View Full Version : what's the best way to remove pubic hair

May 23, 2007, 11:47 PM
I've tried shaving my cock and balls and ass, is there a better way
any suggestions would be very much appreciated thanks

May 24, 2007, 1:18 AM
BLOW TORCH? Then you could have a blowtorch job.

Of course, if you remove the person, that will likely remove the pubic hair... becuase the two are ofen attached. To remove person, stand behind and lift at elbows

May 24, 2007, 1:38 AM
wax. bar none.

the brown microcrystaline (used in thailand alot) is the B E S T.

(oo- but key is if you have long hair- trim to 1/4" first!)

May 24, 2007, 2:24 AM
BLOW TORCH? Then you could have a blowtorch job.

Of course, if you remove the person, that will likely remove the pubic hair... becuase the two are ofen attached. To remove person, stand behind and lift at elbows

LOL!! A blowtorch?? :eek: :tong:

Too bad ya couldn't just hook it up to windows somehow.....then click "delete." :bigrin:

May 24, 2007, 3:28 AM
Yes, WAXING is by far the best. Yes, the first few times it hurts like hell, but you can not compare to the results. I have been doing it for the last two years and I wish I had done it so much earlier in my life. With each waxing, the numbers of hair deminish and the texture of the hair is finer. For me I find that after waxing I put on Neosporin and or Hydrocortisone Cream. I also try and have a nice warm bath that night. I am a great fan of Nu Skin (in the Blue bottle) to prevent ingrown hairs.

I remember the first time I had it done. It was a day after I had it done, I was lying in bed with my hubby, just wearing a white button down shirt. I took Bill's hand and casually brought it to my soft, smooth mound. Now Bill is not the most overly excitable man, I thought that he was going to jump out of his skin. I knew I had found just the right secret. I also do my legs and underarms.....the only hair I have is on my head.


May 24, 2007, 8:05 AM
What about Laser? Has anyone tried that? It's supposedly less painful then waxing, but a lot more expesive and permanent. :bibounce:

May 24, 2007, 12:38 PM
I've had laser done and the problem is that it takes multiple treatments and it hurts like a mother ape. Plus it takes time to see results.

I'm still working up the nerve for waxing.

May 24, 2007, 4:59 PM
What I have that is gross and I have to figure out the best way to get rid of it--I have grown a nice patch of back hair--ohhh GoD is it grosss!!!!!

I don't even have much air on my chest, arms or legs--but I have this fur growing on my back--I get as much of it as I can with the trimmer part of my electric razor----

I think I might have to try the waxing thing---"Wax on----((((Ripppppp))) Wax off!!!" (((((((((((uuurrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!))))

May 24, 2007, 7:29 PM
On the waxing, is it possible to do it yourself? I don't know if I am comfortable revealing my nether parts to a stranger, nor even someone I know with whom I am not intimately involved. Do you think I could have my partner do it?

May 24, 2007, 7:32 PM
Rip the little bastards out............. :eek:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

May 24, 2007, 9:36 PM
Rip the little bastards out............. :eek:
Cheers Chook :bigrin:
You first!! Let us know how it was! :bigrin: :tong: :bigrin:

May 24, 2007, 10:27 PM
I know that Belle is an amazing person and probably can tolerate pain beyond belief and I respect her tremendously. However, if you are male, the process of waxing may be like a kick in the balls...
Just my guess

Yes, WAXING is by far the best. Yes, the first few times it hurts like hell, but you can not compare to the results. I have been doing it for the last two years and I wish I had done it so much earlier in my life. With each waxing, the numbers of hair deminish and the texture of the hair is finer. For me I find that after waxing I put on Neosporin and or Hydrocortisone Cream. I also try and have a nice warm bath that night. I am a great fan of Nu Skin (in the Blue bottle) to prevent ingrown hairs.

I remember the first time I had it done. It was a day after I had it done, I was lying in bed with my hubby, just wearing a white button down shirt. I took Bill's hand and casually brought it to my soft, smooth mound. Now Bill is not the most overly excitable man, I thought that he was going to jump out of his skin. I knew I had found just the right secret. I also do my legs and underarms.....the only hair I have is on my head.


May 25, 2007, 1:09 PM
OKay, i dont really wanna get into this but i couldnt help noticing the topic of this discussion..Dont ask me why I know how, but I do...Through many painfull results, but i've streamlined this process. My deduction?

I have found shaving works faster! Less painfull and is less time demanding.

That may be ironic and you ask why? The way I figure, it goes like this.

First ever attempt: (WAXING) Hurt like a bamf especially the "sac"

Second attempt: Pulling hairs...yes folks, tweasers and fingers.

Third attempt: First time shaving with a razor...after a shower. Heh?
results not so great..

Fourth attempt: Learning curve kicks in...shave while your in the shower.

THIS IS FOR THE GUYS...if ya wanna know how its done like a pro...really..
I'm a skater jock. so i gotta have it nice n tidy!

Step one.. prep all shaving equipment, if you have an electric shaver, cut it
down to fuzz so you can shave easier... also buy a ten pack of razor blades.
trust me you'll go through em pretty quick. have two cans of shaving cream
handy..preferably just regular shaving cream... if you buy afterburn shave
cream your sac will burn bad! (p.s. preshave your arse with an electric...)

Step two: Have all your shit in the shower...no running around your bathroom
otherwise you'll have shaving cream to no end on your bathfloor.

