View Full Version : Hello, what about an bi - Olympic meeting?
Jun 1, 2008, 2:31 AM
Hello all,
How are you? Well, I guess some of you would come to Beijing for the Olympics. So I think ( well, I am new here ) can be a good idea to use this opportunity to meet in this wonderful and fascinated city.
Any suggestion?
Jun 1, 2008, 10:54 AM
Wud luff 2 go 2 an c the wall.. an lotsa otha places in China.. wudn dream of it wen olympics r on.. kinda leaves me cold..don intend in bein ere wen they cum 2 London eitha... will shoot off sumwer nice 2 get away from it..
O yea.. wudn go 2 China eitha wile the buncha arseholes yas got runnin the country still run it!! They an embarrassment 2 Marx, Engels an the nama socialism!
Jun 14, 2008, 4:30 AM
Hi Darkeyes!
How are you?
Well, I know Edinburgh its far from hear ( By the way I love your city ), but you are any moment welcome to Beijing and I can show you not just the turist Beijing but the less know but charming city.
Hope to meet you some day