View Full Version : fantasy problems?

Dec 23, 2007, 2:03 PM
A weird issue and not sure what it is, I was hoping someone else has the same problem or used to or something. I really cannot get myself aroused by the idea of being with a man, or watching the porn etc. I see a good looking guy on tv, out and about, and I'll attempt to think about it later to sort myself out and it just does not feel right. When thinking about girls its not a problem, I mean for the first 20 years I was "straight" so I guess thats just been done as standard. However I want to get to grips with my possible bisexuality, but feel Im being hindered by the sheer fact I dont enjoy masterbating to it and just cant get aroused to the idea of a man.
Some of my friends say I may actualy just be curious, and I should wait until i've had a phyiscal connection with a male, as it may turn out to not even be a genuine thing and thats the reason why. any ideas?

oh also, Hope you all have an amazing christmas! Wont be on until before the new year so I hope santa brings you all what you wanted.

Dec 23, 2007, 2:11 PM
Sorry that's never happened to me. I'm sure it's happened to other people here though. YMMV.

Dec 28, 2007, 11:28 PM
ohh I havent been able to fantasize doing a man for over 2 years...its only been women.....and I am a female....I know what you mean...it has taken me a while to accept this and I fully accept it and know that I am bi.....

Dec 29, 2007, 4:31 AM
There could be a whole host of reasons why this doesnt work for you right now - from what might be called "guilt" or "shame", i.e. cultural values, to just not fancying that person you see in the street (good looking is one thing, attraction is another), or something else entirely.

Give it time


Dec 29, 2007, 9:13 AM
A weird issue and not sure what it is, I was hoping someone else has the same problem or used to or something. I really cannot get myself aroused by the idea of being with a man, or watching the porn etc. I see a good looking guy on tv, out and about, and I'll attempt to think about it later to sort myself out and it just does not feel right. When thinking about girls its not a problem, I mean for the first 20 years I was "straight" so I guess thats just been done as standard. However I want to get to grips with my possible bisexuality, but feel Im being hindered by the sheer fact I dont enjoy masterbating to it and just cant get aroused to the idea of a man.
Some of my friends say I may actualy just be curious, and I should wait until i've had a phyiscal connection with a male, as it may turn out to not even be a genuine thing and thats the reason why. any ideas?

oh also, Hope you all have an amazing christmas! Wont be on until before the new year so I hope santa brings you all what you wanted.

Sexual arousal is complex The fluctuations, ebbs and flos seem for some of us of the bisexual persuasion, to be quite common.
I've gone years/days/minuets with no interest in the same sex and years/days/minuets, where it seems to be all I think about. I'm not sure what triggers my own fluctuations only that they do occur. I wouldn't stress over it though it's just where you are in the moment...if something else does arouse you..then go with it..that's where you are in the moment....and that's exactly where you're supose to be...in the moment. The past is history and the future is unwritten...all you have is the here and now.
