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Jan 13, 2009, 11:54 PM
When a guy claims to be "straight", does that mean they are not willing to recieve oral from another guy? What do you think?

Jan 14, 2009, 12:56 AM
A person’s sexual self-identification does not necessarily match their true sexual orientation or behavior.

Researchers have suggested that homosexual identification among Latino, Philipino and East Asian men may be linked to playing the role of the so called "passive" or receptive partner while the "active" partner may identify as straight. These same researchers say Latino, Philipino and East Asian men who are married or have a girlfriend while engaging in bisexual behavior may see themselves straight as long as they are the receiver of rather than the one performing oral sex.

Researchers have also said that African-American men who have sex with men (including oral sex), also more likely to identify themselves as hetero or bi than Caucasian men. Kind of confusing huh?

There’s no real way to tell except to ask him as long as you think it is reasonably safe for you to do so. Good luck!

Jan 14, 2009, 1:11 AM
If a guy claims to be straight, I consider him straight. Even if he is willing and desires to receive oral from another guy, it will never be from me.

Jan 14, 2009, 11:21 AM

Jan 14, 2009, 12:01 PM
What a person does speaks way louder than what they say they are. Forget what he says he is, and do what feels good to you both.

Jan 14, 2009, 7:01 PM
I was thinking more about attitude. There are couples looking for a male third who list the male in the couple as "straight". As I am interested in sharing the male as well as the female, I was wondering if the male just did not want to list himself as bi or, if he was straight, would he accept another man giving him oral. Seems to me, many guys who are "straight" have either a homophobic or disrespectful attitude about it and I would not want to be involved with either.

Jan 14, 2009, 7:56 PM
Semantics, semantics, semantics.

When I self-identify, I refer to myself as gay, bi, bisexual, and queer. I consider bisexuality to be both straight and gay. However, ever since I came out to my parents, I do not self-identify as straight (despite what I said in the last sentence.)

In the broadest, most commonly held definitions of the word, which was defined mainly by straight people, 'straight' implies the absence of same sex activity... as in "Uhh.... no, thanks... I'm STRAIGHT."

Jan 15, 2009, 1:05 AM
I have fooled around with a guy who identifies as straight because he has no attraction to men, only a desire to explore different sexual acts.

Ultimately, do not force someone into something that he is unwilling to do. If you offered to perform oral sex on an individual and he refuses, using "I'm straight" as his reasoning, it is reason enough. If he later desires to take you up on your offer, I'm sure that he will come to you first. He may then come on you...teehee.

Just be careful that you don't fall into the LGBT delusion of "everyone is LGBT they just haven't been asked the right way" or "I'm pretty sure I could get his cock in my mouth after he's had a few drinks". I'll put this in bold and caps, to emphasize its importance:


Also, I'm using male pronouns because the question asked regarded penises, and because gender-neutral language SUCKS. I hate his/hers or himself or herself or what-have-you because they sound indecisive and passive, and there is currently no agreed upon gender-neutral pronoun referring to persons (sie, hir, etc are neat but not in any way commonplace). English isn't the best language for neutral, but neither are most languages. Alas...


Jan 16, 2009, 9:10 AM
Panda-Why do you say that you're gay? You're way too into women to be gay or even mostly homosexual.

For the benefit of the new member, this is a BISEXUAL website, and its members span the entire spectrum from only-a-wee-bit-bi-curious to all-tits-and-bollocks-out-gay. One need not necessarily be "mostly" homosexual to qualify.

A bisexual male CAN be into women (even Angelina Jolie), while having a somewhat casual affair with a handsome, athletic, black man named Antoine.


Besides, I prefer the term queer.

Jan 16, 2009, 9:15 AM
When a guy claims to be "straight", does that mean they are not willing to recieve oral from another guy? What do you think?

You should go to seancody.com to see what straight guys look like when they receive oral from another guy. They shut their eyes, hold perfectly still, and refrain from showing ANY sign of enjoyment.

You'd think they were bunkmates in a bloody prison cell. :tong: