View Full Version : Do you wear deoderant/antiperspirant?

Jan 16, 2008, 12:11 AM
Like the poll question says, do you use deodorant/antiperspirant, or do you not use anything at all?

Jan 16, 2008, 12:46 AM
Hell no! Definately not anti-perspirant. You sweat for a reason. Deoderant sometimes, but it irritates my skin. I clean myself.

Jan 16, 2008, 12:55 AM
A poll on this subject is not necessary. Trust me when I say, for those of you who don't use deodorant, the rest of us already know.

Jan 16, 2008, 1:11 AM
I'm not crazy about it, but I'm a cook. Gotta maintain the ruse of civilization.

Jan 16, 2008, 1:20 AM
I do...but not always.

Jan 16, 2008, 2:58 AM
Hell no! Definately not anti-perspirant. You sweat for a reason. Deoderant sometimes, but it irritates my skin. I clean myself.

I clean myself too, I shower every morning. I use a deodorant roller so I don't start smelling unpleasant after a few hours (or sometimes longer). If I don't do it I'll have to wash my armpits like every 3 hours and I find that kinda silly. Plus, deodorant has a nice scent. :P

Jan 16, 2008, 5:21 AM
I like using the natural ones such as these brands: "Tom's of Maine" or "Kiss my face" I like the natural ones because they don't leave a nasty feeling afterwards or clog your pores :2cents: and they work all day long for me

Jan 16, 2008, 7:32 AM
I use a powder based deodorant and prefer that feeling the powdered, slick feeling to being sticky.

the mage
Jan 16, 2008, 9:43 AM
A poll on this subject is not necessary. Trust me when I say, for those of you who don't use deodorant, the rest of us already know.....

...............oh my good gawd do we know....Here in Toronto we do get a huge cultural mix There is literally every race represented in the 10,000's. We all stink to each other. But so it goes, you .. hehe .. walk it off...

I use deodorant not antiperspirant.

Jan 16, 2008, 9:57 AM
I use deodorant daily. If not, I really smell badly after a few hours, particularly at work. I also shower daily, and clean myself well, but my body odor gets to strong if I go without deodorant.:2cents:

Jan 16, 2008, 11:01 AM
This is a bit of an odd poll/discussion topic--but since it's here--I will post to it too.

For years, like most people I guess, have used anti-perspirant.

I know that using AP can actually cause some health problems because it does cause blockages of the sweat glands.

I often tried to use the various deodorants out there on the mass market and they are really nothing more than glorified perfumes that really did not stop that funky underarm smell--you just wound up with smelling like the perfume mixed with the sweat smell. Yuck!!!!

So-I kept on using AP.

Early last year I finally found a product that works for me that is a simple deodorant that really, really works--and that product comes from Burt's Bees.

Now--I use "Doctor Burt's Herbal Deordorant...with oil of sage"

This product, like everything made by Burt's Bees is incredible.

It is not exactly cheap to buy--but it lasts far longer than does most of those mass produced nasty deodorant sticks, gels and sprays so it is really economical when you consider that fact--the can I am using now-I bought around last May.

I also love their foot creme--it really turns that dry skin nice and smooth.

The only downside with the deodorant is that it comes in a 6 fl. oz metal can--(the product is sprayed on by simple pump action--no harmful gases)---and that is too big to go into check on bags on airplanes thanks to all of the homeland security BS.

I would urge you to try this product--it is really great stuff!!

Jan 16, 2008, 11:18 AM
neither one used here, but i do spray with rubbing alcohol, which is the main ingredient in most deoderants. it works just as well, its more natural, no chemical risks; and if i dont want to sweat at all, i simply dust on corn starch after the alcohol dries. you might want to try this, as there have been breast cancer risks associated with anti-perspirants.

Jan 16, 2008, 11:55 AM
I use deodorant...but not everyday. I could probably go without it to be honest...but I like the smell of it. :) So I throw some on every other day and go with it. lol

Jan 16, 2008, 12:32 PM
Why do people fear normal body odour so much? Just like pubic hair. What's your problem with your own specie. That's supposed to turn you on. Has the human been brainwashed out of you all.

If you work in a steel mill your going to stink no matter what, and an after work shower is a must. If your not doing heavy labour, and you shower regularly, and you don't have halitosis, and you wear clean clothes, then it's probably not that bad, but everybody smells different. I know I smell like roses. Whenever I meet someone who has a truly offensive pong, they're dirty people.

The Barefoot Contess
Jan 16, 2008, 1:50 PM
I use some "Kiss my Face", organic and with no chemicals. Why? Quite simply, I don't like the smell of sweat, mine or other people's, and since we live among people, I think it is deferential to put on deodorant or some other product if you smell badly and there are people around you. I know "bad" is relative, and you might like something I hate, but the majority of the population tends to not like the smell of sweat. Whether or not that dislike is socially conditioned is another issue that can be discussed in another thread.

Jan 16, 2008, 3:10 PM
A poll on this subject is not necessary. Trust me when I say, for those of you who don't use deodorant, the rest of us already know.

I agreed with you.

Jan 16, 2008, 7:52 PM
The scent of some people's sweat is arousing...but this is not the case for everyone. I've run into women and guys with a natural scent that drives me insane. . .but then there are those whose natural scent drives me away. For those whose scent drives people away... there is deodorant.


Jan 16, 2008, 7:59 PM
I use deodorant daily. If not, I really smell badly after a few hours, particularly at work. I also shower daily, and clean myself well, but my body odor gets to strong if I go without deodorant.:2cents:

I noticed last week that your body order was way over the top, but being the nice person I am I chose to keep my comments to myself......:cutelaugh

I wear deordorant also. I deal with the public daily and it's VERY obvious :eek: when someone comes in with body odor. There's been times it almost took my breath away. Because of that I make sure I don't smell.

Jan 16, 2008, 8:28 PM
I use deodorant daily. If not, I really smell badly after a few hours, particularly at work. I also shower daily, and clean myself well, but my body odor gets to strong if I go without deodorant.:2cents:

I noticed last week that your body order was way over the top, but being the nice person I am I chose to keep my comments to myself......:cutelaugh

All I can say Mrs F is - dayyaamm. Either you have a very good "long distance" sniffer or the trade winds were blowin hard :bigrin:

I use a powder based deodorant and prefer that feeling the powdered, slick feeling to being sticky.

I too, use powder based solids - I like the silky texture - and the powder scent, smells sooo nice and I feel soo sexy. Then again I don't have to use AP every day (acctually about every three days) .

But after my morning shower and toweling off, I use Ossart: Attraccion brand of deoderant talc (I get it when I go to Mexico). It makes me smell and feel good. I think if a person smells nice, it helps to open the doors of friendliness of others.
just my :2cents:


Jan 16, 2008, 11:13 PM
neither one used here, but i do spray with rubbing alcohol, which is the main ingredient in most deoderants. it works just as well, its more natural, no chemical risks; and if i dont want to sweat at all, i simply dust on corn starch after the alcohol dries. you might want to try this, as there have been breast cancer risks associated with anti-perspirants.

I do the same. Works great. No body odor. No deoderant odor. No anti-perspirant blocked pores.


Jan 17, 2008, 1:06 AM
Yeah i do. Usually when i smell myself and remember that my partner told me he doesn't want me to smell like a construction worker... which i am. I don't mind my own smell, and i like to smell my partners smell, but he don't.

Some of the men's deoderant have a fresh "green" smell that I like. Green... like ya just mowed the yard.

Jan 17, 2008, 8:44 AM
[QUOTE=Dogwood;91523]All I can say Mrs F is - dayyaamm. Either you have a very good "long distance" sniffer or the trade winds were blowin hard :bigrin:

Well, it helped that I was in IA with her last week. lol

Jan 17, 2008, 12:40 PM
Nope. Neither. AP clogs my pores - thats miserable/unhealthy. The deoderant just ends up smelling like perfumed B O, so I don't see a purpose.
After washing with a strong soap (Irish spring), I'll douse the pits with alcohol. Kills the bacteria for many hours (thus no stink). I keep a little extra alcohol at work just in case I get hot and sweat. It's not unheard of - for me to go wash my pits in the rest room on bad days.
I'm down on people bringing perfumes to work place. A small percentage of women will choke a horse with some nasty perfume. Likewise some guys will wear some popular cologne that smells like RAID to me.
No smell at all - is the best smell.

Jan 17, 2008, 2:41 PM
[QUOTE=Dogwood;91523]All I can say Mrs F is - dayyaamm. Either you have a very good "long distance" sniffer or the trade winds were blowin hard :bigrin:

:rolleyes: Sorry, forgot to mention that he was here in Iowa visiting me last week. :bigrin:

Jan 17, 2008, 5:01 PM
I only wear deoderant, as antipersperant does something to me and I don't like the way my body reacts to it.

Jan 17, 2008, 5:04 PM
Oh Yes!. The amount of plane travelling I do demands it.
By choice, maybe not a lot, but there's something about sitting with a client after a flight that suggests BO may not be the greatest scent!

Jan 17, 2008, 6:02 PM
At first I wasn't going to respond - but what changed my mind is that I got to thinking just how much our sense of smell informs us - a few people I've talked to are taken aback when I tell them I miss their scent - I think they believe it has bad connotations - not at all for someone I'm fond of.

However, I'm still a big fan of regular showers and good hygiene - do wear deodorant because I interact with a lot of people and some days are really "on-the-go" and sweat a lot. When I walk over to someone's personal area the last thing I want them to remember is "wet socks" an' such - it's hard enough to communicate as it is without other distractions.

Excessive body odor can be VERY pungent and it would definitely not put me in the mood to do much - except maybe bathe my lover. :)

Jan 17, 2008, 6:14 PM
A poll on this subject is not necessary. Trust me when I say, for those of you who don't use deodorant, the rest of us already know.

I'M SORRY but. this person & all who quoted him (myself included) agree w/him:2cents:

Jan 17, 2008, 6:29 PM
Odd and a bit awkward subject here. Not having a sense of smell means one doesn't understand the fuss over deodorant scents. Sure a person can keep clean and I do, but I don't wear deodorant.

I wear nothing with scents. Don't feel any need of them as I don't smell them anyway. And folks who are around me usually do politely speak up discretely, "hey Ben, you might want to check the odor." I seldom allow myself to get to a point where my body odor is noticed, it happens but discipline and awareness of others oft diverts it from happening.

And as for people wearing scents around me, I don't notice except on rare occasions. Those usually happen when someone has literally dumped a gallon or so of something mentholated, or otherwise scented that emits fumes getting into my throat. I get away from those folks right quick.

Of course I also miss out on aromas from good food. Probably why when asked what I want for a meal, I reply "food." I know it may seem odd to folks with a sense of smell to hear from someone without it ask "what's the fuss?" But, consider it odd to me when folks look at me and ask "smell that weird odor?"

Jan 17, 2008, 7:51 PM
Ok, I guess that I must be the most overly clean person. I shower daily and make a great effort to make sure that I am a well put together person. Deodorant is a must. Granted I happen to not sweat or smell much, but still. After having my daughter 13 years ago, my sense of smell became acute. I tollerate little smells. I like to use a natural product which smells of Lemon Verbena which you can get at Whole Foods store and other such purveyors.


Jan 22, 2008, 10:58 AM
Yessitty yes :) Antiperspirant/deodorant along with showers and a very light touch of perfumed lotion on my ankles and wrists.

Jan 22, 2008, 11:39 AM
I'M SORRY but. this person & all who quoted him (myself included) agree w/him:2cents:


Jan 22, 2008, 12:02 PM
I always wear deodorant and cologne too........ I like to stink pretty ;)

Feb 8, 2008, 1:35 PM
neither one used here, but i do spray with rubbing alcohol, which is the main ingredient in most deoderants. it works just as well, its more natural, no chemical risks; and if i dont want to sweat at all, i simply dust on corn starch after the alcohol dries. you might want to try this, as there have been breast cancer risks associated with anti-perspirants.

Hey, thanks for that!

I have always hated deoderants and antipersperants. And, until I was in my forties, I never smelled bad. Then something changed, and sometimes my pits smell even when coming out of the shower.
So I have tried some natural remedies, with some success. Like ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and tea tree oil. Both work, to some degree. It is all about supressing the bacteria that cause the odors.

I tried the rubbing alchohol. It works like a champ! Thanks!

Feb 8, 2008, 2:04 PM
I use that kind of deodorant that makes women want to nuzzle into my armpit after a long sweaty session. Or at least it seems that way. Of course I wear deodorant and of course, I fart.

Feb 8, 2008, 7:47 PM
I like using the natural ones such as these brands: "Tom's of Maine" or "Kiss my face" I like the natural ones because they don't leave a nasty feeling afterwards or clog your pores :2cents: and they work all day long for me

Just found out about "kiss my face" the other day :) And their makeup line is TOTALLY cool :)