View Full Version : What do You do for stress?

Jun 27, 2007, 9:41 PM
My life has gotten incredibly stressful in the past month or so and every day some other little aggravation seems to crop up to add to the pile. I'm figuring my brain is due anytime now to melt and start leaking out my ears.

Looking for good suggestions on stress relievers.

What do you do to ease stress? What works and what doesn't?

mn freak
Jun 27, 2007, 10:00 PM
Music has always helped me feel better after a long shitty day. Just listen to your favorite album, louder the better (if able). Within the first 3-4 songs, you should be feeling better. :2cents:

:flag1: :flag1:

Jun 27, 2007, 10:25 PM
A nice hot bath or shower, music, some wonderful smelling bath soaps, candles, a massage if you can get someone to do you or go to a salon and treat yourself .... anything to help your mind not think about what's stressing you out for at least a few minutes is good. Also a good laugh helps relieve a lot of tension. Go to a comedy club with a friend or spouse and just have a good ole time.

Jun 27, 2007, 10:30 PM
Deep breathing in the moment, reading a good book, music cranked to sing-along volume, a nice relaxing essential oils blend in the diffuser, sometimes reverting to primal scream therapy helps too.

Definitely make a little time every day to spend alone with no interruptions.

Jun 27, 2007, 10:32 PM
When it gets to be too much, I write it down and really get it all down. I then tear up the paper and let it all go for awhile. Then, I can think about the problem realistically.

For the daily grind stress, I allow myself at least 30 minutes a day just for me. This advice was given by some very good friends on this site. I work or sit in my garden, read, take karate lessons once a week, listen to music and dance, watch comedy and laugh.

hugs and I know you will get through it all,

Jun 27, 2007, 11:00 PM
i agree with kitten. nice to know someone else out there writes their thoughts down. i find when i read what i've written it's usually something i wouldn't have wan't to say. hindsight is 20 20. you never forget words spoken in anger, wether you are the reciever or the speaker. yes i find tearing up the paper afterwards very thearaputic. also a bubble bath and a good rub down with lotion with lotion, even if it's just me doing the rub down. for over 25 yrs i've been taking one hour a day to myself. my entire family knows the line "unless your pants are on fire i don't want to hear it, get back to me in an hour", and yeah i've got a lot of family, not sure which is the worst the 50yr old or the 2yr old lol.


Jun 27, 2007, 11:15 PM
I work out three times a week. That has been my main "ventilation". Previously, I would write in my Live Journal or writing prose/poetry. Sometimes, masturbation before bed is a great way to relieve stress.


Jun 27, 2007, 11:35 PM
I just saw an article that says that watching fish in an aquarium can be relaxing. Also playing with or snuggling your pet is very much a stress reliever.

Jun 28, 2007, 12:26 AM
i like most here, tend to write my problems and frustrations down, and i do keep them in a journal, so i can go back at a later date to see how im doing

if i still feel the way i did when i wrote things, then i know i havent improved much

a "quick fix" for me, is to engross myself in something i enjoy doing, and i can get my mind off things, and into what im doing (this is where my numerous hobbies come in handy)

hope i could "shed some light" for you

good luck, and please let us know if we were of any help to you


Jun 28, 2007, 12:37 AM
yeah, music, definitely... along with sessions [ build up to marathon level] on your nordic track or treadmill, or out walking at a fast pace... at least 3-4 times a week.. add in the long soaks, oils, if ya can afford it a day spa trip..... don't veg tho.. thats the worst thing ya can do.. :2cents:

Jun 28, 2007, 1:11 AM
If you are good at meditation, that can help. Drink tea as well.

Mostly, for me, it's sex that's the best stress reliever. Well, that and video games.

Jun 28, 2007, 1:42 AM
Sex. That, in my experiance, is the best way to relax. And not fast and hard-very long and very slow. Personally if I'm in a relationship and I really need to just break away from what's bothering me, I usually go to my partner.

And if I don't have a partner I go into the bathroom with a bottle of vodka, run a very hot, very bubble-lishes bath, put Duran Duran on the portable cd player I have next to the tub, make sure my cigarettes are next to a dry washcloth so they won't get wet while I'm smoking, light as many candles as we've got left from the last hurricane season, get naked, get in, drink some, listen, smoke, run more hot water when it gets too cool and emerge three hours latter feeling if not better, slightly more able to cope.

Jun 28, 2007, 1:55 AM
Drink heaps of beer :rotate:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 28, 2007, 7:08 AM
make love

Jun 28, 2007, 9:58 AM
Exercise, good sleep hygiene, and anti-stress breathing techniques. Here's one of the best-known of the latter:

Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.

Deeply relax all your muscles,
beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face.
Keep them relaxed.

Breathe through your nose.
Become aware of your breathing.
As you breathe out, say the word, "ONE",
silently to yourself. For example,
breathe IN ... OUT, "ONE",- IN .. OUT, "ONE", etc.
Breathe easily and naturally.

Continue for 10 to 20 minutes.
You may open your eyes to check the time, but do not use an alarm.
When you finish, sit quietly for several minutes,
at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes opened.
Do not stand up for a few minutes..

Do not worry about whether you are successful
in achieving a deep level of relaxation.
Maintain a passive attitude and permit relaxation to occur at its own pace.
When distracting thoughts occur,
try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them
and return to repeating "ONE."
With practice, the response should come with little effort.
Practice the technique once or twice daily,
but not within two hours after any meal,
since the digestive processes seem to interfere with
the elicitation of the Relaxation Response.

- The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson, M.D.

Jun 28, 2007, 10:00 AM
Will jus stick 2 my method Wordsie! :tong: More fun!!! :bigrin:

Jun 28, 2007, 10:46 AM
i am an EXTREMELY stressed out individual so i've dabbled with lots of things, including cutting. of course i do not suggest that as it leaves you scarred up which tends to just make you feel worse. not to mention that it's, i don't know, not good!. but sometimes when i am feeling so bad that i want to feel that phsyical pain, instead of finding a razor blade and doing it in a negative way, i run to my favorite piercing/tattoo shop and get a little something done. i get the phsycial relief that i crave but end up with something beautiful that i will enjoy having. FYI: this is just for people who can relate to the whole cutting problem. i'm not saying that everyone who is stressed should go out and hurt themselves!

when the stress isn't too bad though i tend to write it all down in a journal, hop on the piano and write a song, walk around the house singing my all time favorite songs, play with my kids, meditate or i hop on the computer and talk to some friends to get my mind off of the matter. if the opportunity is available, i will DEFINITELY have sex as well :bigrin:

Jun 28, 2007, 10:48 AM
Will jus stick 2 my method Wordsie! :tong: More fun!!! :bigrin:

No argument there, Fran -- but when it's the lack of sex that's causing the stress................................!

Jun 28, 2007, 10:51 AM
Wy else u think me has Rog an a huge store of battries! :tong:

Jun 28, 2007, 11:04 AM
All the things that everyone has suggested here are good viable suggestions, but, for me there is one thing that has always worked best. It is free and easy to do, I mastrabate to completion and it always makes me feel better. Relief comes in many forms and this is what works for me. :)

country60 :cowboy:

the mage
Jun 28, 2007, 1:03 PM
Take long walks in the forest....
then make love....

Jun 28, 2007, 1:37 PM
[object Object] :) Grab your Ipod (or walkman if you're technologically impaired, as I am) play your favorites and take a long walk then a hot shower. Cuddling helps(with pets or people) . If there is no partner, sex with yourself is the safest sex, and it works. If all else fails, a double scotch on the rocks works wonders. :)

Jun 28, 2007, 6:11 PM
Tech Support!

When I want lots of stress I sit behind a desk piled with papers stacked three inches thick and hold the phone on my ear for three hours straight while someone on the other end describes how they just lost a 25 page report that took them 3 months to write and how can I help them get it back?

Jun 28, 2007, 6:20 PM
I clean, exercise/meditate, write, and I take a nap.

Jun 28, 2007, 10:19 PM
I have a tendency to get extremely stressed as well. I got a stress ball my sophomore year in HS just for school, and I always kept it in my bag.

But some other things:
--Music is definately good.
--Find that person in your life that always tends to cheer you up and give them a call or a visit when you're feeling down. Lot of times I've had to have my best friend rescue me. :tong:
--Writing. Sometimes, I'll just write and write. I start out probably pushing the pen through about 3 layers of paper, and then by the end of it, just feel less tense.

And if you do get really stressed, and you're in a situation that's making it worse, there's nothing wrong with just..leaving, or excusing yourself to the bathroom or something where you can take a few minutes to breathe.

But, yea. Just some things.

