View Full Version : What is with the pics in the personals?

May 25, 2007, 2:28 PM
Ok as a guy I know that I am driven by sight sound touch, etc.
I know this and i accept this. However, MUST I ONLY SEES SHOTS OF GROINS!

Small groins, big groins, groins with curly black hair, groins with stringy white hair, groins with plugs in them. groins with tattoos on them. Can I see a face? :(

May 25, 2007, 2:59 PM
Here we go again....

May 25, 2007, 3:01 PM
Ok as a guy I know that I am driven by sight sound touch, etc.
I know this and i accept this. However, MUST I ONLY SEES SHOTS OF GROINS!

Small groins, big groins, groins with curly black hair, groins with stringy white hair, groins with plugs in them. groins with tattoos on them. Can I see a face? :(

This topic has been talked about many times before and it usually gets into a battle.

-- Most people just have groins shots cause they aren't out to everyone and don't want to risk being seen by someone they know if they have a face pic.

I also perfer seeing face pictures. I want to know WHO the person looks like, I don't care what thier private looks like.

But this is bisexuals.com.... people post whatever pics they want and most likely tell you to use back button if you don't like the pictures.
So now I just ignore them :) or NOT look at men's profiles at all.


May 25, 2007, 3:02 PM
I gots some non groinal pix. Check 'em out if you like.

May 25, 2007, 3:21 PM
This topic has been talked about many times before and it usually gets into a battle.

-- Most people just have groins shots cause they aren't out to everyone and don't want to risk being seen by someone they know if they have a face pic.

I also perfer seeing face pictures. I want to know WHO the person looks like, I don't care what thier private looks like.

But this is bisexuals.com.... people post whatever pics they want and most likely tell you to use back button if you don't like the pictures.
So now I just ignore them :) or NOT look at men's profiles at all.

Granted no faces but something that tells about the person's personality. shot of favorite beer with a unused condom floating in it. something artistic. yes I know here we go again) and just as many people that is gonna do it anyway as just as many people are gonna complain about it. so it is written so it shall be done. equivalent exchange :2cents:

May 25, 2007, 3:43 PM
If the only picture you get is a dick bomb, you just found a person you are probably just as well off not knowing. Do like most of us do and just ignore that person. Do you really want someone in your life that has to hide?

May 25, 2007, 4:26 PM
The nude pix are always great, but the words convey much more...

Many just use these pix for instant gratification, so be it...

Those that want quick, no strings hookups are stating it this way!

The artist "bent" tends to indicate a person that has a mind as well...

Some need less, others more...

In the end, we often know what is happening, do you Mr Jones?

May 25, 2007, 4:27 PM
I wrote WAY too much about myself in my profile but this is the basic profile that I use on other sites too.

I put some pictures of myself and things that I like or just find funny in my profile but no shots of my genitals.

May 25, 2007, 4:28 PM
If the only picture you get is a dick bomb, you just found a person you are probably just as well off not knowing. Do like most of us do and just ignore that person. Do you really want someone in your life that has to hide?
Can't say I disagree. No, I don't think I do.

May 25, 2007, 5:50 PM
I think people are shy with pics if you can notice their identity. They fear to get seen by anyone who knows them and could think bad about them.

Me and my hubby have made some sex pics in the past and we did not want to show our nudity in public. Later we had posted some pics in internet, but we did not show all of our faces just to prevent, that anyone could have known us. In our days we are more open for that, but it was a long way...

May 25, 2007, 5:55 PM
you might try reading the answers from your predecessors:








May 25, 2007, 7:11 PM
I don't have pics of my groin on my profile...

May 25, 2007, 7:55 PM
I am not out to anyone other than one person. Don't you dare judge me welickit because on here I have some naked pictures.

the sacred night
May 25, 2007, 10:33 PM
Ok as a guy I know that I am driven by sight sound touch, etc. (

Are women not driven by those things?

May 25, 2007, 11:05 PM
first of all this is an adult site. and yeah guilty as charged. some of us have shared computers therefore face shots are not an option. to each his own, can we just please get past this pic critique. i think the human body is a beautiful thing big, small, short, or tall. if you don't want to look don't no one is forcing you to. hey i know why don't we just ban small minded people :2cents:

sorry about the rant kit

May 26, 2007, 6:00 AM
This horse is dying a very slow and painful death! This site is about the ability to be who you are, be it bi, straight, lez, gay, tranny, or somewhere in between. If anyone is offended by the pictures, then by all means don't look! If you want to know a person email them and strike up a conversation and just maybe you might be surprised. Judging a person by the type or even lack of pictures to me is going against what this site is about. Please pay your respects and move on! :2cents:

May 26, 2007, 6:49 AM
raist here:
what did you think this site was about when u came here. we post our pics so other people can see us, its like moving in together before u get married, its a good idea. and dont tell me you dont approve of that either. go to www.nopics.com.


May 26, 2007, 6:51 AM
sorry to all i thought i made that web site up, please ignore it. sorry


May 26, 2007, 2:04 PM
Granted no faces but something that tells about the person's personality. shot of favorite beer with a unused condom floating in it. something artistic. yes I know here we go again) and just as many people that is gonna do it anyway as just as many people are gonna complain about it. so it is written so it shall be done. equivalent exchange :2cents:

Heh, you inspired me. I think I'm gonna take a picture of my vibrator next to an empty bottle of Jack Daniels. :D

I mean, I like 'em both VERY much, and well...why not?

Then again, I got non-groinal pics, so that would just be overkill.


May 26, 2007, 2:50 PM
lol..i hear ya..i am so tired of seeing penis too...boobies i dont mind so much!

May 26, 2007, 11:48 PM
Hey I have face and body pics, check out my profile (self-promotion). I agree with you too many package pics not enough faces with smiles. It gets dull QUICK.

May 27, 2007, 11:51 AM
Sheesh! Yes, here we go again. I would LOVE to post face pics here. But unfortunately because of my employment, it could be detrimental to job security. I am open to all the people who mean anything to me or at least the vast majority of them. But to accuse those of us who don't post face pics as hiding is a bit demeaning. And as Scubaman pointed out, if you don't like them don't look. There is certainly more to some than just the genital pics and not everyone here is looking just to hook up. I come to this site for two reasons....one is to have meaningful dialogue which usually is the case and quite frankly to hook up also. This is the beauty of this site. And of course, there are some who are only looking to make sexual connections and nothing more. Though a lot of these people have nothing of substance to offer, they are what they are....and really, there's nothing wrong with this if that's all they seek. We all have choices. I am wanting both situations when I come here. Truthfully, I do want something in my life with more substance. But at the same time, I don't mind something that has nothing else attached to it either but to just have a good time and play. I just wish that those who are against the nude shots without face pics wouldn't make such judgements. When someone contacts me and I get to know them, I follow up with face pics privately. But I first have to be able to trust and know who they are to some degree before this can happen. Hiding? Ultimately no.

May 27, 2007, 11:57 AM
If the only picture you get is a dick bomb, you just found a person you are probably just as well off not knowing. Do like most of us do and just ignore that person. Do you really want someone in your life that has to hide?

Talk about smug self-righteousness!

My pic is a groin shot but I also put a lot of thought into my profile. Hopefully, folk reading it would see a sincere, intelligent person beyond the words and consider me someone worth getting to know.

After establishing contact and building up a rapport and mutual trust, I would be only too happy to send them a more conventional snapshot.

And to anybody else who objects to groin shots, I would respctfully remind them that this is a site devoted to sexual matters.

May 27, 2007, 12:09 PM
Well, Ive asked this question myself in the past, and was thoroughly dragged through the coals.

Only concunclusions I can come up with it this...

1. Its apparently the only assett they have.
2. They dont want workmates recognizing them UNTIL they are face to face and suddenly realise 'Hey its bob from work'.
3. They are only looking for meaningless hook ups.

And yes, Im ready to take the heat for this one.... Bring it on!

May 27, 2007, 3:57 PM
Talk about smug self-righteousness!

My pic is a groin shot but I also put a lot of thought into my profile. Hopefully, folk reading it would see a sincere, intelligent person beyond the words and consider me someone worth getting to know.

After establishing contact and building up a rapport and mutual trust, I would be only too happy to send them a more conventional snapshot.

And to anybody else who objects to groin shots, I would respctfully remind them that this is a site devoted to sexual matters.

Kinda my theory on posting face pics as well

May 27, 2007, 4:25 PM
eh honestly I could care less.

If people want to put pics of their genitals online who cares?

Who am I to say that they shouldn't or that they're bad for doing this?

Even I've put up pics of my genitals online on other sites but not on here.

This is a sex/hook up site too even if to some people it's not, or they say that it isn't for them.

May 27, 2007, 5:40 PM
Hey Drew!!! Time for you to fix those errors in the heading on the front page. As it currently reads, 'a bisexual community'. Apparently its supposed to read 'a bisexual sex/hookup site'. Having 'a bisexual community' up there is very misleading and a litttle too respectful for a sex/hookup site such as this.

May 27, 2007, 7:08 PM
Hey Drew!!! Time for you to fix those errors in the heading on the front page. As it currently reads, 'a bisexual community'. Apparently its supposed to read 'a bisexual sex/hookup site'. Having 'a bisexual community' up there is very misleading and a litttle too respectful for a sex/hookup site such as this.
Perhaps you should look up the word "community" in the dictionary.

Don't think I'll move into your community since apparently people don't ever meet and have sex.

May 27, 2007, 7:19 PM
I gots some non groinal pix. Check 'em out if you like.

I love your pics babes, I'd check them out any time but I think ya know that already MUAH
:tongue: :bigrin:

May 27, 2007, 7:31 PM
eh honestly I could care less.

If people want to put pics of their genitals online who cares?

Who am I to say that they shouldn't or that they're bad for doing this?

Even I've put up pics of my genitals online on other sites but not on here.

This is a sex/hook up site too even if to some people it's not, or they say that it isn't for them.

I can understand that. What I can't understand is why someone would think that my decision to hook up with them or not would depend on the precise appearance of their dick, or alternatively, that a cock pic could serve as (forgive the expression) an effective sales tool.

May 27, 2007, 7:34 PM
Let me amend that slightly. A cock pic, if authentic, has some limited value in establishing that the cock in question is not compromised by scabs or running sores or has not rotted away altogether.

May 27, 2007, 7:39 PM
True enough, hadn't considered that

May 27, 2007, 8:00 PM
OOO i have a face pic! but im not completely out!! :O....takin chAUnces!

May 27, 2007, 9:05 PM
Jesus, man, that's fuckin' adorable. Simply to die for!

May 27, 2007, 9:43 PM
After reading this post I immediately was like "yeah, why is that?" I had noticed a lot of weiner shots! :) I love them, however I would also like to see the face. Being a bisexual female, I am not as turned on by a man's cock as I am his personality and the soul in his eyes.....however I am very turned on by the womens nudy shots....so ya'll keep it up. LOL I read most of the responses and I do understand why there are no face shots on some profiles. Privacy is an issue. I am not open about my sexuality to people that I am not sexual with or want to be with. My co-workers do not know I am bi, my family does not know I am bi, only me and my man know this. I feel like we are the only ones that need to know. I don't introduce myself to people and shake their hands and say "its nice to meet you, my name is Dana and I am bi." So I totally understand why people hide their faces. I chose not to hide mine on this site however, cause I figure...if someone I know see's me on bisexual.com, then they must have those same tendancies. Hell who knows it might be good to get the secret out. But if they were to approach me and say, "dana I saw you on bisexual.com." I would smile and wink and hope that they might be bi too, and boom I got a new friend. If they say their not....then "what were you doing on the site?"

May 27, 2007, 10:19 PM
Jesus, man, that's fuckin' adorable. Simply to die for!
:eek: If you say so!

Honestly, he's too twinky, smooth, and boyish for me all 3 of which are bad things in my book and ick me out.

