View Full Version : Skinny Dip Holes

May 17, 2007, 1:15 PM
This was way back-like in the early 1970s and I was about 12 or so--but my dad had this friend who had a farm and I wound up spending lots of time on the farm for a part of a summer--the man was older so his kids were grown but he had lots of grandkids, neices, nephews and the like and I got accepted as one of the family--I helped out with "the chores" and such--doing things like feeding animals--helping with milking cows, mucking out the stalls-stuff like that--

The hardest thing we did was to when it came time to harvest the wheat and hay--it was hot and dirty work--but it actually kind of made you feel good to do the work--

Well--we did get to take breaks at times and on one corner of the farm--a creek made a nice bend forming the perfect swimming hole--we would go to the hole--eat some lunch and we would go skinny dipping--the place had the tree with a hanging rope that dropped right over the middle of the hole--it was pretty deep there--like ten feet deep--most of the creek during the summer barely had enough water to cover your feet in most places but this spot was great and perfect for swimming...

It was an accepted and open thing---almost expected that you'd go skinny dipping--it felt good and that is where I probably developed my love of nudism.

I am curious--did you have a place sorta like that when you were a kid?

The thread I did about the kid pics made me think about this---I wonder if the way people freak out about things like this if they allow kids to have a skinny dip hole and those experiences these days?

It just seems to me we are so uptight and freaked out about so much these days---I kind of feel sad for the kids if they don't have a time when they can do thngs like freely go skinny dipping--all in innocent fun---it just seems that the way kids lives are so structured now--they can't just be kids and then again--it seems they would rather sit in the rec room on a nice summer's day and play Nintendo or Play Station all day long instead of going outside and being active...

May 17, 2007, 1:41 PM
Is a skinny dip place up GlenRosa on Arran we used ta go 2 wen we wer kids on hols. Wos reely cold but triff on hot day. Got off wiv a guy on hol 1ce an we went up ther for sum coolin off an heatin up gain... wer jus gettin started wiv the nibblin an jeez..who shud walk up hill but me bloody gran an grandad... quickest roll inta water me eva did make...left im standin like arshole coverin is bits wiv his hands an lookin stupid...

Silly sod kicked ne clothes in afta me!!! Arsehole!!

May 17, 2007, 2:03 PM
Growing up in the south, living in the country where the neighbors were not nearby. As a kid, one of my favorite things to do on a hot summer day, was to make mud, and get naked and play in it, burying myself making mud angels. Then when all the mud fun was over, time to play in the water hose and get it all off. Naked was the way to go, cause mom didn't like to wash mud out of clothes or have mud tracked into the house. Wonderful way to cool off in 100 degrees. My kids like mud, but since we live in the suburbs, and the neighbors can easily see over the fence, I wash muddy clothes and mop the floors after. Don't have the freedom here as when I was a kid, living in the wide open country.

May 17, 2007, 7:01 PM
I agree totally with your whimsical memories. Childhood back "then" was so much less compicated. (Ok at least 30 years ago.)
I wish my daughters could have the same freedom to do what I did - but, sometimes, it just doesn't feel the same.

My uncle had a farm up near Charlton (Vic) He had water in his dams, too, back then. I used to love to jump in the dam with any cousins that were available. We had 3 Xmases there I can remember
Funny thing, tho - the boys always were totally skinny with their little dangly bits wriggling like traumatised worms.
We girls always kept our knickers on - even if the boys weren't there. Funny how sex-typing works even with pre-adolescents.

the mage
May 17, 2007, 8:37 PM
Hey people you really need to come here to Toronto on a hot summer day and visit our nude beach right off the Toronto Islands downtown! No need to reminisce.....

Lisa (va)
May 17, 2007, 9:24 PM
There is a small isloated cove several miles from Bayrock Marina. Yes I have been skinny dipping there several times, unfortunately I only found the place a couple a years ago.


hugs n kisses

May 17, 2007, 9:33 PM
Hey people you really need to come here to Toronto on a hot summer day and visit our nude beach right off the Toronto Islands downtown! No need to reminisce.....
5000 miles 2 skinny dip on nuddy beach?? ta for offer but me knos plenty places within 25 miles...tee hee

May 19, 2007, 9:32 PM
Did as a kid... and better now... It's called Little Beach on the Southeast corner of Maui, it's nude not lewd (there is a difference).