Jun 28, 2007, 10:26 PM
I get together with my friends. If I'm stressed or feeling down, I'll just sit around and worry/mope if I'm left alone. Also, friends let you vent at them...coupled with a few pints and pub food...consistently great results! :D

Jun 28, 2007, 11:39 PM
I tend to work and exercise and the stress seems to melt away.Also getting a nice full body massage helps as well as a nice night of some good old sexual fun.

Jun 29, 2007, 12:03 AM
Thanks so much, folks! :grouphug:

I'm always amazed at how the people here rally to help virtual (pun not intended) strangers. We have an awesome bunch of people on this site.

Jun 29, 2007, 12:05 AM
I like to go out on a boat-whether its a powered one, a sailboat or one of my kayaks--baring that--at least go sit down by the water and just watch it----


Jun 29, 2007, 12:12 AM
If I'm stressed, it usually means that there's a lot on my mind that I feel like I can't express, or there is a lot physically happening that I feel like I can't tackle.

I go out to find the nearest relaxing place (bed, outside in the yard, in the car at the park, etc.) and rest while listening to some music, or nothing at all.

Over the past month or so, I've started using a simple ritual with a candle, a stick of incense and a blank book. It was nothing I planned, but just started doing out of the blue. It's done a lot to help ease my mind so that I can sleep through the night and wake up without any burdens on my mind.

Of course, if things get *really* bad (like stress plus insomnia :( ) There's always valerian root. :tong:

Jun 29, 2007, 2:05 AM
There are several techniques I use for stress relief.

1. Get outside in nature for a bit, let the problem melt away in a natural way. Occupy your time with something productive like gardening, or just sitting and listening to the sounds all around you. Relax the mind, and the soul too.
Listen to the breeze, to birds singing.....Just close your eyes and listen, and breathe. It's similar to a Bio-Feedback technique, and it does work.

2. When I cannot get outside for climate reasons: Go into my little office, put on my music, and get on here for a bit. Find something to read, or write to take your mind off of the situation. Music usually helps me to start feeling better fast.

3. Take out my frustration(s) on my poor house. When I get pissed, stressed, or frustrated, I clean..lol. The house is clean alot lately..:}

Its not easy for me to vent, and I only do it once in a while with my best male friend. :} He's a large help to me. But if you Dont have anyone to vent to, then you just have to find the path that's right for you. :}

Oh Yeah
Jun 29, 2007, 3:11 AM
Listen to music. Read a book (no Dostoevsky or something written by a suicidal writer). Watch my favorite mov[es. Masturbate (common we all want to say it).

Jun 29, 2007, 4:34 AM
Sometimes, masturbation before bed is a great way to relieve stress.

Amen to that. I also like taking walks - sometimes that really helps to clear my head.

Jun 29, 2007, 3:04 PM
Dance . .Oh yes dance! Whether it's free form rock and roll, tap and soft-shoe, or flowing jazz. Turn up the music, Do it, let go, damn the critics (internal and external) and shake it. Concentrate on the flow of energy through your body. Feel yourself move to the next level. A close second is movement in nature. A park or . . . .even the back yard. Use your imagination as you reach out. Give yourself permission.

Jun 29, 2007, 8:12 PM
Dance . .Oh yes dance! Whether it's free form rock and roll, tap and soft-shoe, or flowing jazz. Turn up the music, Do it, let go, damn the critics (internal and external) and shake it. Concentrate on the flow of energy through your body. Feel yourself move to the next level. A close second is movement in nature. A park or . . . .even the back yard. Use your imagination as you reach out. Give yourself permission.

is anyone else thinking of napoleon dynamite?

Jun 30, 2007, 2:08 PM

Looking for good suggestions on stress relievers.


You could try picking up the phone and calling an old friend and telling him all about it...

...unless, of course, he's part of the problem....

Jun 30, 2007, 2:23 PM
is anyone else thinking of napoleon dynamite?

Rissa, I caught you a delicious bass. (http://www.jokeroo.com/funnyvideos/ushernapolean.html)


Jun 30, 2007, 2:27 PM
My life has gotten incredibly stressful in the past month or so and every day some other little aggravation seems to crop up to add to the pile. I'm figuring my brain is due anytime now to melt and start leaking out my ears.

Looking for good suggestions on stress relievers.

What do you do to ease stress? What works and what doesn't?
:( I too am in serious meltdown mode. Finding relaxation from stress buildup is getting so hard. Everyone has great ideas its just finding the right one to work for you. For me it depends how upset I am.Beyond the point of calmly talking things out rationally , I'd say the only way to get a smile on my face if making love doesn't , working out 6 days a week, reading, cleaning., I get silly stupid drunk and laugh it all off . Til the next morning. ie, hangover time. Good luck!!! :bigrin:

Jun 30, 2007, 2:34 PM
I usually will just jump into the shower and relax. May go for a walk.

Now if it's when I'm in bed and can't sleep, I'll just start to masturbate and always stop before orgasm. Feeling my balls sometimes works for me too!

Jun 30, 2007, 4:38 PM
My favorite trick for relaxing is to fill the tub with hot water and add bath salts. They're called Batherapy and I get them at Walmart. Close my eyes and soak. They are made with sea salt so when relaxed enough you feel your body float! Try it!!! I highly recommend them!! Good luck

Jun 30, 2007, 4:44 PM
taylor...that was too funny haha! i just added that to my favorites. thanks for sharing! just watching that was a stress reliever lmao

Jun 30, 2007, 9:20 PM
You could try picking up the phone and calling an old friend and telling him all about it...

...unless, of course, he's part of the problem....

Silly man. Only problem I ever have with old friends is that I don't get to see them often enough.


Jun 30, 2007, 10:26 PM
A few days before my wedding, my evil mother-in-law's plane was late landing. I was clenching my jaw so hard, I don't know why my teeth didn't break. I bought the toughest, nastiest beef jerky I could find and gnawed on it for 20 minutes...was great. Now I always keep some on hand, just in case.

Also, looooong, hot showers are nice too :female:

Jul 4, 2007, 6:19 AM
I suffer from depression and there for take antidepressants. I also have counselling once a week which has helped immensely.

Learning to speak and not just bottle things up has been a godsend.
I'd suppressed so much over the years it was killing me (literaly)

I cannot say enough how just getting things off your chest and fuck the consequences helps with my stress levels. At least people now know where i stand and what my opinions are.

Jul 4, 2007, 8:51 PM
Swim in a quiet lake.Play hendrix woodstock cuts,Fight.

Apr 11, 2015, 8:32 AM
Bump it up!

Apr 11, 2015, 12:32 PM
My life has gotten incredibly stressful in the past month or so and every day some other little aggravation seems to crop up to add to the pile. I'm figuring my brain is due anytime now to melt and start leaking out my ears.

Looking for good suggestions on stress relievers.

What do you do to ease stress? What works and what doesn't?...when I was young I use to let bullies pick fights with me...then beat the hell out of them...I'm too old for that now so I either read or write stories...

Apr 11, 2015, 1:04 PM
i have homosexual fantasies gets my mind off of the stress with women but still dealing with sex :)

Apr 11, 2015, 10:01 PM
Try to make gratitude a way of life by: Viewing things in the light of challenges you are being sent to make you a better person rather than "punishment:. Take time to understand that your ego is not the center of the universe. I think they have done studies that show it is impossible to feel both angry and grateful at the same time. Look for good in the world and you will find it...it's just that good often makes a lot less noise than evil.

Exercise, especially on a nice sunny day - even a small walk can be like instant stress relief. The state parks here in PA are probably one of the last nice, free resources we have that people can enjoy - some of them are really nice with swimming pool, nice trails, stonework, flowing water .. (thanks FDR).

If you procrastinate, don't - do what you have to do - knowing that you are loved whether you succeed or fail.

Massage, both giving and receiving - being able just to share intimate touch with someone..

..and of course mastrubation, but only in the right frame of mind - otherwise I just feel cheap about it.

Oh yeah, someone else said listening to music - I love listening to music.. When I used to do IT work listening to everyone's problems all day long I think I owned almost every CD Enya ever put out...music just seems to have a way of helping set the tone.

Apr 12, 2015, 4:39 PM
Thanks Fresia for bringing this back. It's the first time I've seen this thread and find some of the responses interesting. I have a stressful job and so I'm always looking for something to keep the stress levels low.
I get stress relief by working out at the gym. After every workout I get a bit of a euphoric feeling and this seems to make the stress less stressful. I try to go 3 times per week. I also play my guitar. It forces me to concentrate on the music which takes my mind off everything else. I've also realized masturbation takes my mind away from everything else. I get lost in the feelings, the fantasy, the porn I'm watching. I normally masturbate 3 times a day, more on the weekends.