May 27, 2007, 10:40 PM
I know this is an old and tired topic for the site, but quite honestly, I have to agree with the critiques of the profile pic things. We're all here to be ourselves, but we're also here to learn from other people and gain insight (I hope). One insight you might want to take away from these discussions is that a faceless picture of one's pudenda accomplishes very little and isn't worth the doubts it seems to raise about one's character, among the very people that one hopes to attract within one's online community.

So, in a nutshell, we're tired of this debate, but many of us are also tired of the cock pics. Of course, I can choose not to look at them or block those pics or otherwise ignore them. But we all share this site and have to negotiate with each other about what the site means and how we honor each other's standards. I feel like the endless supply of cocks cheapens the whole thing for me. Call me a prude or lash out at me -- that's fine. I'm just speaking my mind like everyone else.


May 28, 2007, 2:31 AM
Jesus, man, that's fuckin' adorable. Simply to die for!

Like the Baby Angel look, eh?

It's not my thing, but I could see why it's appealing.


May 28, 2007, 3:13 AM
Like the Baby Angel look, eh?

It's not my thing, but I could see why it's appealing.

I dunno, dood, I just like people. I'm only 24 btw lol. Someone @ work told me I can't use the word adorable because I'm a man. I replied, "Only on the outside"

May 28, 2007, 1:04 PM
I don't mind looking at growing. its nice to see private parts. its turns me on

May 28, 2007, 2:37 PM
For crying out loud, enough already!

Personally, I'm not too interested in dick shots. But that's just me. I sure as hell don't look down on some guy for posting his cock in all its full glory - or some woman posting her breasts or her pussy for us to appreciate, for that matter.

I recognize that people post their dicks/breasts/pussies/asses in profile pics for a wide variety of reasons:

Some get turned on by viewing other people's gear and want to share their own
Some get turned on by showing their gear, period
Some do it as a small step toward taking ownership of their own bisexuality
Some do it as a small step in battling their own internalized sexual repression
And others do it just for the hell of it

So just what is the big fucking deal? Why do we have to be so fucking judgmental all the time? Aren't we here on bisexual.com in part because we're sick and tired of others judging us? If you don't like dick shots, don't look! And if you do: well, remember to clean the drool (and other bodily fluids) off your keyboards when you're finished.

Now, let me address a corollary issue: putting face pics in profiles. I don't put my face in my profile for one simple reason:

I don't want to.

If you don't like it: that's your problem, NOT mine.

'Nuff said.

Now, don't we have anything better to talk about - like politics??? :eek: :eek: :eek:


May 28, 2007, 3:26 PM
Bravo, coyotedude! Well said.

May 28, 2007, 3:27 PM
Thank you, allbi! I expect a toe pic from you as well, you know....


Johnny Reb
May 28, 2007, 4:58 PM
Not a huge fan of the cock pics. I thought I might be the only bi male that feels that way. I'm glad that others have said they are uncomfortable about them too. I wondered if that made me "less bi" to be bothered by it. I can see that my feelings are normal. My attraction to a person, male or female, is based on the whole person (looks, personality etc...), not just their hardware. I am not be attracted to a person if I cannot see their face, how they dress and carry themselves, and learn their personality, sense of humor, things they like etc...

On the other hand, I am not about to tell others they cannot post them. Its their profile. I'm going to judge anyone. I don't have to look at the pics. The bottom line is if I want to look at cock pics I am sure I could find them elsewhere online.

May 28, 2007, 11:25 PM
I like any kind of pic versus no pic.
I like any kind of artistic pic versus any kind of pic
I really like any kind of artistic pic with a descriptive profile.
I really, really, like a descriptive profile that makes me care about and want to know the person who wrote the profile.


May 29, 2007, 10:10 AM
For crying out loud, enough already!

Personally, I'm not too interested in dick shots. But that's just me. I sure as hell don't look down on some guy for posting his cock in all its full glory - or some woman posting her breasts or her pussy for us to appreciate, for that matter.

I recognize that people post their dicks/breasts/pussies/asses in profile pics for a wide variety of reasons:

Some get turned on by viewing other people's gear and want to share their own
Some get turned on by showing their gear, period
Some do it as a small step toward taking ownership of their own bisexuality
Some do it as a small step in battling their own internalized sexual repression
And others do it just for the hell of it

So just what is the big fucking deal? Why do we have to be so fucking judgmental all the time? Aren't we here on bisexual.com in part because we're sick and tired of others judging us? If you don't like dick shots, don't look! And if you do: well, remember to clean the drool (and other bodily fluids) off your keyboards when you're finished.

Now, let me address a corollary issue: putting face pics in profiles. I don't put my face in my profile for one simple reason:

I don't want to.

If you don't like it: that's your problem, NOT mine.

'Nuff said.

Now, don't we have anything better to talk about - like politics??? :eek: :eek: :eek:

The same way YOU have the choice of putting up the groin shots I have the rights to speak my mind about it. YOU can choose to IGNORE ME.
If a person wants to change their picture or not is THEIR CHOICE. AND I and I doubt ANY person on here would try to take away their right to do so. I only exclaimed my opinion and feeling about it. since this is a public forum I choose to speak publicly and possibly find others like minded.

One of the biggest arguments against bisexual people is that all we want si sex. Yes some do as well as straight and lesbian and gays as well as trans people. But if a person wants to be recognized for more than a walking sex machine then don't advertise as one. if you are then go for it. I only illustrated that there are alternatives. Whether or not a person chooses said alternatives is their choice. But possibility, just possibility bringing forth a new idea, a new way to convey a message to the community for the community to stop "annoying banter would help instead of trying to bury it. As you can see by these posts ignoring it doesn't help. And for those that are new and are bothered by it just telling us to stop whining about it and ignore it in a negative toine isn't helping either.

I admit I probably came off in a negative tone and I apologize to any and all that I offended but I will not be silenced. that is who I am. If they choose to expose themselves and they wish to forever do that and I cannot stop them. I can only let them know. If they choose to listen to ideas and accept them or not is up to them. I can wish they would try my suggestions but that is what any of us can and hopefully would do.

May 29, 2007, 10:28 AM
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, is this really such a big deal?!?!?

May 29, 2007, 12:19 PM
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, is this really such a big deal?!?!?


May 29, 2007, 2:16 PM
...is "groinal" a word?

...who here remembers "full nudal frontity..."?

May 29, 2007, 7:58 PM
...is "groinal" a word?

...who here remembers "full nudal frontity..."?
not me.....but I remember "nakeditity" :tong:

May 29, 2007, 9:46 PM
As a place to meet anyone serious in me, I find this place to be an IDEAL area to look. I have, as yet, not recieved the volumes of doconcerting requests I have gotten on other sites that included such lovely ideas as,"I WANT TO PEE ON YOU AND MAKE YOU MY PUPPY DOG!!!! ANSWER ME, YOUR MASTER SAYS SO!!!" And all that despite my profile saying this really turns me off. I should have known better than to take those vivid pix of me in a latex catsuit and post them. I found when I did, the little nuggets of joy like the above went far far away.

I see this place as one where if someone wants to show you groin shots and pix of stringy nightmares gargling cum, you know these people thinl HERE is like someplace else: A casual fling spot. It's denigrating to bisexuality since it makes it seem like we screw anything on 2 feet walking about that shows a more than casual interest.

Love is more than hookups and flings, although then can start that way sometimes. Most of the time it starts with talk, getting to know them, long communications to get past worries.

No..seriously, thank you for the shots of groins. It's a clear mark who to either make sure you get to know well before you go see them, or to just plain avoid entirely.

May 29, 2007, 9:58 PM
I know this is an old and tired topic for the site, but quite honestly, I have to agree with the critiques of the profile pic things. We're all here to be ourselves, but we're also here to learn from other people and gain insight (I hope). One insight you might want to take away from these discussions is that a faceless picture of one's pudenda accomplishes very little and isn't worth the doubts it seems to raise about one's character, among the very people that one hopes to attract within one's online community.

So, in a nutshell, we're tired of this debate, but many of us are also tired of the cock pics. Of course, I can choose not to look at them or block those pics or otherwise ignore them. But we all share this site and have to negotiate with each other about what the site means and how we honor each other's standards. I feel like the endless supply of cocks cheapens the whole thing for me. Call me a prude or lash out at me -- that's fine. I'm just speaking my mind like everyone else.

JJohnny you Prude!!!! lol :tong:
LTNS...hope the baby is doing well.

May 30, 2007, 2:21 AM
The same way YOU have the choice of putting up the groin shots I have the rights to speak my mind about it. YOU can choose to IGNORE ME.
If a person wants to change their picture or not is THEIR CHOICE. AND I and I doubt ANY person on here would try to take away their right to do so. I only exclaimed my opinion and feeling about it. since this is a public forum I choose to speak publicly and possibly find others like minded.

One of the biggest arguments against bisexual people is that all we want si sex. Yes some do as well as straight and lesbian and gays as well as trans people. But if a person wants to be recognized for more than a walking sex machine then don't advertise as one. if you are then go for it. I only illustrated that there are alternatives. Whether or not a person chooses said alternatives is their choice. But possibility, just possibility bringing forth a new idea, a new way to convey a message to the community for the community to stop "annoying banter would help instead of trying to bury it. As you can see by these posts ignoring it doesn't help. And for those that are new and are bothered by it just telling us to stop whining about it and ignore it in a negative toine isn't helping either.

I admit I probably came off in a negative tone and I apologize to any and all that I offended but I will not be silenced. that is who I am. If they choose to expose themselves and they wish to forever do that and I cannot stop them. I can only let them know. If they choose to listen to ideas and accept them or not is up to them. I can wish they would try my suggestions but that is what any of us can and hopefully would do.

If in fact you were offering new ideas and not rehashing a topic already beaten to death over the last few months, I might be more sympathetic to your post.

If you even bothered to acknowledge the points in my argument - and argue them on the merits (or lack thereof - I sure as hell don't think of every angle on a subject) - I might have more respect for your argument in turn.

But I won't be silenced either.

You indeed have the right to whine.

And I have the right to call it judgmental bullshit.

(And hell, I don't even like the dick shots myself.)

May 30, 2007, 2:28 AM
If in fact you were offering new ideas and not rehashing a topic already beaten to death over the last few months, I might be more sympathetic to your post.

If you even bothered to acknowledge the points in my argument - and argue them on the merits (or lack thereof - I sure as hell don't think of every angle on a subject) - I might have more respect for your argument in turn.

But I won't be silenced either.

You indeed have the right to whine.

And I have the right to call it judgmental bullshit.

so be it. Shake?
:bigrin: :) :three:

May 30, 2007, 2:29 AM
so be it. Shake?
:bigrin: :) :three:

Dude, you got a sword.... Those things make me nervous!

I'll be the guy in the middle of the smiley, though... heh heh :three:

Dang, I will congratulate you, my friend; it takes a hell of a lot to get me fired up! I know I shouldn't be - the old saying about letting the water roll off you like a duck. But I haven't even gotten this fired up in the political posts!



May 30, 2007, 3:36 AM
Granted no faces but something that tells about the person's personality. shot of favorite beer with a unused condom floating in it. something artistic. yes I know here we go again) and just as many people that is gonna do it anyway as just as many people are gonna complain about it. so it is written so it shall be done. equivalent exchange :2cents:

"equivalent exchange"

fullmetal alchemist??

at any rate i understand the annoyance of groin shots

they drive me nuts (LOL!! ) as well...maybe theyare saying "say hello to my little friend!!"
peaces hunny

May 30, 2007, 4:20 AM
Johnny you Prude!!!! lol :tong:
LTNS...hope the baby is doing well.

i notice the only people that get pissy about "youre bagging on us for our cock pics" are..
those who put them up...

i like a beautiful phallic symbol like the next chick, dOOd or whatever, however, its still only opinion, not FACT

the only thing that kills me are those that dont shave at all... ICK!!!

and if you REALLY must put a pic up of this sort... how about full staff and not limp??? i get REAL tired of looking at shrivled keilbasa casings....

