View Full Version : Bi Band Code

Oct 8, 2005, 12:47 PM
Bi Band Code

I came accross this the other day, its a good idea for some I suppose, especially if yer still fine tuning your Bidar

Bi-bands are usually made of fabric and worn around the wrist like a bracelet.

This is a color table... wow... more stuff to memorize :tong:

Oct 8, 2005, 3:14 PM
Wow, that would make life so much easier if it caught on over here in Ireland! :)


Oct 8, 2005, 4:17 PM
now THAT would work!!! just have to start spreading the word and sportin the flags, maybe we could reduce it to those "Lance Armstrong" type of strechy bands. I know you can get a Bi pirde band. What do you all think?
LYON :flag3:

Oct 8, 2005, 4:41 PM
I think definately Lyon!

Who's with us..? :)


Oct 8, 2005, 5:49 PM
i like the idea.. but i didnt see anyplace to order the sainted things... but, then again, isnt this one of those indie things?? and just what is that all about anyways??


i'd be yellow..not that i'm overtly and obsessively promiscuous, but because i love trying mostly new things with new partners , (within reason of course, sorry no pain infliction here] ...

:) lol, i can just see it now, walking into a social situation where everyone is defined by what color wrist band they have on.....and hearing, "WARNING Will Robinson, danger!danger!"

Oct 8, 2005, 11:09 PM
Heres a couple of sites that have some bi products. Check them out.


I also found this band (see photo) at a local Circle K store for $1.00. I got it cause it has the Bi-Bear colors in it.... :bigrin:

Oct 9, 2005, 12:37 AM
thanx cody, i didnt kno these places existed..

Oct 9, 2005, 1:33 AM
on third thot, the band i'd need would be orange, black and yellow. :rolleyes: what can i say, i like orgies.... :tongue:

Oct 9, 2005, 2:02 AM
So....maybe we can contact one of these places/sites and see about getting the bands made up. I for one would like to see more Bi pride out there. Gods know that its tough to know if the person your clicking with is into you or just really friendly. Wouldnt it be great if you could meet someone (M/F) that you feel a draw to, flash your braclet, or what have you, and they flash theirs? Then all the "is she/he into me?" type questions would be removed.
personaly I would be a Red/white, and a Black.(couple seeking single male, kink)
LYON :flag2:

Oct 10, 2005, 12:07 AM
Order them ? Why for? S'matta , ever do craft work? :P the colors are on the tables... just toss something together based on your color spectrum and show off your artwork.

Oct 10, 2005, 12:13 AM
Yeah yeah, your right about that. But what about those out there with no artistic tallent? Or those with such busy schedules they dont have time to put something together?
While personal creativity is great, and it would be fun, and meaningful. if there were something "Generic" that people could access and chose from, then the likelyhood of getting more out there would be higher.
Sorry guys. I'm a bit of a pride freak.

Oct 10, 2005, 2:22 AM
thanx lyon, i fit both those descriptions.. and hell, the money could always go to a good cause someplace too.

Oct 10, 2005, 5:26 AM

And you're supposed to remember it all!!!

Like......yeah, right!!!

(OK - you just pick out what you like and memorise - I'm really not that stooopid....well I'm not, honest.....)

Love and Peace
and Red and White

Rupe :)

Oct 10, 2005, 3:51 PM
Yeah yeah, your right about that. But what about those out there with no artistic tallent?

So Google for materials and how to's :tong:

IE: http://www.makingfriends.com/friendship.htm Friendship Bracelets you can handcraft yourself.

Macramé a Hemp Bracelet http://www.rings-things.com/Projects/68002-10.htm
complete instructions.

Then theres always the bead & string variety that takes very little effort to create.... http://www.bernardine.com/beads/ theres a bead works shoppe just about everywheres.

Oct 10, 2005, 6:35 PM
Good God...Macrame...The last time I did some macrame, I made a flower pot holder that looked like it came from the pits of my demented mind...Naw, I'd rather fork over some bucks and get me something that would be worth showing off... :2cents: :bibounce: :bipride: :paw: :paw:

Mar 16, 2006, 4:34 PM
Is there still a way to rate threads, so we could highlight this thread some way? Or can we contact Drew to ask him to, what do you call it, mark this thread so it's on top like the personal ads tip thread? Don't you hate it when you see an idea that's so simple and you wonder why didn't I think of that? Going to check the macrame and friendship bracelet sites this weekend! Remember that shampoo commercial, if each person from this site told 2 friends about this, and they told 2 friends, and so on and so on... :bounce:

I'm Green & White and Blue & White. :three:

Mar 17, 2006, 9:02 AM
G'day all!

There are a few Aussies as members on this site. So I'm just one input...but I tend to stay up late here.

I have the indicator band...but I am yet to see one on another wrist than my own in my local town. (can't wait though!!!!) Guess for the older (age) members might need to take a cheat-sheet to check the band colours and meanings.

It felt very obvious wearing it the first few days, but there are so many of these bands available for a wide variety of causes. Mine is just waiting for someone to notice and 'know' what it means.

Great for the gaydar deficient! I hope it catches on everywhere.

Nara :flag3:

Mar 17, 2006, 12:52 PM
Why wait for trends to start ? Prep yourself first eh? Open up your own R&D (research n development), and plan your bi-band roll out project like a mini business venture slash hobby. :bigrin:

Maybe even make a small profit you could split with your local Bi organization *wink,wink*. A worthy cause is always a good vehichle for any trend. The key is Consistency and Visiblity.

These things don't get started on their own right? Make or Order several Bi-bands and make them available to your local Bi scene, gift them to your Bi friends. Spread the concept around and around and around huh? Sooner or later they'll be established within your community and finally become something worthwhile as the community's awareness about bi colors and their meanings gain widespread acceptance and practical use.

Your only limit is your willingness and imagination. *winky,winky* :bigrin:

Let us know if you've embarked upon a trendsetting project and how it turns out. I'm sure it would inspire others to set bi trends also :flag4:

Apr 8, 2015, 4:39 PM
Bump it up!