View Full Version : Interest in Glass??

Jun 20, 2008, 6:09 AM
Hey Everyone - I'm not looking to solicit sales for my own benefit, but I've been offered some discontinued handblown glass toys at extremely reasonable prices, and if anyone is interested, I can purchase on your behalf and ship it out to you, if you have a PayPal account. Not looking to make money out of it, but they are less than half-price and I'm a big fan of glass toys myself, for their esthetic, practical, and hygenic qualities.

If you've ever thought about trying a glass toy, the pricing for these is very low for handmade pieces ($30-$55), but I will only have the stock for another 24hrs. Thought of all the people I've chatted with here about toys, etc., and thought I'd let others benefit of enjoying these toys too. There are also a few leather bondage pieces (laced arm cone, collar n cuffs, etc) which are also at ridiculous prices ($30-$60).

It's all in fun, and I just wanted my friends here to benefit from my connections and have a good time with some quality toys... like I said, at these prices, I've just rounded prices off, plus shipping based on weight & where you live.

I've included a few photos of available pieces, but you can always email me at sapphrodite@hotmail.com for more info. If there is any conflict of my posting this here, then I understand if the moderators remove it - but as I said I'm not looking to make money or solicit sales, but offer a wholesale purchase prices to my friends here.

Thanks again!

Jun 20, 2008, 10:29 AM
I love glass and granite toys. They don't soak up lube!

Jun 20, 2008, 12:00 PM
Are you sure it is safe to insert those things?

Jun 20, 2008, 3:14 PM
You can get glass toys and bondage equipment for A LOT cheaper and not have them shipped from Canada if you buy them online from American websites.

Use a search engine (yahoo, google, etc.) and find them and don't pay high prices from some Canadian!

I think that the site owner should remove this post since it's just spam and she's trying to make money off of selling bondage equipment/toys, and if you want to buy that stuff you can go on websites that are a lot cheaper than what she is selling her stuff for.

Jamie-Yes it is safe.

Jun 20, 2008, 3:53 PM
May I please have a free sample?;)

Jun 20, 2008, 7:48 PM
It's not spam...she's a member here.

You can get glass toys and bondage equipment for A LOT cheaper and not have them shipped from Canada if you buy them online from American websites.

Use a search engine (yahoo, google, etc.) and find them and don't pay high prices from some Canadian!

I think that the site owner should remove this post since it's just spam and she's trying to make money off of selling bondage equipment/toys, and if you want to buy that stuff you can go on websites that are a lot cheaper than what she is selling her stuff for.

Jamie-Yes it is safe.

Jun 21, 2008, 12:07 AM
It's not spam...she's a member here.

Look, people register on forums like this one and they spam their websites or products that they're selling like this woman is doing right now in this post, and it's spam.

Jun 21, 2008, 12:24 AM
she's obviously not the type of person who signed up to just do this since she's been around for a while and not spammed the forum. now, constant posts to a forum with stupid bullshit with little or not intellect is spam...

Jun 21, 2008, 4:28 AM
she's obviously not the type of person who signed up to just do this since she's been around for a while and not spammed the forum. now, constant posts to a forum with stupid bullshit with little or not intellect is spam...

Oh you mean like your own posts? Those would qualify as spam based on your own definitions of it.

Jun 21, 2008, 1:41 PM
it's funny, everytime you think you have an answer for someone, it vaguely reminds me of elementary school arguments with such things as "I know you are but what am I?"

Jun 21, 2008, 11:59 PM
Dude I have chatted with her many times and she's a member in chat so you're completely and utterly incorrect.

Look, people register on forums like this one and they spam their websites or products that they're selling like this woman is doing right now in this post, and it's spam.

Jun 23, 2008, 8:55 PM
Hey there,

The original post is not spam, and I did make a comment that if anyone found it to be offensive or imappropriate to please remove it, as I've happily enjoyed my membership here for quite some time now, and dont want to ruffle feathers.

As a side venture, yes I do sell toys, but it's not a big-franchise shop or even a source of real income: I do it because I believe in getting safe hygienic sex toys into the hands of the general public. I often get asked by bisexual.com members about toys because of the many posts I've had in the forums here (actually 138 before this one with no mention of sales, tyvm), and this is a great opportunity to show the differences between handmade glass wares versus the facotry made bargain toys, and help out some friends who had asked on where to buy it.

Since the same company does have distributors in the USA, there is no doubt that you can purchase their wares at a lower price that Canadian retail, but that wasnt what I was offering - these are deeply discounted handmade works that are not otherwise available that I have an opportunity to sell on consignment, and instead of organizing some ridiculous number of toy parties in order to sell some 50 pieces at a profit, I'd rather let my friends here benefit from owning otherwise expensive pieces at wholesale cost.

Just so everyone knows, I've been allowed to keep the pieces until they are sold, & went onto USPS and CanPost online and figured it'll cost $8 or less to ship anywhere in Canada or 48 States. I've thought about putting the stock on ebay too (but that would be for Profit) so you're welcome to contact me privately if anyone is interested in any of the pieces before they go up for public sale (probably two weeks - July 10th-ish).

jamieknyc: Yes it is 100% safe (and extremely pleasurable) to insert glass toys made of tempered Pyrex glass. As part of the general demonstration I usually whack them against a wood table or drop them onto the floor from chest height - they don't chip or break because of the tempering, especailly since you wont be exposing it to extreme temperatures (like the microwave, oven, or freezer). Putting it in hot or ice water to change the temperature for playtime is very safe, and maybe even encouraged depending on your partner!

The textures and angles of glass toys provide very specific & distinct sensations that are unlike any other toys I've owned. I've got rid of all my toys that weren't silicone or glass, or the odd phthalate-free plastic... it's just too dangerous to have those old toys that are either porous and leeching chemicals or trapping bodily fluids in your toy even with toy cleaner. I want to be able to share my toys and have fun without that as an added worry, which is why I'm so adamant about the properties of the glass toys and willing to share my connection with others here.

Thanks for sticking up for me all!! *blushes*
Sapphy :female:

Jun 24, 2008, 1:17 AM

Theres "hard" ( which has a bit of softness to it that gives when vaginal muscles 'clamp down') then theres "JESUS WTF DO YOU HAVE IN THERE?!?!?!"

Personally, blown glass is great for making color changing tobacco pipes and those upside down vase thingys that you put water in so that your houseplants can get all the water they need.

However, if you're into using thick glass to 'get off', more power to you... just make sure your Kegel muscles arent TOO strong... wouldnt want to explain that one to the emergency room docs :tong: firmly in cheek.

(still love ya Sapphy)

Jun 24, 2008, 2:28 AM
Vitty, you kill me!!!! GIGGLES!!!!! :bigrin: The glass toys arent usually big honkin poles (thought a few are very intimidating). In fact, in most cases it's thinner than you'd normally take in regards to your partner or other toys, it's just a solid piece vs a hollow toy, so it has a bit of weight.

However it's actually great for your kiegals and pleasing your partner too!! Using the glass during foreplay is idea (or even after he's finished but sometimes you're not.. LOL)!! Once you're reached orgasm with the hard glass a few times, your body adjusts to the sensation and bears down harder, giving you successsively more intense orgasms. Then your partner and you both benefit from sexual contact afterwards because after bearing down on the hard glass, your kiegals work overtime on him, giving him a spectacular tight or milking sensation and you often experience deeper orgasms that without using the toy beforehand.

It's a win-win situation and the safest toy to share between partners, providing you clean it in between!! Now how can THAT be wrong?? :bigrin:

Jun 24, 2008, 4:17 PM
My wife was introduced to the pleasures of glass by a close friend recently and she's been wanting a glass toy of her own ever since. I can't speak for Sapphrodite's claim about the kegel action (although it's piqued MY curiosity now), but glass is definitely easy to clean!