Step three: Preshower and shower as normal. after all cleaning has been
done such as shampoing, body wash (axe or tag for guys) and washing
pits.. apply your shaving cream on anybody part that needs to be shaved.
do this in segments, one leg at a time, one arm at a time and the cock and
sac last.

Step four: Apply shaving cream to desired part to be shaved, always
predetermine which way your body hair is growing, shave in the opposite
direction. (no sideways cuts or slices) if you cut yourself apply first aid
after shower. such as a bandaid. Shaving in the opposite direction your
body hair is growing prevents ingrown hairs. Rinse area after finishing

Step five: (the painfull part if your new to this) "the sac" also can be
the fun part... You'll need to get a hard on to do the job. Apply shave
cream to your cock. you'll want the razor to have the smallest surface-
face on your cock since it is round! be carefull and pay plenty attention
to which way your razor is going. Take your time, i cant stress this
enough, having a slice on your cock hurts for god knows how much.

Step six: (the sac) Apply shave cream, and stretch it, you'll be working
this as a flat surface. hence said you already know most of the mechanics
of shaving so apply them well to this spot! Rinse when done!

Good luck.
Forbidden Window.

p.s. ladies am i right on the shaving?? :tong: feel free to add any steps
for the male brothas i may have missed.

the mage
May 25, 2007, 3:17 PM
I'm totally shaved and been that way for at least 25 years.
I can tell ya boys, shaving is the best way.
A few qualifiers though...
I have about 16 chest hairs.
Us fair haired Irish boys have it easy. It take 2 minutes in my daily shower to keep front and back neat and tidy and I very seldom cut things. I just pull various skin part smooth and flat and use a good blade.
If you're a Bear with body hair all over you really should not shave. Trim and tidy yes but dont shave a bear body. It looks silly....(imho)
I actually did work as a quality control guy in a major razor company (till they moved the jobs to Mexico.)
You're disposable blades you all use are designed to last 8 to 10 face shaves.
About 5 or 6 body shaves. don't over use them, it is a major cause of irritation.

Pre warm and wet your skin, meaning shave after your shower, or in it.

heres another tip.

to keep your bathroom mirror fog free for weeks at a time
clean it well then using a dry cloth spread a clump (not too big) of aerosol shave cream on it all over till it drys and goes clear. clean it off well, no water just rub till clear and dry.
It will stay fog free for weeks or till you wet it again
I have a mirror on the wall in the shower, very handy..

May 25, 2007, 3:37 PM
so how does one get all the spots in the arse? (when shaving)?

May 25, 2007, 5:36 PM
Rip the little bastards out............. :eek:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:
Hands Chook some tweezers...........have fun Buddy! :tong:

May 25, 2007, 5:38 PM
If you know you don't want the hair growing back then I think laser is the best. It's expensive and can be somewhat painful but they have numbing creams for that and it's well worth never having to deal with again in the end.

May 25, 2007, 6:04 PM
What I have that is gross and I have to figure out the best way to get rid of it--I have grown a nice patch of back hair--ohhh GoD is it grosss!!!!!

I don't even have much air on my chest, arms or legs--but I have this fur growing on my back--I get as much of it as I can with the trimmer part of my electric razor----

I think I might have to try the waxing thing---"Wax on----((((Ripppppp))) Wax off!!!" (((((((((((uuurrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!))))
That's funny...hehehehehe my husband has one of those...lol

May 25, 2007, 6:18 PM
I have found recently that Norelco makes a Body Groomer (electric razor) that works wonders!!!!!

I use it about twice a week, and the feeling is tremendous! The fabulous thing is that it is a wet/dry razor so can be used in the shower.

Also, for you ladies - we use this on my wife who has had some issues in the past if we shave the mound above her vagina. She has always had some type of reaction. A couple of weeks ago we decided to try the razor and no problems.

Just my :2cents:

May 29, 2007, 1:44 PM
thanks for all the replies
I guess I'll stick with shaving for now

May 30, 2007, 12:58 AM
I use an electric trimmer that's designed for beard and eyebrow trimming. It's easy, generally safe, and leaves a smooth aftermath, though you have to use it often to keep the pubes from growing back! Some hairs, like on my shaft or on sensitive folds of my scrotum, I leave alone. If they're really long I cut them with small trimming scissors, but I do not let a razor anywhere near those danger zones.



May 30, 2007, 2:30 AM
wax. bar none.

the brown microcrystaline (used in thailand alot) is the B E S T.

(oo- but key is if you have long hair- trim to 1/4" first!)

I agree, however on the scrotum it can be harder to use, so trimming and plucking works there.

May 30, 2007, 7:00 AM
Two times a week with a beard razor... since 1995... Never had problems. :tongue:

May 31, 2007, 12:41 AM
I was going to say try using a toothpick... but that would be for your teeth LOL

May 31, 2007, 7:26 AM
I've been using a razor for years now. It works fine, nice an smooth. Tried the hair removal stuff (dont, ooouuucccchhh) would love to get lasered, no more shaving. But for now a pack of razors an some cream.

May 31, 2007, 1:24 PM
Well I (female) am scared to damn death to shave against the grain down there. I know it produces wonderful resluts, but I did it once like that and had MAJOR razor burn and it hurt so bad! It gives me the eebie jeebies just thinkin about it. I do shave down there and it's all gone, but I shave WITH the grain, not against it cause I'm a chicken...and I damn sure and too chicken to have it waxed. I know how bad you eyebrows hurt, I can just imagine how bad THAT hurts... :eek: