am attracted to people as people...

I could lay with any group as naturally as a husband may lay with his wife...hence i don't understand the nature of kinky / fetish sex with trans / intersex / shemales, in the ways that some people have seen it.....
I am laying with a person.....

when a person in the site, indicated that a interest in shemales was a sexual thing, I got highly fucked off... I am celibate, so it was NOT sexual, and shemale was a label... I was talking about a person with feelings and emotions
and to reduce my desire for friendship and the chance to talk, laugh, joke and cry, with another person, to a sexual attraction, was a massive insult

This is how I see things too....so it really confuses me when people seem able to describe a certain type that they find sexually attractive.....not that it's right or wrong.....just that I seem to not do that....or I do it differently or something....

Long Duck Dong
May 3, 2007, 4:50 AM
lol flex, thats why pansexual is a very broad term

its possibly the most common sexuality... but the most mis understood

heterosexual / bisexual / gay and lesbian...all focus on two gender, the male and female and thats about as clear cut as it can get and its like saying to we can only have attractions to the gender under the label
possibly the simplest way to explain that is to say something like
" I am heterosexual therefore I am only attracted ( sexually or not sexually ) to the opposite gender, and that I do not have any attraction to ANY member of the same sex "
thats like saying that straight males don't admire or desire to be like somebody that catchs their eye.....

it also means that heteros / bisexual / gay and lesbian people are not able to have a attraction to trans gender or intersex, and that if they do, then they can't be the sexuality they claim to be, UNLESS they are actually pansexual or lying about their attractions.....

lol as you can see, labels can't be clear cut and boxed, so they create new ones as a * way out *.....and hence the term pansexual came about

May 3, 2007, 11:18 AM
I must agree with 12 VoltMan. LongDuckDong has brought up--and expounded upon--something that has never even entered my so-called "mind." Very interesting. Many thanks. As they say, "Live & learn."

May 3, 2007, 12:09 PM
Wow, thanks for all the info on pansexuals, as you see my name is pan , because i'm often misunderstood and my sexuality is fluid, i, like you, call myself bisexual , but because this is the first time i have read about it defined to the degree that you have. this is really interesting maby you have answered a question that has plagued me for a long time. but i think i'll just keep calling myself bisexual lol. :flag3: at least most can identify with that.

Lisa (va)
May 3, 2007, 12:26 PM
You always seem to post the most thought provoking threads. And quite well I may add.

I had a friend of mine once say I was more pansexual than bisexual. I don't intend to imply I totally understand but then again to me it's just another label. If I fit it fine, if not that's fine too. For me I like folks for who they are and not what they are.


hugs n kisses