May 30, 2007, 11:13 AM
i notice the only people that get pissy about "youre bagging on us for our cock pics" are..
those who put them up...

i like a beautiful phallic symbol like the next chick, dOOd or whatever, however, its still only opinion, not FACT

the only thing that kills me are those that dont shave at all... ICK!!!

and if you REALLY must put a pic up of this sort... how about full staff and not limp??? i get REAL tired of looking at shrivled keilbasa casings....

Amen. I want to see the product at it's optimal usage point before deciding wether to try or buy. :p

A Bisexual Man, the most important purchase of your life!



May 30, 2007, 1:23 PM
A Bisexual Man, the most important purchase of your life!


*Taylor*How coincidental. I'm accepting bids....

May 30, 2007, 2:03 PM
OH BOTHER! What a bunch of worthless controversy this continues to be...
Unbelievable some of the meaningless topics that get posted and debated on.

May 30, 2007, 2:06 PM
OH BOTHER! What a bunch of worthless controversy this continues to be...
Unbelievable some of the meaningless topics that get posted and debated on.

Ehhh, We do it for the n00bs.

Retreads are a common forum feature. I am part of a forum that every 3-4 months has a picture thread.

It's like... you know it's spring, when . . .


May 30, 2007, 2:21 PM
To quote my roommate @ PEMHS, 'Fuck 'em, fuck 'em all"

May 31, 2007, 9:03 PM
OH BOTHER! What a bunch of worthless controversy this continues to be...
Unbelievable some of the meaningless topics that get posted and debated on.

this is, easily, the best thing i've seen posted in a looong azz time.

and one of the many reasons i want to cancel my account on here.

oops, good programming. once you're join, you're in for life.



and when you learn to cancel accounts, build a functional search function so these worthless threads won't pop up repeatedly.


May 31, 2007, 9:44 PM
this is, easily, the best thing i've seen posted in a looong azz time.

and one of the many reasons i want to cancel my account on here.

oops, good programming. once you're join, you're in for life.



and when you learn to cancel accounts, build a functional search function so these worthless threads won't pop up repeatedly.


You CAN'T cancel your acct on this site... its PERMIT.... however, it does delete what you have in your profile and pictures if you're inactive for a number of months.

May 31, 2007, 11:48 PM
i notice the only people that get pissy about "youre bagging on us for our cock pics" are..
those who put them up...

i like a beautiful phallic symbol like the next chick, dOOd or whatever, however, its still only opinion, not FACT

the only thing that kills me are those that dont shave at all... ICK!!!

and if you REALLY must put a pic up of this sort... how about full staff and not limp??? i get REAL tired of looking at shrivled keilbasa casings....

Uh, V? I've never put up a cock pic - and I got pissy! :eek: But you're right: full juicy links are preferable to empty casings. heh heh

Actually, I'm not entirely sure why the whole discussion bothers me. As I said earlier, I really have no interest in cock pics, myself - and I have no intention of ever posting one. (I prefer to leave my endowment a sensuous mystery, thank you very much.) And maybe I'm just giving people waaaay too much credit. And certainly, I understand why such pics bother some people.

But still.... passing judgment like this just bothers me.... I hate it when I do it (I am, after all, only human) and it bothers me when others do it, too. I just don't see any reason to look down at folks who have different reasons to be on this site than I have. This is a diverse community, in its own peculiar fashion, and different people come here for different reasons. It's the same reason why I disagreed with Cyclops the other night in chat when he was saying, "you're on this chat, obviously you want people to PM you for sex." Perhaps he does want cyber - and that's fine. But others do not. And that's fine, too.


May 31, 2007, 11:57 PM
You CAN'T cancel your acct on this site... its PERMIT.... however, it does delete what you have in your profile and pictures if you're inactive for a number of months.

bottom line::

if you can register, you should be able to un-register.

it's a basic function of a site like this.

it should be...oh....eventually it'll drop of...somewhere.....

it should be a choice. one not offered.


Jun 1, 2007, 2:48 AM
it should be...oh....eventually it'll drop of...somewhere.....

"shouldn't be..."

Jun 7, 2007, 1:04 AM
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, is this really such a big deal?!?!?

Amen! :)